About Me

Name: Larry Correia

Location: Utah, USA

Description:  Male. Very large. Very bald.

Occupation:  Writer. Merchant of Death (retired). Firearms Instructor.  Accountant.


I’ve had this blog for three years now, so I figured I should actually put some information on this page.

I was raised in El Nido, California.  I grew up on a dairy farm, where I received my black belt in the ancient art of Portuguese Shovel Fighting, because nothing motivates a Holstein to move its fat ass into the milk barn like a good shovel on the snout.  El Nido was a tiny little town, where the cows far outnumbered the people.  There’s not a whole lot of interest in El Nido, so I read a lot of books and I shot a lot of guns. (as you will see, these two things will be a theme in my life).

Looking back, I suppose I would describe myself as a geeky, fat kid. Ironically, I was also strong as an ox because I had to hoist bales of hay every day, but when you drink a gallon of extra-whole-super-plus-fat milk direct from the tank daily, (all you can drink, and it’s sorta free!) you do tend to chub up.  So rather than play a lot of sports, I preferred to read books. I was that one kid that always had a book in my hands and was usually reading at recess instead of actually doing stuff.

It was my mom that installed a love of reading in me. My dad considered reading fiction a complete waste of time, since reading time should be devoted to information related to important things, like cows or tractors. But I was a voracious reader. I read everything I could find.  El Nido had a tiny library, and by the time I was about twelve I had read everything there.  Two hours on the school bus everyday gives you plenty of extra reading time.

The first author I loved was Louis L’Amour.  I kept one of his index pages and checked off every book as I read it. Eventually I got them all. There was just something heroic about those that caught my imagination. The first real fantasy novel I ever read was Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks. Somebody my mom knew had picked it up at a yard sale. It was amazing. After that I discovered Raymond E. Feist and David Eddings, whole new worlds opened, and I knew that I wanted to write fantasy.  I started writing little stories in my school notebooks. I even illustrated them with dragons and swords and lots of explosions, because why the hell not?  The other kids loved them, and suddenly I discovered that I was good at making crap up to entertain people. It would be another twenty-five years before I discovered that I could actually make money at it.

The first sci-fi I was introduced to was John Dalmas, and from there I went on a crazed spiral of reading everything possible. I polished off Dune when I was about ten. Mom didn’t believe me. She had to read it herself and then give me a quiz. I passed. She was impressed.

Besides cow hoisting and hay tossing, I was also our farm’s pest eradicator. Squirrels and rabbits would burrow into our irrigation ditches, and then when you ran water down them, they would break and flood the roads.  Nothing prevents this quite like shooting the little buggers. Basically, I shot a lot of animals growing up. As farmers, you had your good years and your bad years. I remember one Christmas where all my presents were a new pair of work gloves and a brick of .22 shells. No matter how poor we got, there was always an ammo budget.

I loved shooting. It wasn’t really the hunting aspect. I didn’t enjoy killing animals, but it was part of my job and I was really good at it.  You see, killing animals was where food came from, and for me that was work, not fun.  For farm kids, raising a calf, giving it a name, and taking care of it like a sort of giant bovine pet was perfectly normal. And then one day you shot your pet in the brain, hung it up, and cut it into steaks. It really helps keep that whole circle of life thing in perspective. I don’t think city kids or suburbanites really grasp it.

Rather, shooting was about the interaction between me and the weapon. If I did what I was supposed to do, then this mechanical marvel would do what it was supposed to do. It was remarkable. It was fun. I loved guns.  I still do. I’m a gun-geek.

Life was tough. Like I said, there were good years and bad years. A string of bad years were a real challenge for everyone.

We lost the farm. My dad wanted to try and start over somewhere where land and hay was cheaper. My family moved to Utah. I was the oldest and my dad and I were at that stage that many young men reach with their fathers where they really want to murder each other. I stayed in California. I was a junior in high school. At the time my plan was to go to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Moving to Utah was stupid. Why would anyone want to move to Utah?

I moved to Delta, Utah, and back in with my family, half way through my senior year in high school.  I had a good excuse though. I was from El Nido, but I went to high school in Merced. Merced, California is a decent enough place, but at the time they had a bit of a gang problem.  I don’t know if they still do, because I avoid going back to California like the plague.  But either way, one of our local “youth groups” had an initiation that required them to jump and beat the crap out of some random schlub who didn’t even know what was going on.  Guess who the random schlub was?  Yep. Wrong place. Wrong time.

So I got my jaw dislocated and a concussion. Their plan of walking up to an unsuspecting doofus and clubbing him over the head and then mudstomping him was brilliantly executed. Except for one little thing. Remember that part about hoisting cows daily? (farm kids are strong) Well, it didn’t work out too well for the Youth Group, and three of the four of them that attacked me ended up injured, and one of them rather severely.  (head wounds bleed a lot!) All of a sudden, I had a whole bunch of really pissed off gang bangers who decided that it was rather embarrassing to have four of their little homies beat up by a fat country kid, and I needed to be taught a lesson. Said lesson would probably involve putting bullets into my vital organs.

Plus, my personal stash of college-money steers contracted tetanus and most of them died.  It was gross and sad. Kids, get those tetanus shots! Trust me on this one…  It ain’t pretty. I even looked to the military as a career path and way to pay for my education. However, Bill Clinton was our new president and was in the process of gutting everything. The recruiters were kind of ho-hum, and then they shot me right the heck down when we got to the part where I had severe allergies, asthma, and extremely flat feet. (no really, I’ve got the worst you’ve ever seen. I’ve had podiatrists ask to take pictures of them).

