Monster Hunter Nemesis eBook is out early

I don’t actually know why the eBook is out a couple weeks before the book, but hey, whatever. 🙂

#3 fantasy in the Kindle store right now.

Monster Hunter Nemesis (Monster Hunters International Book 5)


EDIT: Considering this isn’t a book bomb or anything like that, it is still kind of fun to see this today:

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #621 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

#1 and #2 are Laurel K. Hamilton and Jim Butcher’s new books. Both of them are awesome writers and all around cool people, who are on top of the game, so I’m in excellent company! 🙂  On the other list, it is books and audio too, and I was surprised to see that the MHI audiobook which has been out for years is sitting at #7.

Not too shabby for a “little known author”. Maybe at this rate someday I’ll qualify as a *real* writer. 🙂


Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #399 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)


EDIT 4: Hell, if it keeps climbing, I’m going to keep editing. 🙂


I got into a Twitter fight with Scalzi and it ended up on Twitchy
Geeky Hobbies, Sunday Afternoon Painting WiPs

68 thoughts on “Monster Hunter Nemesis eBook is out early”

  1. Bought it and finished it in less than 12 hours Larry. Awesome book! Makes me wish I was a slower reader so it would last longer. 🙂

    1. Yeah. Larry needs to write longer books. The next Monster Hunter book should be about equal to all 5 published Game of Thrones books. Five Thousand pages of Owen shooting monsters would be epic.

      1. Amazon also released Kratman’s “The Rod and the Axe” on Kindle at the same time they released “Nemesis.” Bought ’em both; read “Nemesis” in a single sitting (and reviewed it Monday night for Amazon), and am about halfway through the Kratman.

        (Off-the-cuff review of “Axe” so far: Good, but needs more insane killing. Especially of Lucretia Arbeit. 😛 )

      2. (Off-the-cuff review of “Axe” so far: Good, but needs more insane killing. Especially of Lucretia Arbeit.)

        Why are you so merciful?

  2. I spent a half hour yesterday morning clicking Refresh on Baen’s page until the Add to Cart button appeared just before noon. I figured it was more important than what my boss wanted me to do.

  3. Congrats and-a-half!

    (Can’t buy one until next month, but I can wait two weeks. I’m reading the Powder Mage books right now, so I’ve got some good stuff to tide me over.)

  4. Crap! So do I finish (re-)listening to the audible version of the incredibly awesome Warbound… or put that aside and start my kindle version of MHN? What should I do, oh what should I do?

  5. Needs to go all the way, so Larry can suit up, add the shades, loom on up to the microphone and growl:

    “Nemesis. One.”

    1. I got a chuckle out of “Grand Donald Jefferson. Agent five-two-two-niner-three” and “Franks, One”.

      1. That gave me a chuckle too. 🙂

        I think I’m going to start my Amazon review with this quote: “If you aren’t scared of Franks, then you haven’t been paying attention.” 😀

  6. “I don’t actually know why the eBook is out a couple weeks before the book …”

    Because some ditz thought it would take e-books three weeks to ship to the stores?

    1. It is because Baen releases the finished version of the Ebook on the 16th of the month prior to the dead tree being releases as part of the bundle:

      Here’s how the Monthly Baen Bundle program works: With this program, you can start reading upcoming releases prior to their publication. We release three segments of each new novel, one month apart, beginning three months before the publication date. Log back in after noon EST on or about the 16th of every preceding month to receive the updated Ebook.

      About two weeks after we release the full Ebook, bookstores around the country will begin to stock the physical versions of the new release titles.

      The way the deal Baen has with Amazon the minute the full finished Ebook is available on the Baen site it becomes available on Amazon.

  7. Oh, and as of 1729 hours EDT, still #3 in Fantasy

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #798 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Contemporary Fiction > Fantasy
    #13 in Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy > Contemporary
    #25 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy > Paranormal & Urban

    1. And on that 2nd one, it is books and audio too, where MHI (which has been out for years) is #7. 😀

      1. I should’ve waited until after 6pm to post that, cause it’s moved up! 😀

        Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #621 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Contemporary Fiction > Fantasy
        #11 in Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy > Contemporary
        #19 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy > Paranormal & Urban

  8. Tempting, But I will buy it at Uncle Hugo’s. July 3!

    I just dread the drive back home… I-94 West on the night before a 3-day Holiday Weekend.

  9. Yippee! On Jun 18, 2014 7:53 AM, “Monster Hunter Nation” wrote:

    > correia45 posted: “I don’t actually know why the eBook is out a couple > weeks before the book, but hey, whatever. 🙂 #3 fantasy in the Kindle store > right now. “

  10. I waited and got MHN and Tom Kratman’s new one at Baen. I’ve got nothing against Amazon but prefer giving Toni Weiskopf and gang my money directly.

  11. For us nook(y) lovers, it’s also available at Barnes and Noble. Bought and got.
    And thanks, Larry. You’re my 4th favorite author (behind Heinlein, Bujold, & Larry Niven) and I’m truly jazzed about your output.

    1. I’m also a nook user but still get my Monster Hunter fix through Baen’s own site rather than through B&N because once I buy the thing I can get it downloaded in multiple formats from them. So I have the Epub version on my Nook and an RTF version on my PC (along with a backup copy of the Epub) for reading on it.

