Responding to a post

This was posted into the comments in my last post about socialized healthcare passing the house.  I feel the need to respond. The person that posted it, Dave, seems like a nice enough guy.  So, Dave, this isn’t personal, but I need to fisk this. My comments are in bold.

The unemployment rate is over 10%, which means a good chunk of the population has lost their healthcare coverage, Okay, first off that rate will climb if the socialized healthcare is passed. If you increase the burden on employers and raise taxes, what always happens?  Pretty much every economist and expert who isn’t in the pocket of Obama says that.  Hell, ask Joe Lieberman, and he’s certainly not a republican.

since we all know it can be near impossible to buy a policy ourselves because of pre-existing conditions. For some people this is an issue. So why don’t we write a bill that is about 20 pages that addresses this one problem instead of one that takes 4 reams of paper to print that nobody has read? 

Lots of other people have jobs that don’t provide healthcare. And that sounds like a personal problem. When I was self employed, I bought my own health insurance… and after listening to the wailing and gnashing of teeth, I was surprised how cheap it actually was.  For what most people pay for cable and cell phones I insured my family of five.  When I was younger and worked crappy jobs, I bought my own insurance, or I rolled the dice and went without.  That was my personal choice. Your bad choices should not constitute an emergency on anyone else’s part.

I don’t love the dems, but they are trying to do something about it, I’m sure it’s not perfect, but I think it will help.

Oooooohhh…. They’re doing ‘something’. 

I heard an analogy on the radio the other day that I want to expand.  Imagine healthcare is an automobile. Our car is the best car in the world. In fact, it is so much better that when people with other cars really need to drive somewhere important, they come and use ours.  However, our car does have some problems. It needs a new set of tires and maybe a new transmission.  So to continue the analogy, the proposed reform is to take our nice car and replace it with a shitty import that gets bad mileage, has a terrible safety rating, was rated Worst Buy by Consumer Reports, and costs twice as much.  In fact, it costs so much more that we really don’t know how we’re going to be able to afford the payments. 

The Republicans have offered nothing, they are fine with 10s of millions of people being absolutely screwed if they get a serious illness or injury.

You’ve been watching the news, haven’t you, Dave?  That’s another one of those talking points that is full of crap. What about the proposals that have been shot down every year for the last decade about opening up competition between insurance companies by removing artificial boundaries, so that there could be an increase in competition?  What about the one that the NASB floats every year about allowing small businesses to group together, in order for them to be able to get more affordable rates for their employees and to offer coverage to more people?  As much as I dislike Lindsey Graham, I believe he’s the guy that keeps bringing those up and getting smacked down by the democrats.

And wait a second… wasn’t it the EVIL George Bush that pushed Medicare prescription drug benefits? (which I also disagreed with, but it does disprove your point).

The amount of paranoia and fear-mongering in your rant is disturbing, and far from anything resembling reality.

I was told that very same thing when I said the bill would cover illegal aliens and fund abortions. (turns out I was right at the time).  It is interesting to be lectured about reality, when nobody has read the whole bill. Death panels? Yep, they’re in there still. They just call them something nicer.  You get the living hell fined out of you for not switching to a “Qualified Plan”. That’s in there too… Only they haven’t actually defined what constitutes a qualified plan yet.  

So, what specifically have I talked about in this bill that is “far from anything resembling reality”?  The part where a public option will be introduced?  The part where there are rationing boards? The part where Obama has flat out lied about what is in the bill?  The part that it is going to cost a fortune that we don’t have? 

You’re so blinded by fear and hatred everything the Dems do seems like some sort of crazy plot to you.

This goes beyond Dem or Repub. If you are an American, period, you need to be concerned about this thing. Why the rush to so fundamentally distort our existing system? Why can’t people take the time to read it first? Why did Pelosi keep 700 pages of small print legalese secret until a few days before the vote? Doesn’t this bother you?  Do you trust these people that much to just assume that they have nothing but your best interests as heart?

This is going to end badly, not because Obama stages a marxist coup, but because some psycho folows Tim McVeigh’s example and kills a bunch of people because you all yelled about how the tree of liberty needs to be watered one too many times.

I like how the specter of violence is always raised by the left to color the tone of the debate. Pelosi talked about how we’re so dangerous in hushed terms. The Tea Parties I’ve been to have been peaceful affairs, but they’re portrayed as screaming maniacs. Janet Napolitano isn’t worried about Muslim terrorists anymore, but rather the greatest threat to America are people who don’t trust the federal government and returning veterans.

I’m sick and tired of this crap. If we right wingers were as unhinged and deadly as Keith Olberman and Obama seem to think we are, then why the HELL do they keep pushing all our buttons? This is just a tactic to paint the right side of the debate in a certain light.  “Oh, you don’t want healthcare? I better tread carefully, because you’re such a psycho, racist, lunatic, gun owning, tea-bagger.” It colors the perceptions of the debate from the very beginning. That is the goal.

