Heh. Jack sent me this one. So this is on him. 😀 (if you don’t know who Glyer is, just plug that into this blog’s search engine and buckle up)
You know, when Mike Glyer’s baboon transplant heart is finally too clogged to pump anymore of his gravy blood, and he dies, I’m gonna be kinda sad… Not for Glyer. Oh of course not. But I’ll feel sorry for the poor fire department that’s gonna have to cut a hole in the wall and use a livestock hoist to try and remove his giant bloated corpse.

Actually, come to think of it, Mike Glyer will probably be too fat for the fire department to move safely. So they’ll probably just have to pack the corpse with a bunch of dynamite and blow him in place like that beached whale video from the 70s.
So anyways, yesterday I gave some advice about how to write an author bio. Apparently this caused a bad feeling in one of Mike Glyer’s four stomachs, because he posted –

Except I still stand by both of those paragraphs a hundred percent.
Everybody in this business knows the NYT list is horseshit. There’s been lawsuits over it. This is the same list where a conservative politician can be #1 on Nielsen for three week straight and not show up at all on the NYT until he goes on the news about it, and the next week he’ll magically debut at #3. Everybody knows its trash. However publishing plays the game because the title sounds prestigious to the normies.
As for humble brag, oh hell no. There ain’t no humble about it. As usual our big dumb dummy manages to ignore the blatantly obvious parts with his cherry picking. I made it super clear to everyone who isn’t a dishonest hunk of semi-sentient whale blubber that your bio is totally for bragging.
So it makes me sound accomplished to regular people, even though the NYT sucks ass. These things are not mutually exclusive. Duh.
And there ain’t nothing humble about the awards either. I’m proud of my Dragons and the Audies, and despite the bleating of my dumbfuck critics about how it’s bad when I get involved in a popularity contest (but it’s good when they do it!) the Audie is decided by a panel of expert industry judges, and I think I’ve got like 5 other noms for those too. So hell yeah, I’m bragging.
Note, I specifically said I put the Hugo in just out of spite (because the only people it still matters to are the most annoying dipsticks on Earth, and my having one really pisses them off) and lo and behold, from the yeasty comment section of File 770 –

Called it. 😀
But oh no! A random moron thinks I’m a mediocre writer? However will I survive without the shut-in, crazy cat lady, mobility scooter market? (They’re sticking up a bunch of these screen caps on the fan page to make fun of them right now. I’m banned but can still read, but there’s too many to insult them all. They’re all this fucking goofy. Glyers’s regulars are a truly pathetic bunch of losers who live in their own sad reality)
Sad part is, only has-beens and never-weres really do think the Hugo has “prestige” anymore. I tried to warn old school fandom years ago, but that ship done sailed. Oh well. The Hugos are now the Social Justice Awards for Mediocrity and How Many WorldCon Committees We Can Force To Quit With Our Tantrums. You guys murdered it, and the rest of us are watching, grossed out, as you sodomize the corpse.
But… sticking it in a bio sure does upset certain people I really don’t like, so I’ve got that going for me!
So today’s free lesson is going to be how to write a Fanzine, China Mike Glyer style.
- BE A DISHONEST PIECE OF SHIT – First you need to make sure that you are completely incapable of honest human communication. Everything you say and do must be cloaked in innuendo for your idiot followers to draw the dumbest possible conclusions from.
- PRETEND YOU MATTER – This one is super important. You can only make a career out of bullying authors if they believe you have the power to harm their careers and reputations. As long as writers think you’ve got a huge following, you get to be a fucking douchebag to them for decades with impunity.
- BE A USELESS PARASITE – Never create anything of value yourself. Just hang back and sneer at people who do create, that they are creating things wrong.
- CHERRY PICK – Whenever you want to smear authors who have displeased you make sure you selectively quote from them in a way that twists the narrative however you want. Don’t worry. Your idiot followers are easily manipulated and don’t care about reality, they just like being angry and smug.
- BE A CREEPY WEIRDO STALKER – it’s very important that you lurk in the shadows, constantly following authors everywhere on social media, that way the second they say something that could be twisted to be controversial, you’re on it.
- BE A WHINY BITCH – Whenever authors get sick of your years of manipulative lies, immediately begin crying about “civility” and “tone”. Because how dare those people stand up to you? You’re the real victim.
