My GenCon Schedule

I’m leaving for GenCon in Indianapolis tomorrow. Here is my schedule. When I am not at these events I will be spending large sums of money on miniatures.


11:00 AM Character Craft: Real Monsters & Vicious Animals Capital I


10:00 AM Special Event: Q & A with Larry Correia Ballroom

11:00 AM Business of Writing: Business Plans for Writers Capital I

4:00 PM Signing Exhibit Hall

6:00 PM Writer’s Craft: Kick Ass Fight Scenes Capital I


10:00 AM Signing Exhibit Hall

11:00 AM Story Craft: Structuring Your Story Right Capital I

3:00 PM Special Event: Baen Roadshow Chamber

6:00 PM Writer’s Craft: Writing Stories that are Fun to Read Capital I

Update Post, Back from GenCon and Yard Moose Mountain Road
DRAGON AWARDS! Monster Hunter Grunge is a finalist. Anyone can vote!

23 thoughts on “My GenCon Schedule”

  1. Schedule conflicts prevent me from catching any of your panels/signings (can’t really sign my kindle app anyway) so will have to settle for scanning the exhibit hall for significantly large cash/miniature storms. Have fun!

  2. I made the first panel on monsters and vicious critters this morning (I was the gent in the neon yellow shirt). I thought it went really well, the MC did an entertaining job of playing off the gritty realism of the monsters created by the three authors with her experience writing fantasy romances. She admitted that her vampires sparkled. Plus we saw an author not named Butler that is as tall as Larry. He was cheating though, he still had a thick head of hair.

    I’ll be at the Q & A tomorrow morning, looking forward to it!

        1. If anything, he’s more popular now than when this whole thing began. And that is just angering to them.

          1. It’s the Antifa Effect. Driving people to their enemies with their own bad behavior.

          2. Since they’ve got me blocked, yet they are so concerned about the state of my career feel free to pass this on:

            Thanks for your concern. Sales are doing great. The Siege release was fantastic. I had the best book signing turn outs of my career. I have enough books under contract to keep me busy at two books a year for the next eight years. But don’t worry that I’m working too hard, because I do have some side projects. Since I retired from battling Puppy Related Sadness I bought a big piece of mountainside to develop, and am building a giant house on it, all paid for with my massive royalties. So thanks for your concern about my career, but don’t worry, I’m doing great. 😀

    1. In reply to Bitchy Brian: “Yeah, we know, and we like him, and you better learn the difference between gold and cheap brass for that bitter little heart of yours.”

    2. From that thread:

      “Li Grabenstetter‏ @MagneticCrow 18h
      18 hours ago

      Replying to @talkwordy
      (I used to throw every one of his ARCs in the recycling bin when I worked at bookstores. small acts)”

      Wow. Just . . . wow.

    3. Blocked. Can’t see it. But I’m so happy that they are still worried about the state of my career. 😀

  3. I wish I’d seen this pre-Con, I’d have aimed for the panels. This is my first GenCon and it has been mega-overwhelming, I’ve had very little idea of what was going on outside of the little corner I’ve been tangentially involved with helping out this weekend. Still, I was very glad to finally get to shake your hand in person (I was the Army officer who’s apparently a figment of her own imagination and was weird enough to bring her copy of The Christmas Noun for signing). Thanks again for the many hours of entertainment your books have provided to me and the rest of the family.

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