Quit believing the news, Dave.  Keep in mind that this is the same news media that can ponder obtusely on whether the Fort Hood shooting was terrorism, and how we can’t jump to conclusions, or paint anyone with a broad brush, or blah blah blah friggin’ blah, when he was in full imam wear that morning, spouted off jihadist propaganda, called up Al Queda, and shot US soldiers while screaming Allah Akabar.

Seriously, if a right-winger went on a shooting rampage while wearing a John 3:16 shirt and singing hymns, how do you think the media would portray it? Would they urge caution in jumping to conclusions, or would they use him to portray everyone on that side of the debate as a lunatic? 

Same media, Dave.

That is what this is coming to, and you’re all too dim to see it, or are secretly rooting for it, I honestly can’t tell which anymore.


I read your blog because I have a few guns, Good. and I generally like your sense of humor, Thank you. even when you’re doing political rants I disagree with, My blog. My opinion. (well, at least until the new guy at the FCC who loves Hugo Chavez shuts that down too)

but you’re wandering into crazy land with parts of this one.

Yep. Crazy land. Because I’ve said so much that is so very crazy.

You know what would have been really crazy?  What if last November I had said that within a year, the government would own or directly control 30% of the US economy, would be poised to take over another 18%, that in a time of economic crisis we’d pass cap & trade, that the dollar would spiral downward because of record spending, that the new president would have spend more in a year than any prior administration had in eight, that the new president would take a ten months (and counting) to decide on whether to send more troops to Afghanistan or not after his generals had begged him, that we’d go on a worldwide apology tour to countries that hate us,  that Obama would win the Nobel Peace Prize, that we were going to ram through one of the largest pieces of legislation in history (without reading it!), and that many of our top federal appointments would go to admitted Marxists.

Whew… Now that would have been crazy talk!

I think Obama is losing momentum because he’s equivocating, looking weak and not getting done a lot of the stuff he promised,

 Negative. The reason he’s losing momentum is because America is waking up to what kind of man they elected.  Like I said last year, Obama is the Boy Band of Politics. All flash, no real talent, but boy bands come out of nowhere, and media saturation tells everyone how great they are. Next thing you know they’re on the cover of every magazine in the world.  They’re mega hits, but after a little while people start to realize that the boy band actually sucks and is annoying. Then like all boy bands, people start to hate all the celebrity being shoved down their throats. Then they fade into obscurity and go away.

I think we’ve moved into the backlash phase. Personally, I was ahead way ahead of the culture curve on this one!

not because the country’s discovering he’s a crazy Marxist/Communist/Fascist.

Yeah. I guess that would just be more crazy talk. What with him hiring Mark (Lil’ Hugo) Lloyd, Cass (Population Control)Sunstein, Van (Communist Agitator and Proud!) Jones, Anita (Mao & Mother Theresa) Dunn, Ron (the free market is a lie) Bloom, and crap, I can’t even remember all of the others, but you get the idea.  The President has only said in his own book that he preferred the company of Marxists, and he’s surrounded himself with Marxists. He’s promoted Marxist ideals, goes off on social justice, and has slipped up a few times and talked about wealth redistribution.  Gee whiz… I don’t know why anyone would get the crazy idea that he might, just might, harbor some Marxist tendancies!

Once again, I’ll throw this challenge out, even though no Obama supporter has ever answered it.  Maybe you can help me out, Dave, since the idea that Obama is a Marxist is so very crazy.  Can you name five things that Obama has promoted or pushed for that Karl Marx himself would not approve of? Hell at this point, I’d settle for three… Two maybe?  Come on, Dave, I’m sure he’s done something to prove how CRAZY it is for me to call him a Marxist.

I’ll be waiting on that.

I just made the Locus Bestseller list for November!
Come and see me tomorrow in San Diego

32 thoughts on “Responding to a post”

  1. The House Medical Reform Bill. It’s like trying to build an airliner by going straight from the drawings to the factory floor without taking the time to run computer simulations, wind tunnel tests, and scale model tests.

    Maybe it’ll fly, but it has an even chance of flying very poorly, or falling out of the sky into a heap of flaming wreckage.

  2. Somehow we “right wingers” are the source of all threats of violence here, even though the bill says very specifically that they’re going to jail people for not having health insurance. The police certainly aren’t going to ask nicely for you to come along more than once, and if you tell them “no”, well, I’m pretty sure they’re paid to use violence to compel the will of the state.

    So, we “right wingers” are, at most, threatening violence against “people in government who want to push their agenda on everyone in the country”, and those same people in government are threatening violence against everyone in the country.

    I do have to sort of bitterly laugh at the ironic “humor” involved in threatening people with lethal force for not having health coverage. “If you don’t have health insurance to stay healthy, we’ll fucking kill you!”

    1. I find even more cynical humor in jailing people for not having health insurance. I would assume basic medical care would be included….

  3. MadRocketScientist: Sadly, your analogy is insufficiently strong. At least the people who designed the airplane presumably have some chance of knowing what they’re doing.

