Alliance of Shadows is out today!

Alliance of Shadows is out today! It is the final book in the trilogy that began with Dead Six, and was continued in Swords of Exodus.

I posted the following back in July when I finished the final edits on this book, but figured I would copy it over again for those who didn’t see it, because how these books came to exist is really kind of a cool story. 

These books came about in a really odd and interesting way.

Back when I was working on the first MHI, I was a moderator on a popular gun forum called The High Road.

There was another member there named Mike Kupari. I had never met him in person, and only knew him from his THR posts.

In 2006 he started writing an online fiction serial called Welcome Back, Mr. Nightcrawler. He would write a scene, and then post it on the forum that day. The next day, another scene.

Welcome Back, Mr. Nightcrawler was a thriller about mercenaries in the Persian Gulf. Mike had just gotten back from working there as a contractor, so he knew the area and really nailed the vibe, but his job had been uneventful guarding stuff kind of work.  Mr. Nightcrawler was the stylized action hero version he started working on when he was bored.

It was pretty popular. The forumites were really enjoying it. I started reading the serial posts, and it was really good. This Kupari guy could really write. Then I got to this scene where his mercenary character Valentine takes out a terrorist financer, it was awesome, but it got my writer brain turning. And I came up with an idea about one of the bystanders.

So I started thinking about the scene from the perspective of somebody who was there to rob the bad guys. What the heck, I wrote it up. That was how Lorenzo was born.

Keep in mind, I’d not published anything yet at this point, so Mike didn’t know me from Adam. So I sent him a message, said hey, I’m a wannabe writer too.  I just wrote a novel about monster hunters. You inspired this scene set in your world. Do you mind if I post it to your thread?

Fortunately, Mike took it as a compliment, and said go ahead. I posted it to the serial thread.

The readers went nuts. My scene integrated so well that they all assumed we had been planning it that way from the beginning.

So Mike and I got to talking. Neither of us were professionals at that point. We didn’t have a clue what we were doing. But by golly, people were reading it and enjoying it. So what the heck? He’d keep writing his serial, and I’d keep writing my side story. Let’s see where it went.

So then Mike would post another scene the next day. Then I would write up a couple thousand words from my character’s perspective and post the next day. Then Mike would read what I wrote, and post up another scene from his character’s PoV. We were going so fast there was no proof reading and hardly any planning at all.

The fans loved it.

At some point Mike and I realized that if this story was going to have a coherent plot, we really should figure out where it was going. Both of us had just been pantsing it based on what the other guy had written the day before. So we started brainstorming where this thing was going to end up.

What people don’t realize is that during that initial brainstorming for Mr. Nightcrawler, we would also come up with the basic plot for what would eventually turn into Swords of Exodus and Alliance of Shadows.

Over the course of that summer Mike and I wrote a hundred thousand words of on the fly fiction. By some miracle Welcome Back, Mr. Nightcrawler actually worked out great, everything came together, and it had a satisfactory conclusion. By the end we had thousands of people hooked on the serial.

The best thing about that for me was I now had a couple thousand people in one place who knew I could write, and hey, look at this… I just so happen to have this novel I’m conveniently self-publishing soon you guys can throw money at. That led to MHI having some fantastic sales for a self-published novel (this was before the eBook revolution, so we’re talking about $20 Print on Demand paperbacks), one of the serial readers introduced me to Uncle Hugos, which is how a PoD paperback wound up on a national bestseller list, Uncle Hugos is how I met Toni at Baen, and the rest is history.

During this Mike and I started working on the next serial idea which would turn into Swords of Exodus and Alliance of Shadows. We decided this one was going to be epic. (Uh yeah, since neither one of us knew what we were doing, the plot of this “little serial” actually ended up around 350,000 words over two novels). I wrote a bunch of Lorenzo’s half of what would turn into SoE, but we never ended up posting it on the gun forums, because stuff got kind of crazy.

During all of this I owned a gun store in Utah, and anybody who owns their own small business knows that consumes your life. Mike (who I still hadn’t met in person) came out to Utah for a change of scenery, and ended up moving here. The first time I met the guy who I’d basically written a book with was when he stopped by my shop.

And when it turned out he was super good at selling guns, we ended up working together. Sure, he didn’t get paid much, but then again, neither did I most of the time. We ended up teaching pistol classes together. Long story short, Mike has been one of my best friends ever since.

