BOOK BOMB! John Brown’s Bad Penny

Today we are going to BOOK BOMB John Brown’s Bad Penny!

For those of you who are new to Book Bombs, basically we pick a deserving book, and then have as many people as possible buy it in the same day in order to spike the ratings as high as possible on Amazon. The higher it gets, the more people notice it, the more new readers the author gets. Success makes more success and most importantly the author GETS PAID. (and getting paid should be in every author’s mission statement)

I only recommend books that I think my readers will like, and I really liked Bad Penny. It is a cool thriller about an Army SF vet who screwed up, went to prison, and is now out and trying to go straight. He’s living in small town Wyoming when some old “friends” from prison come to collect on a favor and then everything goes totally nuts. I won’t ruin it for you, but it is a fast paced, really good read. John is a great fantasy author but I think that he does even better with thrillers.

EDIT: Because I’m doing this John has put it on sale so it is only 99 cents today only.

I’ve explained before why I want to plug John Brown. Long story, short, he is one of the more talented authors I know, he had a major deal with one of the biggest publishing houses, our first books came out about the same time, but then his editor hosed him. By the time my fifth book were coming out, they were still making John revise his second book over and over (and a bunch of us read that book, and it was good the way it was, none of us could figure out the endless demands for rewrites). That much time between books in a series is career death, so John got his rights back and now he’s gone independent.

He’s also seriously one of the nicest people you will ever meet. Here is a video of John and I in action teaching creating writing stuff, (after the really inappropriate intro music we have a lot of fun during this)

Here is John’s description of Bad Penny:

He’s an ex-con.

He’s trying to go straight.

He is determined to never step foot in a cement box again. Then an old cell mate shows up and puts all that at risk, forcing him to go outside the law to save the one thing he cherishes most.

This was his inspiration: This story was inspired by a fine old brother in my church in Ohio who was one of those salt-of-the-earth folks who also happened to have been at one time a bank robber. When he got out of prison, he determined his life would change. He married a good Methodist girl he met at a church dance, went into the laundry business, and never looked back.  It was my privilege to record his life history. Not a single event or detail in this book is about him. But I can tell you that his story deserves a book. Hopefully, my character Frank ends up doing as well in life as he did.

If you don’t do Amazon, Bad Penny is available from Barnes & Noble and Kobo too, which is good because the author GETS PAID, but my main goal of a Book Bomb is to bump a book onto the Amazon bestseller list for that genre so it can get more attention. So buy it wherever it makes you happy because that will still help John out.

Right now the eBook is rated:

#79 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thrillers > Military

And the paperback is:

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #957,932 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

As we get these bumped up through the day I will post some helpful John Brown FunFacts!

So please tell your friends. Share the link, share the love.

EDIT 2: Somebody asked about John’s other work, this is his independant version of the book he originally released with Tor, but then got the rights back for. It is really good. And the LONG awaited sequel will be out later this year:

EDIT 3: Oh, Amazon and your annoying delays. I miss the old days when the hourly updating sales rank swung wildly back and forth. Now there’s this boring delay. They’ve taken some of the Wild West out of Book Bombs. Now we sell a hundred books and wait four or five hours for anything to start to tick up. 🙂

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #14,557 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

EDIT: Now we’re talking. 🙂

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,366 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

EDIT:  Top 500. Sweet.

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #514 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

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52 thoughts on “BOOK BOMB! John Brown’s Bad Penny”

      1. Yes, 3.99 is a good price for an ebook. I was a little worried at the .99 price, for a novel that’s not enough! Thank you for the sale, though, and hope today exceeds expectations.

  1. I couldn’t wait for the book bomb as I am a fan of his fantasy series. This book was a great read. Definitely worth the time!

  2. I purchased the book, but through on the Nook. Hopefully any sale is a good sale for the author’s perspective.

  3. Larry, next time you have a book bomb, email the guys at Ace of Spades, they have a weekly book thread on Sundays, and this would be a perfect book for the moron horde over there (that’s what we call ourselves there). Every little bit helps, right? Matter of fact, think I’ll leave a comment there today, maybe a few folks will see it.

  4. So, during a book bomb, does it do better if everyone buys the same format of the book? aka, if everyone buys the kindle version it gets better ranking than if half buy the kindle and half buy the paperback?

    Also, are you planning to book bomb Servant and it’s sequel once the sequel comes out later this year? I will buy Servant, but if there will be a book bomb for it, I can wait (I am a fan of reading books with sequels when I can read the sequels right after the books)

    1. I’ll book bomb the sequel. I book bombed Servant 5 years ago. 🙂

      Since the ratings are seperate splitting them does hurt, but the important thing is that the author gets new readers, so buy it however it makes you happy.