- GATHER MOPES – It’s no fun running a shit tier gossip column if you don’t have a gaggle of sycophantic regulars with sub-moronic IQs to hang on your every word. Chinese bots are reliable clicks, but not nearly as good for ego stroking.
- DON’T TRY TO SWALLOW A WHOLE CHICKEN WING – Sorry, Mike, those are not “big nuggets”. For a second there I thought we were gonna have to call the fire department and tell them to bring the fork lift and dynamite.
- NEVER REVEAL YOU ARE A FRAUD – This one is the most important thing ever, because you can’t keep riding your gravy train (literally in Mike Glyer’s case!) if authors discover that you’re actually not a big deal who needs his ass kissed because he can make and break careers with his huge and important website. While bragging how huge and important your traffic is, never accidentally put up a screen shot showing that 93% of your traffic is from Chinese bots! (but come on, how incredibly fucking stupid would you have to be to out yourself like that? I mean, nobody is that dumb!)

And last of all –
10. KEEP MY NAME OUT OF YOUR WHORE MOUTH. Seriously, you greasy, perverted weirdo. You disgust me. Fuck off and die.
EDIT: Heh. It appears I struck a nerve. 😀 yOu sOuNd aNgRy!!

“Cover” implies Glyer is some kind of journalist. Don’t fall for it. He’s not. He’s a scumbag parasite who profits off of stirring up shit and causing trouble for authors he doesn’t like. Fuckface here makes CNN look honest and unbiased in comparison.
They call you a hypocrite because they can’t comprehend that you could possibly have different priorities than they do.
Funny part is, out of a 2000 word advice post, that’s what he grabbed to demonstrate my “hypocrisy”. 😀
That would be like an IT guy getting a cert in a programming language, but he thought that language sucked, getting called a hypocrite for putting that cert on his resume.
Fucking dopes.
Subtle, like a brick to the face.
And they still don’t get it. I think we’re gonna need the forklift and dynamite.
His post is not worth the electrons to reply to. Since you did however, he has no relevance. If he is not a writer of __________, Insert genre. Then he is a parasite and a professional critic of others work and efforts. Right up there with leprous IRS agents and Sports Casters.
I would quit validating his rants by responding to him. As annoying and rage inducing his comments are, he is nothing more than an angry little minded man impotent in his real influence in this world. The kind of person you sometimes see walking down the road screaming at his demons of incompentency and frustration.
Although fun to poke, he is not mentally healthy and needs psychological help.
Ah contraire, responding to this scumbag was totally worth it for one huge reason. Before I came along the writer community all put up with his bullying bullshit because they honestly believed he had all this clout and could harm their careers. Hell, when I first started fighting with him I believe it too, but I’m just not wired to give a fuck. Only now authors know that he’s a powerless windbag. You’ve got no idea how many old writers have come up to me over the years since to tell me their horror stories about Glyer being a manipulative piece of shit. Mocking him was probably one of the most helpful things I’ve ever done for other writers. 😀
Also… you bring up IRS agents… Glyer was IRS. I shit you not.
it’s just the rantings of an old fool now. These guys are bullies and all they know to do is bellow and beat the chest in mock outrage. The mist significant thing you can do is shun and deny him. Without a response he is just bellowing to bellow, and soon enough his importance or significance is reduced to nothin. IRS… Figures.
I’ve thought about just never responding to the fucker ever again, but then each time I do take the time, I always hear from some new person where that post was the first time they heard about what a dirtbag he is so they could adjust accordingly.
So it’s been tempting, but…
I’m a simple man – every time I see a Larry Correia takedown of Glyer and the pustules of his comment section, I get a great laugh.
FWIW, don’t stop being you.
As one of your fans, I can also speak to the fact that the Glyer related insult posts are red meat, and thoroughly entertaining.
I think the most hilarious, and useful, part is the reposting of his OWN screen post of how awesomely popular he is with China bots. It totally guts his level of influence. Everything else is just gravy.
This time your post made my friend ask me about it(I hooked him on your Stellar MIH books) and so now there is yet another person laughing at that tub of lard.
So time well spent(not to forget the pure joy you experience in telling the truth).