I sold the rights to MHI to Baen and discontinued the self-published version. A year and a half went by before the Baen version came out. My really limited writing time was spent on MHV, so the plan for the SoE online serial kind of fell by the wayside. Mike, who had been in the Army before, joined the Air Force and went to EOD school. Burned out of the gun store, I sold my shares to my partner in 2008, and for four months I was unemployed wannabe writer guy (which was when I wrote Hard Magic) until I found a military contracting job.

In 2009 the Baen version of MHI came out and did shockingly well. I was selling well enough that Baen wanted more books from me. So I got to thinking… What about Welcome Back, Mr. Nightcrawler? It was way too rough to just publish it as it was, it would take a lot of work to really clean it up, but it was one hell of a story.

Keep in mind, Mike was kind of busy right about then (I’ll get to that in a second), but he was game. So we cleaned the heck out of Mr. Nightcrawler (and both of us were more experienced writers by this point) and it turned into Dead Six. (It was now nearly twice as long too). Toni thought it was great and picked it up.

It came out in 2011. Remember when I said Mike was kind of busy? He’s the only author I know who had his first book signing at a FOB in Afghanistan.


We still had the story we had come up with for the second serial, and I’d already written a bunch of my half. So Mike dove into that and we finished off Swords of Exodus. It came out in 2013.

It took us a while to wrap up the last book considering we had the basic plot figured out nearly TEN YEARS AGO! One reason is that between SoE and AoS, by popular demand, Mike launched his solo career with the excellent space opera Her Brother’s Keeper. (Seriously, buy it. Great book)

Last week we heard back from Baen, the final edits were in and done for Alliance of Shadows. The eARC will be out soon. The book will be on shelves everywhere in October.

That is the end of one heck of a creative journey.

I’m proud of this book. I’m proud of my coauthor. I think you guys are really going to enjoy it.

Special Project N is now Live! THE ILLUSTRATED CHRISTMAS (NOUN)!

I can now reveal that Special Project N is actually the Illustrated Christmas (Noun) Book!


That’s right. We have compiled the first six years of Christmas (Noun) stories into one volume, added a bunch of extras, and illustrated the whole dang thing!

Yes. I draw cartoons (poorly)! Lots and lots of cartoons. (between that, the guns, and mini painting, I’m like a modern day renaissance man, which is okay I guess, because I always wanted to be a street samurai when I grew up, but that didn’t work out because of all the required cardio)

This book has cartoon manatees, dinosaurs, kung-fu fighting reindeer, ice tanks, and more! And if you ACT NOW you can also get Christmas (Noun) Christmas cards and posters.  And (*Jack’s disclaimer: Probably) get your Illustrated Christmas (Noun) Book in time for Christmas!

Bonus points for whichever of you nerds recognizes that cover design. 🙂


Hey all- Jack Wylder here with the big reveal of Special Project N.
In July of last year, Larry showed the very beginnings of the project.
Now at last, we can reveal the project in all it’s glory. As speculated in the comments at the time, Special Project N is… (drum roll, please)

The Illustrated Christmas (Noun)!

A year or so ago Larry started taking a sketchpad with him to the various cons he was signing at and in between his signings, doodled some cartoons. After he had enough, he sent them to me to scan. (Example: )
Then I put it through the CorreiaColor process (IE Photoshop) and we get:
We could have called it “The Expanded and Illustrated Christmas (Noun) because there is some new material not found elsewhere, but that would’ve been hard to fit on the cover.
We were so pleased with the way the artwork came out that we’re offering some of our favorites as mini-posters and/or greeting cards.
You can order as much or as little as you like, but we have put discounts on the bundles.
For obvious reasons, we don’t want to reveal too much of the artwork here but I’m pretty confident you’ll be amused.
2 things:
1) Right now we’re taking orders for First Editions, but we’ll likely offer other editions down the line (unlike the Challenge Coins we’ve done in the past).
2) In 2 weeks time, we’ll place the order based on the sales numbers at the time. With our new shipping division and the lead times I’ve calculated these definitely should be in your hands in plenty of time for Christmas. (For obvious reasons, I can’t promise this but I’m expecting to have these all shipped by end of November at the latest.) There’s been a lot of work put into this and we can’t wait to see what you think!
To see more, or to place an order go to:



The Cazador gets a scope

I went with a US Optics 5-25X with the Horus. Low power 5x is like using an ACOG. On the high end, you ever find yourself thinking, man, I wish I had a little more magnification? Not gonna be an issue. 🙂 cazador


I am still waiting for the tax stamp for the SilencerCo Omega. I’m also going to stick some side sights on it for close range (love those).


Sorry for the lack of blogging, but I’ve been swamped. I’m working on Monster Hunter Siege, and the plan is to have it out the door by Christmas.

