The Current State of the Cannibal Feeding Frenzy

-Jack here. This needed to be archived…

So now the Hugo controversy cannibal feeding frenzy gets even better, where it comes out that the King Chorf they’re gonna blame it all on to make him the sacrificial goat to take away their sins has sexual harassment allegations against him too. Because of course he does.

Okay, a few things to note for my amusement.

First off, I told you so. 😀

Next, we all know this bullshit ain’t the fault of a couple of administrators. Being censorious, manipulative assholes has been part of WorldCon’s basic culture for a long time.

A lot of libs are crying about this. Oh well. I tried to warn you.

With these email leaks, note how it was already enshrined in WorldCon’s culture how to investigate authors for political wrongthink so they could be punished or excluded. That didn’t suddenly spring into being for the first time when the Chinese came along. They already had the methodology to fuck authors with the wrong beliefs down because they’d been doing it for a long time.

A clique of connected, politically aligned insiders turned what was supposed to be an award representing all of fandom into their personal little playground, where they could be horrific bastards to anybody who wasn’t part of their clique to drive them out. I demonstrated that to the world years ago, and their response was to double down and make it even worse.

All that happened this time was our amateur statist authoritarians ran into their professional statist authoritarians. Hilarity ensued.

Fandom observers are currently recoiling in horror that the awards are A. given for politics and connection rather than the quality of work itself. B. don’t actually represent all of fandom, but rather one narrow clique of assholes who made it their own little playground while pretending it was still for everyone.

All I can say to those people is… well duh.

When me and my friends exposed that, you all plugged your ears and covered your eyes while chant screaming “RACISSSSS SEXISSSS” over and over again, until we just said fuck it and bailed, leaving you to spiral into your inevitable doom.

Now, a note on how their chosen sacrificial goat suddenly and reliably has sexual harassment allegations… from clear back in 2011!

When I upset the Chorfs, they immediately combed through everything I’ve ever done or said. The Guardian (which is allegedly a British newspaper) even crowdsourced a witch hunt to go through all of my books, internet posts, and blogging clear back to the dawn of the internet looking for some sins to cancel me with. Something. Anything… They came up with nada.

So instead they fabricated a bunch of nonsense about how I was a racist sexist monster trying to keep women and minorities out of publishing… by nominating a bunch of women and minorities for their sainted award? (which in the prior year had been won by 14 white liberals and 1 Asian liberal and so they hailed it as a “triumph of diversity”) Yeah, it doesn’t make a lot of sense, but it is about narrative not reality with these fucks.

When an outsider threatened their status quo, they went out of their way to malign and destroy me. They had coordinated press coverage in a dozen different entertainment websites and magazines all repeating this same narrative. And even though after I busted out the lawyers and threatened libel lawsuits and the chickenshit outfits like Entertainment Weekly put retractions on their dumb articles, that foul stuff lingers to this day. Anything I do I have to listen to that same tired shit from the stupid gullible types and malicious liars.

And they didn’t just do it to me. They harassed the shit out of all my friends and threatened the careers of everybody I got nominated. Then George Martin threw a party for everybody who caved in to the bullies.

Only when it comes to being bullies, the Chairman Xi is way better at it than you’ll ever be. 😀 (well, maybe not Mary 3 Names. I’m actually surprised the ChiComs didn’t offer her a job with the secret police)

But now, the anointed scape goat, who these same cadre of assholes have decided will take the blame for their entire rotten culture, has sexual harassment allegations from 14(!) years ago, and these allegations weren’t ever a secret? And that wasn’t an issue for you fuckers before now? Only now that it is convenient and you need a bad guy for your hubris it becomes a thing?

Lol. 😀 You dorks.

An amusing side note on that. Of the loudest puppy kickers who screamed about my racist misogyny a decade ago, I think about a dozen of them have since been canceled for being gropy, rapey, sleazy, perverts. Go figure. Nice bunch y’all got over there. 😀

So anyways, I’ve just got to say that this whole sham has been wonderful to watch, and I’m having a wonderful time enjoying the same cadre of vapid fucks who made excuses for why it was good to exclude authors for politics years ago, freaking out and clutching their pearls about how excluding authors for politics is super bad now that the shoe is on the other foot.

Especially as every time this is getting discussed somewhere there’s an exchange that goes like- “hey, isn’t this exactly what Larry Correia/Sad Puppies was talking about when–” “OMG NO THAT WAS TOTALLY DIFFERENT REEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!11”

You have destroyed your legacy. You are a lumbering corpse. Everybody knows it. Plus, your scam where you just hide from all criticism by crying sexist is played out. You are all trash.
You sowed the wind. Now reap that whirlwind. 😀

Update 2/21/24:

As I’m enjoying the utter destruction of the Hugos, my friend who likes to keep up on the Vile 666/Cameltoe crowd (dude must be a masochist) pointed something fun out to me this morning.

Normally, those douchebags spy on everything I write and whenever I say anything even sorta controversial they quote me for hate clicks from their audience of angry inbred dipshit communist troglodytes.

“Tellingly, neither Glyer nor Cammy have mentioned the reactions of the former Puppies to the news. And normally everything you guys say and do is fodder for their blogs.”


