Swag shop is now open!
So many new things… We’re taking orders now so we can get everything out in time for the Holidays. As always, we can’t promise they’ll be there at any specific time, but we should be good to go. https://mhiswag.myshopify.com/
Everything is in stock and ready to go- we’re shooting for having everything out well in time for Xmas (although of course we can’t make any promises)
Check it all out at: https://mhiswag.myshopify.com/
Really hoping the new items will be back next time. Just lost employment, so no unnecessary purchases until a new job is lined up. Since I discovered ILOH’s works, I have loved every time the swag shop opens.
That sucks, Jacob. Hang in there!
Is there any Pineland currency?
Not currently for sale here, no
Larry’s hoarding it against the 2024 election.
But when it is released, you CAN buy the Official MHI Wheelbarrow to carry it in!
I just want new PUFF exemption coins
I got the manatee militia patch last time the store was open, and put it on a hat.
My kids commented “huh, upside down, it looks like a cat skydiving in free fall”
They haven’t read vendetta, and didn’t understand why I laughed really hard
All the patches are awesome, and I really appreciate you work Larry.
I made my purchases this last weekend but missed the initial opening and missed out on most of the challenge coins. Any chance of making those is somewhat larger quantities? EDIT: I just noticed in the description they were from earlier series. Oh well.
Yeah, sorry about that. Those tend to go quickly.
We ARE giving away a Series 1 PUFF Exemption Coin to one lucky winner, though.
Every Wendell shirt you buy= one entry, no limit!
Consider it done!
Love the 50,000 Kransnovia note. Particularly the portrait of glorious leader looking up to the bright shiny future of breakfast.
I guess I should check back more often, missed the shop! Hope that means business is staying brisk for y’all.
When you replied, the shop was still open 😀
Are you going to update the 2020 Challenge Coins for 2023? If anything else is true, it sure is still Operation Enduring Clusterf*ck. Just other things than the Covid.
By the way, my coin is wearing incredibly well. Hardly a scratch even though I carry it a lot.
Thank you