    This is more like hiring a group of five year olds to design an airplane, and building directly from their drawings.

  4. I just want to clarify that this was another Dave, definitely not me… whew… would hate it if Larry confused the two of us…

    Rock on Larry! Keep up the good work!

  5. I keep wondering why they have to pass it as one massive bill? Why can’t they break it up into easier to understand chunks?

  6. Tim, thats simple. To HIDE things. Easier to vote ONCE and pack it full of handouts to everybody and to take control of the system vs piecemeal. Healthcare reform from the Dems is the same as the spendulus bill, and supporting the banks. Its about control, not fixing whats broke.

  7. When asked why I am so lukewarm about Healthcare Reform, my response is usually, “Maybe more Americans would trust the feds to insure us, if the feds had a better track record when it came to managing and overseeing very-large, very-expensive projects.”

    My fear is that once it’s in place, the total cost for single-payer, government-mandated insurance will keep going up while patient care quality and consumer satisfaction keeps going down. Under such a scenario of dwindling returns, there will emerge a cry to reform the damned Reform, which will doubtless be shouted down by Leftists infatuated with having government ‘manage’ everything for the Little People.

    Shut up and take your medicine, America! It’s good for you. (rolls eyes)

    If they could prove to a majority of us that the new program will be vigilantly policed — with an eye to keeping costs under control, focusing on patient satisfaction, and not increasing the tax burden — I am sure more of us would be onboard.

    Alas, nobody seems to be able to say much more than, “My God, man, something has to be done!

    Yah, fine. The road to hell is always paved with good intentions!

  8. Not only does the US Government have a piss-poor track record of running programs efficiently, effectively, and on budget. . .

    Not only does the US Government ESPECIALLY fail when dealing with HEALTH CARE issues. . .

    But general health coverage garanteed by the government generally ends up being WAY more expensive than even it’s pre-enactment opponants claimed it would be. . . just about everywhere in the world it’s been implemented.

    And that’s ignoring the fact that ALL such health programs have ended up interfering with doctor choice, treatment options, and eventually rationed care.

    Yeah, with such a sterling track record for both the main operative AND teh basic concept, I don’t understand why everyone isn’t all onboard to jump into THIS 1900+ page monstrosity.

    Hell, coverage for those unable to get affordable plans, and coverage guarantees for patients with pre-existing conditions could be established in less than five pages of bill. Another dozen or so could handle a few basic steps that would ENCOURAGE competitive pricing that ANY American took take advantage of.

    But that would not enable the primary goal — reduction of the health care system to the lowest common demoninator (except the ariscocratic political class, which is, of course, exempt from the Democratic plan — much as a Democratically controlled Congress has exempted itself from almsot EVERY labor-related bill since teh end of FDR).

    All in teh name of “fairness” of course — God forbid that a 35 year old who has declined to get ANY job skills be required to suffer for their lack of preparation. . . it’s all the fault of the nasty evil people who actually, you know, WORKED in school to learn something useful.

  9. What I want to know, is if this thing ever makes it through the senate to Obama for signature, how do we, as a nation, reverse it before it takes effect?

    Or will this be the straw that triggers the second revolution?

    I have health care (currently), but for someone in a blue-collar neighborhood who just lost their job, and doesn’t any more? Send the police to their door to arrest them, from their 60% unemployed neighborhood, and you’re looking at some dead cops. All because of Pelosi’s greed and ego. It could be the real-life equivalent of Henry Bowman’s battle in Unintented Consequences. One final push too far . . .

  10. In my line of work, I’m a contract employee. My boss ‘provided’ health insurance coverage as a condition of employment, although I was declined coverage by the insuror. I’m on my wife’s policy, which is a very good thing. Y’see, a few years later I was diagnosed with a genetic disease, and the only medications for it are IV only, and not a cure, but something to hold it sort of at bay while you get older and die of something else, ideally. The annual cost of my augmentation therapy is about $120k per year. Fortunately, my copay is only about $400 per month.

    There are about 5,000 to 7,000 folks in the US who have been diagnosed with this, and maybe 1/3 to at most 1/2 are on augmentation. 3 companies process the product, and the cost is relatively close for each of them. Under Goverment Healthcare, I figure I, along with my genetic cohort, are well and truly screwed just due to the money involved. Without the therapy, figure about 3 poor years of life expectancy. With treatment, if you live right and don’t get any collateral infections of problems, generally a relatively normal lifespan.

    Yeah, I have a vested interest in seeing Obamacare fail


  11. I’m not an American, but I’ve been following this with interest.
    The thing I thought of was is not having a health care plan going to be a felony?
    Don’t felons in the U.S. lose some rights? I’d imagine that would spark something.