I wonder why. 😀

Meanwhile, John Scalzi is screaming at people that he will not “re-litigate Sad Puppies” and immediately blocking anyone who points out Larry Was Right.

Gee whiz. I wonder why? Could it be because those assholes were okay with this kinda shit when it was them and their publishing house benefiting from the political games, but when it’s done on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party THEN it’s bad?

I voted for the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party, but I never thought the leopards would eat MY face!

Sorry, dummies, I tried to warn you.

The sad part is, the ChiComs just manipulated the game, business as usual for them, it’s nothing personal, because that’s what they do. The CHORFs were petty dicks while they did it. China just fucked authors. You assholes fucked authors and CELEBRATED it. Even the genocidal Chinese secret police have too much dignity to make wooden assholes. The Chinese had some politically unacceptable authors silenced. You fuckers gleefully lied to try and destroy careers of anyone who stepped even slightly out of line while crowing about how righteous you were even as your pet weirdo deviant perverts bullied and threatened women. I think I might actually respect Xi Jingping more than George R.R. Martin, which is a really low bar, but damn, you guys fucking suck.
The world knows Larry was right and I’m fucking loving it. Quote that, you gravy-blooded hypocrite sack of whale blubber. 😀

update 2/26/24: I’m going to keep adding the updates here instead of making a new post in order to keep all the comments in this one place. – Jack

Lol. I told you these little scumbags spy on everything I say. 😀 (they are so incredibly easy to bait)

But let’s take a look at the janky disingenuous response from one unctuous parasite, shared by the fatter, dumber parasite. Glyers like some kind of bulky tape worm, and Cameltoe is one of those fish who get stuck in urethras. I don’t know. Whatever.  

To sum up this example of the typical intellectual honesty we’ve come to expect from Cameltoe Feppledouche-

First off, I’m obviously not “cross”, you wanker. To everybody watching this unfold, I’ve clearly been gleeful at the public disgrace and shaming of you mopes. Me and my friends have basically been sending each other links for the last couple months going “LOOK AT THIS! HAHAHAH!” as these morons have been screaming and floundering, then we high five each other.

On that note I wonder how many comments Scalzi has had to delete for posting #LarryWasRight ? 😀

Now, for Carnalsnob’s actual rebuttal: Years ago Larry said that a clique of insiders had taken an award that was supposed to be for all fandom and turned it into their own little personal playground where they were justified in excluding any outsiders they felt like because of their politics. But this time a clique of insiders has taken an award that was supposed to be for all fandom and turned it into their own little personal playground where they were justified in excluding any outsiders they felt like because of their politics… which as you can see is TOTALLY DIFFERENT.

(as I summed up previously, the biggest difference is that the Chinese were coldly proficient and they stomped on the American liberals, while the American liberals were absolute pricks as they openly stomped on the American conservatives. For the Chinese, this was just business, nothing personal, to our petty chorfs this was deeply personal and they delighted in being as viscious and cruel as possible)

I do love how every single thing this twit ever says is some kind of twisted lie-

Like I thought there was a “vast number of (Tor) employees”?

On the contrary, Mr. CamelStrawMan (see what I did there?) It was my getting to see the actual result stats after Reno that showed me a few as a DOZEN votes could swing whole categories, and my cruel auditor brain realized just how tiny, insular, and petty this game was, which was the moment I decided that somebody needed to screw with it! Duh! This moron wrote a book (which literally nobody read) about this so he knows better.
He left off the part that I also predicted that EXACTLY this would happen the day they announced WorldCon was going to be held in communist China (and you dorks responding by screeching THATS RACISSS!) I’ve loved watching this train wreck. In this case it was a train carrying toxic waste that derailed into a sewage treatment plant, and I want you to know, Cammy and Pearl, that I will continue to take great joy in your suffering. 🙂

'You Should Be Writing'
A new anthology of MHI stories, from the Czech Republic!

114 thoughts on “The Current State of the Cannibal Feeding Frenzy”

  1. What’s the context here? This reads like a random rant in response to a phantom butthurt relapse from a decade ago…

    1. How much time do you want to spend on this? (Seriously).

      The tl;dr version is:

      1. China wins big (under suspicious circumstances) to host WorldCon, where the Hugos are voted on and awarded.

      2. Certain works by authors were suddenly declared ineligible to be voted on, such as one by a Chinese writer whose family left China when she was a child, and Neil Gaiman.

      So a group of leftists who took control of the Hugos found themselves censored by the leftists who rule China.

      The irony is delicious, no?

      A condensed version of the story from Gizmodo can be found here:

      Chris M. Barkley and Jason Sanford posted a longer version, supplemented by email leaks, on their Patreon page. Googling “The 2023 Hugo Awards: A Report on Censorship and Exclusion” should help you find it.

      1. Oh No Bill, it’s BETTER Than That. The Leftists who took control of the Hugos DID THE CENSORING, WITHOUT Direction from the CCP, then, when they got called on their fuckery, they (And no, I’m neither joking or being Hyperbolic) actually had the audacity to use the “I was only following Orders” Defense. In response, several people who DID receive Hugos have apparently sent them back in out of disgust.

