If you’re coming to CONduit this weekend, http://conduit.sfcon.org/ this is what I’ll be doing:
12p FRI – Writing Moods: Evoking Emotion and Atmosphere in Your Writing
1p FRI – Submitting Your Work for Publication
4p SAT – Writing the Rogue
11a SUN READING (1/2 hour)
2p SUN – Vampires: Dracula is Not Your Boyfriend
And I usually manage to bluff my way onto other things when the other panelists are friends of mine. CONduit is usually a lot of fun. So swing by and say hi.
Seems like a lot of fun. Will any of the workshops be recorded for those of us who can’t make it? Or can we at least get a write up or something?
Awesome, I was wondering who would be a part of the Writing the Rogue.
Any idea what your schedule will be like for the Chattanooga Con in July? I suspect that it isn’t set in stone yet, but I thought you might have been given some idea.
I hope I can make it this year. It’s been seven years since I hit the last CONduit, and now I’ve got some panels to attend for once. Woo hoo!
See at 1:00 PM!
I’ll be honest; I’d never heard of you before, but after the first panel on Friday had you in it, my writing group and I all panel-stalked you until the end (and bought your books). Fantastic work at the con! I enjoyed all your panels tremendously, and am REALLY enjoying my signed copy of Monster Hunter International!