Sorry for the lack of blogging, but I’ve been swamped. I’m working on Monster Hunter Siege, and the plan is to have it out the door by Christmas.
Here is the back cover blurb:
When Owen Zastava Pitt was given a tip about some hunters who had gone missing in action, he didn’t realize their rescue mission would snowball into the single biggest operation in Monster Hunter International’s history. Their men are being held prisoner in a horrific nightmare dimension, and the only way to reach them is through the radioactive ruins of a monster infested war zone.
Except it’s also the home base of the powerful creature behind the attacks on the Last Dragon and Copper Lake. It turns out ancient gods of chaos really hate trespassers, but he picked a fight with the wrong crew, and now MHI wants payback. Calling on their allies, a massive expedition is formed, and with the odds stacked against them, a legion of hunters goes to war.
It’s D-Day at the City of Monsters.
Monster Hunter Siege comes out in August.
The lack of blogging has been because I’m in that part of the book where everything is really clicking fast, and I’ll start writing in the morning, and the next thing I know it is 5:00 and I’ve not eaten lunch. Being in the zone is awesome.
Sarah Hoyt is currently working on the rough draft of Monster Hunter Guardian. The way that collaboration works is that she writes the first pass, I write the 2nd, she does the 3rd, cleaning it up as we go.
I’ve still got one more Ringo collaboration, Monster Hunter Saints, to edit, but because Siege is on the calendar, I’ve got to get that done first. These are different than the regular series, but they are popular. (if you are curious how the spin offs are doing, was not confirmed, but Toni is pretty sure we earned back our advance off of the sales of eARCs alone)
The Monster Hunter Files anthology is done. It is edited by me and Bryan Thomas Schmidt, and has a ton of good authors in it. I’ve already listed the table of contents. I do not know when that is going on the calendar yet. I’m just waiting to get a check from Baen to pay the authors, and I’m assuming when that comes they’ll give me a tentative publishing date too.
Alliance of Shadows is my next release. That’s the 3rd and final D6 novel with Mike Kupari, and I’m really pumped. That is on shelves October 4th.
I will be going to New York City ComicCon in October too. That is my last convention of the year. Thank goodness! I swore I was going to cut back after the insane amounts of travel I did over the last few years, and I did. A little… Though there was that 3 weeks in Europe bit, so actually, never mind.
The next charity red shirting drive is coming up. The last Monster Hunter Nation charity red shirting drive was such a success that it took me years and years to get all of you guys into books as characters (in fact, the final one is in Siege) and we paid for a kid’s kidney dialysis while he was waiting for a transplant. This time we are going to help someone with spina bifida pay for their surgery.
In other charity news, as many of you know I’m helping out with the Vets on Sets project from Mission Valor. There is going to be something special and unique coming out to help there.
There is a big project coming up that Jack and I have been calling Special Project N. There will be more news about that very soon. I think it is awesome.
I did not win the Gemmell Legend award this week, but that’s cool because Mark Lawrence took it. I’ve read some of his work. The dude has skills. I’d encourage you guys to check out his work.
In other business news–don’t get your hopes up because Hollywood is weird and flaky as hell and I don’t trust anything until the checks cash–but someone is shopping Tom Stranger as an animated series. Yes, I know that would be amazing. But again, don’t get your hopes up. MHI has been optioned for 4 years and it is still in “development”. Though Tom really would translate well as a cartoon. It would be the only way we could afford the special effects budget.
In gun news, got a US Optics 5-25x with a Horus for the Cazador. Just waiting on the tax stamp from the ATF for the SilencerCo Omega… Because what is the fun of being a fiction writer if you can’t build your character’s guns for research purposes? My daily carry gun is Lorenzo’s pistol.
In politics… I got nothing. Yeah, I know I’m usually full of political posts this time of year, but meh. I didn’t even watch the debates. This election is a train carrying toxic waste derailing into a sewage treatment plant.
So that is the update.
EDIT: Wait, I forgot another charity thing. You can enter to win a really nice MHI holster, autographed by me, for Kilted to Kick Cancer. There are also holsters from Superman, the guy from Monster Garage, and the Nuge, and I would love if mine was more popular than theirs. 😀
From the comments:
No mention of your support of DragonLeatherTN’s Kilted to Kick Cancer?
From their Facebook page:
Simply go to…/kilted-to-kick-cancer-…/ to make a donation.
During checkout, select Team Dragon from the drop-down menu. For every $10 you donate, I’ll enter your name in a drawing for a holster of your choice, signed by Dean Cain, Jesse G. James, or Larry Correia.
Or in $5 increments, you can be entered for a hand-crafted knife (either a skinner, or fighting knife) made by Florida knifemaker Reg Moree.
When you get your PayPal reciept in email, simply forward that reciept to and in the email, tell me how you want the donation value to be applied to the drawing.
One of the holsters bears the MHI logo and our host’s signature (scrawl).