        1. Those guys who sent them back lost pretty much nothing, but they gained some genuine self-respect and respect from others

    2. Last year’s worldcon was in China. The western half of the Hugo committee purged candidates who might have done something to offend the Chinese govt. Someone in the outer part of the operation leaked all her email on the subject after the basic story broke. At the moment the biggest unknown if if they decided to do it on their own, or were pressured by the Chinese ConCom. (The leaker wasn’t in the loop for conversations with them, and couldn’t provide any information on that.)

      1. Larry totally called his reaction:


        Behold, my field of fscks is totally barren for these idiots.

        “Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There’s pineapple schadenfreude, lemon schadenfreude, coconut schadenfreude, pepper schadenfreude, schadenfreude soup, schadenfreude stew, schadenfreude salad, schadenfreude and potatoes, schadenfreude burger, schadenfreude sandwich.”

          1. Yes!

            Schadenfreude cakes, cookies, tarts, muffins, rolls, doughnuts, and eclairs as well.

      2. Scalzi sounds perfectly reasonable. Sucks that this happened, good that we know, hopefully will be fixed in future.

          1. Gena’s cope is like that of a person who loudly boasted of extraordinary feats of sportsball prowess, and then went on to utterly fail- even showing an obvious utter lack of knowledge, experience, or ability. After which they then began to spout a fountain of excuses, each more and more implausible.
            It’s a beautiful thing, really, and adds that special something to the obvious humiliation by self-own of Worldcom.
            Please do continue.

        1. “Sucks that this happened”.
          Exactly. Well put.
          However, what is “this” and how did it “happen”?
          “Someone did something”. We all know what we mean.
          Life is unfair, in general. Unspecified bad things “happen” and it “sucks”.
          Too bad some unmentionable unpersons had to resign because of this happening.
          Now we move on, tighten ranks, and remember nobody is really at fault. Except for Larry Correia.

      3. China’s just good enough of an excuse for the mainstream, rather than actually blaming their own long existing corruption and incompetence

        It’s taking awhile, but people are slowly waking up not just to the Chinese but the other technocrats who meet up a lot and pretend to NOT be about money and power and control

        If Karma hit harder, you’d probably find that those WorldCon guys who were associating themselves with the CCP had eaten street food while in China…’s MUCH more dangerous a food than you’d think…..they use literal sewage/gutter oil for cheap cooking

        1. First you see a video of a woman having her child piss in a drain in the public street. Then you see a video of another woman straining that same sewer for ””oil”” to use for cooking.

          China in a nutshell.

      4. It’s interesting to know, but part of the reason the Chinese have these “police stations” outside of their countries

        Is to pressure Chinese Expatriates to return

        There’s a bit of a cultural divide amongst Chinese Expats

        One is still quite loyal to the CCP and probably left only for a foreign nations’ economy and to do with jobs there

        The other didn’t leave China just because of economic problems, hell, the reason they left was because of how bad the culture and Orwellian controls had gotten

        The latter are practically traitors

        And with China having slowly increasing under population problems, I can expect leaving the nation to become a crime of sorts

        China as promoted by Klaus Schwab is the ideal nation….if so I think alongside other problems like the West has. The rest of the world will be following the worst of their trends. Sri Lanka didn’t survive ESG so well, who’s next on the list?

        1. And with China having slowly increasing under population problems
          That’s not why it’s done, however. The pressure exerted on ex-pats is because you can never truly leave the Chinese Empire. Remember that the Emperor was Emperor of the World according to the Chinese. And anyone who wandered out into the larger world was still Chinese – no matter what passport they held.

          The communists kept that part of the culture when they took over from the Emperor.

          It’s not an exclusively Chinese idea, but I think they took it to its extreme ends.

          1. There’s that too

            The CCP in a way, just like the Republic it killed, are another in a line of bizarrely centralized authoritarian dynasties

            China’s a civilizational state that manages to control such large masses of territory, partially due to geography, for long periods of time

            Compare with the more chaotic European nations

            You can see why the Chinese Dynasties thought themselves rulers of the world, it’s only now possible to establish One World Government with modern technologies, whereas the Chinese managed something close for many millennia

          2. It’s also an expression of the Han identity.

            They literally consider themselves the only humans, the Middle Kingdom.

            Above them are the celestial powers.

            Below them are the hybrids and rejects from the Middle Kingdom, who bred with animals and other things.

            Yes, deep down they actually feel this way. No matter how good or great or fantastic you are, the least of them is better because they’re pure humans.

        2. Take a look at what the WEF have been up to with regards to destroying farming in Western nations. We’re ALL next on the list.

