Happy to announce the Swag Shop is open for business!
Several new items this time including a PUFF Charter ID


and more! (Plus of course all the usual stickers, patches, etc)
Open Today- Memorial Day (5/29)
New (easier to remember) Name, Same Great Swag! www.WriterSwag.com
NOTE: Our hosting provider suuuuuucks so the site might load slowly. I’ll share the full story about that soon, but for now bear with us. (We’ll be moving providers soon enough)
Crashed already. That’s okay though. I’ll spend my time greasing the axles on the tumbrel…
Sweet! So much neat swag. Thanks!
Hutto, Texas. Home of the Hutto Hippos!
If you ever get a t-shirt vendor again, please make some in colors other than black. Living in Alabama, it is way too hot to wear black apparel unless you are the corpse at a funeral.
We mostly go with what people ask for the most (hence the black) but next time around we can take a poll!
Maybe, Army green and Desert Tan could be options?
50 Shades of Flat Dark Earth.
My ID is on the way! When do I get my complementary SiG?
So I bought a patch and USB. The charge went through on my card, but I never got a confirmation email. Am I still going to get my awesome swag?
You are!
Any questions, you can always email Jill at SwagHelp411@gmail.com 🙂
WriterSwag.com link goes to a “Password Protected” page.
I’m guessing that’s not what you want.
Redirect is to: https://bearandharestudios.com/writerswag/
That link is correct- the shop is closed 🙂
Sad I missed out on this merch. Been in the process of moving and haven’t been able to check the blog in a few weeks.
Ah well, maybe next time.
Will you be opening the swag shop again in time for Christmas 2023 shopping? I have several MHI fans at my house. And how COOL would it be if there were MHI-themed gift wrap, gift bags, etc. to wrap my MHI swag gifts in . . . ?? And of course, consumables like gift wrap and bags would an every year sale commodity, as only my mom still saves wrapping paper . . .
I placed 2 orders on 9/23, but have yet to receive any order confirmation or updates. The payments have cleared my account, but that’s it. Does anyone know how to contact bear and hare studios??
Email is on the Buy Stuff page here on the blog: SwagHelp411 at gmail
But the shop is closed!
Not sure how you even got in- I’m going to have to dive in and and figure out where the system failed, but I’ll do a refund straightaway. (Edited to add: refund processed)