11 thoughts on “Not a Book Bomb, but the next book in a series I Book Bombed just came out”

  1. Wow, I had no idea book 2 was even out. I’ve still got 1 hanging around from your book bomb, so knowing that there is a book 3? Aye yi yi, my tbr is just getting bigger and bigger…

    1. Oh, the horror. Oh, the trauma. More worlds to explore. More adventures to be had. Being Literate in this day and age is *such* a chore.

      Not! 😀

  2. Red flag laws cut both ways.

    I can’t wait to see police searching the homes of New York SJWs for weapons, after making death threats on Twitter.

  3. What a great new series! Books 1 and 2 were great. About a quarter of the way through 3, and it is just as good so far!

    Thank you, ILOH, for turning me on to these!

  4. Ha! I just discovered this series from a kindle recommendation a couple of weeks ago. Finished book two last week and was wondering when three would be out. Thanks for the heads up!

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