      1. It makes me happy to pay an author for his hard work in whatever way mutually benefits both of us. So kindle today (for rankings and to try a new author) and dead tree version later if I like it.

        Thanks, and keep the recommendations coming!

      2. Course, the way your readership responds to a book bomb, Larry, it seems that both the paper and ebook versions get a pretty big spike, even if we’re dividing our efforts.

        And while a lot of the books you bomb aren’t exactly in my genre of choice (much more of a fantasy fan than a sci-fi thriller fan), I’ve enjoyed every one of them, so I’ll be getting Bad Penny too.

  5. Done. Hard copy otw. Mr. Corriea you are awesome. A year ago I had no clue who you were until I stumbled upon your excellent gun control post. Since then my son and I have read all your books. We are hooked. Looking forward to Nemesis.

  6. Let me just copy-paste the thing to avoid any ambiguity:

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #14,557 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

    #36 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thrillers > Military

  7. Ya know Larry, when you first mentioned that you were going to book-bomb this I read the little blurb on (sorry, Nook owner) and decided it didn’t sound like my kind of thing. THEN I read your post today and decided to buy it because your description of it sounded better than the author’s.

    I have sold exactly nothing, so maybe I should keep my mouth shut, but I can’t help wondering if your friend might not want to work on his blurb-writing. It’s important, especially for a new author. I mean, I’ll by the next Larry Correia/Tom Kratman/John Ringo/Sarah Hoyt/David Weber, etc, just based on name but John doesn’t seem to have the following that they do yet. If you really are friends with the guy, you might want to mention that to him.

    And if I’m being an impertinent little whelp I apologize. And I apologized by buying the book. Isn’t that the best way? At least this way he GETS PAID.

  8. Apparently if you buy the hard copy, you get a free Kindle as well, so that was a nice surprise. I am one of those weird people who prefers paper copies–because getting my Kindle signed is, well, difficult.

    Hopefully John will be at LTUE this year so I can get both this and “Servant” signed. 🙂

  9. We’re moving on up! As of 6:00 PM Eastern Standard Time:

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,366 Paid in Kindle Store

    #5 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thrillers > Military

    #19 in Books > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thrillers > Military

  10. This book Bomb seems to be going quite well. We’ve moved him up from #1,366 to #1,082.

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,082 Paid in Kindle Store

    #5 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thrillers > Military

    #19 in Books > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thrillers > Military

  11. Now THIS is where it’s at! 10:42 PM, Eastern Standard Time:

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #514 Paid in Kindle Store

    #3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thrillers > Military

    #7 in Books > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thrillers > Military

    #55 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Suspense

  12. This was awesome. Thank you all so very much. Thanks to the big-booted lug who runs this joint. And thanks to all of you who joined in. I hope you find the read is more than worth the price paid. Go Monster Hunter Nation!

  13. For $0.99, how could I not buy it? I bought Servant too. I sure hope I like John’s writing or I’m out almost 32 bits.

  14. Just picked up my kindle copy. As I type this:

    #514 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

    #3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thrillers > Military
    #7 in Books > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thrillers > Military
    #55 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Suspense

    1. Oops, didn’t see that rawlenyanzi already posted those stats before I hit ‘Post’. Oh well, unchanged since then. Looking forward to this book, sounds like it’s gonna be a helluva ride

  15. And still it rises!

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #460 Paid in Kindle Store

    #3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thrillers > Military

    #7 in Books > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thrillers > Military

    #51 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Suspense

  16. Just finished reading it and I gotta say, a certain character, one big ugly Portuguese farmer named correia sure seemed familiar….

    1. Surely it’s all in your mind. I mean, the copyright specifically states that “any resemblance to actual events, organizations, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.” It was simply a random character based on a random gun-packing American who might have at one time ran a store with, I don’t know, a bunny rabbit in its logo. Something like that. Besides, this guy wears bib overalls. Clearly a different individual.

      1. Oh yeah, I forgot about the overalls. Quelle cowinkydink.

        at any rate it was a fun read, you did a good job.

  17. Dang. My wife had to make me put it down this morning and actually go to work. I know it’s good when I am tempted to take the day off to keep reading, though sadly I lost that argument. 🙂

  18. I read Bad Penny until some semi-militant conservative asshole of Phillipine descent showed up as a Cessna pilot. Totally unbelievable. j/k… Thanks for the tip, Larry. `Twas a great read.

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