Please put your vote in the comments of this post.
To view all of the submissions, click here:
Note, there are some that have copyrighted images in them, and those just plain can’t win. Sorry. That said, vote for who you like, because on some of the images that you might think are copyrighted actually were submitted by the owners. Which was sort of a geeky surprise for me. 🙂
I will leave voting open until November 7th, mostly because I was very late in getting all of the patches posted here. I didn’t expect that many! I am in awe of you guys. After that I’ll tally them up, pick the author’s choice winners, and announce them all on the blog.
And since this post has got 3,300 hits this morning, I should’ve put a link to go buy something. Here, go look at Dead Six: You should read it, because it is cool.
I like the Harlem New York Patch
Omaha Stakes. Tasty and good for you!
Omaha Stakes
That’s my pick too.
I’m torn. SCI with the raven and catchy phrase, or Hyena Bomb? SCI it is!
Eastern Tennessee Monster Hunters, otherwise known as “In God we trust, all others we nuke”.
Sign me up for eastern Tennessee monster Hunters
I’m going with Eastern Tennessee Monster Hunters
Chalk one up for Team Frostbite! Though if that happens to be one of the “can’t win” entries, my vote goes to… who else? The Combat Librarians, of course.
Finger Lakes Firefighter Artillery… Hoo Raa!
SCI: When Darkness Falls….we were the ones who pushed it. I think that’s a win.
Yeah that’s the winner. As cool as some of the mottos people came up with were, that one perfectly captures the combination of badass boast and tongue in cheek humor that defines MHI.
I have to go with SCI too. “We pushed it” is just too good.
Um, Team DbD. Yeah.
Omaha Stakes – Go Team Nebraska!
Tombstone Gravediggers
Tombstone Gravediggers gets my vote. Very cool and iconic.
I’m with this, too. Love the slogan.
Love the tombstone patch.
While I do like my own patch, NYPD Monster task force, my back story is that it was started by Theodore Roosevelt when he was Commissioner, my vote goes to Team Tombstone. Very cool.
Omaha Steaks, if you cann’t eatem steakem
STARS of Texas
(and if I can have a second vote, Omaha Stakes, because I’m still an Omaha-boy at heart).
Omaha Stakes!
Sticks of Fire! Sticks of Fire!
MUST MUST MUST be Team DbD!!! Why? Because I want to buy a patch with Sam on it, that’s why!
Very difficult to choose. There are so many great ones!
AG Munitions
Got to get your ammo somewhere. Visit the R&D group and see the new tools.
Team Jabberwocky
Honestly, The combat librarians.
No contest
Team DbD
Omaha Stakes good! Need more Stakes.
Vatican, Omega Legion
Team DBD of course. Just to let you folks know, that is an original piece of Chris Muir artwork that he came up with for the contest. Big thank you to him for creating such an awesome design!
Sticks of Fire
Sticks Of Fire patch!
Well, *I’m* voting for Sticks of Fire.
Is that nepotism or not?
Second on Sticks of Fire
Third for SoF.
I vote for Sticks of Fire too.
Add my vote for Sticks of Fire!!!!!
I ‘m voting for the Vatican Hunt Team, Omega Legion.
Angels of Undeath (green version)
though I might be a little biased since I made it lol
DbD, oh yeah
Omaha Stakes!
Can I vote for myself? I’m gonna! Tombstone Gravediggers!
There are so many good choices and it doesn’t feel right to vote for my own so I’ll have to cast one for the Hyena Bomb laughing doom. In case they are ineligible my second would be the Hudson valley river monsters.
A vote here for SCI.
I loved the Hudson Valley River Monster, but I have to vote for the Texas Unnatural Guard.
Tombstone. I dig it.
I cast my biased vote for Supernatural Animal Control B.C.
Kalamazoo County Crypt Kickers
I like both for Zombie Awareness International, but if I had to pick one I would say the second.
Tampa Florida
Definitely Team Montana…”Faith In Big Guns”
I’m voting for Korea, since Larry is so homophonic. *rimshot*
Team Frostbite, of course.
Why “Alaska Territory” when Alaska’s a state? We just never got around to changing it.
Maryland “Merry Dead” Hooah!
Omaha Stakes. Because vampire blood is the best marinade.