Responding to China Mike is always worth it, because we love reading those responses. After listening to the Tom Stranger audiobooks I imagine Adam Baldwin narrating these posts.
You forgot humor. Seriously, man, ‘hurr duur U sound angy!’ is the dumbest thing. We’re not angry. We’re laughing. At him. It’s called shadenfreude, and it’s the only entertainment value Mikey there provides.
Also, the fact that he was an IRS agent rather explains a few things.
David’s comment wasnt “hurr durr u sound angry,” and if you’re reading that into it then you’re not paying attention.
IRS? No wonder hes a scumbag. Ah, well. At least, unlike Chippie Chipman, he wasn’t at Waco with F-Troop…. couldnt get out of his Bar-co Lounger.
Many of the commenters over there consider themselves to be of a better class than the likes of you or I, Larry.
So sad when people get trapped by their delusions.
Remember back in the old days when the left was about “race, sex, and CLASS”?
Oh how times change.
But yeah, I’m just some bumpkin off the cow farm. How dare I get so uppity!?! 😀
We should all just know our places.
*solemn nod*
The younger crop of leftists wouldn’t know the meaning of class even if you tattooed a copy of Ms. Manners onto the inside of their eyelids.
“Miss Manners?!? Judith Martin was evil because somebody totally said so in an essay, therefore anyone who invoked her is evil and bad because REASONS. Hmph!”
I’ve found that a -lot- of their stuff is rooted not in facts but in obscure essays, many written decades ago, usually by a spoiled, silly affluent person who wanted to justify themselves:
That’s exactly what that parasite China Mike is
I don’t know what I enjoy more: A Correia Kraken fisking of these puff ball pompous poop heads…. or Correia’s books.
Ok, I enjoy his books more.
But I enjoy them even more knowing his characters get their fighting spirits honestly!!
You just have to go totally nuclear on these bullies, half measures just invites more bullying.
Much nicer basements, most likely. We only use ours for storage…
I bet a UV flashlight would burn Glyer’s skin just like Pearl, due to the cooking-oil-like secretion his skin produces to aid in movement around his subterranean lair.
it’s just the rantings of an old fool now. These guys are bullies and all they know to do is bellow and beat the chest in mock outrage. The mist significant thing you can do is shun and deny him. Without a response he is just bellowing to bellow, and soon enough his importance or significance is reduced to nothin. IRS… Figures.
Glyer the Hutt used to be in the same right-wing Facebook group with me during the Sad Puppies campaigns. His brain was so choked with grease and transfats, he had no idea that we were singling him out for a group-wide trolling.
People never cease to amaze me, Larry. They honestly have no concept of self-awareness at all. They keep up with the bullying until someone stands up to them, and then they cry and whine and moan, and attempt to whip up social media mobs.
I say keep on standing up to these jerks, and I congratulate you for a job well done thus far. Ignoring works for some people, but it doesn’t for others. Sometimes, the only thing that works is a hard dose of the kind of reality that shows them that they are truly powerless, that we have no fear of them, that we despise what they stand for, and that we won’t let them get away with treating people like garbage anymore.
I had to walk away from my office and step outside to avoid bursting out loud laughing in front of my boss. That was quality, well done. Thanks for the laugh!
I’m not sure its the swallowing, so much as passing the bones later.
Or is he now so soft that passing hard objects is trivial? That brings unfortunate mental pictures with it.
The horror!
Oh, goodness! Someone quoted Aaron Pound – the GS14 GSA “attorney” who is a staple in Glyer’s human centipede parade (probably on government time – I haven’t had the ambition to examine closely because quite frankly, it’s like watching a festering carcass on the side of the road that’s teeming with maggots and smells real bad up close and personal) and who chivalrously defends every establishment wanker on social media and blocks anyone who challenges him on it!
I’m sure Glyer has some kind of weird alert that notifies him anytime Larry mentions him, so he can write about it and get his monkeys to gather around and fling shit. Aside from the Chinese bots, that’s his bread and butter.
He may well be like the author of E—- T—-, or a certain blogger, who constantly search for their names to see if you are saying mean things about them. (Or in the first case, so the author can explain to you why you don’t understand the true magnificence of the book.)
I’ve shoveled festering carcasses. Apologize to them.