          1. Not just you Westerners

            Look at Sri Lanka and their attempt to go fully “organic” with their farming

            Trust me, I’ve look into to business meetings and seminars where I am….lots go on about ESG and DEI and how they’re doing them

            We’re not even a first world nation, and we already have lots of useful idiots with useless degrees in our colleges

            This is almost all flowing from your Western Elites however

            Expect for police in poorer African Nations to start extortion rackets when they see their population using wood branches and/or trash to make fire

            I am gonna get no AI programs in the future will run on nuclear energy, just coal….which they’ll keep saying they’ll replace with “renewables”

            Give it time, while lots of shit flows from the West to everywhere else

            Some “good shit” flows too….I expect trends like men not going to college spreading from the West to everywhere else

      1. They could get better quality trolling from an AI running on a 8 bit machine with a cassette interface. Probably better quality books and short stories too.

        They could reduce the amount of food and body fluids trapped in their keyboards by using voice recognition to attempt the prompt “engineering” if the hormone treatments haven’t increased the error rate…

    3. Do you think that saying you don’t know the context but then including the words “phantom butthurt” in your question might lead people to believe that you are not actually questioning in good faith?

      Way to have an open mind. Might want to read up a bit on the history of the Hugos and their commitment to ensuring that no one without the correct political leanings was ever awarded anything.

    4. Your ignorance isn’t my problem.
      And if you think this is “phantom butthurt” you’re probably too stupid to help, because this is the opposite. I’m fucking gleeful right now. 😀

      1. We think similarly about each other then. Not surprised that you feel gleeful or you tell yourself you do: an enemy of my enemy is my friend, right, Larry? So you’re siding with China. Good going, dude!

        I’m not surprised: Hugos beat your ass in your attempt to disrupt, so you’re celebrating that someone succeeded where you failed.

        All good. We’ll see what happens to Hugos. But I think it’ll be alright. 😉

        1. Okay, now I’m sure you’re arguing in bad faith. If you actually think that Larry is siding with China, you’re an idiot. That “I told you so” up there? It was, “I told you China can’t be trusted, and you idiots didn’t listen.”

          But in fact, I don’t think you’re an idiot. I think you’re an intelligent person. Which is worse for you, because if you’re not an idiot, then you don’t actually think Larry was siding with China. Which means you’re a liar. That is the worst insult I can give to anyone, to call them a liar.

          Now, you can retract your statement and say, “Okay, I admit Larry wasn’t siding with China.” Or you can try to persuade me that your statement was true, which would be equivalent to persuading me that you’re an idiot. But either way, unless you retract that statement that you should know to be false, I’ll know to treat your arguments as coming from either an idiot or a liar, and either way, not to be trusted.

          1. It’s Troll Act #4: The Three I’s
            Ignorant, Innocent, and Insulting.

            “That kid’s about as sharp as a pound of wet liver”

            Maybe he wants an asterisk for his effort?

          2. He says: “I’m fucking gleeful right now” right there. China managed to harm a venerable institution in SF, and Larry is happy about that. If that is not siding with them I don’t know what is.

          3. Except the wankers running WorldCon murdered that ‘venerable institution’ nearly 30 years ago and have been parading around in its rotting skin suit ever since. Larry is gleeful that their travesty has been turned back on them using their own methods. So is anybody who witnessed Sad Puppies, and understood what was going on.

          4. If you don’t know why he was gleeful, you may not have scrolled back up and read the update (I know I missed it yesterday). Specifically the end where he says, “The world knows Larry was right and I’m fucking loving it” and follows it up by an insult aimed at, I assume from context, Mike Glyer.

            Anyway, not that you’ll change your mind having read the update. But I thought you should know it’s there, because it does actually explain why your 6:42 PM post (the first one I replied to) was, in fact, factually incorrect.

          5. Gena said,

            “He says: “I’m fucking gleeful right now” right there. China managed to harm a venerable institution in SF, and Larry is happy about that. If that is not siding with them I don’t know what is.”

            It’s called “rooting for injuries”, sweetie.

          6. China managed to harm a venerable institution in SF
            Setting aside dubious claims about venerability, it’s pretty disingenuous to claim that it was China that harmed the institution, when what was revealed was that members and leaders of WorldCon were the ones who voluntarily censored to avoid possibly offending ChiCom sensabilities. Remember, back in the actual time of the puppies, there were a lot of people who insisted that there’s no way people were or could be discriminated against in terms of political position. Many claimed that was a lie, and not possible for the disparate people behind WorldCon to expel conservative authors. This experience has clearly proven any claim that WorldCon execs would never collude was a clear lie.

          7. Gena is blaming China. But did China put a gun to Worldcom’s head and force them to hold their convention in the PRC?
            No? Then was Worldcom utterly ignorant of the decades of human rights abuses by the government of the PRC when they made that decision? Was Worldcom ignorant of the history of severe restrictions on free speech or the insistence of their government on regular censorship? (Hint- they’re not THAT stupid or poorly informed). Even a quick click on Human Rights Watch shows a lot of repression. One would think that a group that prides itself on being Socially Conscious would do a 1 minute Google search.

          8. I too was not happy that they chose China, so much so that I gave up on following this year’s con. There will be another year. I’m not happy at all that they did, and about what happened there but shit happens.

            As for sad puppies comments: as Larry likes to say, it’s a spectator sport: I was actually encouraged by the outcome. The Hugo system and community turned out to be resilient to the bad actors. I saw an attempt to game the system that failed.

