6 thoughts on “The Super Generation – edited by Hinkley Correia”

  1. Superheroes

    Just to make sure, in this book, any of the ladies come in short shorts, skirts, leotards, bikinis and so on?

    Or is it all MCU designs which even the Comics were changed after, some before the characters even popped up on the big screen like Spiderwoman who had her costume changed back….I presume she’s not getting her own movie or any appearances

  2. Larry named his daughter after the dude who shot Reagan?
    Well, OK…..
    Misspelled it, too.
    Joking, of course, Larry. We love you, and you’re way too big a dude for me to want you after me.

  3. I liked almost all of them, but there was one real stinker, very short ‘here are the characters’ (half the story) “about to fight their first battle” (less than a page) “final victory” (a page or so), nothing in between.

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