Well, China Mike is apparently taking issue to being called China Mike.
It might be possible that this is legitimate fear of being outed as on the PRC payroll.
MoSS would be stupid to be paying him, even by Communist standards, but it might not be impossible.
They could be paying him in clicks, Bob. He’d probably take that as better than money. Web traffic is life, right?
Also, is it a coincidence that Vile666 is getting bigtime clickage from China at a time when China is throwing money at a WorldCon bid?
Do people in China actually read what the baizuo say? I strongly doubt it.
China is the last nation on Earth I want to see get a WorldCon bid just for what its government did by not dealing with the Wuhan virus ASAP when it read its ugly head (and by what it did after as shown here: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/china-trolling-world-and-avoiding-blame/608332/) Let Taiwan do it (see if there’s anybody in Taiwan who’ll be willing to do a bid, then have the bid be supported so that said WorldCon can be held there.)
I get the feeling his miserable little blog (of which I was once blessedly ignorant) is dependent on Sad Puppies leftovers to drive their non-bot traffic, so he pounces on any Hugo-adjacent mention by anyone connected with the campaigns.
The thing about Glyer and his ilk that bothers me is that their unending crusade against any voice that dares question the WOKE NARRATIVE ™, costs us some significant, but probably unknowable, number of quality writers and artists. I have frequently heard people criticize authors on the right as being beligerent. Ok, what the hell do you expect? Every author to the right of Pol Pot is immediately swarmed with wokemaggots denouncing them as racist, homophobic, bigotted, and just plain bad. So the only authors from the right who will even try to put out content are those with the courage, independence, and thick skin to endure that sort of vile abuse as they struggle to make a name for themselves. Of course a lot of them get beligerent! Let’s be brutally honest (I know Larry does not need any encouragement at brutal honesty lol), any person who tries to stop a book from being written, published, or sold because they disagree with the ‘message’ is a person who would take a job as a concentration camp guard. Every last one of these scum is a wannabe Stasi agent.
You know I’ve not looked Gyler-the-liar (which we proved) sewage pond for at least five years. I see it’s still the same handful of people in their circle-jerk — with less following and influence day by day. I’d be tempted to suggest they got a life : but, based on the evidence, this may not be possible.
I think that -is- their life, Dave. They seem to live and breath it.
Kinda looks good on them, you ask me.
To paraphrase the old (dirty) joke: “Admit it, Glyer, you really aren’t here for the hunting, are you?”
Glyer was IRS. Explains… much…
I see that Mr. Glyer is hard up for clicks again today, talking shit about Larry to get all the Pavlovian response he can out of the barking denizens of his commentariat.
He really does seem unable to learn. Brain injury? Born stupid? It’s hard to say.
But, given all the shite that’s going on in the allegedly Real World today, I could use a laugh. Larry came through, as I knew he would. ~:D
It is not possible to be born that stupid. It takes years of constant practice and even then, only a few very special individuals can pull it off.
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!
You do recall that whale-and-dynamite operation did NOT end well? Glyer-and-dynamite would be even worse.
I recommend digging a very large hole beside the carcass and shoving it in. A Cat D-7 should be about right for both jobs.
I’m pretty sure Glyer is the Keith Olbermann of the Sci-Fi community….
I watched that as a kid.
The four actual humans that click on File 770 a month sure do appreciate all of China Mike’s ‘content’.
Don’t wrestle a pig. You both get muddy and only the pig enjoys it.
Frankly, this kind of shit slingling seems beneath you. I’m surprised you engage these guys.
Because nonengagement is no longer an option.
This isn’t ‘stay off my lawn and I’ll stay off yours’. If you do them the courtesy of staying off their lawn, they’ll set up shop on YOUR lawn and beat on your door, demanding things. And when you demand they get the hell off your lawn, they call you names and refuse.
So really, it’s better to cruelly mock them, because they cannot abide mockery.
“Because nonengagement is no longer an option.”
This is my impression of how things are going. We’ve been ignoring these assholes for 30 years, and they’ve only ever gotten worse.
We can’t really ignore them anymore.
See above for why. This is Correia’s way of exposing just how little power this schmuck actually has, and that you don’t have to be scared of this guy who thinks he’s some kind of a big deal.
