Just a reminder, I’m set up now as an Amazon Sales affiliate, so if you click on any of the links to buy my books, even if you buy something else through that portal, I get a % for the refferal bonus. It doesn’t cost you any extra.
It is sort of like a tip jar. 🙂
On that note, Larry Correia novels make great Christmas presents. Uncle Hugo’s still has autographed hard covers of Spellbound.
Yes, go buy a copy of Spellbound for your parents! Your children! Your friends and cousins and that weird uncle that you never wanted to spend time around because he smelled weird. Buy a copy of Spellbound and your life will be enhanced a million fold. Women will want you (unless you’re a woman–unless you’re into that)! Men will want to be you (unless you’re a woman-unless they’re into that)! Money will fall from the sky and you will find pie in your fridge. Oh and you can read my awesome demise.