Hey all- Jack Wylder here with the promised update #4. (I said I’d post when I had news to share and so I am.)
As of yesterday evening I finally have all of the coins- (yay!) UPS ‘misplaced’ 2 of the boxes and it took some time to find them, but now all is good. Still waiting on the Zippos, but that’s a whole different story. Short version; should be early next week. So I now have all of the coins- what does that mean for you? Well I have coins, but precious little time right now. The amazing new job takes up about 12 hours a day (with travel time and such) and of course there’s the whole sleep thing, having a cub scout in the family (a rather time consuming thing), occasionally seeing the wife, etc etc etc… So time is at a premium. I have over 600 orders still to fill; that’s almost a full time job’s week worth of work needing to be done. I’m doing what I can and fulfilling what I can as time permits but it is slow going. I do have a plan, though- my wife knows a lot of stay at home mamas who can always use a bit of extra cash so we’re going to put them to work and try to knock these out as quickly as we can. Understand, Larry and I don’t get paid until these are done and I can’t get started on the next special project until this is over- there’s a good possibility I want you to get your coins even more than you do! You’ve been patient and we appreciate it very much. They’re slowly shipping now and the big push is coming soon. Beyond that, I’ll keep you posted here when there’s anything new to say. Thanks again to all- the CorreiaTech fulfillment center is working on it as best we can. 🙂
All posts by Jack Wylder
Series II Challenge Coins- Update #3
Hey all, Jack Wylder here with your series II update.
I’ve been somewhat absent/ elusive here lately because a) I’m busy as all get out with my awesome new job as a marketing ninja and b) there hasn’t really been all the much to report until now. Last week we received the first batch of coins. Important to note is that that just means half of the designs and NOT half of all the coins. (So I have boxes and boxes of Stranger & Stranger and Milo coins, but no PPUFFx tags yet.) The remaining designs have apparently shipped out yesterday and are even now winding their way across the country to the CorreiaTech Texas Outpost (Code name Hippo River). Lighters and stickers are slightly delayed but should be in hand shortly. So while I have sent out a few of the smaller orders, the bulk of the shipping is still to come in the near future. To complicate matters slightly, I am leaving town Sunday on a business trip so I won’t be able to do any shipping until late next week. (And if anyone is going to be at OpenWorld shoot me an email at CorreiaTech1911 AT gmail DOT com) After I return I will dedicate all of my free time after work each day to packing these up and getting them out to you as quickly as possible. I will do a third update to let you know when the bulk of them have shipped. I have temporarily closed the swag store- I can’t deal with more orders coming in right now! Also, if you ordered anything off the store, your order will be shipped in the order they came in- I have to get this back order situation handled. On the subject of the store, we are no longer going to accept payments from PayPal. We can detail exactly why in a later post. I’m not really able to spend much time on the book of faces, btw, so if you’re tagging me there I might be slow to respond (don’t take it personally it’s not you, it’s me. Sorry about the delay, Jesse!)
I think that’s it for now. I’ll update when there’s something new to say.
Here’s a shot of the final actual Milo coin to tide you over:
Series II Challenge Coins (Update #2)
Hi all-
Jack Wylder here once again with your Series II Challenge Coin update #2.
Finally got word from the mint: the estimated ship date on the entire order is on or about 10/16. This means that with any luck we should be able to get all the orders fulfilled relatively shortly thereafter. I will be out of town for just under a week on a work trip so that will delay things slightly but hopefully not all that much- I will be rallying the troops and dedicating my weekends to getting these to you just as quickly as I can.
A few FAQs:
A: Without a time machine to take you back to the end of last month, you’ll have to wait for the ’round up’ coins to go on sale once all orders have been filled. Sorry- we DID do our best to make sure everyone knew when we were taking orders!
A: As we stated before- Phase One was Design, Phase Two was taking orders, Phase Three is manufacture (in progress now), and Phase Four is shipping. We can’t jump over Phase Three. We will definitely keep you posted right here on any updates as we have news to share. We want you to have these coins- I mean, we really really want you to have them and be done with this (so we can GET PAID) 😉
A: Ok, that’s on me. I’m going to readjust the shipping back down for all new orders BUT I am not going to be able to go through and just ship the orders that don’t have coins. I’ve made a note on the swag page that all orders are going to ship in the order they came in (so if you need patches just hold off for now.) If you absolutely HAVE to have the patches ASAP for something, drop me an email at CorreiaTech1911@gmail dot com and we’ll work something out.
A: The only way to get one of the original PUFF exemption coins is to somehow convince someone to give theirs up. (Seriously, the number of times I’ve been asked this is just staggering. I would love to have a box of them unearthed in the vast CorreiaTech swag warehouse but I just don’t see it happening, folks. Sorry.)
I will update this just as soon as there’s anything new to say about it. Thank you all again! – Jack
MHI Series II Challenge Coins- Update #1
Jack Wylder here. As most of you know, the ILoH is currently holding court at DragonCon so it falls on me to give the update. The Series II funding portion has now officially closed! So what’s next? I’m tabulating all of the results now and I will place the full order on Tuesday. (The full order will consist of enough to cover all orders received, plus we’ll round up the numbers.) The mint has already completed all of the molds so the manufacturing time shouldn’t take too terribly long. I will post an update as soon as I have an estimated time of delivery. Once I have them all in hand I will pack these orders up and get them out to you just as quickly as possible. (Again, I will keep you all updated as to the progress of the project every step of the way.) Judging by last time, it is important I make this note: Once we post here that all orders have shipped, if you do not receive your order within say 2 weeks max LET ME KNOW! Do NOT contact us in 2017 to ask about an order that should have been received in 2015. I can not stress this enough- I can’t track orders from 2 years ago! I can be reached at CorreiaTech1911@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.
The members of the Monster Hunter Nation are amazing and we appreciate every one of you. On behalf of the International Lord of Hate and Wendell the Manatee, we at CorreiaTech would like to thank you for supporting Capitalism. Thanks!
MHI Challenge Coin Update
I should have posted this earlier, but I was in New York for the last few days. Originally we were going to take orders until today, but we had a bunch of requests come in to delay it for people who are paid on the 1st or Friday. So our cut off for taking coin orders is now Saturday the 5th.
These are going to be awesome. I expected the second run to be smaller than the first, but we’re actually closing in on the last run’s total number. Considering we’re not doing it through Kickstarter this time (and saving 10% processing!), that’s pretty darned cool.