All posts by correia45

Happy 4th of July

Today I’ve been sitting on the couch, watching the History Channel with my kids.  Every year I like to reflect on the greatness of our founders.  They did something that was unthinkable, and virtually impossible, and somehow pulled it off.   They laid the foundation for the greatest nation in the history of Earth. 

I just wish more people today would study history and the fundamentals of what this nation is supposed to be about. It sure would simplify politics in our time.  I do honestly believe that George Washington would scissor kick Barack Obama in the throat, but I digress. 

God bless America.  Happy 4th of July.

Summer Class Schedule

Here are the upcoming classes and events:

Pistol: August 9th at Global One
Tactical Carbine: August 15th (FBMG classroom) August 16th at Global One
Precision Rifle: September 12th (FBMG classroom) September 13th at Global One
AR15 Armorer’s:  July 31 at FBMG
CCW:  July 7-8 (Cabelas), July 19 (Cabelas), July 26 (FBMG), July 28-29 (Cabelas), Aug 11-12 (Cabelas), Aug 25-26 (Cabelas), Sept 6 (Cabelas), Sept 8-9 (Cabelas), Sept 22-23 (Cabelas). 
Machine Gun Mega Shoot ’08:  October 4th (Global One)

Jason Chaffetz punches Chris Cannon in the throat CRITICAL HIT! FINISH HIM! splorch FATALITY!

Yay!  My incumbent congressman got whooped in the Republican primary. 

Cannon is trying to say that it was becasue of low voter turn-out.  Personally I think it is because of Cannon’s comments about how Utah loves its immigrants, and we don’t care if they’re illegal or not.  No offense Chris, but that’s pretty darn out of touch with reality. 

I think Chaffetz summed it up well.  It is morally wrong to create an illegal underclass of people that we can use as virtual slave labor, and justify because it is good for business. 

Cannon was okay on guns, I’ll give him that.  Otherwise he was a pretty standard go along Republican showing the same lack of leadership that has gotten us into this current mess.  The more like that who get cleaned out, the better.

Personally I think we need to kick out 90% of our legislators and start from scratch, then fire most of the bureacrats and hire half that number of fresh people to replace them.

Our government can’t build a border fence in 5 years.  We can’t get oil for at least 10.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but we’re the same damn country that tooled up and defeated the Nazis in the greatest war of all time in 5 years, and went from Sputnik to Neil Armstrong in about a decade.  If the inertia is that bad, it is time to get some fresh blood.

So long Cannon.  I’ve met you in person, and you’re a nice guy.  Have a happy retirement.