WriterDojo S4 Ep15: Editorial Round Table (Round 1)

We’ve had a lot of questions in the WriterDojo facebook group in regards to editing, so this week hosts Steve Diamond & Larry Correia sat down with Dave Butler & Christopher Ruocchio to discuss editing: the different types of editing, what to do, what not to do, tips & tricks, etc.

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“Word Mercenaries” (the WriterDojo theme) is by Craig Nybo https://craignybo.com/

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This week’s episode is sponsored by Thomas Umstattd Jr’s Author Media

The 10 Commandments of Book Marketing is available at: https://www.authormedia.com/the-10-commandments-of-book-marketing/
(For FREE!!)

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2 thoughts on “WriterDojo S4 Ep15: Editorial Round Table (Round 1)”

  1. Loved this one a lot. Also since I feel like I willed this to happen on one of Chris’ live streams I am almost done with Witchy Eye! Way to go, Dave! This thing is kicking ass.

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