The short story collection with the best cover ever is available today! I love writing short fiction. I’m really proud of the stories in Target Rich Environment. I hope you enjoy it.
The short story collection with the best cover ever is available today! I love writing short fiction. I’m really proud of the stories in Target Rich Environment. I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks. Got it downloaded last night. No Audio version yet?
I saw him saying on Facebook that it would be tricky since most of them already have audio versions as part of whatever collection they were in originally. Though I guess it would be nice to have audio versions of the ones that haven’t been recorded before.
I want Tanya story in audio format.
I saw this on the shelf at B&N this weekend.
Speaking of covers, that guy looks very familiar, but I cannot seem to put a name with the face? Any thoughts?
Just looks like Sumdood to me. 🙂
Oh, Sumdood. I have heard of Sumdood. I have never personally encountered Sumdood, but I hear he has an acerbic wit, lightning fast keyboard skills, and is a real charmer with the ladies. Others have told me that to meet Sumdood in an alley late at night, alone, with but a waning crescent moon in the sky, is to see your life flash before you in foreboding dread.
But then he turns on a flashlight and you realize Sumdood is just a regular guy with a likable personality.
At least that is what I have heard.
Well, I heard he’s totally a Phobo-phobic cis-nazi!
And why are all of you afraid to use his full name?
Straw Sumdood, that guy’s a jerk!
I think it’s Jimmy the intern.
You’ve seen John Scalzi, come on.
It is my birthday and I got a new book by Larry Correia. Great gift. thank you.
I hope you have a huge copy of that cover printed and framed in your office. So great.
Waiting for me at home, thanks to UPS. Love the Combat Accountant cover….
“Combat Accountant”. Is that anything like “Civil Engineer”? I’ve never run into a civil engineer; they all scream things like “You cannot round Pi off the 3, you moron! The Dang bridge won’t stay up!!”
You aren’t looking in the right places. See Boring :P.
And 22/7 is a much better approx.
Heh. Point taken.
Happy Thursday.
“Civil Engineer” Phphphhtttt
Three engineers were discussing the nature of God.
The Mechanical Engineer pointed out all the levers and joints to declare that God must be an ME.
The second, said “No, God is an EE like me. Just look at the brain, the wiring of the nervous system and all the sensors integrated all over the body”!.
The third declared, “Not a chance. God is a Civil Engineer. They’re the only ones stupid enough to route a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area”!
I’ll have to tell that one to my nephew; the civil engineer.
Q) What’s the difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers?
A) Mechanical engineers build weapons, civil engineers build targets.
I’m loving the 1890s MHI stories. More more more! And can we also jump ahead into the 1910s and get a teenaged Raymond Shackleford Jr. during his early years of being a monster-killing badass? I promise to give you more of my money for it.
I hadn’t thought of it, but I imagine at some point we’ll learn the details behind Earl getting bit.
Just downloaded the Kindle version. Looking forward to reading the Jake Sullivan stories.
Pre-Ordered and it arrived today… absolutely AWESOME Cover! Can’t wait to have Larry sign it at FanX!
My copy arrived today! 🙂
…you made me cry. 🙁
Fortunately, reading “Tom Stranger” should make me laugh.
Did Larry get Pelosi and Schumer’s permission to use their likenesses?
The most awesome thing happened today. I recieved your book AND the new Longmire book in the same box from Amazon! Truely an embarrasment of riches.
So much winning.
I’m loving the 1890s MHI stories. More please! And can we also skip ahead to the 1910s to get a teenaged Raymond Shackleford Jr. in his early years of being a monster-killing badass? I promise to give you more of my money for it.
Now, that is an awesome cover. Good seeing you in Atlanta.
Need an audiobook edition!
TETSUBO!! Love the cover on this book. 🙂 Got mine yesterday for the Larry Book Bomb.
Heck that volcano fortress for the ILoH ain’t gonna build nor pay for itself. Glad to help with both!
I’m purposefully not reading any comments to avoid spoilers.
*grin* Good to see that I wasn’t the only one to have that reaction over the tetsubo!
Not to be a pain in the back side old lady but can we hope to get Target Rich Environment in audio format?
My vision is not good and is getting worse so I sort of rely on audio books and do my emailing with speech recognition software. I love your books and was so looking (er… envisioning?) forward to this new book. I was a bit devastated when my son, who loves these books too, let me know we were not going to be able to get it yet. It also was a bit of a downer for my son who drives truck for a living and loves listening to audio books while he is driving. I think that both of us have listened to all the MHI book at least 4 times each and the Tom Stranger books twice
I wish they would, but that is Audible’s decision. They were worried because half of the stories had already been in audio on there in various other anthologies that they didn’t want their customers to feel ripped off spending a credit on something where they already had paid for half the product. Sadly, not my call.
Then the Audible folks are insane! We (the disciples of the ILoH) are frantic to throw money at them if they will only publish the audiobook!
Everyone who wants an audiobook: Go to the Audible web site, click on the Contact link and (politely) request that they release the audiobook. If there is enough response from us, they may come to their senses.
Thank you, oh Great One (that’s not a dig at your size, BTW), for another great book. Now if we can only get Julie’s book… 🙂
Update: Here’s the response from Audible: “The best way to request a specific title is to send an email to: Our Content Team will then investigate whether we can make that audiobook available at”
Now I’m not suggesting that everyone send an e-mail requesting Target Rich Environment to that address, or ask their relatives, friends, passers-by, or anything like that… well, actually, I am. Please!
RoadRunner, thank you for researching this. I will most definetly be sending them a request and so will my son and anyone else I can get.
That hasn’t stopped them (or Penguin Audio) before, darnit. They happily took my credit for Jim Butcher’s recent anthology books, and 90% of that was already in audio in other collections – to the point that instead of having Spike re-record them, they just used those other edition’s audio.
That’s kinda a lame excuse from Amazon (Audible’s parent.)
Hopefully Audible will come around. It sure didn’t slow them down with a lot of the Jonathan Maberry catalogue. Quite a few stories available both stand alone and in anthologies . I think your fan base is far more rabid and would support it.
Thank you so much for your reply. This is sad but I understand. I’m sure you would be happy to provide all your works in audio format. I can only hope that if we all do as RoadRunner has suggested we might stand a chance. None the less thank you for continuing to providing us with so many works of excitement and pure entertainment no matter the format.
That’s the nature of anthologies though, including on the print side. You are very likely to get stories you’ve already paid for in other venues.
Do audiobook rights work the same way as print rights? Or since it is a performance, is it harder to anthologize spoken work?
Got mine last night as part of the Baen Bundle download and just getting into it.
I’d love a “clean” copy of the cover picture as wall paper/screen saver material! And I know of a Darlin’ Daughter that would love a print to hang on her wall….
Ask and yea shall receive. Prints are available from the artist:
Hit the go button too soon. That last was a “subtle” hint for your merchandising line to throw (more of my) money at,.
I’m told I don’t do subtle too well
Got two copies. The second one is a gift for a business partner.
I’ll be picking this up as soon as I finish my third read through of the American Praetorian series.
No “A Halloween Public Service Annocement from Monster Hunter International”?
This is just terrific. Lorenzo and Sullivan are two of my favorite characters (big Dead Six fan here) and Tom Stranger is so freaking funny. Great stuff!