Heart of the Mountain, available now in eBook and Hardcover

Today is the release day for the sixth and final book in the Saga of the Forgotten Warrior series. Heart of the Mountain is out now in eBook and hardcover (audio is on the way).

Please tell your friends, and once you’ve read it post a review and let me know what you think. I’ve been working on toward this ending for ten years. 😀

A Note About Me Writing For Multiple Publishing Houses

23 thoughts on “Heart of the Mountain, available now in eBook and Hardcover”

  1. It’s garbage.

    Just kidding, I haven’t started it yet. My timing was a bit off when I selected my previous book, but I decided to finish it first. This series is probably the best thing Larry’s ever written, so I’m sure it’s going to be good.

  2. First time posting from a long-time lurker but I had to say something. Got the Kindle version last night and read it in a single sitting. It. Was. Awesome. Albeit bittersweet. I absolutely loved the final scene – nice bookend to the beginning. Although I’d be fascinated to know just how many years later that might have been….It also was fun to see certain characters spread their wings – surprisingly in some cases. And to see how certain other characters were…rewarded. Or not, as the case may be. That was a great ride – completely awesome series and I’ll be going back to re-read it many times again. Thank you Larry!

  3. Way to stick the fucking landing! Just read the final chapter in HOTM.

    Thank you for giving us this series, Larry. I enjoyed it from the very beginning and you gave us just about everything we could’ve asked for in the final book of the series.

    Keep doing what you’re doing!

  4. I received it yesterday, finished it last night. Magnificent! I see why book 5 became books 5 and 6 to tie up all the loose ends. Totally worth it.

    But I am sorry the series is over. This cannot be the end of that literary universe. There is a TON of stuff to continue writing about. Can we get some prequel novels? Maybe some short stories by other authors about those “many years” between the last two chapters?

    1. I just ordered Heart of the Mountain. I have yet to start Graveyard of Demons, but I may start that this weekend and hopefully finish that and start HotM as soon as it shows up. Hand down, my favorite series to read in years. Even got my dad and brothers to read the first 3/4 books .Can’t wait for my copy to show up. I prefer an actual book that I can loan out over a digital copy.

      But what I wanted to say was that I also agree with MM. You have an entire awesome world that still has stories to tell and if you don’t have the time to tell them, I’m sure you’ve got some friends that would! Thanks Larry for a story with a beginning, middle and end!

  5. Ughmeingott.

    Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 yesterday.
    Heart of the Mountain today.
    Early release of Civilization 7 tomorrow.

    This is the all-afternoon-and-into-evening Thanksgiving dinner for the mind. I am bloated with awesomeness (with cautious optimism for Civ7).

  6. Bought the Kindle version. Was enjoying it until the first chapter with Jagdish — it is scrambled. I flip a page and find myself reading part of the previous page. And there are gaps in the narrative. SERIOUS TECHNICAL PROBLEMS.


    1. I’ve had an issue with a Kindle book getting garbled before. What worked as a fix was removing it from the device and re-downloading.

      Might be worth a try before contacting Amazon support.

    1. Geez Larry, the feels in the closing couple of chapters. I was actually tearing up in the last one. Good job, man.

  7. Absolutely the best six book trilogy I’ve ever read! A very satisfying conclusion which feels complete. However, if somehow there were further stories down the road, that would feel completely natural as well.

  8. Loved the entire series! Setting was very interesting. Don’t see many books with an Indian motif. Characters awesome, black steel is cool, and the 1,000 year plan wasn’t what I expected! Thanks for all your work on this series and others!

  9. Got it, read it, done. Have three comments, but will wait until people have a chance to read it and see if the first two are addressed by other readers. I hate people who spoil the adventure for others, don’t wanna be that guy. Comment three is just that it’s nice to have a series that has closure, but Ashok seemed to be a fun character to write. Sad that this is the end, but what a fun ride! Ty!

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