  12. Larry, I was unable to find a direct email but regarding your tweet about Marion Z B. it was her 2nd husband that was the abuser she “just ” enabled. Small difference but with the brigades of “read until offended” any small inaccuracy (sic) will bring them out in droves.

  13. Ah, Larry, I’m sure that one day… you’ll be a ‘real author’ … whatever that may mean! Until then I guess the popularity of your books and the money you make just has to be a source of comfort to you… Somehow! *tragic pose!*

    Also CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^o^ /

  14. Congrats on the new one. The cover looks awesome.

    I see that, in perfect timing, Mr. Hines has decided to launch another attack at your character, and has covered your twitter exchange with Mr. Scalzi. Bound to drive new eyeballs to your books, Larry.

    With salesmen like Messrs. Scalzi and Hines, you’re likely to go far. One day, I wager, you will become a “real writer.”

    1. I was just reading that, and alas, 10 hours is too late to really enter the Fray. I wanted to Tag Scalzi as being bigoted against BDSMers with that “Beating my wife” comment. (At least to his side, that should matter.)

    2. Watching Larry mercilessly thump a (demonstrably) increasingly befuddled and outmatched Scalzi like the proverbial rented mule yesterday was nothing short of glorious. 😉

  15. Glad to hear the book is doing well! It was another great read with a “very interesting” ending (how do you sleep at night after putting these cliffhangers over on us?). But I still chuckle out loud every time I think of the now-classic line, “Oh shit! It’s Franks!”

    What you’ve done so brilliantly is created a universe with so many interesting characters that you can use any of them as the centerpiece of a really enjoyable story. And sometimes reading is work (I’m slowly slogging through the Gulag Archipelago, which is brilliant but really draining to read) but sometimes it’s joy (“Oh shit! It’s Franks!).

    I’m so glad to have discovered you and Sarah Hoyt. You just might keep a lot of us sane in the crazy times in which we live. Thank you!

  16. A little over half way done, stayed up until 12:30 am last night. So I’m dragging this morning.

    I’m at the point where *spoiler* and it was heart wrenchingly sad and was blindsided by *spoiler* It was a one-two punch. I never thought you’d go there. I know it’s an overused euphemism, but it’s certainly a game changer for the series going forward. I can’t wait to see where the story goes next.

  17. Still creeping upwards 🙂

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #382 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #2 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Contemporary Fiction > Fantasy
    #7 in Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy > Contemporary
    #10 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy > Paranormal & Urban

  18. [quote] Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #320 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

    #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Contemporary Fiction > Fantasy
    #5 in Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy > Contemporary
    #8 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy > Paranormal & Urban[/quote]

    And still climbing. Keep with it folks, he’s got growing kids to feed!

    (Not to mention the cost of licenses for YardMeese!) 🙂

  19. Outstanding book!
    Looking foward to the Hugo nomination next year! (’cause what’s better than putting “Hugo Nominated Author” next to “NY Times Bestselling Author” on your covers? MULTIPLE Hugo Award Nominated Author.)

  20. It came out early so I would have a way to destress while my little girl had her skull cut out and put back together on Tuesday.

  21. I am primarily an audio book listener these days, with a job as an engineer, a very busy 3 year old and a wife with medical issues I don’t find much time to sit and read anymore. After pre-ordering from audible I looked at ebook and Amazon and saw.

    At the publisher’s request, this title is sold without DRM (Digital Rights Management).

    Had to go ahead and buy a copy of the ebook too.

  22. Wow! I knew Franks was a cold fish, but I never expected that! Coolness. An unexpected treat was more Red. Heather’s my favorite character (sorry Owen, Julie, Earl) so I was really glad to see her show up. I’m just sorry we never got to see her go Full-Wolf on the bad guys, though she did pretty darn well even under non-optimal circumstances. I hope they got Stricken’s offer on video-tape, just in case her new boss needs formal proof.

    Can’t wait for the next one. Please write faster.

    (Larry, I have to say, I thought your writing style was a bit off the first chapter or two…but then again, perhaps I shouldn’t have had that Scotch right before I started reading.)

      1. That was my supposition, I just thought it would be nice to have the video in case some other higher-up bureaucrat tried to override Mrs. Flierl(sp?) and complain Heather hadn’t fulfilled her contract. That’s pretty unlikely, I realize, especially now that MCB’s got a new head as well. It looks like things are falling into place for both of those organizations to actually be useful in the Big Battle to come.

  23. Long ago I snapped up each new Anita Blake book when it came out, but after half a dozen or so, they started turning into endless turgid “relationships” and poorly-written porn. Don’t get me wrong, I *like* porn, but I have standards…

    Despite that, Laurell K. Hamilton still gets a major “right on!” for trying to get her gun stuff right, and getting help from some guy with some weird foreign name like “Massad Ayoob.”

    Apparently the bulk of Hamilton’s readers wanted “modern power female” instead of “Carla the Barbarian”, and I can’t really fault an author for writing what sells… but I still miss the old Antia Blake with the itchy trigger finger.

    1. I have to agree, the Anita Blake books were more fun when it was sexual tension rather than actual sex.

    1. Unfortunately, they don’t have G-Nome from Vendetta with Thug Life chest tattoo (I’m sure Tupac’s family would sue). The gun should also be corrected size .32 semi-automatic.

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