“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” -Barack Obama last week talking about his new mandatory voluteer programs. No, I didn’t make that up.
Okay, does that scare the hell out of anybody else?
I know he’s not talking about the militia here. He’s talking about a “civilian national security force”. I can’t help myself, and I’m going to Godwin the heck out of this post, but the very first thing that popped into my head when he said that was the Brownshirts.
Why do we need this CNSF exactly? Is the military not pulling its weight? Are they not up to the task? He mentions how this group will need to be just as well funded as the real military, which is ironic, since as a democrat, one of his core values is to rape the military budget to pay for crack whores and social programs whenever possible.
So if the military is doing its job, why do we need this CNSF? Is it because the men and women of the US Military won’t be willing to do some of the things that he’s going to ask of them? What exactly does he have in mind then?
What will be the mission of this hyper-powerful organization? Stop global warming? Punish polluters? Enforce diversity? It sure as hell won’t be things like Provide For The Common Defense, or other little things from the Constituion. Hey, I know, maybe they can all play dress up, and go out one night and hold Crystal Night 2.
I’m sure that they won’t actually wear brown shirts. That’s so last century… Barack does have style. I’ll give him that. I bet they’ll get nifty hats.
Sorry folks, that there is some scary stuff. Spin it any which way you want. Obama supporters, I would absolutely LOVE to hear you explain this to me.
Also from the same speech, he outlined how he’s going to require volunteering. (mandatory volunteers, get it?) High school students will have to volunteer 50 hours a year, college students will have to volunteer 100, in order to graduate. But see, that’s not mandatory, but if you don’t do it, then your school won’t get federal funds… Yep, guess what just became a graduation requirement…
What a load of crap. I put myself through college. I worked full time, and usually had two jobs, and took about 15 credits per semester. My wife worked in a kitchen for 40 hours a week and took an average of 18 credits, and she did that until we had our first child. That’s how real Americans put themselves through school, you ivory tower elitist prick. We don’t have mommy paying for us. We don’t go into asinine debt to attend Harvard and then whine about how life isn’t fair because the government didn’t pay for it. We work our asses off.
And you have the audacity to say that you’re going to require us to do something else?
I’m Mormon. We volunteer to an obnoxious degree. We don’t even have a paid ministry, so that means everything is done by volunteers. (Our Bishops don’t get Rev. Wright money, they all have real jobs) But I’m willing to bet teaching Sunday School, or doing the old widow’s yard work isn’t going to be on Barack’s Government-Approved volunteer list. Nope. Our future students will get to do important work, like passing out free condoms and needles to inner-city crack whores, and then registering them to vote.
Barack despises the military. Why else does he need a rival organization founded in his image? I haven’t seen this speech get any attention at all, but he’s talking about an expansion of governmental power that would make the Department of Homeland Security look like your neighborhood’s Girl Scout Program. ZERO MEDIA SCRUTINY.
Barack despises those of us in fly-over country, out here clinging to our guns and our religion. Do you really think, even for a split second, that he respects the things that you volunteer for now? Of course not. Unless you’re marching for gay marriage for terrorists… Despite the fact that Americans are the most generous people in history, we’re still too stupid to manage our own affairs, and we have to be told what to do.
EDIT: To add a link to a newspaper, because I’ve had some people tell me that had to be fabricated because it was too damn crazy. http://wap.chicagotribune.mlogic3g.com/news.jsp?key=166447&rc=na_wo&p=3 So here’s one from his home town paper. If you check Google, you can find this linked in about fifty other papers. I originally heard it on the radio while driving home, and then had to jump online because I thought that I had misheard.
Yeah, that’s scary right there.
I saw a speech from Senator Obama this morning while at the gym.
I think I’m going to vote for him. That way I can rack up a bunch of credit card bills buying guns, ammo, and gear right now, then complain to Uncle Sugar that the credit cards “tricked me” into buy stuff I can’t afford. (He actually used the phrase, “tricked people”.)
Then I can apply for federal debt relief, get my student loans forgiven, my credit cards forgiven, and maybe even a welfare check which I’ll use to buy ammo.
You can go to the Obama campaign’s website to see the blurb about students having to do community service like petty criminals. College students will have to do 100 hours a year to get a $4,000 tax credit. No mention as to whether or not it’ll be mandatory.
I won’t do 100 hours of community service. I won’t do ONE fucking hour of community service. Community service is for people who don’t pay parking tickets or get caught driving with an expired license. The thought of being forced to do community service pisses me off so much I just might go pee in some homeless guy’s bottle of Thundebird out of SPITE.
Could I get a link to where you got this from? I debate this kind of thing with Obama supporters, and I like to hve links to point them to news sources.
Actually, the thing that I found most concerning from this allegation (sorry, but until you post a link, it is only that) is that, if true, it would provide for a way for Obama, or whoever is President, to circumvent posse comitatus, allowing for the de facto deployment of armed forces domestically. Even more concerning, is that this would be a politically aligned force that would be able to push aside municipal and state police.
This particular suggestion is *precisely* what the 2nd ammendment was created as insurance against.
Larry, could you post a link? I was trying to find something about it, but struck out. Keep up the good work!
Link added.
