How to get personalized autographed copies of my books

I love autographing books for fans, but I can only go so many places. I used to sell autographed books from my home, but that turned into a logistical nightmare and huge time suck, so I don’t do that anymore. However, I usually go to Uncle Hugo’s bookstore every book tour, and they are awesome about taking orders from people, even for personalized autographs and requests, and then shipping them to anywhere.

If you would like to get autographed copies of any of my books, you can order them from this link: That includes my new one, House of Assassins.

Also, I’ll be signing with Mike Kupari, so if you want autographed copies of any of his books, or the ones that we wrote together, you can order them too.

I will be signing there February 4th, so the sooner you get your order in to make sure they have the right amount of stock, the better. If you want anything personalized, just be sure to include that info with your order.

Fisking The Obsolete Man Skills Article
The Testimony of the Traitor Ratul. A new free short story in the Saga of the Forgotten Warrior

15 thoughts on “How to get personalized autographed copies of my books”

  1. I’ll be at the Houston event, which coincides with the official release of HOA. Will there be copies available for personalization at that event? Or do I need to pick up a copy earlier in the day? This is my first ever book signing.

    1. Usually a bookstore will have increased stock on hand for a signing. There is always a risk that they will not have enough increased stock.
      I generally come prepared with the book I want signed, and plan to buy another book at the store hosting the signing, even if it isn’t from the hosted author, the extra sale will help the bookstore see value in having signings.

    2. You should probably get one beforehand. When Larry was in Austin last year all copies of any of his books were sold out at least an hour before the official start time.

  2. Larry, are you going to be doing signings at any of the stores you are visiting on the tour for HoA?

    I will be at the Houston one come hell or high water, and would love to get a signed copy.

    If you are only doing meet and greets i will get one from your link above.

  3. You’ve also been to the FanX in Salt Lake a lot and that is how I have gotten your signature too. Always have been polite even when I kept bugging you for a new one because I kept forgetting which books we owned. You even recommended the Magic of Recluce series to me (which is next on my to read list, despite many months of putting off my new books lately). But it’s good to know I can get them ordered another way in case you aren’t in Salt Lake City. Thanks for being a cool dude sir. We, your fans, appreciate the hell out of it.

  4. I know it is waaaaaay out of the way, but do you ever make take a trip to New England, New Hampshire in particular?

  5. Any ETA on the leather bound Grimnoir books? It has been a while. Not quite as long as a belt fed shrike pre-order, but I am beginning to wonder.

    1. I heard this week that they should be getting the proof copies shortly. I put up an update post a while ago about their supplier problem.

  6. I just pre-ordered the new release, but I primarily read in digital format. Uncle Hugo’s luckily had postcard size printouts of the cover that I was able to get signed.

    I bought a hardcover specifically to bring along and get it signed, and that works nicely as well.

  7. I appreciate your good work on the Dead Six series. I had never heard of you, but Glenn Reynolds linked to you on Instapundit and I bought all three. You should buy that guy a whiskey.

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