    1. Victor, if the bunch of communist morons now in power in central and south America is any indication, that statement is so right is not funny.
      Chavez, Correa, Lula, Evo Morales, Lugo, Zelaya, Ortega… all Socialists/Communists and all arrived to power via democratic vote

  12. My Response to your Response…. Mine our in the (..)

    The unemployment rate is over 10%, which means a good chunk of the population has lost their healthcare coverage, Okay, first off that rate will climb if the socialized healthcare is passed. If you increase the burden on employers and raise taxes, what always happens? Pretty much every economist and expert who isn’t in the pocket of Obama says that. Hell, ask Joe Lieberman, and he’s certainly not a republican.

    (Now I think we can all agree that 10% unemployment is bad, and even as Democrat I am willing to admit that Obama can and should do more to help spur job growth in small businesses. But if done right Health Care reform like the Dems are proposing will actually help spur economic and Job growth, I’m not saying what they have out there right now will do that because its hard to speculate e on a bill that is not in final form yet but it will get there and yes there will be higher taxes but not on those who cant take the burden. The current system already charges small business up to 18% higher than larger firms resulting in lower wages, smaller profits for the company, or these businesses don’t provide insurance at all because of this.)

    since we all know it can be near impossible to buy a policy ourselves because of pre-existing conditions. For some people this is an issue. So why don’t we write a bill that is about 20 pages that addresses this one problem instead of one that takes 4 reams of paper to print that nobody has read?

    (This is not an issue for some this is an issue for an estimated 12.6 million non-elderly adults. And that is one of many issues.)

    Lots of other people have jobs that don’t provide healthcare. And that sounds like a personal problem. When I was self employed, I bought my own health insurance… and after listening to the wailing and gnashing of teeth, I was surprised how cheap it actually was. For what most people pay for cable and cell phones I insured my family of five. When I was younger and worked crappy jobs, I bought my own insurance, or I rolled the dice and went without. That was my personal choice. Your bad choices should not constitute an emergency on anyone else’s part.

    (I love how simplistic you make this like everyone fits into this small cube and everyone can get cheap insurance if they wanted it. For a young Healthy person you can probably find relatively cheap coverage on your own, however if you dig into the details you not getting as good as deal as it appears. If you get really sick or injured you either have to cover the majority of the cost or get dropped. Also the average cost of insurance a year provided through employers right now is around $13,000 if we continue down the same path we are on it will be around $25,000 by 2018 you tell me what kind of coverage you think employers will provide for that cost.)

    I don’t love the dems, but they are trying to do something about it, I’m sure it’s not perfect, but I think it will help.
    Oooooohhh…. They’re doing ‘something’.

    (Yeah they are doing something actually trying to fix what is wrong with Health insurance and no what they have offered isn’t perfect but they are working to offer the American people a better option than what we have now.)
    I heard an analogy on the radio the other day that I want to expand. Imagine healthcare is an automobile. Our car is the best car in the world. In fact, it is so much better that when people with other cars really need to drive somewhere important, they come and use ours. However, our car does have some problems. It needs a new set of tires and maybe a new transmission. So to continue the analogy, the proposed reform is to take our nice car and replace it with a shitty import that gets bad mileage, has a terrible safety rating, was rated Worst Buy by Consumer Reports, and costs twice as much. In fact, it costs so much more that we really don’t know how we’re going to be able to afford the payments.

    (My analogy is we are still driving a crappy car from way back when with over hundreds of thousands of miles and has broke down a number of times on us and as a smart consumer its either continue to throw trillions of dollars at this piece of junk or save your self the hassle and by a new more fuel efficient car.)

    The Republicans have offered nothing, they are fine with 10s of millions of people being absolutely screwed if they get a serious illness or injury.
    You’ve been watching the news, haven’t you, Dave? That’s another one of those talking points that is full of crap. What about the proposals that have been shot down every year for the last decade about opening up competition between insurance companies by removing artificial boundaries, so that there could be an increase in competition? What about the one that the NASB floats every year about allowing small businesses to group together, in order for them to be able to get more affordable rates for their employees and to offer coverage to more people? As much as I dislike Lindsey Graham, I believe he’s the guy that keeps bringing those up and getting smacked down by the democrats.
    And wait a second… wasn’t it the EVIL George Bush that pushed Medicare prescription drug benefits? (which I also disagreed with, but it does disprove your point).

    (Not to be rude but reading this is like reading all Republican talking points. Now allowing Health Insurance to be bought across state lines sounds like a swell idea until you look at what will happen. Like the credit card companies most insurance companies will move to the most unregulated states which will allow them to pretty much charge what they want resulting in hiring premiums and less coverage. And yes Bush did pass Medicare Drug benefits but as we see today it didn’t go far enough, also I would like to add that when that was going on whether you agree with it or not there wasn’t any shouting of Socialism or out of control spending like we see today. I mean at least today we see call for paying for what we are going to spend on this Health Care reform unlike that policy which was just expected to be a permanent public expense.)