I am surprised I had to scroll this far to find the first real concern troll.
Life advice duly noted, and immediately disregarded. 🙂
Larry’s a pretty tall guy, so lots of things probably seem beneath him. Based on your comment I’m assuming you’re a short man. You’ve either never read this blog, or don’t know how to read. If the former is true, look up Larry’s fisking posts, read, enjoy, and lighten the hell up. Because hey, we here are all concerned about how much of a douche you are.
Hi, you must be new here. May I suggest trying the “Best of MHN”. There you will find that this is exactly the sort of thing that happens EVERY TIME Glyer does an attack on Larry. You’ll also find references to how this guy used to be viewed as a “major player” in people’s career, but Larry’s repeated exposure of him as what and who he is has diminished his power and made him into a 4th tier whiner.
Or you’re just concern trolling. If so, have a good day.
Are you new here?
Inre the Hugo awards, in immortal word of the Dave Burge, here’s what the reactionary, fascist left does:
1. Identify a respected institution. 2. kill it. 3. gut it. 4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.
You know, the only problem I have with using that quote in regard to the current situation is that the Hugos haven’t been a “respected institution” for at least 30 years. I’ve been using the nominations as a “do not read” list since the late 1980s. Nebulas and Locus are pretty much the same.
I do admit that things have certainly accelerated since 2010, the nominations changed from lame and mildly distasteful to openly political and actively disgusting. This year’s nominations were a disgrace and a stain on Western civilization.
Kind of like Vile666 but less of the incoherent Reee Reee Reeeeeee!!!! we get from them.
How much bigger would Yard Moose Mountain be if you had won a a Hugo? An outhouse pit or so?
Do you know how to use an outhouse?
IRS? No wonder hes a scumbag. Ah, well. At least, unlike Chippie Chipman, he wasn’t at Waco with F-Troop…. couldnt get out of his Bar-co Lounger.
“I’m surprised you engage these guys”
Yup. To most readers who don’t know any better, he’s punching down. Never a good look.
As is the response here to your rather tame criticism. And suddenly you are now a witch that must be burned at stake for “concern trolling”
What you’ve actually accomplished is to confirm my own experience: the people here are the same as the people over there. Flip side of the same coin.
Thanks Larry, you’ve taught me a lot about your people (I say, since you are the only person who will get to read this LOL).
I know – this blog is about selling books. Period. It’s business. But your feedback loop consists of nothing but fanbois. No better than an astroturfed Amazon rating thread. And that’s too bad. I thought both you and Hoyt were better than that. My fault for putting you on a pedestal. Enjoy the pig wrestling.
“Punching down” against the likes of Glyer, who claim to be more influential than Lary as evidenced by the screenshot that Glyer took of the Alexa stats is actually a valuable service for people that Glyer is trying to silence.
Reminder – the series of events here is that Larry blogged about bios, Glyer decided that he needed the hate Larry traffic, wrote about Larry on the fanzine and Larry is responding. Would I prefer that he work on paying fiction, maybe, at the same time I get however many words of writing to read as free entertainment.
You can prefer that Larry stay out of the fray ignoring Glyer. Something to remember is that during Sad Puppies, Larry’s wife had people who hadn’t spoken to her in years reaching out to offer concern / condolences that she was married to such an abusive monster. (https://monsterhunternation.com/2015/04/09/a-response-to-george-r-r-martin-from-the-author-who-started-sad-puppies/) – given that Glyer organized a fair amount of that hate group, there is no reason for Larry to not comment. Maybe most readers who don’t know any better don’t have the history, but hey, how many potential writers will see this and be willing to ignore Glyer and his ilk’s attempts at controlling wrongthink and wrongthinkers from being published and influencing people.
Also – good call on Larry being the only one to see your comment. Aged really well.
New users have to wait to have their comments approved. If it’s not blatant spam, we’re probably going to put it through (when I get around to checking.) One thing on the comment about ‘But your feedback loop consists of nothing but fanbois’- dude, this IS a page for him to be able to talk to his fans. Did you expect to NOT have his fans here? Weird.
You’re far too diplomatic. 😉
Mocking people or criticizing the points is not calling for anyone to be burned at the stake, Karen.
Pop a Xanax and lie down.
