My Hugo Slate

Don’t forget to nominate. The cut off is coming up fast. It doesn’t do any good to spend $40 to combat Puppy Related Sadness if you don’t nominate! 🙂

This is what I’ve got right now. I’m still thinking about some of the other categories, and I can go back and put them in still when I decide.

Best Novel

Warbound, the Grimnoir Chronicles – Larry Correia – Baen

A Few Good Men – Sarah Hoyt – Baen


The Butcher of Khardov – Dan Wells – Skull Island Expeditions

The Chaplain’s Legacy – Brad Torgersen – Analog


The Exchange Officers – Brad Torgersen – Analog

Opera Vita Aeterna – Vox Day – The Last Witchking

Best Fanzine

Elitist Book Reviews – Steve Diamond

Graphic Story

Schlock Mercenary – Howard Tayler

Best Editor Long Form

Toni Weisskopf

Best Editor Short Form

Bryan Thomas Schmidt

Campbell Award

Marko Kloos

Frank Chadwick


I haven’t put anything yet for related work, dramatic presentations, or short story. Still trying to decide.


Last minute Hugo slate thoughts
Tax Day Customer Service

46 thoughts on “My Hugo Slate”

  1. I also nominated John Ringo’s Under a Graveyard Sky. If I can’t cure Puppy Related Sadness, maybe I can cause some ‘splodey heads.

  2. Hi Larry,

    I just voted and picked most of your choices. I’m nominating Failsaife by Karen Bovenmyer for the Hugo for Best Short Story. If you can vote, or if you know anyone who can, please ask them to consider voting for Failsafe, published by Iron Dragon Books. This is for Karen, because she deserves this. I was going to lobby to get her on the Nebula ballot, but the SFWA people were upsetting me, so I did not launch a campaign.

    Failsafe is the real deal and an amazing story.

  3. I hereby pledge that if I win the Campbell, I’ll go up to the podium all Arafat-style, wearing a keffiyeh and a flap holster that may or may not be empty.

    1. Don’t forget the scruffy beard and the fidgety eyes. A slight lip tremor is also required for complete authenticity.

      Greetings from Israel and good luck (-:

  4. For novels, I’m going Warbound, A Few Good Men, Under a Graveyard Sky, and the Rithmatist by Brandon Sanerson. I’m looking for a fifth. I know the Wheel of Time will get on the ballot without my help, so I’d like to give that slot to another deserving novel. Any suggestions?

    1. Noah’s Boy by Sarah Hoyt
      Come and Take Them by Tom Kratman
      Terms of Enlistment by Marko Kloos
      How Dark the World Becomes by Frank Chadwick
      Eight Million Gods by Wen Spencer
      Spheres of Influence by Ryk Spoor
      Necessary Evil by Ian Tregillis

  5. Here is what I have down right now:

    Best Novel
    Under a Graveyard Sky – John Ringo – Baen
    Warbound – Larry Correia – Baen
    How Dark the World Becomes – Frank Chadwick – Baen
    Terms of Enlistment – Marko Kloos – 47North
    Take The Star Road – Peter Grant – Fynbos Press

    Best Novella
    The Chaplain’s Legacy – Brad R. Torgersen – Analog
    Measures of Absolution – Marko Kloos – Frostbite Publishing
    Instruments of War – Larry Correia – Skull Island eXpeditions
    Butcher of Khardov – Dan Wells – Skull Island eXpedition
    Pittsburgh Backyard and Garden – Wen Spencer – Baen

    Best Novelette
    The Exchange Officers – Brad Torgersen – Analog
    Gemini 17 – Brad Torgersen – WordFire Press
    Skyspark – Ryk E. Spoor – Baen
    The Sorcerer of Daigawa – Jon F. Merz – Baen
    To Spec – Charles E. Gannon – Baen

    Best Short Story
    A Peony Amongst Roses – Gail Sanders and Michael Z. Williamson – DAW Books
    Port Call – Michael Z. Williamson – Baen
    The Krumhorn and Misericorde – Dave Freer – Baen
    Dog’s Body – Sarah A. Hoyt – Baen
    Failsafe – Karen Bovenmyer – Iron Dragon Books

    Best Related Work
    Writing Down the Dragon – Tom Simon – Bondwine Books
    On Training for War – Tom Kratman – Baen
    Fracking and the American Comeback – J. R. Dunn – Baen
    Inappropriate Cocktails – Michael Z. Williamson – Baen
    A Terrible Thing to Lose: Zombie Science and Science Fiction in John Ringo’s Under a Graveyard Sky – Tedd Roberts – Baen

    Best Dramatic Presentation (Long Form)
    The Hunger Games: Catching Fire – Francis Lawrence – Lionsgate
    The World’s End – Edgar Wright – Focus Features
    Pacific Rim – Guillermo del Toro – Legendary Pictures
    Ender’s Game – Gavin Hood – Summit Entertainment

    Best Editor (Short Form)
    Bryan Thomas Schmidt
    Edmund R. Schubert

    Best Editor (Long Form)
    Toni Weisskopf
    Tony Daniel

    Best Professional Artist
    Alan Pollack
    Sam Kennedy
    Kurt Miller
    Marco Mazzoni