Here is the back cover blurb:


When Owen Zastava Pitt was given a tip about some hunters who had gone missing in action, he didn’t realize their rescue mission would snowball into the single biggest operation in Monster Hunter International’s history. Their men are being held prisoner in a horrific nightmare dimension, and the only way to reach them is through the radioactive ruins of a monster infested war zone.
Except it’s also the home base of the powerful creature behind the attacks on the Last Dragon and Copper Lake. It turns out ancient gods of chaos really hate trespassers, but he picked a fight with the wrong crew, and now MHI wants payback. Calling on their allies, a massive expedition is formed, and with the odds stacked against them, a legion of hunters goes to war.

It’s D-Day at the City of Monsters.




Monster Hunter Siege comes out in August.

The lack of blogging has been because I’m in that part of the book where everything is really clicking fast, and I’ll start writing in the morning, and the next thing I know it is 5:00 and I’ve not eaten lunch. Being in the zone is awesome.

Sarah Hoyt is currently working on the rough draft of Monster Hunter Guardian. The way that collaboration works is that she writes the first pass, I write the 2nd, she does the 3rd, cleaning it up as we go.

I’ve still got one more Ringo collaboration, Monster Hunter Saints, to edit, but because Siege is on the calendar, I’ve got to get that done first. These are different than the regular series, but they are popular. (if you are curious how the spin offs are doing, was not confirmed, but Toni is pretty sure we earned back our advance off of the sales of eARCs alone)

The Monster Hunter Files anthology is done. It is edited by me and Bryan Thomas Schmidt, and has a ton of good authors in it. I’ve already listed the table of contents. I do not know when that is going on the calendar yet. I’m just waiting to get a check from Baen to pay the authors, and I’m assuming when that comes they’ll give me a tentative publishing date too.

Alliance of Shadows is my next release. That’s the 3rd and final D6 novel with Mike Kupari, and I’m really pumped. That is on shelves October 4th.

I will be going to New York City ComicCon in October too. That is my last convention of the year. Thank goodness! I swore I was going to cut back after the insane amounts of travel I did over the last few years, and I did. A little… Though there was that 3 weeks in Europe bit, so actually, never mind.

The next charity red shirting drive is coming up. The last Monster Hunter Nation charity red shirting drive was such a success that it took me years and years to get all of you guys into books as characters (in fact, the final one is in Siege) and we paid for a kid’s kidney dialysis while he was waiting for a transplant. This time we are going to help someone with spina bifida pay for their surgery.

In other charity news, as many of you know I’m helping out with the Vets on Sets project from Mission Valor. There is going to be something special and unique coming out to help there.

There is a big project coming up that Jack and I have been calling Special Project N. There will be more news about that very soon. I think it is awesome.

I did not win the Gemmell Legend award this week, but that’s cool because Mark Lawrence took it. I’ve read some of his work. The dude has skills. I’d encourage you guys to check out his work.

In other business news–don’t get your hopes up because Hollywood is weird and flaky as hell and I don’t trust anything until the checks cash–but someone is shopping Tom Stranger as an animated series. Yes, I know that would be amazing. But again, don’t get your hopes up. MHI has been optioned for 4 years and it is still in “development”. Though Tom really would translate well as a cartoon. It would be the only way we could afford the special effects budget.

In gun news, got a US Optics 5-25x with a Horus for the Cazador. Just waiting on the tax stamp from the ATF for the SilencerCo Omega… Because what is the fun of being a fiction writer if you can’t build your character’s guns for research purposes? My daily carry gun is Lorenzo’s pistol.

In politics… I got nothing. Yeah, I know I’m usually full of political posts this time of year, but meh. I didn’t even watch the debates. This election is a train carrying toxic waste derailing into a sewage treatment plant.

So that is the update.

EDIT: Wait, I forgot another charity thing. You can enter to win a really nice MHI holster, autographed by me, for Kilted to Kick Cancer. There are also holsters from Superman, the guy from Monster Garage, and the Nuge, and I would love if mine was more popular than theirs. 😀

From the comments:

No mention of your support of DragonLeatherTN’s Kilted to Kick Cancer?

From their Facebook page:

Simply go to…/kilted-to-kick-cancer-…/ to make a donation.

During checkout, select Team Dragon from the drop-down menu. For every $10 you donate, I’ll enter your name in a drawing for a holster of your choice, signed by Dean Cain, Jesse G. James, or Larry Correia.

Or in $5 increments, you can be entered for a hand-crafted knife (either a skinner, or fighting knife) made by Florida knifemaker Reg Moree.