Red River Gun Runners.
‘Cause killing zombies is fun, but feral hogs are steady work.
I’m with you on Red River! Texas needs help in controlling both the zombie and feral hog populations!
texas bullmen . Us texans have to stick together.
Lots of good ones, I have to go with Sticks of Fire
texas bullmen
Texas Bullmen All the way! Ooooot Ooooot!!!
Kalamazoo County Crypt Kickers
STARS of Texas, FTW
A vote for Chesapeake here. Some really great submissions all around. 🙂
Team Frostbite
I vote for Sticks of Fire.
Because sticks and fire!
Sticks of Fire +1! Great patch! Love the back story as well!
Omaha Stakes- Strange things are in the corn.
Dbd is awesome, but my first pick would have to be Cerberus.
Team Frostbite FTW!!!
My choice is “Omaha Stakes”
I vote Omaha Stakes. A nice patch. Always hated all those damn vampires.
Omaha Stakes!!
The Lady Hunters made me chuckle although I do NOT own any pink weapons of any kind.
Team Frostbite FTW!!!!!
Oregon’s BAMF Squad…. oh YEAH!!!
Gotta go with CMH, Devil’s Cutthroats.
Too bad you can’t vote for 1 MHI and 1 non-MHI patch.
So, Poland for me…
But I do lean toward Sticks of Fire…
I vote the Sticks of Fire.
Either Team Frostbite or Celt Hunters.
On second thought, better just make that Frostbite.
I like the Hudson Valley River Monsters myself.
Celt Hunters, please! We need some badass Irishmen/women in these books. <3
My vote is for Omaha Stakes.
I like Tampa.
Tombstone gravedigger
Win or not I want one.
Texas Bullmen
Sticks of Fire Tampa Florida
Tombstone Gravediggers.
Sticks of Fire. I’m a homer and proud of it.
Sticks of Fire patch !!!!
Team Two Rivers.
Gonna have to go with Poland. I just want to see how they operate!
I vote SCI, I’m a sucker for an M79.
Pistol River Independant Zombie Extraction
I vote for in god we trust all others we nuke
MHI Texas, black patch with silver red eyed bull
Also like the Texas Bull Men
A suggestion: make one or more of the Texas team members Aggies, and they have modified their patches by sawing off the bull’s horns 🙂
Gig ’em Ags
Aggie or not, I would NOT recommend letting an actual Bullman hear you say that… ;D
I was anti- that patch due to an excessive amount of horn. However, I would enjoy seeing it in the book with said modification.
Saw ’em off!
I also vote for the silver/black MHI Texas patch…
The wife votes for sawing ’em off.
I third the modified MHI Texas, silver/black, with the sawed off horns.
PS at least it was not Burnt Orange.
MHI Texas for me, too.
Arizona Air Wing!
I think a lot of effort went into Redwood Wranglers. It gets my vote!
I vote Team Frostbite: My wife votes Korea
Team Frostbite
Team DbD…
R&D Lab Rats gets my vote.
MHI:Tombaugh Station
Team Frostbite for me, Mine was OTS (Team Otis). But wow – some of those out there are fantastic. Mine is nowhere near as good as some of the others.
Grimm Team Berlin was a great one too. There are just so many.
Is there an Otis in the book.. did I miss him? It sounds familiar, now I am going to have to go back through and see…. If not, I like the abbreviation – maybe for a new character OTS-Team Otis. Nice!
Hudson Valley River Monsters (independant) and then with MHI. I like how an outside independent agency can switch one they fall into MHI. Nice work!
Thanks I even sent Larry a bunch-o backstory he’s free to use. The first patch reflects the groups revolutionary war roots.
Since I’ve already read everything that Larry has published (and even though I am rereading Vendetta) I am going through story line withdrawal. You should post the back story 😉 I would love to read it.
One in the head – go ZERT!
Love the Finger Lakes one!!!!!!!!
Sticks of Fire gets my vote
Midnight Minutemen
Grimm, Berlin
Maryland, “The Merry Damned”.
Sticks of Fire, Tampa,Florida
I vote Sticks of Fire!
