Question about my Texas book signings

I’ll be in San Antonio on the 1st, Austin on the 2nd, and Dallas on the 3rd. The store owners asked if I knew how many people to expect (so they have the right number of books on hand), but I’ve never signed at these stores before so I have no earthly idea.

So if you are planning on being at one of my Texas book signings and are going to pick up a signed copy of Monster Hunter Siege, please reply below. Or reply on Facebook, but please don’t reply at both.  That kind of defeats the purpose of accurate counting. 😀


BOOK BOMB! The Lawdog Files
Update Post: Grunge with wrong spine and a bunch of other stuff

90 thoughts on “Question about my Texas book signings”

    1. Wow, are there any Baen authors that aren’t going to DragonCon? That’s quite a list of talent. Also, sending a big guy like Larry to St. Pete and Tampa in late July? Now that’s just cruel and unusual punishment right there….

    1. Oh, I guess it is too late to ask if you changed the chambering for Julie’s new rifle to 6.5mm Creedmoor from 260 Creedmoor, which just sound odd.

  1. I will be there to get a book.
    Will you only be signing books bought there or are we allowed to bring one in? (I am wanting to get my copy of Straight Out of Tombstone scribbled on…..)

  2. +1 for the Dallas signing. I’ve got a friend coming with me, but I’ll let him RSVP for himself.

  3. Will try to make Austin for Grimnoir. I don’t have paper copies of the books, so I’d like to buy them there.

    Something to consider: Since you’re not doing a signing in Houston, you may pull in some Houston fans to San Antonio and Austin. It’s roughly a 3 hour drive from Houston to either place, so you’re only going to get the more serious fans, but Houston is BIG, and you probably have quite a few fans here, so you may want to add a few more books to the tally for those two cities. Also, the UT-Austin campus is enormous, and school will be out of session. If they have extra autographed books, there’s a good chance they’ll be able to sell them when the students come back for the fall semester.

    1. Very good point. As a Houstonian, it will take me nine hours to drive to Austin, get some food, absorb the atMHIsphere for the two hours of the signing, then get home some time after midnight. I’d rather go to San Antonio than venture into Berkeley East (Austin), but the earlier start time means more traffic so a much earlier cutoff to the workday (1pm instead of 3pm). Any chance of getting some Houston love on your next trip? There are at least two gun ranges within 4 miles of my house, and with six million people living within an hour’s drive of downtown, there’s got to be enough of us here to fill a good sized signing venue.

  4. Just learned about this today, and now it will my mission to be at The Twig in San Antonio. *Excited*

  5. Going to be there for the Austin signing….need to get more doodles for the MHI rpg and get siege
    And this time I will pronounce the name correctly…unlike Galveston.

  6. Im going to be in Austin the day your here. Im going to try to join you. Let me know if you want to get some dinner.

  7. Husband and I will be at Dallas. I’m posting here instead of FB because I’m surprising him with the awesomest date night ever.

    1. I went to the signing Larry did in Albuquerque a few years ago.

      He signed whatever you brought, except checks! The book store sold out of his books and unlike some authors, you could bring your own copies and he would sign them.

      He was extremely approachable, taking the time to talk to everyone on a variety of subjects. He was very helpful to a couple of new authors trying to get their books printed.

      He stayed well over the allotted time to speak to everyone.

      All in all, a real class act.

      And I understand he is now signing books by other authors? Or do I misremember that?

      1. Because of Dead Six, there is now a running joke with him and Mike signing each other’s names, left handed and in crayon…
        I think there are a couple of copies of Her Brother’s Keeper with questionable and colored autographs out there as well.

  8. Tangentially related, (Texas anyway).

    Will there be a Lawdog Files book bomb? Supposed to come out on the 17th, but it looks like the kindle version dropped yesterday.

    Just curious. The whole support awesome up and coming authors thing.

    1. At, Dorothy Grant said, “Larry Correia has agreed to do a Book Bomb for Ian on the release day, and I want to push those sales numbers high, so I’m not including a link here until Monday.” She also cleverly did not reveal the title of the book, which prevented me from going out and grabbing it a day early. Diabolically clever, that woman… 😉

      1. I think there was something on Larry’s FB, but I’m terrible about checking my feed, so I dunno. Grabbed a free sample yesterday to see if it was something I would be interested in (answer: an enthusiastic YES), so now watching for word here.

      2. Ah, thanks.

        I don’t follow Dorothy Grant and have no BoolFace. It’s occasionally much like living under a rock 🙂

  9. One more for Dallas! My wife is awesome, she graduates the next day with her doctorate, but gave me her blessing to attend. (yes, she will be officially Dr. Strange)

  10. Dallas, up to six. The number that show up depends on the stability of a generator in Arkansas.

  11. Dallas, along with my son, but fair warning you may need to tell him to shut up and let other people talk to you, move up in line, etc. as he will otherwise be happy to talk to you until you pass out form exhaustion.

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