    The amount of paranoia and fear-mongering in your rant is disturbing, and far from anything resembling reality.
    I was told that very same thing when I said the bill would cover illegal aliens and fund abortions. (turns out I was right at the time). It is interesting to be lectured about reality, when nobody has read the whole bill. Death panels? Yep, they’re in there still. They just call them something nicer. You get the living hell fined out of you for not switching to a “Qualified Plan”. That’s in there too… Only they haven’t actually defined what constitutes a qualified plan yet.
    So, what specifically have I talked about in this bill that is “far from anything resembling reality”? The part where a public option will be introduced? The part where there are rationing boards? The part where Obama has flat out lied about what is in the bill? The part that it is going to cost a fortune that we don’t have?

    (For you comments on Death Panels, Illegal aliens, and abortions I will suggest you check out such non-partisan sites like or NOT TRUE….No as far as the fines and stuff I am really not for those I am for a public option that is Robust enough to include all that cant afford plans that way we do not need to worry about fines and penalties. And if you don’t think Rationing doesn’t already take place you are living in a fantasy land because it does, and I would love to know what Obama has “lied” about in my opinion he really hasn’t said enough about the proposals out there, and has far as the “fortune” it will cost I am going to go out on a limb and guess you supported the war un-necessary war in Iraq and the continuing of the war in Afghanistan which will put the spending for those at over a trillion. How about instead of sending another 40,000 troops which will cost over another 300 billion we invest that in ourselves to help provide better health care insurance and coverage. But I will leave discussions about the wars to another time.)

    You’re so blinded by fear and hatred everything the Dems do seems like some sort of crazy plot to you.
    This goes beyond Dem or Repub. If you are an American, period, you need to be concerned about this thing. Why the rush to so fundamentally distort our existing system? Why can’t people take the time to read it first? Why did Pelosi keep 700 pages of small print legalese secret until a few days before the vote? Doesn’t this bother you? Do you trust these people that much to just assume that they have nothing but your best interests as heart?

    (Yeah your right Americans should be worried they should research and look into this, but they should start to really worry if nothing is done. Are a lot of politicians corrupt no doubt about it, but this health care reform as a whole will help us all in one way or another whether it is by lower premiums or help some finally being able to get insurance coverage. )

    This is going to end badly, not because Obama stages a marxist coup, but because some psycho folows Tim McVeigh’s example and kills a bunch of people because you all yelled about how the tree of liberty needs to be watered one too many times.
    I like how the specter of violence is always raised by the left to color the tone of the debate. Pelosi talked about how we’re so dangerous in hushed terms. The Tea Parties I’ve been to have been peaceful affairs, but they’re portrayed as screaming maniacs. Janet Napolitano isn’t worried about Muslim terrorists anymore, but rather the greatest threat to America are people who don’t trust the federal government and returning veterans.
    I’m sick and tired of this crap. If we right wingers were as unhinged and deadly as Keith Olberman and Obama seem to think we are, then why the HELL do they keep pushing all our buttons? This is just a tactic to paint the right side of the debate in a certain light. “Oh, you don’t want healthcare? I better tread carefully, because you’re such a psycho, racist, lunatic, gun owning, tea-bagger.” It colors the perceptions of the debate from the very beginning. That is the goal.
    Quit believing the news, Dave. Keep in mind that this is the same news media that can ponder obtusely on whether the Fort Hood shooting was terrorism, and how we can’t jump to conclusions, or paint anyone with a broad brush, or blah blah blah friggin’ blah, when he was in full imam wear that morning, spouted off jihadist propaganda, called up Al Queda, and shot US soldiers while screaming Allah Akabar.

    (WOW someone needs to take there own advice turn off Fox News for a second and you would realize that they are not sure whether or not he said Allah Akabar before or during shooting, I love how you right wingers just try and simplify these things he is a Muslim there for it has to be a bigger terrorist plot. Give me a freaking break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is an isolated event as stated by military officials. Here is a list of other military shootings but because they were not Muslim I am sure you won’t label them as terrorist attacks.)
    (May 11, 2009: Five soldiers shot dead at Camp Liberty in Baghdad by Sgt. John Russell.
    • Sept. 8, 2008: Spc. Jody Michael Wirawan shoots himself to death after killing 1st Lt. Robert Bartlett Fletcher at Fort Hood.
    • Feb. 25, 2008: Dustin Thorson, an Air Force technical sergeant, fatally shoots his son and daughter at home on Tinker Air Base in Oklahoma in domestic dispute with ex-wife. He had been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder after returning from Iraq.
    • June 7 2005: Two National Guard officers are killed by a grenade at headquarters in Tikrit. Staff Sgt. Alberto Martinez is later acquitted of murder in a court-martial.
    • March 23, 2003: Army Sgt. Hasan Akbar tosses grenades into three tents and then fires a rifle at Camp Pennsylvania in Kuwait, killing one and injuring 14. Akbar later receives death sentence.
    • Oct. 27, 1995: Sgt. William Kreutzer goes on shooting spree at Fort Bragg, killing one and injuring 18 in a )

    Seriously, if a right-winger went on a shooting rampage while wearing a John 3:16 shirt and singing hymns, how do you think the media would portray it? Would they urge caution in jumping to conclusions, or would they use him to portray everyone on that side of the debate as a lunatic?

