The copies of MHV that I’m supposed to sign and send to Uncle Hugos have not arrived yet. I checked, and Simon & Schuster supposedly shipped them on Monday. So I’m just waiting for them to get here. So don’t be made at Uncle Hugos. They can’t ship them until they get them, so please don’t call and yell at them.
Thank you for the update.
larry, I picked up MHV at Barnes & Noble yesterday evening,a good read. Can you get Alpha released a bit sooner?
Did your numbers finally even out for the signed copies?
Great, thanks for the update.
Maybe I missed it, but what about the patches? Are any getting made? If so, I’d love to have one or three.
Thanks for the update.
I’m patient 😉
I wouldn’t be if I didn’t already have MHV downloaded to the comp though 😀
Amazon has shipped MHV. Waiting…waiting…waiting…dammit why isn’t it here yet…waiting…
got my copy today. Damn. I Loved It.
Been reading the preview repeatedly since preordering.
If that’s just the beginning, I’m sure the book will be well worth the wait.
Did Simon and Schuster get nationalized? Take TARP money?
No more bathroom breaks till they get this book out. Chain the peons to the machines if you must, but ship this order now.
Thankfully my beater copy from Amazon is “being prepared for shipping” right now.
Honestly, I wouldn’t have had time to read it this week anyway so it’s probably all for the better.