When you get your PayPal reciept in email, simply forward that reciept to and in the email, tell me how you want the donation value to be applied to the drawing.

One of the holsters bears the MHI logo and our host’s signature (scrawl).

What the Hoon?

Hey all, Jack Wylder here. Did you know that Larry has an official fan group on Facebook? One of the things we’ve noticed is that there are a lot of folks new to Larry’s books and it can be daunting when you join a group to not get the inside jokes. This post is intended to remedy that a bit. If you see something we’ve missed, just drop it in the comments and we’ll add to this as needed. Ladies, Gentlemen, and Hunters of all sorts CorreiaTech is proud to present:

What the HOON?

(as compiled by Jesse Barrett, official CorreiaTech Minion first class)

The Monster Hunter Nation is populated by some… interesting people. We hold a Manatee in such respect that it’s almost reverence and attempt to speak his language (often assisted by FaceBook’s Translate function). We tell alt-history stories about a blue muppet doing black ops. Most of all, though, we are fans of the writings of Larry Correia.
As often happens, a number of unusual in jokes have developed over time. This is an attempt to explain a few of them for the newer members of MHN.

International Lord of Hate (ILoH)
ɪntərˈnæʃənəl lɔrd ʌv heɪt

Back in 2014 the Guardian published an article slandering Larry, who decided to rebut their piece in a Fisk.
Not to be confused with the Interdimensional Lord of Hate, Larry Correia of Earth Earth #345-B-98081.

(Noun, Verb, Adj, other)

1) The sound made by a Manatee, the inflection being the key to understanding the meaning.
Example: Hoon!*
2) The Battle Cry of Wendell’s Roughnecks.
Example: HOOOOON!
3) A comment made by a citizen of MHN, usually showing strong support of the previous comment.
Example: HOON!
See Also: Maniteese, Facebook’s Translate ‘feature’.
*It is important to note that while HOON! is perfectly acceptable, HOON! is considered vulgar and offensive.

+ + + + +

Wendell D. Manatee
Wen-duhl dee ma-nə-ˌtē
(Proper Noun)

CFO of CorreiaTech, the most powerful mega corporation in Earth #345-B-98081’s universe and manufacturer of the CombatWombat pistol. Wendell is originally from the alternate universe of the Christmas Noun and Tom Stranger short stories. Since that universe allows for interdimensional travel, Wendell often appears in this universe where he is practically worshiped by the citizens of MHN. Wendell got an MBA from Harvard, before serving several years in the Florida state legislature. That, coupled with his logistical and tactical genius during the manatees’ war against the Deep Ones, put his resume at the top of the pile when CorreiaTech started looking for a new CFO. Then he just blew them away with his eloquence during the interviews. Although he is primarily a CoD player, he still regularly beats Larry Correia at World of Tanks. Wendell usually travels in a mobile tank that bears a passing resemblance to the Spice Tanks used by Guild Navigators in Dune but has also on occasion made appearance in his prototype tank walker suit. In every known universe, Wendell is unanimously recognized as the most interesting Man(atee) alive. Fun fact: General Mattis and Wendell hang out. Once he retired, Wendell taught the General how to snorkle, and he introduced Wendell to home brewing.
Wendell appears to have his own Twitter and Facebook accounts, as well as giving interviews on occasion.

See Also: You’re kidding right? $)(*& tank dwelling Hax0r!

+ + + + +

Cookie Monster
ku̇-kē män-stər
(Proper Noun)

During the 2012 presidential election, someone posted a meme on Facebook about how electing Romney would kill Sesame Street. Larry chimed in and performed possibly the greatest thread hijacking of all time, beginning with the line “Except Cookie Monster. Because that dude is a straight up hard core operator… Conservative too” followed immediately by “And Cookie Monster is in favor of teaching war rather than reading. The dude is a freaking killing machine. He was in my mercenary company in Bosnia. I saw Cookie Monster massacre a whole village once… We paid him in cookies.”Things really got rolling after that and stories of Big Blue’s out of control black ops exploits are still whispered around MHN to this day. It would appear that his public face as a cookie gobbling star of children’s television is just a cover his real work as a covert operative nominally in service of the US government. Unfortunately, just as he does when faced with piles of tasty snacks, CM often loses his fragile self control, and when he is packing an under barrel EZ Bake the results are best left to the imagination… David Burkhead archived the whole thing on his blog and it can still be viewed there in it’s entirety.

See Also: Muppets, really? Where did all these crumbs and blood come from?