I vote for Sticks of FIre, Tampa Florida
1) White Eagles of Poland; 2) Red River (monsters and hogs); 3) Livingston Geographic Institute and 4) the Southern Baptists.
There are waaaay too many really clever entries!
Dixie Choppers
Sticks of Fire. WereManatee! Really!
(1) Omaha Stakes (2) Vatican Omega Legion (3) Midnight Minutemen Those are the three standouts for me.
I’ve got to go with “In God We Trust, All Others We Nuke”
Lots of good patches.
First choice, East TN “In God We Trust, All Others We Nuke”.
Second choice, Team Frostbite
Third Choice, Omaha Stakes
I’m voting for Zombie Awareness International patch design #1!
Wow, that is is lot of entries. Maybe a bracket type of contest would have been better.
Full Moon Exterminators gets my vote.
Team Frostbite…thanks.
Omaha Stakes is the one I like best. It was a toss up between them, the Eastern Tennessee team (In God We Trust, all others we nuke) and Tombstone Gravediggers.
Team Jabberwocky
Combat Librarians. Absolutely.
Sticks of Fire.
In God we trust, all others we nuke
Definitely one of the coolest
STARS of Texas
STARS of Texas
STARS of Texas
Sticks of Fire!
Have to vote for the Hudson Valley River Monsters – “Freedom From Tyrants”!
Sticks of Fire!
I vote for the Hudson Valley River Monsters
Tombstone Arizona MHI
I have to vote for Starkville Shoggoth Slayers. Come on! Its the only place to put Johnny Cash in jail!
And, for non-nepotistic purposes, the Vatican Slayers!
As a Texan, I love the idea of Texas Unnatural Guard. The design could stand a tweak or two to translate into an actual patch, but I would proudly sport one.
The idea of a state-sponsored monster eradication unit makes a lot of sense IMO. Would love to see TUG members and the MCB getting into some heated arguments over jurisdiction, posse comitatus, etc. 🙂
+1 for Texas Unnatural Guard
I vote for the Texas Unnatural Guard as well… but then again, it’s my design 🙂 You are right that it needs tweaks, but heck, I did the whole thing in Photoshop Elements.
The Texas Unnatural Guard. Part of the Texas Military Forces. They draw from the Texas National Guard, Texas Air National Guard, and Texas Naval Forces (you did know that Texas has it’s own Army, Air Force, and Navy, right?) to protect Texas from monsters and the undead. The only Govt agency that allows agents to keep a small percentage of the PUFF Bounty
Another +1 for Texas Unnatural Guard
Larry: “there will also be rival companies from around the world.”
Then I must go with Korea as there are some interesting elements in the design. The date will need to be corrected to 1895 though (not 1885).
Well excuuuuuuuuse me! Good catch! You must be a proofreader or something;)
Arizona Air Wing!
I’m throwing in with the Tombstones of Arizona. Skin that smokewagon and see what happens.
My vote is for the Hudson Valley River Monsters.
NE. Omaha Stakes
I vote for S3: Sinistral Security Solutions. A lefthanded monster is a badass monster!
Im going to have to go with some of the maryland entries because Its home. and lets face it we are Some of the craziest folk on the east coast.
heh. Think you could actualy work the Teflon Leprechaun (Martin “my guitar playing SUCKS” O’Mally) into one of your books?
S3; Sinistral Security Solutions
Team DbD is the awesome. I want Chris & Larry to get together post haste to figure out how to offer that patch.
Still, having a soft spot for my own entry, I vote “Combat Librarians” . Recognizing that not everyone (Lee, Dorcas, Raymond Shackleford III) can be on the front lines, but they serve, too. You got to know how to kill the wee beasties, and knowledge is your friend.
Maybe (if your patch isn’t the “Chosen One”), Larry could use it as a sort of skill Identifier badge, like the Army uses for “Airborne” or “Expert Infantry.” The reason I say this is also because of some of the other patches that were listed that could be skill Identifier patches such as the “MHI R&D Labrats” or the “MHI Medical Corp.” For example, Albert Lee could wear it, as he does alot of research when he isn’t on a mission with the team.