No mention of your support of DragonLeatherTN’s Kilted to Kick Cancer?
From their Facebook page:
Simply go to…/kilted-to-kick-cancer-…/ to make a donation.
During checkout, select Team Dragon from the drop-down menu. For every $10 you donate, I’ll enter your name in a drawing for a holster of your choice, signed by Dean Cain, Jesse G. James, or Larry Correia.
Or in $5 increments, you can be entered for a hand-crafted knife (either a skinner, or fighting knife) made by Florida knifemaker Reg Moree.
When you get your PayPal reciept in email, simply forward that reciept to and in the email, tell me how you want the donation value to be applied to the drawing.
One of the holsters bears the MHI logo and our host’s signature (scrawl).
Good point!
What? What’s with all this charity stuff? Where’s the hate? I was told there would be hate! International, lordly amounts of it!
What are you talking about? He clearly hates disease in general, and cancer in particular. Is that not enough for you?
Can you assure us these good-deeds receivers are worthy?
I’m really not in the mood to help out a Hillary supporter, for example. I mean I would hate to help save someone that the world would be better off without… Yes, I am a meanie.
No, I am totally stupid, and try to pick the most unworthy people possible.
Larry actually exploring this question in his Dead Six books. Can a man who was evil to his core be redeemed after paying the price for his evil deeds? I’m not saying Clinton supporters are evil but you think so. On October 5, on Audible anyway, I’m going to get the answer I can’t wait even though I STILL don’t know who the narrator will be. It’s such a great question Larry has asked with Lorrenzo.
Hey Larry…Dennis from Dragon Leatherworks here.
Yeah…your autograph is by far the most popular. 🙂
More than the Nuge, Superman, and Monster Garage?
BOOM! I need a TV show. 😀
“More than the Nuge, Superman, and Monster Garage? ”
Brother…more than all three COMBINED.
I kid you not.
Dang. Looks like I need to up my contribution and get more chances. In all fairness, it IS a really sweet looking holster.
An MHI, Grimnoir, or Tom Stranger TV series would be worth it just for the angst it would cause in certain quarters.
I’m confused. You start off with “I’m working on Monster Hunter Siege, and the plan is to have it out the door by Christmas.” and then include a line after the blurb “Monster Hunter Siege comes out in August.” Did you mean August in Tom Stranger’s version of Earth? Hmmm…..transdimensional timeline inconsistencies…. Or is this a Hardcover + Kindle for Christmas and paperback August 2017?
Happy productive writing & editing wishes. Looking forward to reading it and the others you have lined up!
Since it is September 27th, and the book will not be finished until the end of 2016, I’m pretty sure I meant August 2017. 🙂
A real author should be able to harness the minds of one of his many five-hundred-strong signing audiences and use them to travel back in time and publish the book last month. Just sayin’.
I’m 98% sure he means that he hopes to have it completed by Christmas for August Publication.
Oh, tell the truth. Those of us on the Special Readers List will get the book on Christmas day, couriered, along with our complementary invitations to LibertyCon and Larry’s personal invitation to shoot his $5000 MHI AR, along with “DOROTHY, WAKE UP.”
He meant “Augtober”. It’s a new month they made just for MH releases.
Are there any holidays in that month?
Every day with a MH release.
“Monster Hunter Siege comes out in August.”
Write. Faster. 🙂
Site problem: I’m seeing a WordPress menu bar across the top that claims I’m logged in as user “correia45”. Fortunately it’s not a valid login session, and it asks for a password if I click on anything, but it shouldn’t be displaying it at all.
I had a similar thing happen a few weeks ago.
All good news, and thanks for pimping KTKC! Those $$ go to support prostate cancer research and treatment.
A Tom Stranger cartoon would be cool, but only if it was written by you. Or if was pretty much a straight adaptation of what you’ve already written. I really don’t trust Hollywood to get your particular brand of wacky conservative absurdist sci-fi comedy right at all.
So, we have the possibility of 4-5 MHI books between now and the end of next year?
Take my money. Please.
Re: Tom Stranger TAS
Cartoon Network Adult Swim, perhaps? Or on FX alongside Archer?
At this point it looks like there are 5 in the pipe due out by then end of 2017 (more or less). Might be one more if Sarah finishes her ‘Grant’ novel (and Larry approves it and Toni can shoehorn it into the schedule).
2017 looks to be a real good year for Monster Hunters ; )
I suspect some of those titles will slip to 2018. I’m guessing Sarah’s collaboration and possibly the anthology.
I was thinking Adult Swim myself, though I can see it coming on after Archer. That could have lefty heads exploding everywhere…
I had the exact same thought, “it’d be perfect coming after Archer”
Aw c’mon the election isn’t that bad. I mean sure we have two twats corrupt beyond belief that are unsuited to hold office. Sure either could cause the apocalypse, but at least Trump does not cause a lot of vomiting, and Hillary does not cause a lot bleeding from the ears.