You must have skimmed right past the second comment of the thread, where Larry explained why it’s important to write about Glyer (because some people still take him seriously, and let him destroy their careers, which is a shame).
And then skimmed past all the other comments explaining why “punching down” isn’t an accurate description.
In fact, you know what, Fen? (Yes, I remember your previous screen name. Took me a minute.) I used to think that Sarah Hoyt had made a mistake classifying you as a troll way back when, in the incident that you took such strong objection to that you memorialized it in your screen name. But then I went back and looked at the thread right here that you’re replying to. There were *two* comments calling the guy you responded to a “concern troll”, one of which was “either you’re new here, in which case let me explain politely why you’re wrong, or else you’re concern trolling, in which case I’ll dismiss you without further thought.” Which hardly counts as calling him a “witch that must be burned at stake for “concern trolling””, as you phrased it. And there were at least *four* other responses that politely explained why he was incorrect, and had nothing objectionable in them. And that’s when I realized that you were cherry-picking responses to fit the criticism you wanted to make, and ignoring how there were at least twice as many responses that didn’t fit your criticism at all. And that’s when I changed my mind about you.
Congratulations. You’ve managed to take someone who felt sympathetic towards you, and thought that you’d been wrongly classified as a troll, and persuade me that that classification was right after all. I no longer believe you’re arguing in good faith. So if you actually were arguing in good faith, well, maybe you might want to consider apologizing to the majority of the commenters in that thread whom you just slandered. Because classifying the responses as “burn[ing] at stake” is, flatly, a complete falsehood. Hopefully, you’re intellectually honest enough to be ashamed of yourself and apologize. But I’m starting to think that you aren’t.
Oh, that’s Fen? No idea what broke him, but it’s just embarrassing. He was here several months ago making a tremendous ass of himself.
Because you are so concerned, you will have read my comment above wherein I note that we SF fans have been ignoring the likes of China Mike for 30 years or more and they have only gotten worse.
What do you do when being polite or just ignoring someone doesn’t work, and their antics keep becoming more destructive and repulsive? You stop ignoring them and give them a response appropriate to the provocation.
This is not hard to understand.
Therefore I must conclude you are commenting in bad faith and are in fact a concern troll. Please consider yourself flipped off.
Heh. What a bunch of nonsense. 😀
Oh, you’re one of those trolls who annoys Sarah. What a joy!
A. The blog is set so that first time posters have to get approved first in order to prevent spammers. So your bit about how only I would see your bold call out was a bit premature (especially since it was a holiday weekend so I wasn’t even online much at all)
B. Oh no! People who don’t know any of the history are going to think I’m “punching down”?! Whatever will I do?
B1. Except I pretty clearly don’t give a shit about your weak emotional manipulation attempts of randos who stroll in telling me how I should live according to their standards.
B2. Since Glyer is basically a boneless slime creature punching would be futile.
C. I confirmed your suspicion that our readers are the same? LOL. 😀 HA! Then that just shows how fucking ignorant you since you’ve clearly missed the years of fuckery that predated this most recent exchange. Oh well. I’m not Speaker To Dipshits so it’s not my job to educate you about the many various ways Glyer and his crew have fucked with authors’ livelihoods over the years.
D. Why is it that anonymous fake name internet randos always think their pathetic concern trolling/shame attempts work? Oh no! Some random asshole on the internet is upset that I’ve not lived up to his arbitrary bullshit criteria. Whatever will I do?
I would agree with him that readers are the same in that people tend to enjoy insulting their ‘enemies’, and all 5 of Glyer’s readers enjoy it when he insults you, just as people here enjoy it when you respond. But I think he misses the more important distinction: No one here wants to prevent anyone on the left from writing their Woke Sci Fi Masterpiece, or prevent anyone from publishing it, or prevent anyone from buying it, or prevent stores from stocking it, or punish anyone for enjoying it. Preventing anyone on the right from writing, reading, publishing and enjoying books is Glyer and his ilk’s goal. Maybe insults are ‘childish’ maybe an above the fray tone is more appealing, but the reality is while both sides use insults only one side is using them to enforce ideological compliance.