Another way to get some more patches into the book is to use a “Combat Patch” type system. You could place them on the shoulder opposite of their MHI Team Identifier. This could be done by members of MHI that are utilized by other teams (such as the international ones) for their expertise in fighting a particular monster. The patch is given once they fight with that other team and then worn as a “foreign service” badge demonstrating both respect to the other hunters they served with and gratitude from those hunters by allowing that member to wear their “Team Patch/Identifier.”
Crap… now I have my mind going in all sorts of random directions with unit/team structure for the story… Let me know if you need any ideas Larry – I think my brain is exploding (or a vampire is in it)
^ ^
S3- Simply because it’s the best! 🙂
Zombie Awareness International #2
Maryland “The Merry Damned.”
I vote for S3!
#1 Team Frostbite
#2 Omaha Stakes
In God we trust, all others we nuke
tampa florida
Omaha Stakes! There is more than football in Nebraska!
Midnight Minutemen is awesome
S3- Sinistral Security Solutions
Lol looks like the only vote for TEAM APEX,
I like the Texas Bullmen,
It kicks @$$!!!! go bullmen YEE-HAW!!!
I’d have to go with the Texas bull men, why? because I really, really want to see a 10 foot tall minotaur bash a zombie with a giant mallet.
I have to admit it… Earl already worked with one. It would be interesting if there was a team of minotaur hunters. Impenetrable hides, absolute wrecking balls – perfect strike force for a heard of zombies. They could be a fringe group of MHI that are brought in only when their berserker rage is an asset and not a liability. They could also be used as back up (in small “herds”/teams) for a number of Monsters, or used to soften up an area first that is then cleaned up with the precision of other Members of MHI. Fun to think of… what do you think Larry?
LOL I intened just that with my back story for the Bullmen. But it is a mix of humans and Bullmen.
“In God we trust, all others we nuke”.
Eastern Tennessee Monster Hunters!
Texas bullmen, because I agree with Roper, making a zombie goes squash would be wicked!
ZAI patch #2 of course.
Hudson Valley River Monsters. Most original.
Hudson Valley River Monsters. I like the “independent” patch.
Team Frostbite Alaska Territory.
‘Texas Bullmen’ all the way!
MHI Team Chesapeake
Team DBD
Team Z.E.R.T.!!
Day by Day, I mean, c’mon, a patch with Sam on it?? YES!
Voting for my own patch TEAM APEX
I’m voting for Hudson Valley River Monsters one
STARS of Texas. Not just because I am part of it. The back story is neat all on it’s own. If Larry doesn’t us it, I will share after the contest.
E. Tn patch FTW! That looks like a good zombie = a redead zombie.
I like AZ Air Wing.
Team DbD!
I love the silver and black Texas!!!
I like the black Texas one with the longhorn!
Team Frostbite!!!!!!!!!!
Voteing Team Apex
Hudson Valley River Monsters
I vote for the MHI Texas, black patch with silver red eyed bull!!!
I like the silver and black one. It is awesome. I like the longhorn inside. I am a longhorn fan!
Hey the black and silver patch is the best!!! Texas!
Longhorns ROCK( Texas silver and Black)
Black patch. Silver longhorn with 1895 at bottom
I vote for the Hudson Valley River Monsters!!!!!
My vote is for Black & Silver Texas patch, with Longhorn that has Red eyes!!!!
I vote for the black & silver longhorn.
My vore is for the Longhorn Steer 1895 by Brent Newman
Here it is for the Hudson Valley River Monsters!
i vote for the hudson valley river monsters.
My Vote is for the MHI Texas, black and silver with red eyes.
Another for the black and silver longhorn Texas patch.
1 vote for S3
Sinistral Security Solutions
Team Z.E.R.T all the way
Archangles Inc. I dig it.
I like the Texas Bullmen. I could see them rocking their own squad.
Man, tough ballot! I’m almost ashamed to see my entry up there among all the good stuff.
I’m going to go with MHI Texas. So simple, but says so much.
Although I have to give a 2nd place nod to the Ohio Valley Buckin’ Hillbillies. Them’s my people.
My Vote is for the MHI Texas, black/silver w/ red eyes.
Tampa Florida (Sticks of Fire)
Midnight Minutemen
Team Z.E.R.T.!!!!
Pistol River Independent Zombie Extermination!!! Gotta have more independent companies out there!