In other news, saw the debate. Had to spot periodically, though. Not the most pleasant experience. On the bright side maybe Trump supporters will show concern about Trump’s no fly list comment….. maybe.
I kind of agree with the person who said voting for Trump is like playing Russian roulette, but voting for Hillary is like playing it with a semi-automatic…
That’s pretty much where I’m at by now.
Understandable, but I am not exactly there.
or a claymore mine.
Don’t be so pessimistic. Alicia Machado’s sex tapes with those tentacle monsters under the obsidian pyramid were great.
Your lack of blogging is entirely excusable, as it is for something that makes me want to throw money in your general direction.
“This election is a train carrying toxic waste derailing into a sewage treatment plant.”
That one got a big laugh at Chez Phantom from the assembled minions. ~:)
I was kind of hoping that Hillary’s robot suit would fritz out on her and she’d start doing the mamba, or that Donald’s hair would jump off and start chasing something, but I was disappointed.
You are going to love the Omega. The only real downside is having to replace a bunch of muzzle devices with silencerco quick detach mounts.
Ooooh. Redshirting charity. I think I missed the other ones; how do they work?
(Why yes, it’d be hilarious for me to get horribly dead in a MHI novel, so yes, I want to know the details!)
I want to know if you can buy a redshirt to kill someone else. I’ve got a few friends who I’d love to surprise with being offed in an MHI novel…
“The Monster Hunter Files anthology is done. ”
Words can’t express how much I’m looking forward to this.
“I’m working on Monster Hunter Siege, and the plan is to have it out the door by Christmas.”
We both have Christmas deadlines. There’s a race I’m hoping both of us will win 🙂
I wonder what year it is in the Monster Hunter Universe. The first book took place while W was president who got a mention from Sam even though it was published in August of 2009 according to Amazon. I own all of Larry’s books on Audible but I did not join his raving fan base until last year. Obama was in the most recent book that starred Owen. It’s clear that years have passed in the series but not how many. I can’t tell if Owen is still in his late 20s or possibly late 30s. I know none of this matters I’m just curious.
After a few references pinned to actual years, I’ve been trying hard to avoid locking down the actual time. It is too easy to make the book feel dated.
And I never said the waffling, inept president Stricken was manipulating in Nemesis was Barack Obama. 🙂 Any resemblance between persons living or dead in this work of fiction is purely coincidental and all that.
Sounds like the Tom Clancy route of alternate history past a certain point. Works for me.
“It’s D-Day at the City of Monsters.”
Owen Pitt is going to DC?
“radioactive ruins” Hmmmm. I’m going take an educated guess and say Chernobyl. It would be a good way to cover up a massive monster infestation by saying that a nuclear reactor meltdown made the area too dangerous. Or the reactor accident itself opened a portal to another dimension.
That’s good point. I was trying to think of how Monster Hunter could have a radioactive war zone, but if we didn’t know it was a war zone, that could work. Alternately, nuclear test facilities? or someplace isolated enough to have been nuked and fought over without admitting it? That’s harder, dropping nukes really is very noticeable.
Or New Jersey.
What makes you think it’s Earth? It does say something about another dimension. Have there been any atomic weapons utilized in earlier books? Hmmmmmm
Right in the first one.
It seems likely that the “portal to another dimension” is the one mentioned by Franks in Nemesis, the one in Las Vegas that leads back to the Nightmare realm. As for the “radioactive ruins”, I could easily believe that enough people have nightmares about the aftermath of a nuclear strike that radioactive ruins would have a place of honor in that realm.
I don’t want this to be … “It’s D-Day at the City of Monsters.”
If it’s D-Day, then it’s either the end of the beginning or the beginning of the end, depending on your glass vs water level alignment.
I don’t want the beginning to ever end, or the end to ever begin.
Larry’s stuck in the David Weber trap. He wants to kill off Owen and wrap up the story arc the way Weber tried wanted to kill off Honor Harrington a la Admiral Nelson, BUT WE WON’T LET HIM BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA…
At least he’s WRITING THE FRIGGING BOOKS! I’ve been waiting for Mike Henke to get to Mesa and blow the crap out of it for 3 years.
Your wait may be over soon–the next Honor Harrington book is coming out in November.
Will the be more Grimnoir Chronicals? I have not read book three yet but I don’t see a book 4 nad it’s been three years since book 3 came out? Is the series dead?
There are 2 shorts also, Murder on the Orient Elite which is an Audible exclusive and Tokyo Raider which could be considered the first story written in the setting of the next Grimnoir series, set in the 1950’s. Joe has the potential to be an even bigger badass than his father Jake, even if the 1st lady does make him call her Aunt Faye…
It was a trilogy. That trilogy is done. But I do plan on writing another trilogy set in the same universe, but starting in 1954.
This is the best news I have heard in a while. It’s good to know there is so much more MHI to look forward to.