            I also enjoyed the back and fourth between Larry and George Martin at the time, and I saw Larry’s whiny ass handed to him by George in a gentlemanly manner. Others might have seen something else, whatever.

          9. I saw Larry’s whiny ass handed to him by George in a gentlemanly manner. Others might have seen something else, whatever.

            This claim is even more ridiculous than the rest of your claims. George Martin both failed to actually attack Larry’s positions, often attacking either Straw Larry, or Vox Dei (rabid puppies founder who got into things after Larry started with the objective of burning down SWFA due to personal issues).

            More damningly in winning an argument, GRRM failed to defend his positions. Reminder – GRRM first said that the awards were open to all fans, then proceeded to continually redefine what fan meant until he basically admitted, yes I only want my fans and the ones who have been participating before “casual” fans got involved with Worldcon/Hugos so you all should go back to where you came from and make your own award.

            If by winning you mean eventually admitting that the other person was right, sure GRRM “won” the debate with Larry.

            In terms of gentlemanly, GRRM revealed himself to be nothing of the sort with his wooden asterisks that he handed out to everyone. A gentleman would never have done what he did through all of the debate – straw man, unperson and then when his side no awarded everyone, handing out the wooden asterisks to claim that nobody deserved being nominated. If you honestly believe that this is gentlemanly, well, you need to relearn what being a gentleman means.

        2. Gena Kekarzev, you are a fucking moron. Haven’t seen anyone else say it that bluntly, so I will. Go back to being a potato (Joe Biden).

        3. To quote Schlock Mercenaries “My enemy’s enemy is my enemy’s enemy, nothing more, nothing less.” Larry is happy to see both groups cover themselves with stinking, fetid feces. The amusing part of this is that every reader of MHN saw right through your initial post and realized the disingenuousness of your post. People are accusing you of being potentially ignorant, but in reality you are massively ignorant for thinking your passive aggressive question wouldn’t reveal the depths of your moral deficiency.

        4. Wow, that’s some wold class stupid you’ve got going there.

          1: Larry’s laughing at the scumbag lefties who are getting what they gave. That doesn’t mean he’s siding with the people who are giving the lefties their own dose. moron.

          2: Worldcon had to change the rules to “beat” Larry, and in the process burned their reputation down to the ground, and led to the creation of the Dragon Awards, which have taken the place of the Hugos when it comes to “Award that causes people to buy and read books”.

          You might want to take your real butthurt someplace where it won’t get added to, loser.

  2. I believe it was Jezebel of all places that noted Male Feminist Ally = Creepy Handsy Perv a bit before the whole Sad Puppies affair.
    Time has shown that it’s prevalent enough to be a red flag for the ladies to look for.

    1. ” Male Feminist Ally = Creepy Handsy Perv a bit before the whole Sad Puppies affair.”

      umm, yeah, I think the movie “Forrest Gump” kinda called that out a wee bit before Jezebel.

    2. A bit of a theory, but from what I can tell, most “male feminists” are also liberals and even liberal news media noted that they have lower testosterone levels than conservatives….so they’re not just perverts. They’re desperate perverts with really bad jawlines and terrible physiques.

      The line between them and outright Incels is very thin, especially if their testosterone levels are checked

      Give it a few years, both are likely to do some TransMaxxing to compensate

    1. The puppies and the non-cliche fans are lapping up the delicious tears.

      Their karma finally got taken out by their dogma.

  3. For me, the Chinese world con stopped being relevant once I learned that Lukyanenko was a guest of honor. Granted, not many people who do not read Russian know who that is but 5 min googling should have been enough for anyone to stay away from any event hosting that guy’s nazi ass. He’s Putin’s lapdog and apologist, a moral equivalent of someone maybe a step away from Goebbels. You can find an actual recent video of him smiling at his interviewer suggesting that Ukrainian children should be just summarily killed.

    1. Putin has multiple Russian fiction authors in his inner circle somehow. Dmitry “Goblin” Puchkov is the son of a guy who trained North Korean soldiers, who used his bootleg translation and early (Quake I) e-sports journalism background to pivot into writing books and making (bad) video games based on those books. If the review/summary I’ve seen of two of his games is accurate, Goblin’s writing is… something.

    2. Sadly, the people with power in WorldCon not only though that inviting him was a BRILLIANT!!! idea, but also thought that the PRC was the perfect place to host the convention.

      Neither decision arrived out of thin air.