    ( How bout man it Pittsburgh who killed three Police officers because he lost his job and feared the Obama Admin would ban Guns, and didn’t like his rights being “infringed” on. Sounds like a right winger to me but I didn’t hear the word terrorist there)
    Same media, Dave.
    That is what this is coming to, and you’re all too dim to see it, or are secretly rooting for it, I honestly can’t tell which anymore.
    I call BULLSHIT.
    I read your blog because I have a few guns, Good. and I generally like your sense of humor, Thank you. even when you’re doing political rants I disagree with, My blog. My opinion. (well, at least until the new guy at the FCC who loves Hugo Chavez shuts that down too)
    but you’re wandering into crazy land with parts of this one.
    Yep. Crazy land. Because I’ve said so much that is so very crazy.
    You know what would have been really crazy? What if last November I had said that within a year, the government would own or directly control 30% of the US economy, would be poised to take over another 18%, that in a time of economic crisis we’d pass cap & trade, that the dollar would spiral downward because of record spending, that the new president would have spend more in a year than any prior administration had in eight, that the new president would take a ten months (and counting) to decide on whether to send more troops to Afghanistan or not after his generals had begged him, that we’d go on a worldwide apology tour to countries that hate us, that Obama would win the Nobel Peace Prize, that we were going to ram through one of the largest pieces of legislation in history (without reading it!), and that many of our top federal appointments would go to admitted Marxists.
    Whew… Now that would have been crazy talk!
    I think Obama is losing momentum because he’s equivocating, looking weak and not getting done a lot of the stuff he promised,
    Negative. The reason he’s losing momentum is because America is waking up to what kind of man they elected. Like I said last year, Obama is the Boy Band of Politics. All flash, no real talent, but boy bands come out of nowhere, and media saturation tells everyone how great they are. Next thing you know they’re on the cover of every magazine in the world. They’re mega hits, but after a little while people start to realize that the boy band actually sucks and is annoying. Then like all boy bands, people start to hate all the celebrity being shoved down their throats. Then they fade into obscurity and go away.
    I think we’ve moved into the backlash phase. Personally, I was ahead way ahead of the culture curve on this one!

    ( Yeah if the curve is keep everything headed down the path to destruction like the past 8 years, backlash..hmm…that’s why the majority of Americans still support Obama.. Weird huh)

    not because the country’s discovering he’s a crazy Marxist/Communist/Fascist.
    Yeah. I guess that would just be more crazy talk. What with him hiring Mark (Lil’ Hugo) Lloyd, Cass (Population Control)Sunstein, Van (Communist Agitator and Proud!) Jones, Anita (Mao & Mother Theresa) Dunn, Ron (the free market is a lie) Bloom, and crap, I can’t even remember all of the others, but you get the idea. The President has only said in his own book that he preferred the company of Marxists, and he’s surrounded himself with Marxists. He’s promoted Marxist ideals, goes off on social justice, and has slipped up a few times and talked about wealth redistribution. Gee whiz… I don’t know why anyone would get the crazy idea that he might, just might, harbor some Marxist tendancies!
    Once again, I’ll throw this challenge out, even though no Obama supporter has ever answered it. Maybe you can help me out, Dave, since the idea that Obama is a Marxist is so very crazy. Can you name five things that Obama has promoted or pushed for that Karl Marx himself would not approve of? Hell at this point, I’d settle for three… Two maybe? Come on, Dave, I’m sure he’s done something to prove how CRAZY it is for me to call him a Marxist
    ( Wow and you guys wonder why you are in the minority we Dems would be happy to work with you on everything if you were actually rational!)
    I’ll be waiting on that.
    (This is your blog and your Opinion and I respect that but I do disagree with everything you have to say. As you did to Dave, I call BULLSHIT to everything you just said, it is obvious you have a very basic knowledge of Socialism and how it works and what is it all about because what has taken place so far under the Obama Administration is not socialism. I wish I had time to respond to everything in this post but I have to get myself and my “Marxists” ideas back to work. Response )

    1. Sigh… you had the time to post a giant response, but yet once again, I get another liberal who says that it is obvious Obama isn’t a Marxist, yet you can’t find the time to give me 5 things he’s done that Karl Marx wouldn’t approve of.

  13. anyone who thinks this is about “health care” needs a wakeup call. It is about control, pure and simple. I started out goving obama the benefit od the doubt- but the more I learn, the more concerned I get- we are in the middle of a Marxist takover of our country. Every day I see something new about control- today it was the new civil service review to force out any republican civil servant hired in the last five years.

  14. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. You seem like a nice enough guy too, but it’s like we’re on different planets when it comes to this. I’d encourage you to expand your selection of media too, since I think you’re getting sold a bill of good by the ones you’re consuming.

