Here is my schedule for FanX next week in Salt Lake City
Friday April 19, 2019
3:00 pm 4:00 pm Strange New Worlds: Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction 250A
5:00 pm 6:00 pm Business & Marketing 101: A Crash Course for Artists, Writers, and Vendors 150G
7:00 pm 8:00 pm Larry Correia Signing Bard’s Tower – Booth
Saturday April 20, 2019
1:00 pm 2:00 pm Write What You Love 151D
3:00 pm 4:00 pm Larry Correia Signing Bard’s Tower – Booth
5:00 pm 5:30 pm Larry Correia: Author Spotlight Convention Stage –
Exhibit Hall 183
Suggestion for a short story. A Monster Hunters’ crossover to Mark E. Rogers “Samurai Cat” universe would be a hoot.
Hi Larry, I hope you’re well.
I tried contacting Baen last month (firstly via email, and then via the ‘Contact’ section of their website) but unfortunately they still haven’t replied. I was asking them for some clarification about some of the finer details of manuscript submission (I haven’t sent them my manuscript yet).
Do you have any hints / ideas about what I should do? Obviously I don’t want to nag them too much. Do they only ‘notice’ messages that are sent during American business hours?
Any help with would be appreciated. Thanks very much!