From Ben McSweeney. And this isn’t even the finished version yet. 🙂 I’ve got to tell you guys, we’re keeping the vast majority of the art under wraps, but this book is going to be amazing. We scored some amazing artists.
The writing is done. I just got done proof reading Steve Long’s work, and it is great. I really think you guys are going to love it. Now it is going to layout. We are still on the schedule set for the Kickstarter.
He even has a Kukri of course. The artwork is beautiful, and if the rules are even half as good as the art, this is going to kick ass.
For those of us who missed the kickstarter deadline, will there be any other way to purchase a copy?
Yep, it will be for sale through the Hero Games store.
You just made my month!
Hey Mr Correia, do you mind if I snag this (only with your permission) to put on facebook ?
As long as you credit Ben and say where it is from, sure. Go for it. 🙂
Have you considered doing a graphic novel and or comic series set in the MHI universe?
That’s some excellent artwork. Ben did a great job. If the other art is like this, this game is going to be amazing. Can’t wait.
Great artwork! And man, that is one bad spot for a monster hunter to be in if you ask me.
wow what a wonderful picture. Looking forward to it. thanks for the preview.
Meet Steve Long at Mysticon in Roanoke, VA over the weekend. Great guy! I had no idea how much experience he has with writing games. With this much talent involved this is going to be a winner for sure!
Now I just need to find a group to play with!
Looks awesome. Hey, noticed something. Isn’t it time to update the “My next novel…” section at the top left of the page? 🙂
When is the release date again?