17 thoughts on “Down These Mean Streets”

      1. Hey Jack, could you please explain the March date a little more? I haven’t seen an announcement from ya’ll yet, it’s not on Amazon yet for pre-order and March is barely a week away.

        What’s going on?

  1. Went into my Barnes and Noble in Denton, TX on thursday, 10 am right when they opened. NO copies of Down these mean streets in the store. Gee, a new release from a best selling author with more great authors, NO BOOKS in the Store. Had a ton of gift cards from Christmas, was going to spend money, but nope. I could have got one of the 500 copies of the fantasy book from Liz Cheney though, plenty of those laying around that no one wants.

      1. True, but the title is something about Honor and honesty, something she clearly knows nothing about. Can’t remember for sure, just looking at the cover for the 10 seconds almost made me vomit!!! Horror/Fantasy maybe?

  2. Finished it just now

    Larry, one thing I’ve noticed so far, is that for a number of your outer space colony stories

    It seems like they’re all set in the same universe

    With one consistent “theme” or element

    Which is “things may seem “ordinary” but what’s beneath our feet will destroy both our minds and bodies”

    Nice to have an AI for a Protagonist, I get people are becoming more and more justifiably paranoid and with a growing dislike for the tech, but I reserve my dislike more for Big Tech and the other Powers-That-Be than for the technology itself

    Wish this AI meets the other gumshoe, a bunch of planets away with a similar mystery…..can’t hack a notebook though

    Also, kinda funny in that the AI has the cliche of being rather not so well off financially, other detectives got unless they’re Sherlock Holmes

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