Hell yeah, TEAM MONTANA! I have faith in big guns, what about you???
Big sky bounty hunters
bigsky bounty hunters is SIIIIICK!!! love the crossed M14’s
Zombie Awareness International
ZAI patch 2
My vote is for the ZAI patches. I pretty sure my son will vote for the DERP patch…But I wish I could vote for all of them. Lots of creativity here. Wish I was that talented…
S3; Sinistral Security Solutions
Texas MHI rocks !!
My vote is for the really great Texas silver MHI patch, with the cowhead in the middle! Diane Newman
Gotta root for Team DBD even tho it’s © Chris Muir.
So, I’ll go with Kalamazoo Crypt Kickers.
Muir submitted it- it’s legit
In that case, go Team DBD!
Sticks of Fire!
I’m voting for S3 as my number one, DbD for my second (it’s got Sam looking mighty fine), and because I love my big guns Team Montana for my third. Really like all of them and it was a difficult choice. Now I gotta go find a copy of Dead Six.
I vote for Texas Bullmen
Team DbD is gorgeous work but gotta go with SCI for my vote.
Southern Vermont Stump Jumper
Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers all the way!
I vote Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers
Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers!! woot!
sothern vermont monster hunters
my vote goes for southern vermont stump jumpers!!
i vote for the texas bullmen .i admit im opiniated.
I vote for Texas Bullmen! MY SON did an awesome job on this patch! Go baby boy Go!
Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers!!!!!!
Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers!
Southern VT Stump jumpers!
Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers!
I gotta go with the Southern VT Stump Jumpers!!
Southern VT Stump Jumpers!!
My vote is for Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers!!! All the way!
Sticks of Fire by Robb Allen
Some people just have good taste. What can I say?
Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers!
Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers
Finger Lakes patch, great idea
Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers, of course!
Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers!
southern vermont stump jumpers
‘Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers!
Ranked votes:
1.) Monster Hunter Interplanetary
2.) Agents of Ra
3.) Team Frostbite
Ok, for my actual vote – Gator Baitors. Once I saw that, I was scrolling down to find one I liked better…
And I found it – but Cookie monster in the gun sights (MHI New York – You Got A Problem With That) is never gonna get past the copyright issues – but that one had me doing a spit take…
Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers!
One vote for Omaha Stakes!!!
My vote is for the Texas Bullmen patch.
My vote is for Team Frostbite
Can’t even make myself vote my own. Team Frostbite for the win!
I’m voting for Sticks of Fire!
Texas Bullmen!!!
Texas Bullmen
texas bullmen
Texas Bullmen
Texas Bullmen
Hmm, I guess it wouldn’t be sporting to vote for my own, so… it’s a tie between Cerberus and ‘If I tell you I have to kill you”
I vote for Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers!
Yeah to “Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers!” they have my vote
Texas Bullmen
Gotta go Team Montana. Did you see that big gun?!?! I’m sure you could find a lot of hunters there.
Gotta vote for Southern Baptists. I’m envisioning a whole company of guys like Trip–Could be interesting.
Yes, but they’re particularly vulnerable to undines and naiads…
MHI Research and Development
Midnight Minutemen!
East Tennessee – “…others we nuke”
Zombie Awareness International 2
MHI Massachusetts – I like the Isaac Davis quote.
Omaha Stakes
I vote for Omaha Steaks,good eatin’
Zombie Awareness International
I vote for Zombie Awareness International patch 1 🙂
Eastern Tennessee Monster Hunters “In God we trust, all others we nuke”.
Eastern Tennessee Monster Hunters “In God we trust, all others we nuke”. (corrected email address from previous post)
Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers.
Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers
Voting for Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers
Southern Vermont Stump Jumpers!
Team Frostbite! 🙂
Eastern Tennessee Monster Hunters patch rules
My vote is for “In God we trust, all others we nuke”
Wait, are people still voting?
Yes, but everything after Nov 7th will probably be discarded.
(He has people still responding to his H&K post and that was from years ago. He will likely still have people voting years from now.)
The Correia knows he has to tally the votes and he will. You know- in his ‘free’ time? LOL
larry, put me down fot “Zombie Awareness international” first submission.
Laughing Doom = the hyena bomb
Omaha Stakes FTW!