Yeah, it is that friggin’ nuts.
where is the link? i don’t see it
. http://wap.chicagotribune.mlogic3g.com/news.jsp?key=166447&rc=na_wo&p=3
Nie Wieder!
it might make sense if he proposed expanding the pool of diplomats around the world to help mediate our disagreements without sending the military, or if he talked about civil work projects to better the community, but civilian national security force? even if its not fascist, its at least a little hair-brained. Maybe he’s thinking farther back than the nazis, maybe like sparta.
i would at least like him to clarify what he means by national security.
Didn’t Communist Russia try something like this by telling people to inform against their neighbors to the KGB?
This has convinced me. Barack Obama is a danger to the freedom of every man, woman, and child in the USA.
There tain’t nothing can’t be fixed with enough good intentions. And force. But mostly good intentions.
The thousand shrieking voices of primal terror in my head tell me that I suddenly don’t want to set McCain on fire with my brain.
“civilian national security force”
Is that not a definition of MILITIA?
And your option is John McCrazy, the Manchurian McCaindidate.
Now you understand why I’m an expat?
……I…I…just…. aw HELL!
I don’t like McCain. I find his ‘I’m voting for him out of pure pragmatism. At least there’s a good chance that he’ll die of old age or his health will decline to the point where he cannot serve while in office after picking a good VP. I don’t wish that upon him, Ithink he’s one of the good guys even if many of his policies are out of step with conservatism, but its a very distict possibility.
I find ‘charismatic’ leaders who come out of nowhere, who have no leadership experience, who have grand ideas for change, and who propose the formation of a ‘national security force’ that is outside fo the military to be extremely disturbing.
What’s even more disturbing is that about 1/2 of the population will vote for this. I guess there’s a whole lot of stupidity out there just waiting to be harnesed.
$4000 for 100 hours? Lessee… that’s $40 per hour. Damned good pay for doing what would inevitably turn out to be scutwork that makes no use of whatever skills the college students do have.
All the rest of it aside, if you’re going to pay people to do something that needs to be done (assuming it does), why call it “volunteer” work and why muck with the tax credit crap? Why not just hire people part time, pay ’em $10 per hour or whatever the work they’re doing is worth, and be done with it?
The man’s stupidity knows no bounds.
Quote “$4000 for 100 hours? Lessee… that’s $40 per hour. Damned good pay for doing what would inevitably turn out to be scutwork that makes no use of whatever skills the college students do have.
All the rest of it aside, if you’re going to pay people to do something that needs to be done (assuming it does), why call it “volunteer” work and why muck with the tax credit crap? Why not just hire people part time, pay ‘em $10 per hour or whatever the work they’re doing is worth, and be done with it?
Better yet, why not just leave the productive young people in society alone and get some of the ‘slackers’ to ‘volunteer’ if they want to collect their monthly entitlement check?
I haven’s seen anyone as scary as the potential of this one man–with the control of a pretty much full blown democratic senate and congress–in my lifetime–which is over 60 years. I thouight Carter was plain stupid, Johnson was criminal, Clinton was a masterful politician but didn’t have a fucking thing to worry about as far as the economy, the world, the dollar, gas, etc and consequently was useless. But this guy will be the end to the way of life as we now know it—-and if he has the opportunity to appoint a replacement for Ginsberg or the other 88 year old liberal fart hanging on to his chair till the election, our supreme court will be unfavorably balanced. Things aren’t looking good in Mudville!
Der schwartzefuehrer ist nicht gut. You’ve simply got to look at the fact he’s pretty much paraphrasing Mein Kampf for most of his philosophies. And the rest is pure Marx.
From the link you posted: “Obama would set the goal at 100 hours of service a year and create a $4,000 annual tax credit for college students tied to that level of service.” What college kid pays $4000 in taxes? Not mine. Only rich kids make enough to pay that much in taxes, and now he wants to give them a tax credit for volunteering? That’s exactly like paying the rich kids and not the poor kids.
“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”
That statement alone should disqualify him from the office of President.
I think you’ve taken one tiny line of one speech and blown it totally out of proportion. Show me more evidence that Obama is going to create a second security force outside of Homeland security and we’ll talk.
What I don’t understand is why it’s such a bad thing for students to do some mandatory volunteer work. It helps them to see beyond their selves– a major problem in today’s society. The view point of rich kids is “ME ME ME,” and if they were required to reach out and do something beneficial to the whole of society then maybe they would consider some of the social careers that are in desperate need of qualified applicants– nursing and teaching especially. Also, the tax credit wouldn’t necessarily go to the student, but the parent who claims that student as a dependent on their taxes. If my parents had received a $4000 tax break due to my community service, they would have rejoiced! I would not have received that tax break, because I was still a dependent of my parents until after I graduated from college, like the vast majority of college students. This is a HUGE benefit for middle class and poor families trying to break a bad financial cycle with education. I think it’s a great idea.
“What I don’t understand is why it’s such a bad thing for students to do some mandatory volunteer work.”
Oh maybe it has something to do with that pesky 13th Amendment to our Constitution.
I’m happy to hear Senator Obama say things like this. It’s why my grandmother-in-law ( a staunch democrat her entire life) has stated that she is going to vote for McCain. The man is self destructing and it’s getting fun to watch.
The war will begin the day. Then they will call in the UN army to try to stop us. The dark days of the world will begin. Sorry for the bad news and spelling.