      1. If my guess is right, they have some WEF or ESG connections to some degree

        When it comes to big businesses, governments, academia and even religious organizations

        They don’t really need the citizenry, the customer base, the followers with some actual ethics and actual theology and so on

        They just need “connections” and “investments” to keep afloat

        Malevolent zombie companies, already dead but “living” to destroy everybody else

          1. That too, lots of them are doing it all for free, unfortunately

            It’s been said to be An Age of Mammon

            But I am pretty sure if it were, they’d be way way way more pragmatic about things and not too into obsessing over redefining right and wrong and going on about how “right” they are

            When the Technocrats and their many useless idiots’ present and future plans manage to make the typical Cyberpunk Dystopia look horrifying

            You know there’s something wrong

    3. Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are both World Economic Forum members

      Klaus Schwab openly praised them alongside his “young global leaders”…..who aren’t so young to begin with

      Thankfully, as far as I can tell, those two who hope to be the Hard Power to the WEF-ites Soft Power, are failing to do things like getting their own people to mate and actually produce lots of Tofu Dreg Projects/Products that are slowly getting their own people killed

      I wonder how all these Technocrats are gonna be remembered after the “Great Reset” fails

    4. What a bizarre comment (by G.K.).

      It’s very hard to take seriously people who yammer on about the existential totalitarian threat posed by Russia and its minions, but otherwise think communist China would be a fine place to hold a convention, let alone one that hosts nominations dependent on free speech and free association, freedoms inimical to communist China. How anyone could think associating with China is moral or reasonable, given that regime’s long and storied list of crimes is beyond me. Anyone with an ounce of sense would have immediately recognized that doing so was going to compromise this whole endeavor.

      Turning a story about China into one about Russia is a neat trick. Kind of like how some people can turn any story into one about Trump.

      1. Why anyone can think of China as being moral?

        Far as I can tell, these past two decades at least, we’ve been getting bombarded with the whole “China’s the fastest growing economy” and “China is the future” and “China is what we should imitate” by many technocrats whether they be politicians, businessmen and academia

        Hell, Pope Francis gave his approval, now the CCP choose their own Bishops

        It’s VERY out in the open that they’re genocidal psychopathic technocrats who spy on not just their citizens but the rest of the world

        But here’s the thing, they have no desire to apologize for anything

        It’s been said that the world’s losing more and more of its testosterone levels

        If so, even men will imitate women in some of the worst ways

        For example, lots of ladies go on and on about “toxic masculinity” and end up emasculating and even to varying degrees feminizing the men they are near, but they are oddly attracted to what May as well be outright unapologetic psychopaths

        The idea of the CCP’s rulership, is kinda like why so many ladies look to like/excuse Sharia Law….they got “spoiled” for long periods of time and they saw traditional examples of masculinity and not-so-intrusive levels of authority as being “weak”

        So they end up falling in love with what they mistake for “strength” and “maturity”….it also helps that thanks to guys like Klaus Schwab at WEF, the Chinese are highly promoted as an ideal business partner…..ignore the Tofu Dreg projects and spyware and IP being stolen and willingness to backstab even guys like Elon Musk

      2. China might be a mass murdering slave state but they didn’t descend to the evil of ‘stealing’ an election Hillary was ‘owed’

  4. Do you think we’ve reached the point where association with WorldCon is a social negative in the middle left, or will they be able to sweep it under their goat?

    1. It’s a “Time of Plenty”

      Whether it be large businesses, corporations, academia, fandoms or even religious institutions

      If you’re a big group, at some point you don’t need your core audience, your core customer base, your actual believers with surprisingly real principles and morals, your actual fanboys etc

      WorldCon alongside other organizations can maintain “popularity” at least when it comes to the Mainstream Media and more “fanatical and political” fans who defend corruption and censorship because their politics demand they choose a side and be “mature”

      So, think of it as a yes and no

      It’s “popular” because the mainstream says so and outside of bots, you gotta deal with fans who decide their politics are more important than the actual effects

      On the other side, it’s actually VERY unpopular, when people get to tell the truth on how they feel and also reflects on the customer base

      Think of it like a dystopic future wherein you’re told to give up all your gold and even cryptocurrency and exchange it for a CBDC.

      The news goes on and on about how “smart and logical” it is to use the CBDC, political pressure and government forces alongside compromised corporates etc enforce said narrative….you get people to actually tell the truth on how they feel and you will find the opposite or find that the opinion changes when the pressure is gone

      It’s still a “time of plenty”….when they start running out of other people’s money is when the veneer of being “popular” disappears

  5. I haven’t forgiven their no-award votes in 2015, and their total disrespect to Toni Weisskopf.

    IMO Vox didn’t go nearly hard enough with Rabid Puppies.

    1. Even though both of them mocked these idiots, Larry and Vox got busy being creative and productive, giving their readers content to enjoy, instead of simping for the land whales and rainbow-haired cat ladies of dubious literately taste.

      1. Instead of getting into a perpetual Writer’s Block, it’s admirable that Larry doesn’t just stick to one series

        As bizarre as it sounds, I think it’s what keeps his creative gears going

        I am betting that GRRM’s skills have atrophied from years of disuse and disinterest in actually finishing ASOIAF… he doesn’t need to, for a man who grew up poor, he’s got more time and money than he knows what to do with and likely doesn’t even like the art form anymore

        1. He’s more interested in living the Hollywood high life now. Gets to feel important as a producer on a big budget GoT show, likely makes even more money than his books ever did, and even gets to talk down to us plebs.

          He’s never finishing the books.

          1. I don’t think he even has that much input to begin with. Otherwise seasons 5-8 wouldn’t feel so f-ing random and like badly written “wish fulfillment” with no sense on how to properly “get there” or what to do when they “get there”

            Remember, Hollywood and other big entertainment industries are essentially ran by a bunch of guys who insert lots of random changes

            So it’s “Development Hell” by default, regardless of it even taking a few months to 2 years to make a film

            Why are so many movies in spite of having such big budgets that could feed more than a couple of families, so expensive?