+ + + + +

Tom Stranger
Tahm strān-jər
(Proper Noun)

Tom Stranger is an Interdimensional Insurance Agent from Earth #345-B-98081 who often travels across the multiverse, caring for his client’s needs, and providing quality customer service. Tom always strives for perfect tens on all customer satisfaction surveys (or fives, when a world’s rating system is based upon stars, smiley faces, or stickers.) His job takes him to many worlds, where he deals with a variety of insurance related, sometime apocalyptic crises. On Earth 169-J-00561, Larry Correia (the writer) documented a day in the life of Mr. Stranger and released it as an Audible book (read by the Adam Baldwin of Earth 169-J-00561 where he is an actor instead of the president and leader of the Libertarian Space Cowboy Revolution.) The entire saga can be read at:

+ + + + +

Superfluous Marketing Dog™
su̇-ˈpər-flü-əs / mär-kə-tiŋ / däg
(Proper Noun)

When super author Jim Butcher told Larry Corriea that he needed to add a dog (that did NOT get eaten), Larry created an adorable marketing ploy as revealed in CHRISTMAS NOUN 8: Too Noun Much Adjective. Superfluous Marketing Dog™ plush toys were intended to be sold across the all universes, but insider espionage resulted in a delay on sales to Earth 169-J-00561. See Also: Awwwww! The original “It’s So Fluffy!”.

+ + + + +

Clamps, NickWolf, and various other Internet Trolls
(Sort of) (Proper Nouns)
Unlike Melvin, MHI’s IT Troll, some internet trolls just can’t be reformed. Two notorious examples are NickWolf and Clamps. NickWolf was featured in several blog posts on MHN, where he kept coming back for abuse like a baby seal out for a night on the town. Clamps, on the other hand, is a more sad and sinister figure who is quite literally under police orders to have all of his internet activities monitored by his caretakers. He sometimes slips the leash and crops up on MHN or the various blogs of Larry’s friends and associates.

+ + + + +

Yard Moose Mountain
yärd / müs / mau̇n-tən
(Proper Noun)

Yard Moose Mountain, Utah is the Semi-Secret Base™ and Home of Clan Correia. It got the name when Larry looked out the window of his Secret Base™ and noticed that there was a moose in his yard. The legend soon grew and spread to all corners of Monster Hunter Nation. Larry has recently purchased a mountain and is working on Yard Moose Mountain 2.0, which will include, among other things, a zip line from the gun tower to the mailbox…

See Also: What, no volcano? ..with frickin laser beams on their heads, Outpost: Hippo River, Outpost: Burning Lizard

+ + + + +

Straw Larry
str-aw / lahree
(Proper Noun)

You know how in TV shows the protagonist always gets split into “good” and “evil?” Or how in FAMILY CIRCUS there is “Not Me,” who is guilty of everything? Straw Larry is who is responsible for all the evil Larry Correia has been accused of, but hasn’t actually done. CHRISTMAS NOUN 8 describes him thusly:

Straw Larry was a hideous creature, dredged up from the fevered imagination of thousands of SJWs, given unnatural life through their salty tears of perpetual outrage and powered by their endless butthurt, he was the living embodiment of every awful, nonsensical, conflicting, mutually exclusive, asinine thing they’d ever accused Larry Correia of, made real. He got the name because he was literally a straw man. I guess it just kind of just stuck, what with all the straw and stuff.

+ + + + +
Tactical Melon Baller
(tak-ta-cul meh-luhn baa-lr)
There was  New York Times article about what it takes to be a ‘Modern Man’ that was, in Larry’s words, “so remarkably stupid that it has already been mocked across the entire internet. However, as a manly man of manliness, it is my responsibility to address this piece of fuckwittery. “
One of the points was regarding melon ballers and… well, read for yourself:

Common Internet Shit Gibbon (CISG)

(ka-min in-tur-net shit gib-bon)


An odious, cowardly creature that primarily gathers on social media sights to interfere with discussions and inject their preprogrammed opinions into every conversation. Well known for their primary tactic of making up shit, throwing it as the wall to see what sticks. For a full explanation see:

The Department of Fuck Your Job Security (DOFYJS)

(duh·paart·muhnt uhf fuhk yor jaab suh·kyur·uh·tee)

Proper Noun

“if I was President (ha!) I would only create a single new executive branch entity. The Department of Fuck Your Job Security.

The DoFYJS would consist of surly auditors, and their only job would be to go into other government agencies to figure out-

A. Do you fuckers do anything worth a shit?

B. Which of you fuckers actually get shit done?

Then fire everyone else.

For a more thorough reading, see: