David Eddings has died


I just heard about this. He was 77 years old.

One of the very first fantasy series I ever read was his Belgariad, and one of my favorites of all time was the Elhenium. (sp?).  Sparhawk was one of my favorite characters. I believe I read those for the first time when I was about 14 or 15 years old. David Eddings is one of the authors that caught my young imagination and made me want create my own worlds some day.

He was a talented man.

Jellyfish prepare to invade England
It is Sotomeyor, just say it in English

4 thoughts on “David Eddings has died”

  1. Man, that sucks. Eddings was one of my favorite authors as well. I just finished re-reading both the Belgariad/Mallorean and Elenium/Tamuli series a couple of months ago, too.

  2. Another sad day to lose such a talented writer. I think I have read just about everything he has written. I’m currently rereading the Belfariad/Mallorean for the, o I don’t know twenty fifth time. he will be missed

  3. I read both Belgariad and Mallorean when I was 16. Loved them a ton, back then. Couldn’t get into his later series, as they seemed veiled copies of the first two. Also couldn’t read Belgariad and Mallorean as an adult, the magic seemed gone. Still, the memories of teen reading remain. Was happy I paid the price for the books back then, and donated both series to the community library at work.

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