    Best Fanzine
    Elitist Book Reviews – Steve Diamond
    Mad Genius Club – Kate Paulk

    The John W. Campbell Award
    Marko Kloos
    Frank Chadwick
    Hugh Howey

  6. I am planning on nominating Fire With Fire by Chuck Gannon from Baen published March 15, 2013.

  7. Okay, Larry, I don’t know if you’ve seen this yet – I expect you may have, because you seem to spend a fair amount of time online. Anyway, I’m in the process of reading the eARC of MHN, got curious about your references to Dippel, did a google, and landed at this wikipedia entry:

    In it, you are listed as a referencing author along with the likes of Claire Clairmont and Percy Bysshe Shelley, Mary Shelley, Jacob Grimm, Mary Jane Clairmont, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, Robert Anton Wilson, Warren Ellis, Christopher Farnsworth, G.M.S. Altman, Kenneth Oppel, Stan Major and Miranda Seymour.

    Wowser. You go, dude.

  8. Great, now I’ve got my $40 worth. Cool that you picked Frank Chadwick. I worked for him way back in the 70s at Game Designers’ Workshop. Good times.

    1. Their methodology is suspect – I checked sources, CA is ranked 27th in the active duty metric despite have the 2nd most amount of troops. They must have indexed to a per capita standard.

      1. It doesn’t seem to be. Idaho is much better than 24th in number of veterans when ranked by percentage of population.

        Of course, they have a major omission in their ranking: population density. I live in a rural area in a rural state. That’s much more relevant than nearly all their other metrics. (Although there is a large degree of correlation with some of them.)

  9. I mostly followed Larry’s slate and added a few more Baen authors and Jack Campbell. Other notable additions included Steve Long for the MHI RPG in best related wrok. Dave Seeley and Vincent Chong for professional artist. For fan artists, I put my friends Heather Phillips, Sarah Crawford, and my brother in law Ernest Vincent Wood III. Mainly because their drawing skills are way better than what I saw nominated last year. I don’t care if they haven’t published stuff in zines (who the fuck still uses the word zine, btw?)

  10. What are we supposed to put in the eligibility slot for the Campbell?

    Also, would Vi Hart’s YouTube channel be considered a fancast?

    1. The irony of people who think that anyone who vote for Larry had to be mindless morons voting according to a list telling other people to vote against certain people according to a list.

      I hope this blows over, but I think this might be the year that breaks the Hugos’ prestige.

      1. Yup.

        I wonder if right now certain assholes are regretting sending me all that hate mail for the last 6 years. 🙂

  11. Thanks for proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that appearing on the Hugo ballot has nothing to do with talent!!

  12. Appearing on the Hugo ballot has had nothing to do with the political leanings of the authors, until raised by people commenting and writing here.

      1. “Those folks”? Do you know how the nominations process works? You have to be a member of the last year or current year World SF Convention in order to nominate. If a work is eligible, i.e., published in the previous year, it can be among the final nominations if enough people nominate it.

        So many SF authors who are conservative in their politics have been nominated and have won Hugo awards that I fail to see what the big fuss is all about.

        1. Toni Weisskopf posted this over on John Ringo’s FB page last September: “The problem John is pointing out, which I admit I wasn’t fully cognizant of, is that there have been in the past committees that have unfairly and against the rules thrown out Campbell or Hugo nominations for Ringo that they would not have for another author of different political slant. Is this provable now? Nope.”

          But please tell us how you know so much more about the Hugo awards than the publisher of Baen Books.

    1. ……. /facepalm

      Dude, you are WAY behind. You either haven’t seen the vile crap that’s been posted about this on most of the lefty blogs or don’t care to acknowledge it. Either way, you might want to catch up.

  13. Hi, Mr. Correia.

    Your awards slate is a brilliant solution to the way conservative writers have been sidelined by the Hugo community. If conservatives can break into the Hugos this way, maybe we’ll start seeing a more diverse and popular approach to SF awards generally.

    Why not take it a step further?

    Instead of relying on you to do all the work, perhaps somebody (or several somebodies) in the conservative SF community could poll the top conservative-leaning SF/F writers — Card, Ringo, Kratman, Weber, Pournelle, Hoyt, Torgersen, you, and several others — annually about the year’s best writing, and then post the consensus / most-voted-for list? If nothing else, it would give conservative SF fans a greater voice at the Hugos, and provide us with some awesome reading material recommendations.

    And ironically, it might even encourage us to read left-leaning SF more often. Because it’s a lot easier to appreciate an alternate viewpoint when it’s *one* option instead of the *only* option.

    In any case, THANK YOU for this. It’s nice to finally look forward to Hugo awards without the same old message fic.

    (crossposted at Ms. Hoyt’s blog and Mr. Torgersen’s, in case they might be interested)

  14. What I find hilarious about the final results is that the percentage of votes for Vox Day are lower than for the other ones on your slate. Apparently, even people who liked the rest of your slate thought THAT one was crap.

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