Autographed copies…

…did not go out as planned on Saturday. I couldn’t make it to the post office before it closed. I’ve got 20 copies bagged and tagged waiting to go out, and 35 more that were shipped to me last week still on the way. I’ve gotten more orders since then. (surprising number actually) and I’ll get more on the way as fast as I can.

I’ll be getting more, but Amazon is currently sold out. How awesome is that? Toni from Baen posted on my FB note that more have been shipped to Amazon.

I had to order more patches and should have them shortly. I was a little surprised by how fast those last 200 were claimed.

I’ll be unavailable for the later half of this week shooting the ITRC, so I’m going to get these bagged ones in the mail before that.  I think I’m fighting a cold, which is really lousy luck.

The next book signing is at Utah State University on August 26th and 2:00-4:00 and then the Jordan Landing Barnes & Nobel on August 29th from 2:00-4:00.  Then in September I’ve got a signing on the 5th at the Layton B&N from 2:00-4:00. 

I just added a signing/panel for October 10th at the Sugerhouse B&N. This one is going to be a big deal, as a whole bunch of authors will be there. It is going to be quite the event. Once I know who else is coming I will post the names. This is one that you will want to catch if you live anywhere near SLC.

Movie review: Order of the Black Eagle

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