Lots of new MHI merchandise, MCB, Enchanted Forest, & Bubba


Check it out. We have added a bunch of new stuff, including MCB gear (W.W.A.F.D?), Enchanted Forest Trailer Park, Bubba Shackleford’s Professional Monster Killers, and more.

Start your morning right with the Agent Franks Motivational Coffee Mug!   and end your day with your Bubba Shackleford’s Professional Monster Killers Drinking Glass


Also, if you’ve ordered patches from me recently, I went to fill all those orders and discovered that I had a lot fewer patches than I thought I did. So there will be a delay for another week or two while I wait for the new ones to arrive.

Quick update, back from DragonCon
Monster Hunter Nation Flash Mob or How to get an MHI hat at DragonCon

24 thoughts on “Lots of new MHI merchandise, MCB, Enchanted Forest, & Bubba”

  1. The link to the cafepress site is broke.

    Secure Connection Failed
    An error occurred during a connection to go2.wordpress.com.
    Peer’s Certificate has been revoked.

    (Error code: sec_error_revoked_certificate)

    Without getting too geeky, seems there may be a certificate error somewhere with wordpress. I can go directly to cafepress and search on MHI and get some of your stuff but not get directly to your store.

    1. Hmmm… I don’ t get it. I click on it and it works. (and right there I displayed my entire knowledge of How Computers Work)

  2. Glad to see Agent Franks getting some love, er, respect, um… how about fear? Fear works. (For some reason I always want to picture him looking like Patrick Warburton.)

    If you can come up with a Skippy aviator cap with goggles, I’ll take one in 3XL.

    (Link works happily for me.)

  3. Question. Will that shirt give the wearer the ability to survive massive trauma and kill alien gods? If not you may want to include a disclaimer…

    1. DISCLAIMER: MHI logo merchandise does not grant the wearer “Chosen One” status. Should the wearer be devoured by an Elder Thing while in another dimension, CorreiaTech Inc. takes no responsibility. However, if proof can be provided of the customer’s interdimensional demise at the hand of a Cthuloid entity, a full refund of the purchase price will be provided.

  4. Love it! Ditto on the zippos, and seeing how most of your readers probably have names for their guns ( I have names for all 30 o mine) you need to get some MHI range gear out there. Ill put a CC# down right now for a MHI o/d green or black range bag. Throw in a first-born for an advance copy of the next MH-series book!

      1. Too many to list. But my favorite is “Mistress” the supressed/SBR’ed PS90. Is it ok to say I have a favorite, or are they like family, where we are supposed to politely lie and say we love them all equally??

  5. Just my 2 cents here but what about Harbinger? Some sort of shirt in say a women-medium would be great. And another Zippo sold 🙂

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