It does look like a Oleg pic. I’ve only put a few rounds through a STI & was very impressed but all in all I’ll stick to my Warthog for carry. Now if only I could get a better set of grips in wood for it.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t you used to sell the hell out of STIs back in your dealer of awesomeness days? Seems like STI is giving you a reciprocal plug 🙂
One day, I’m going to make enough money to afford nice guns. On that day, I’m going to order Owen’s 1911s from the STI Custom Shop. Then I need make enough money to buy enough politicians so that I can get all the gun laws repealed so I won’t get arrested when I get a gunsmith to make me an Abomination.
Just keep working at Way of Kings. Then, when MHV comes out, take a break and tear through some great monster killing pulp. Then you can pick Brandon’s tome up again refreshed and recharged.
I’m still waiting for Larry to whip out his medieval fantasy with the belt fed machine gun in it.
Oh, if only we could combine the two, Brandon’s magical power armor, and Larry’s gun porn…
Oh I agree whole-heartedly. I just started Way of Kings last night and it is so epic…and of course I never would have given Sanderson a try without Larry having mentioned him (I’m not a big fantasy guy).
And seeing as how Larry is branching out into other genres (techno-thriller, noire-magic, space opera) it might not be too long before we see a medieval fantasy. With guns. And explosions. Mmmmmm 🙂 Guns and Explosions
Off topic but I think relevant to the monsters we deal with:
Today in History September 7th
1876 – In Northfield, Minnesota, Jesse James and the James-Younger Gang attempt to rob the town’s bank but are surrounded by an angry & well armed mob and are nearly killed. These citizens took the law into their own hands. They should have waited for professional law enforcement intervention.
That’s cool and sneaky. Unfortunately most people won’t even notice it. 🙁
Hahaha I Spy with my eye something that kicks ass!
I’d say that scores a “perfect ten” in advertising.
There’s an MHI patch in there. Left hand side.
That’s awesome.
That is wicked cool.
Boo-yah! I guess they liked the book and the free product placement (and now they’re returning the favor).
I am seriously considering getting an STI Spartan (since that is what fits in my budget).
I bought a Spartan from Larry back when he was with FBMG and I absolutely love mine.
Took me a second to find the patch, that is bad ass!!!
Either that, or… Did a certain Nashville photographer shoot the ad?
It’s pretty obvious that STI just used a photo taken during their tour of MHI HQ last year. 😉
It does look like a Oleg pic. I’ve only put a few rounds through a STI & was very impressed but all in all I’ll stick to my Warthog for carry. Now if only I could get a better set of grips in wood for it.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t you used to sell the hell out of STIs back in your dealer of awesomeness days? Seems like STI is giving you a reciprocal plug 🙂
One day, I’m going to make enough money to afford nice guns. On that day, I’m going to order Owen’s 1911s from the STI Custom Shop. Then I need make enough money to buy enough politicians so that I can get all the gun laws repealed so I won’t get arrested when I get a gunsmith to make me an Abomination.
Move to UT.
There you can own Abomination, and I am sure Larry can even point you at a few gunsmiths who can do the job.
Bad. Ass.
That cinches it. My Centennial 1911 next year will be an STI.
I really hope I can finish Way of Kings before I get MHV, the things a 1000 page monster.
Just keep working at Way of Kings. Then, when MHV comes out, take a break and tear through some great monster killing pulp. Then you can pick Brandon’s tome up again refreshed and recharged.
I’m still waiting for Larry to whip out his medieval fantasy with the belt fed machine gun in it.
Oh, if only we could combine the two, Brandon’s magical power armor, and Larry’s gun porn…
Oh I agree whole-heartedly. I just started Way of Kings last night and it is so epic…and of course I never would have given Sanderson a try without Larry having mentioned him (I’m not a big fantasy guy).
And seeing as how Larry is branching out into other genres (techno-thriller, noire-magic, space opera) it might not be too long before we see a medieval fantasy. With guns. And explosions. Mmmmmm 🙂 Guns and Explosions
Yes, explosives would be great. I probably love blowing things up even more than shooting them.
Or blowing them up..while shooting them?
And don’t forget the occasional stab in the face…
That is pretty cool Larry……does this have anything to do with your STI build?
Off topic but I think relevant to the monsters we deal with:
Today in History September 7th
1876 – In Northfield, Minnesota, Jesse James and the James-Younger Gang attempt to rob the town’s bank but are surrounded by an angry & well armed mob and are nearly killed. These citizens took the law into their own hands. They should have waited for professional law enforcement intervention.
Hi Larry,
Not sure where this article best fits on the blog, but thought that you might find it interesting:
OK I’m die hard Colt fan, but THAT rocks!