With Larry having done dozens of interviews in the last month alone and Steve interviewing SO many people over the years, it makes sense to cover this subject. WriterDojo hosts/Authors Steve Diamond and Larry Correia talk this week about interviewing and being interviewed.
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This week’s episode is sponsored by Thomas Umstattd Jr’s Author Media

The 10 Commandments of Book Marketing is available at: https://www.authormedia.com/the-10-commandments-of-book-marketing/
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Hey! Larry! Is it true you can drive to MarsCon by only making right turns? Um, asking for a friend…
Interviewing, on either side of the table is an art. Getting the questions ‘right’ and allowing the interviewee to actually answer the questions is key!
Larry is right about the every interview is a chance to bring in new readers. I first heard him doing the Ace of Shades Podcast many moons ago. But that is what got me to check out his books. It seemed like a cool guy. I’m not even sure thinking back he plugged his books.