Jason Chaffetz punches Chris Cannon in the throat CRITICAL HIT! FINISH HIM! splorch FATALITY!

Yay!  My incumbent congressman got whooped in the Republican primary. 

Cannon is trying to say that it was becasue of low voter turn-out.  Personally I think it is because of Cannon’s comments about how Utah loves its immigrants, and we don’t care if they’re illegal or not.  No offense Chris, but that’s pretty darn out of touch with reality. 

I think Chaffetz summed it up well.  It is morally wrong to create an illegal underclass of people that we can use as virtual slave labor, and justify because it is good for business. 

Cannon was okay on guns, I’ll give him that.  Otherwise he was a pretty standard go along Republican showing the same lack of leadership that has gotten us into this current mess.  The more like that who get cleaned out, the better.

Personally I think we need to kick out 90% of our legislators and start from scratch, then fire most of the bureacrats and hire half that number of fresh people to replace them.

Our government can’t build a border fence in 5 years.  We can’t get oil for at least 10.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but we’re the same damn country that tooled up and defeated the Nazis in the greatest war of all time in 5 years, and went from Sputnik to Neil Armstrong in about a decade.  If the inertia is that bad, it is time to get some fresh blood.

So long Cannon.  I’ve met you in person, and you’re a nice guy.  Have a happy retirement. 

I've got an article in the latest issue of SWAT
Educational moment, the FLDS are not Mormon

9 thoughts on “Jason Chaffetz punches Chris Cannon in the throat CRITICAL HIT! FINISH HIM! splorch FATALITY!”

  1. HEY HEY HEY, Goo-ood-BYE!

    Here’s to ousting milquetoast, middle-of-the-pack, finger-in-the-wind, go-with-the-flow Congressmen!

    And yes. Anyone who is okay with the current status quo on illegal immigration? Yeah, that means you’re “okay” with thousands of people a year dying in the desert, drug runners abusing and raping people along the trails (rape trees do exist), heavily armed goods in tac gear planning ambushes for police, and of course, an under paid, no-benefits slave class to pick our crops for us.

    I can’t stand the hypocrisy of these people. They say they care about immigrants, but when you talk about contolling illegal immigration, they prattle on about how much the price of vegetables will go up.

    So what, Mr. Generic Progressive, you’re all up on these stupid Federally mandated minimum wage laws but you don’t mind some poor sod from Mexico being exploited in the hot sun for a dollar an hour?

    We have machines harvest our wheat. I refuse to believe that in the 21st Century our agricultural industry can’t survive without virtual slave labor. Either pay these people Federally mandated minimum wage or repeal the stupid minimum wage laws. You can’t have it both ways.

    I have a friend that told me she doesn’t like the idea of a fence around America. A fence to keep people out isn’t too far from a fence to keep people IN, she reasoned.

    Huh. Well, couple thousand people a year are dying in the sun out there because you don’t like the way that fence feels. How does THAT feel?

    It’s hopeless, I think. Politicians are too busy pandering to Latino votes to concern themselves with the reality of the situation. I, personally, can’t stand such ethno-centric thinking. It’s the antithesis of what this country is supposed to be about.

  2. “It is morally wrong to create an illegal underclass of people that we can use as virtual slave labor, and justify because it is good for business.”

    I wonder why more people do not get this. I’ve actually been called a racist for saying the exact same thing.

  3. I saw Chaffetz interviewed the other day. Yesterday? O’Reilly? Anyway, I think people like him, Bobby Jindal, etc are what America is finally realizing should have been in DC for years. Forever, in fact. Shame Jindal wants to clean up La first. Or maybe that will be the big selling point for 2012.

  4. You are lucky out there to at least have a Republican who is decent on gun rights. I have to deal with Jim Moran (D VA 8) who happens to think that guns should be abolished.

    I enjoy tweaking him every chance I get. From writing letters to the editor after his anti-gun press releases correcting him, to stating that he needs to resign as he walks down the street in a St. Patricks Day Parade.

    For that last one, he turned beet red and started coming towards me before the Mayor called him over for something. Gotta love it!

  5. NC quoth: Well, couple thousand people a year are dying in the sun out there because you don’t like the way that fence feels.

    That’s about on par with saying that there’s lots of children out there dying because people don’t like trigger locks. In short, it’s hogwash and poppycock.

    Those people are out there dying on their way into the country of their own volition. What, are you classifying America as an “attractive nuisance” now?

  6. Hogwash AND poppycock? Wow, somebody busted out an old-timey Thesaurus from the turn of the last century. Bully! Let’s put on our boater hats, ride our giant-wheeled bicycles to the Gym and lift some huge trapezoidal weights!

    The person I was talking to made an emotional argument, i.e., not liking the way it “feels”, so I made an emotion-based counter-argument.

    In any case, your point seems to be that it’s okay to have thousands of people dying on our border because they go there willingly. The same argument could be made that they CHOOSE to come here and be exploited and underpaid, so it’s okay.

    We don’t need border security for humanitarian reasons. We need border security for security reasons. I consider saving a few lives as a result to be a good thing.

    This is America. We don’t have underpaid slave classes here. We don’t have peasants and proletariat. The fact that Mexico is such a crap-hole that people are willing to put up with whatever they can get up here doesn’t change that. I say bring the workers in legally and pay them federally mandated minimum wage. If that costs too much and hurts the economy, then the minimum wage laws should be repealed (they never should’ve been passed in the first place). Anything else is just hypocritical.

    Not only is the institution of such an underclass immoral, it breeds resentment and eventually unrest. It opens people up to Marxist ideas.

    When some political snake oil salesman comes along, thumping the Communist Manifesto and promising a better world to the “working man”, people are much less apt to listen if their hard work has allowed them to move up economically, educate their kids, and improve their station in life.

  7. Naw, I actually talk that way in real life. No thesaurus required.

    The argument you make here is logical, and I happen to (mostly) agree with it. I kicked your other one around because not only was it emotional, it was wrong in where it put the blame. In short, there are reasons to put up a fence, but “saving the poor stupid Mexicans from themselves” isn’t one of them.

    The same argument could be made that they CHOOSE to come here and be exploited and underpaid, so it’s okay.

    Well, actually, yes. You make much the same argument, when you say that the minimum wage should be repealed. In the end, it comes down to letting individuals decide their own terms of employment.

    If you think I’m full of it, just try to make the “repeal minimum wage” argument to a dyed-in-the-wool leftist, and you’ll get an earful of Marxist blather about how you support letting those evil Corporations enslave the working man.

    I say ditch the minimum wage before we bring in the hordes of foreign workers, though. But even if we try it your way first, something has to change. This sociological evolutionary pressure we’re applying, selecting only for South American immigrants who are by definition willing to flaunt the law, has got to go.

  8. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but we’re the same damn country that tooled up and defeated the Nazis in the greatest war of all time in 5 years, …

    Okay, you’re wrong. That was done in less than 4 years (Dec 1941 to July 1945). I think there were fewer of the enemy that were American citizens back then.

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