            Too many “directors” in play who want a piece of the pie and wanting to appear smart/creative

            GRRM isn’t prepared at all for Hollywood’s own “game of thrones”, nor does he wish to work on it let alone his own books…..he just wants to be there

            The question is, did he ever have pride and love for writing fiction?

            Like seriously, I get this feeling that this passion is being lost more and more from the West. Do they even like the stuff? Why are they even there?

    1. I think – and, please, anybody, correct me if I’m wrong – that the head CHORF is Dave McCarty. Also – and again, please correct me if I’m wrong- the “Mary 3 Names” who is also alluded to is Mary Robinette Kowal.

      1. No idea one way or the other on the head CHORF, but I can confirm that “Mary Three Names” refers to Mary Robinette Kowal. Larry (and several other people) have used that nickname lots of times before.

    2. I am riduculously late on this, but WorldCon blundered into a minefield. Larry just brought a three-wood and a bucket of Titleists…

  6. “All that happened this time was our amateur statist authoritarians ran into their professional statist authoritarians.”

    This is the money quote.

    What did they think was going to happen?

    1. What did they think was going to happen?
      The leftist mindset has few if any actual values. What they do have are ‘positions’ on
      issues that help them to grab and hold power.
      And power is what really motivates them.
      But they have to portray themselves as paragons of virtue.
      So sometimes they unwittingly back themselves into a corner by all their distortions and contortions of reality.
      So like Larry, I am enjoying the parade, of their charade, coming undone.

      1. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again

        It’s a “Time of Plenty”, their power base stands on the success of decades to generations past

        All of this ESG stuff is unlikely to truly turn a profit, it’s about cornering and controlling the world economy

        That most of the countries run on a fiat currency that isn’t backed by anything like gold, makes it so that people have been borrowing against the future to fuel the present

        The bad side effects of doing so, are slowly gonna catch up to the world, unless they can outproduce what they borrowed against

        Many of these industries, at least the more mainstream and larger and connected ones, are Zombies

        They can only survive off what successes were made before, whilst scaring away both the customer base and guys with actual skill and work ethic and perhaps even some actual morals in play

        Word of advice, as much as you may enjoy laughing at this stuff, it’s a prelude to a big worldwide economic disaster

        Think of how Sri Lanka stopped their usage of fertilizer due to wanting to appease Larry Fink’s ESG score, multiple that by a million

    2. If I recall correctly we all laughed hysterically and told them -exactly- what was going to happen. And now here we are, its happened just the way we said it would, and they are still trying to pretend we are the bad guys.

      Like that kid we all knew that had to be rescued by the fire department because he stuck his tongue to the flagpole. We told him not to do it, we told him he was a moron, we explained the full scientific reality of the tongue/flagpole thing, and some people even provided graphic and quite disgusting pictures of tougue-ectomy, tongue frostbite and etc.

      Then he friggin’ well stuck his tongue on the flagpole anyway.

      Maybe if we pants them this time, they’ll remember for next time. Because the only think worse than being stuck to the flagpole is being stuck there with no pants.

      1. I think people were being warned of China for years, especially their economic domination/manipulation

        How there’s more and more jobs/industries in places like the USA being lost to China

        Right now, they’re just focusing on Russia, because China’s got too much cash to get the attention that would result in people not wanting anything to do with it

        China’s the soft power to Russia’s hard power

        Though, both are definitely experiencing Western-esque populations such as: an increase in MGTOW equivalents, more people avoiding higher education, more people choosing not to engage in the corporate Rat Race, declining birth rates, lower testosterone males, female hypergamy coupled with sociopathic “alpha males” with no intention of raising those kids etc

        If it wasn’t for their governments being desperate to get “manly men” for fighting wars they don’t believe in

        They would be seeing the effects of Mouse Utopia much much much faster in their daily lives

      2. If socialists could learn from their mistakes they wouldn’t need a philosophy that blames all of their failures on evil successful people plotting against them

        1. Or keep trying to implement “real socialism” after that least 12 times resulted in massive amounts of death.

  7. think I might actually respect Xi Jingping more than George R.R. Martin

    At least Winnie The Xi can bring a plot to its conclusion.

  8. Thank you for the update. When I was growing up, Hugo and Nebula were the twin gold standards of SF awards. I saw the slide start, and then crash into Sad Puppies. Glad to hear they’re eating the turd burger they created, and not enjoying it.

    I am only sorry that Hugo Gernsback’s name is sullied by these people.

  9. The Copeium posted by Gena is interesting. And like with most Copeium post, the excuses used makes Worldcom appear to be more ignorant, uninformed, dishonest, gullible and disingenuous.

    Keep on digging that hole. Maybe you’ll make yourself and your side look even worse with each comment.

  10. > allegedly a British newspaper

    Correction, it’s an extreme left propaganda rag.

    Sincerely, an Englishman who wants the Guardian to go away. Permanently.

