This isn’t a Book Bomb (I’m already way behind on the ones I’ve got scheduled) but a quick heads on a new book from a guy who wrote a previous BB that was really popular with my fans.
I’ve not read it yet, but I saw the other day that the author had run into some unexpected financial troubles, so plug time!
For some reason those sorts of links ( always get blocked by my damn work firewall. Oh well, found it on Amazon anyhow and I remember the previous one of his you listed, a good read.
Purchased, and then I picked up another one of his just because.
I either saw this one or a previous one by him touted by John Wright. Now that you’ve weighed in too, I’ll have to consider it.
Got it. Thanks for the heads-up!
Ordered. Took the liberty of plugging it on FB.
I hate you! I am already behind in my reading by at least 100 books and now I have another in the queue… plus samples of the Amazon suggestions. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Thanks, Larry and MHN!
And here’s some special news I’m breaking here first: the sequel, COMBAT FRAME XSEED: COALITION YEAR 40, has just launched on Amazon!
It’s Gundam Wing meets Ender’s Game. Check it out!
Thanks a million to Larry and the MHN! If I know you guys, and I think I do, you’re gonna dig CFXS!
As a show of gratitude, I’ll give MHN the inside scoop on some breaking news. The sequel, Combat Frame XSeed: Coalition Year 40, just went live on Amazon. I haven’t done the official launch yet, but I’ll break the street date for yo guys 😉
CFXS; CY40 is only 99 cents right now. Check it out!
I read that book. It’s good, especially if you like the Gundam/mech genre – plenty of references fans will immediately get.
And if you’re not a fan, the guy’s a good enough writer that maybe you’ll want to check them out afterward too.
An incredibly visual novel in terms of the combat frames themselves and their maneuvers on land, sea, air and space. There’s larger than life heroes, fairly ordinary guys who rise to the occasion, and some truly terrifying villains.
Also, giant robots.
Did I mention the pilots climb in giant robots and fight?
Much appreciated.
Glad you enjoyed XSeed!
Thanks for the heads up. Bought.
Target acquired. Purchase completed.
Purscased both, and am about a third into CF XSeed. I read a lot of good action and suspense, an am getting into the twisted web of who’s trying to seize power, petty revenge, and grand intrigue. Very good writing, from a versatile author.
One breakthrough is begged, which needs some good engineering: cold fusion. The problem is collecting energy and making it high enough potential (thermo) for use as a high-output power system. Seen a few too many science fair level projects. Needs some moderately cracked engineers, not scientists.
I consulted with two physicists 🙂