Oh yeah, anybody who declares Moral Equivalence is more interested in fluffing up how aloof and virtuous they are, rather than objectively comparing the two sides. My side is content to watch their side be predictable fuck ups. Meanwhile their side has gotten me kicked out of multiple events, kicked out of anthologies, tried to get me fired, tried to organize boycotts against me, tried to get stores to not sell my books, tried to get my publisher kicked off the internet entirely, so on and so forth.
I’ve had low points in my life but still turned out better than Mike Glyer. I call that a win.
Middle school drama is more interesting than this pissing contest. Both Mikey and Larry need to get better at blogging.
Another troll. It seems their nesting place has been disturbed.
What is that thing Bubba used to say all the time? “Burn it with fire!”
Oh no! A fake name internet rando is upset that out of the thousands of things I’ve written he doesn’t approve of this one!
Time to turn my life around! 😀
Will a single manly tear roll down your cheek as you watch the sunset outside your house as sad music plays in the background?
And yet it was interesting enough for you provide such a valuable window into that galaxy brain of yours.
You’re free to start your own blog no one will read. Go! Create!
Is someone forcing you to read what they write? I have an easy solution for you if you dislike what they have to say; You don’t need to read it. I doubt very much that either one of them will cry over the loss of you. In fact, none of this would be happening in the first place if people minded their own business. Larry didn’t start this. He isn’t the one that decided to read someone’s post and make petty, negative observations. Buh-bye.
I have finally looked China Mike up in the WWW. He is actually less accredited than i thought as a writer. He only has one story that was actually nominated and got an award for. Everything else he has been accredited for is for bad mouthing other more successful authors that have dared to be more prolific with their work and actually have published an entire book.
I just wish I could actually wash my eyes out with bleach now so I don’t have to say I have seen a picture of him.
Even with out the ILOH bad mouthing him. I would never take any advice from him on anything. Especially Science Fiction!!!!!
As regards the “… if he throws frequent extravagant tantrums he can dictate what I cover here” claim, doesn’t Larry want Mike to ignore him? Thus isn’t Mike in effect saying that he has a right to fame\infamy\profit off the back of Larry’s hard work and actual competency? (Note I’m not a huge fan but Saga of the Forgotten Warrior is epic, and there’s no denying Larry is an example for would be authors to aspire to.)
Hmm random thought exercise. What would Mike do without the likes of Larry? : )
The idea of “punching down” on Glyer is a curious one. (Which explicitly puts Glyer in the “down” position.)
Look, really. This has been going on for years. Years and years. And I’ve been watching it all for years and years, and Larry only seems extreme without knowing how long and how slowly this all built up.
Glyer is scum. And it’s not always so easy to see until you’ve watched your friends get mentioned “positively” on his web-zine over and over and start to realize that he’s a leech and none of it is positive and none of it is fair and none of it is accidental. Case after case after case of him using new, unknown, up-and-coming, vulnerable authors to fuel his site but with “deniability” because when he dumped the chum in the water he was smiling as he did it.
After a time you start responding to a note that some new author you know got mentioned on his web site with, “Oh shit, Glyer again?” Because you know how it’s going to turn out. It will be him smiling, pointing out how he didn’t do anything wrong, that he’s *promoting* them, while his fish swim around in the bloody water. It’s always about hurting people. That’s what gets the clicks and gets the traffic.
And once you see it, the sickness and destruction of it, the way Glyer has targeted the small guy, the new author, the vulnerable?
Larry is 100% appropriate.
After I wrote this, I found out about another one of Glyer’s recent escapades that perfectly illustrates what Synova is talking about.
A less established author made a joke on Facebook about how a far more successful and famous author, now had three book projects which were similar to something the less famous author had done first. And the less famous author had been interviewed on the more famous author’s blog a long time ago, so clearly he knows who the less famous author is.
No big deal. This happens. He didn’t outright allege copying. (I’ve said the same thing about a few Joss Whedon projects over the years) More that it was amusing.
So Glyer takes this Facebook post, quotes from it (never actually coming out and saying what he means) riles up his horde of fucking scumbag assholes, so they go scream at the less famous author, to tell him he’s a stupid liar who should die for his insolence, how dare he? so on and so forth.
So basically, the usual.
Any other time, it would’ve just been an author grousing about life on his personal facebook page to his fans, but nope, not with a parasitic fucking scumbag like Glyer. Everything is an opportunity to stir up shit and cause trouble.