    1. No offense, but at this point, you Westerners all look the same to me

      Even speak English so well to the point I can’t tell if you’re American or British Oxford

      Even all have the same ESG DEI oriented culture and academia

      Well, at the very least the “Europeans” make better Comics than the “Americans” do

      1. You misspelled “Japanese”. And it’s Manga, not Comics.

        Mainstream American comics got gutted by the left decades ago. Indy comics are trying to fill the void.

        1. You don’t know about Bandes Dassines? The Ninth Art? Europe Comics? Humanoids? Delcourt-Soleil?

          Tintin and Asterix & Obelisk are examples of European comicbooks and I was actually surprised they were from Europe to begin with

          Gutted and were badly marketed and too expensive to produce, even before ESG/DEI became a thing, like seriously, a good portion are part of big “universes” where you have to read some other series to know WTF is even going on. Others are sold in out of the way comicbook shops, costing a at least $10 for a mere 20 pages and a bunch of ads and variant covers….made more expensive by being made of glossy magazine print

          The comicbooks exist as a springboard for a bunch of weirdos who want to get into Hollywood via connections

          So there’s little to no incentive to make American comicbooks successful

          At least for Bandes Dassines and Manga/Manwha, there’s more financial and emotional investment in play, if you’re not successful you get axed quick and you’re not gonna be able to depend on nepotism to keep getting second chances, much less be handed the work of an existing mangaka

          If you are by any chance, interested in fantasy, I suggest Elves, Orcs & Goblins, Mages and Dwarves from Delcourt-Soleil Comics.

          European comicbooks have irregular schedules, they’re practically indies, can take months to years for the next issue to come out. But there’s noticeably way more love and effort put into the plot and action and characters than American comics

  11. Has anyone else taken a good look at GK’s word use and punctuation? It seems a bit off.

    Perhaps Google is trying to infiltrate!

    Then again, it could just be a 14 year-old snotbag whose Mama keeps interrupting him in her basement.

    1. > Has anyone else taken a good look at GK’s word use and punctuation?

      Or, perhaps, as the name suggests to a somewhat informed reader, it’s written by someone who is not a native English speaker? Hmmm…

      1. I was thinking idiot, myself. But now we see “European idiot” is the case.

        Thanks for clearing that up. Work on the punctuation, eh?

          1. You are damn right I am not here under my own name, given the trash humpers that -relentlessly- comb this comments section.

            Y’all say hi to floppy and Bonnie McDipstick for me, eh? Don’t bother saying hi to Jabba, he can go f- himself.

          2. And of course we must believe you oh great and mighty shill, I mean you’d never lie right? And assuming someone isn’t named The Phantom is both cultural imperialism and racism

          3. Gena, you’re wasting your time, they don’t want to hear from anybody unless it suits their worldview. That’s why they disdain you and say that you’re using ‘Copeium’ to deal with what they’re saying.

            Stand tall anyway and know that you’re sure in what you said.

      2. So you’re saying that someone with a name other than Smith or Jones should be thought of as a foreigner and not capable of proper grammar and punctuation?

        THAT’S RACIST!


  12. When I first got into active SF fandom (instead of just reading lots and lots of the stuff—north-central Iowa is not exactly Fanac Central), and found out about how the Hugo Awards worked, I instantly could see how they could be gamed by anybody with a lot of money and an agenda.

    Say, for instance, a large publisher of SF/fantasy wanted to weigh the awards in their own products’ favor. They could easily buy “associate” memberships in Worldcon in the names of employees who have no intention of going, and use those memberships to stuff the ballot boxes. And since members of the last year’s Worldcon can also vote in the current year’s Hugo award elections, they wouldn’t even need to do it every year! WHEE!

    As for the accusations that the winners were/are “too white,” look, I’ve been to seven of these shindigs (if you count the 1998 NASFiC) as well as more regional and local cons than I can easily remember. At all of these, whites were overwhelmingly in the majority. At Sasquan and MidAmericaCon, I don’t think I saw more than ten black faces in the whole crowd, and I was there for the whole con both times. Face it, while there are blacks and other “people of color” who enjoy and read SF, active SF fandom is by far a majority-white deal. There’s nothing sinister about it, any more than going to a romance fans’ convention and finding that the vast majority of attendees are women.

    1. Used to call the local WorldCon regulars “Locus Liberals” after the trade magazine.

      I never made it to WorldCon due to other obligations, but attended many of the smaller and regional cons for a few decades. Went mostly for the books, gaming, and casual fan conversations. Never chased after the authors but ended up in great discussions with a few by just hang out in the venue.

      And the majority of people I saw were white and middle-aged, but that varied depending on the type of con, authors or GoH. Jim Butcher brought in a bunch of autograph seekers of all ages. Anime/visual media cons attract exponentially more people than pure literary ones, but the crowds of that size drive me away.

  13. Larry, you are making me very glad that I haven’t been involved with WorldCon in any meaningful way since ChiCon 2000! Both close friends who had something to do with WSFS died during the pandemic. I think I’m better off having no clue on the issue.

    Thanks for the reassurance!

    some guy who never remembers his posting name on any forum

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