    We’re not going to change each other’s minds. I’d just say Obama came to power during a huge economic collapse. Most of the big banks in the country were insolvent. If ever there was a time to nationalize some banks or make big changes to our financial system, it was then. Those banks are still intact thanks to the largess of the treasury and fed, and are now paying record bonuses – it’s back to business as usual. Obama economic team is run by Goldman Sachs guys. How the hell is any of that Marxist?

    I guess it’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you, but I’m not seeing it. Take care.

    1. I’d encourage you to expand your selection of media too, since I think you’re getting sold a bill of good by the ones you’re consuming.

      I love the supposition that anyone who disagrees with your viewpoint is an ill-informed bumpkin with their channel clicker Crazy-Glued on FOX.

      If person A watches MSNBC, CNN, and C-SPAN, and person B watches MSNBC, CNN, C-SPAN, and FOX, who has the more constricted information base?

      1. Honestly, what the hell. Larry chided me for “watching the news”, and listening to “the media”. Anything that’s not a right wing conspiracy site is apparently untrustworthy. I don’t know where he’s getting his information, I would imagine Fox news is the tip of the iceberg since a lot of his ideas are way more off the deep end than what they put on Fox. HE is the one assumed that anyone that disagrees with his viewpoints must be “watching the news”. You people are in this echo chamber and you have no idea how far away from reality you’re drifting.

      2. I’m going to have to agree with Larry that the news isn’t a good source. You need to listen to the news, but double-check sources.

        Fox is biased, but so are all the other news sources. How about comparing and contrasting, then using actual, published facts and logic to validate the information?

        For instance, look at the issue with the unemployment statistics being biased. The arguments that are brought up have validity because the issue of re-structured job criteria is a verifiable fact. It does not mean that adding the separate categories together creates the actual total, but it does mean the the normal statistic is incorrect.

  15. Charlie Rose just interviewed Warren Buffett. They talked a lot about the economy. They don’t have the full interview up, dang it, but it’s been airing.

    Here’s the thing. Buffett knows what makes companies work. He’s a genius at capital allocation and creating value. He’s not a trader or “stock picker.” His whole model is about finding companies that create value in the long term. So when he talks about the current recession and the stimulus, it’s worth listening. When he talks about what Obama’s goals are, well, it’s his opinion. But he has insight.

    Larry, I’d be interested in your comments on his interview. It’s not healh care, but there’s a lot of talk here about Marxism and I think it applies.

  16. A response to the response –

    (Now I think we can all agree that 10% unemployment is bad, and even as Democrat I am willing to admit that Obama can and should do more to help spur job growth in small businesses. But if done right Health Care reform like the Dems are proposing will actually help spur economic and Job growth, I’m not saying what they have out there right now will do that because its hard to speculate e on a bill that is not in final form yet but it will get there and yes there will be higher taxes but not on those who cant take the burden. The current system already charges small business up to 18% higher than larger firms resulting in lower wages, smaller profits for the company, or these businesses don’t provide insurance at all because of this.)

    *First, 10% unemployment is underreporting due to a rules change that cut out a few categories to make it look better. No, Obama shouldn’t try to spur small business growth, there have been more than enough bailouts/government takeovers already. And just how can this ‘reform’ spur economic and job growth? Every other country that has done this has seen the opposite. Look at England and Canada.*

    (This is not an issue for some this is an issue for an estimated 12.6 million non-elderly adults. And that is one of many issues.)

    *4.2% of the US population? A change of this magnitude because of less than one in twenty? More justification is needed here, Dustin.*

    (I love how simplistic you make this like everyone fits into this small cube and everyone can get cheap insurance if they wanted it. For a young Healthy person you can probably find relatively cheap coverage on your own, however if you dig into the details you not getting as good as deal as it appears. If you get really sick or injured you either have to cover the majority of the cost or get dropped. Also the average cost of insurance a year provided through employers right now is around $13,000 if we continue down the same path we are on it will be around $25,000 by 2018 you tell me what kind of coverage you think employers will provide for that cost.)

    *The way you lower your car insurance is to increase your deductible. Health insurance works the same way. I purchased health insurance to cover catastrophies, not day to day, and it didn’t cost much. Strange how that’s the opposite of what you’re saying, isn’t it?*

    (Yeah they are doing something actually trying to fix what is wrong with Health insurance and no what they have offered isn’t perfect but they are working to offer the American people a better option than what we have now.)

    *No, if they actually wanted to lower healthcare cost they would go for tort reform. Instead we have a giant version of Medicare. Since Medicare doesn’t work right (which is admitted by a great majority of politicians) why would doing it more make it better?*

    (My analogy is we are still driving a crappy car from way back when with over hundreds of thousands of miles and has broke down a number of times on us and as a smart consumer its either continue to throw trillions of dollars at this piece of junk or save your self the hassle and by a new more fuel efficient car.)

