WriterDojo S1 Ep 3: the Basics of Business (Round I)

WriterDojo Episode 3 is out now!

Would you guys do me a favor and spread the word on this one and share the link? I got banned off of Facebook again last night for another 30 days. To be fair, I earned this one. I put in some effort there over my two weeks of freedom. 😀

This episode Steve and I talk nuts and bolts of business stuff, contracts, and royalties. Basically how you get paid and run your writing career like a business. There’s lots of good creative writers who utterly fail at the business side of things. And don’t forget to pay your taxes!

If you would like to support the podcast with a small monthly donation you can do it at Anchor: https://anchor.fm/writerdojo and as always we really appreciate you subscribing and liking and all that other podcasty stuff that helps us get more listeners.

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Radio Public: https://radiopublic.com/writerdojo-6vP0qX

RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/4e326e5c/podcast/rss

Rumble: https://rumble.com/vm1cj7-writerdojo-s1-e3-the-basics-of-business-round-i.html

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2X7bG3PMqln9ZKinIDjs27 )

YouTube: https://youtu.be/PDMu7u7vd-s

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16 thoughts on “WriterDojo S1 Ep 3: the Basics of Business (Round I)”

  1. Thanks for doing this, really appreciate the podcast!

    Side note: since I stay off all anti-social media, what’d you do this time to get banned? I feel like it’s a fun story I’m missing.

  2. Hi Larry, Steve and Jack,
    Just wanted to say thank you all for the interesting podcasts – I must confess I am a reader not a writer but it is nice to know what’s involved in the writing world.
    I’m not sure what your audience take up is like but please keep going guys.

      1. ^He’s the optimist. With the week I’ve been having? I think it will be up in the next day or two but I’m not making any promises…

          1. Now I feel bad!

            I have listened, enjoyed, and given a thumbs up.

            Because taxation is theft. 😀

    1. It’s more like what didn’t he do. Larry poked every current bugaboo the left has about anything, from the potato-in-chief to GBLT politics to the environment. I think one of his posts even deliberately tried to hit everything all at once. It was glorious while it lasted.

  3. The bit on publishers chasing Netflix deals reminds me of what Zack talking about how modern comics are all Netflix bait.

    I prefer President Coolidge’s variant of taxation is theft, that taxation is “legalized larceny”.

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