Its all that sad little man has, Larry.
That’s why I quit giving him the attention and oxygen he so desperately craves a long time ago.
The dude is fat as a Hutt and looks like he smells like mildew. I’m sure he is jealous. OMG what are they feeding these Hugo people! Every one of them is fat as a hog. is he still writing this 770 thing? It looks deserted.BTW, I came and listened to Larry and Mike In Minneapolis. They are very charming.
“Never create anything of value yourself.”
Robert Heinlein wrote that:
“Critics create nothing, and thereby feel themselves qualified to judge the works of creative people. There is logic in this: they hate all creative people equally.”
(Bonus implication: this also implies that anyone Glyer loves is not creative.)
Ok, maybe Im not very academic or something, and don’t understand the full implication here, but the dude is talking about how MY LITTLE PONY has a nazi problem because they give thumbs down to Mty Little Pony illustrations that support Black Lives Matter. Seriously, this is a 60 yr old fat man who feels that the My Little Pony art board has too much freedom of speech. I guess he decided that adults were too hard to fight, and has moved on to frightening children into being liberal.
“Ok, maybe Im not very academic or something, and don’t understand the full implication here …”
No, you don’t need to be an academic to understand it just fine, because it’s extremely simple. Dude has decided that BLM = good, so anyone who opposes BLM = evil. It’s just that simple. He cannot ever admit that anyone might oppose BLM for non-evil reasons. Such as believing that it’s based on a lie and there is not systematic racism in America, and not wanting people to be lied to. Or even not wanting political messages shoved into a kids’ show, for goodness’ sake.
After all, he is one of the people who, when Larry and Sarah Hoyt and Kate Paulk (and I think a few others I can’t remember) wanted Hugo nominations to go to books because they were fun rather than for containing the approved political messages, said “Well, clearly you oppose the political messages in those books, and since those political messages are leftist and therefore Good, that means the Sad Puppies movement is Evil.” His thinking is just that shallow, and there’s no need to be an academic to understand it.
I think you forgot Brad Torgersen the alleged white supremacist, and Amanda Green the alleged misogynist.
Academics do not have some secret knowledge that somehow excuses malice or dumbassery.
Academia is basically putting a lot of time into a subject that many people will not do for the fun of it. The quality of the effort put in, and of the thought done, is hugely variable.
There are fields that are only around because the universities provide a hot house that lets them avoid criticism by censoring the ‘journals’ that publish the articles of that field. If that work was criticized by anyone not invested in protecting the field, it would fall apart.
Probably everything in critical theory, including critical race theory, falls under that category. I understand that critical theory teaches that all statements are about power, that statements by those in power are false, and those made outside of power are true. At the same time that critical theorists are faculty at state funded universities, hence acting on behalf of powerful people who fund them in order to have spokesmen. Anyway, mathematics has a different view of true and false statements. Applying critical theory to mathematics breaks mathematics in weird and unpredictable ways. Mathematicians might conclude that critical theory has been disproven by contradiction. Critical theorists appear to have concluded that mathematicians are racist, sexist, classist, and homophobic, etc.
University administrators are very keen to inflict critical theory on applied mathematics fields, and do other invalid things misusing statistics. Faculty in more legitimate disciplines appear willing to let the administrators do this nonsense.
More or less legitimate fields do still exist, and there are academics who it is not wrong to respect. For example, an academic who is a huge nerd for one or more technical fields, and can do a good job of teaching the material, is worth paying attention to in their specialty. Note ‘within their specialty’, most faculty are only good as specialists, they have to focus to get good enough for teaching and research. It is very rare that you find someone who is a really sound generalist, who when working on a multi-disciplinary problem can reliably guess how wrong they are.
Your basic level of skepticism for anything coming out of a university ought to be assuming that it is wrong, unless you have done the work yourself.
Someone could write a woke studies dissertation tediously arguing that the behavior is acceptable and virtuous, and it would not change that it is neither. ChinaM likes to hurt people, tries to use words for mental harm, and picks targets fitting the political goals he has allied himself to. He isn’t just communist because he is left, he is truly communist because for him politics is a way to get jollies by hurting others.
Well said.
I mean in his 770 fanzine.