    *See above. You’re trying to claim that Medicare is better?*

    (Not to be rude but reading this is like reading all Republican talking points. Now allowing Health Insurance to be bought across state lines sounds like a swell idea until you look at what will happen. Like the credit card companies most insurance companies will move to the most unregulated states which will allow them to pretty much charge what they want resulting in hiring premiums and less coverage. And yes Bush did pass Medicare Drug benefits but as we see today it didn’t go far enough, also I would like to add that when that was going on whether you agree with it or not there wasn’t any shouting of Socialism or out of control spending like we see today. I mean at least today we see call for paying for what we are going to spend on this Health Care reform unlike that policy which was just expected to be a permanent public expense.)

    *Not to be rude, but this is like reading all talking points. More choice, more competition, less monopolies (you are against monopolies, aren’t you) will produce a better result. If I can choose between 20 different companies instead of the three I am stuck with now, I have a better chance of getting what I want for the price I want. Your plan is one size fits all.*

    (For you comments on Death Panels, Illegal aliens, and abortions I will suggest you check out such non-partisan sites like or NOT TRUE….No as far as the fines and stuff I am really not for those I am for a public option that is Robust enough to include all that cant afford plans that way we do not need to worry about fines and penalties. And if you don’t think Rationing doesn’t already take place you are living in a fantasy land because it does, and I would love to know what Obama has “lied” about in my opinion he really hasn’t said enough about the proposals out there, and has far as the “fortune” it will cost I am going to go out on a limb and guess you supported the war un-necessary war in Iraq and the continuing of the war in Afghanistan which will put the spending for those at over a trillion. How about instead of sending another 40,000 troops which will cost over another 300 billion we invest that in ourselves to help provide better health care insurance and coverage. But I will leave discussions about the wars to another time.)

    *More liberal talking points, I see. Non-partisan? BHWAHAHAHA! I do my own reading, thank you, and have the ability to think as well. The legislation says ‘US citizens only’, but then it says ‘No ID checks or questions to determine citizenship allowed’. This tells me that illegals are covered, and what fantasy are you in that keeps people from lying for their own benefit? Yes, the other stuff is the same way – the big print gives and the small print takes away. It’s nice that you aren’t for fines, too bad your favored legislation isn’t, huh? Yes, rationing exists and will always exist. Too bad Mr. Correia didn’t claim otherwise, which takes away a handy strawman. I’ll keep this to healthcare, unlike you.*

    (Yeah your right Americans should be worried they should research and look into this, but they should start to really worry if nothing is done. Are a lot of politicians corrupt no doubt about it, but this health care reform as a whole will help us all in one way or another whether it is by lower premiums or help some finally being able to get insurance coverage. )

    *Yep, don’t worry, those corrupt politicians know what’s best for us! Sure, sure. Here’s your glass of Kool-aid.*

    (March 23, 2003: Army Sgt. Hasan Akbar tosses grenades into three tents and then fires a rifle at Camp Pennsylvania in Kuwait, killing one and injuring 14. Akbar later receives death sentence.)

    *Sorry, but this is getting way too long. Here’s an example that backfires on you, though.*

    ( How bout man it Pittsburgh who killed three Police officers because he lost his job and feared the Obama Admin would ban Guns, and didn’t like his rights being “infringed” on. Sounds like a right winger to me but I didn’t hear the word terrorist there)

    * There you go, the Director of Homeland Security views people like Correia and I as potential terrorists. Thank you for playing.*

    ( Yeah if the curve is keep everything headed down the path to destruction like the past 8 years, backlash..hmm…that’s why the majority of Americans still support Obama.. Weird huh)

    * Speaking of curves, plot those and tell me the slope.*

    ( Wow and you guys wonder why you are in the minority we Dems would be happy to work with you on everything if you were actually rational!)

    *Nice non-answer there. Your statements show a disconnect from reality in favor of a liberal fantasy. Interesting definition of rational. Yes, your BS call is in fact BS. Surprise, surprise!*

  17. Healthcare provided by the government is madness. Has everyone forgotten the Tuskeegee Syphillis Study? How about the downwinders? Do you idiot democrats really think that we are all dumb enough to let a government who could do things like that run the whole system? Piss on you, it’s far better that people take of themselves independent of the government instead of becoming involuntary guinnea pigs for the latest government experiment.

    1. For a current demonstration of how the government runs health care, take a look at the VA Hospitals.

      The government seems to be incapable of effectively running hospitals for veterans, so how on earth do we expect them to do a better job nationwide?

  18. “Obama is the Boy Band of Politics….” I love the analogy. I posted it on Facebook with a link to this page. It’s nice to find some sanity every once in a while! I can’t wait for Nov 2010. I predict some of our politicians will be out of a job. If there’s enough uproar over the healthcare bill, it’ll be defunded. Isn’t that why Gitmo isn’t closing within a year as promised by Obama – not enough funds to wrap it up?? Ah, there really is Hope for America!

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