So… Utah was sounding better and better.

The thing was, I actually really liked Utah.  I was kind of surprised. Sure, I’d visited, and the people always seemed friendly enough, but I found that I was actually really comfortable there.  Sure, it was populated by a bunch of weird Mormons, (I was raised Catholic) but it was just my kind of place. Everyone was literate and liked guns. Plus, California was becoming increasingly odd, with wacky socialists in charge of everything… (remember the part about being a reader? Yeah, I read Das Kapital for fun when I was a teenager. Even as a kid I could see how ridiculous that philosophy was)  I checked out Utah State University on a whim, and ended up getting an excellent scholarship offer.  It was kind of a no brainer.

At USU I lived in a tiny room ( I think it was originally a pantry) in a hundred and fifteen year old house with a bunch of goofy yet great roommates. It would have made a good sitcom. I got a job at the campus bookstore, but sadly, didn’t get to work with the fun books in the fiction section. Oh no… I worked with textbooks… Gah. What a racket. (and college students, yes, you’re getting ripped off, but don’t blame the bookstore employees. They’re making peanuts!) It was also during this period of working with professors that I lost every last bit of respect I’d ever had for academics.  Most of them were dumber than a sack of hammers, but extremely proud of the fact that they had a bunch of degrees and had never held a real job.

I know when most authors look back at their college years, it is to remember with fondness of all the awesome debauchery and beer pong, but I kind of went the other direction.  For fun I played role playing games and started taking karate classes. I worked hard, held down multiple jobs, and strangely enough, got religious for the first time in my life. I went through a period where I started examining my personal beliefs and philosophies, because I was a strange young man. I had made some good Latter Day Saint friends, and I had enough respect for them that I decided to listen to their spiel.

It clicked. For the first time in my life, I found something that made sense for me, and that I believed in. I converted to Mormonism, and only later found out that I’d only get one wife. (only joking, we haven’t done that since the 1890s, plus who am I kidding, at the time I couldn’t even keep a steady girlfriend).  Because I’m the kind of guy that can’t do anything half way, I volunteered to go on an LDS mission.    Apparently God has a great sense of humor, so I was sent to Alabama.

You know the dudes on bikes, with the white shirts and ties? Yep. That was me. I did that. I like to think I was pretty good at it too. Well, as good as somebody that looked like a young, hulking, terrifying James Gandolfini could be expected to do in a field where you randomly go up and talk to complete strangers.  I know that the vast majority of folks who read my books and my blog aren’t the same religion as me, and that’s totally cool, but all that I’d ask is please be at least courteous to those kids. It is a tough job. And they’re unpaid volunteers who’re trying to do what they think is the right thing.  Don’t point guns at them. Don’t run them off the road. Don’t fling beer bottles at them as you pass by (you have no idea how much that hurts!).  If you’re not interested, just give them a polite no.

I did fall in love with the South though. I had one assignment where I spent four months living out of a car and driving from small town to small town across Alabama, Tennessee, and Mississippi, so I saw a lot of country.  The South is a wonderful place, and I decided that southerners get a bad rap. People ask me why MHI is set in the South, and that’s why. Southerners get screwed in fiction. They’re portrayed as hicks, racists, and illiterates. In real life they’re proud, heroic, smart, hard working, good people.  So I made MHI a Southerncentric organization.

So after two years of soul-crushing humidity, (how do you guys do it?) it was back to Utah, where I buckled down and started working toward my accounting degree. Why accounting?  Because I got to know a couple of FBI agents really well when I was in Alabama, and I decided that sounded like an interesting job. It was like being a nerdy version of Batman. At the time, you either needed to be an accountant or lawyer, (both of which sounded boring as hell, but getting a CPA was cheaper than going to law school), so I decided that was what I would do.  Besides, I couldn’t make a living with writing or guns, right?

Speaking of guns, the incident that would turn me from a casual recreational shooter into a hard-core tactical riot-nerd occurred around this same time. Without going into a lot of details, I was a witness to a very bad person doing something crazy, and the resulting aftermath where he then decided to try and kill an innocent person. I retrieved a gun and intervened. I didn’t shoot anyone, but I was about half a second from pulling the trigger on another human being. Everything worked out, but when I took stock afterward, I realized that I’d blundered my way through a violent encounter, made a ton of stupid mistakes, and there were a hundred other ways that the situation could have played out where I would have gotten killed.  I had been lucky.

It was a sobering event, and I decided that if I was going to have guns, I was going to learn how to use the damn things.  I started seeking out every knowledgeable person I could, and every time I could scrape together the money, I took another class. This was also how I stumbled into the dawn of the internet gun culture, which would go on to play an important part of my life. I found out many years later that the bad guy I was prepared to shoot that day had gone on to be deported three times before eventually murdering a cop.  There are bad people in the world, and they’ll hurt you, just because they can.

So after working a summer at a horrible cheese factory, and getting fired for reporting them to the health inspectors for knowingly shipping shredded cheese with broken glass in it (long story), I returned to Logan, Utah.  The very first day back I was visiting my old roommates, when this girl came in and said “Oh, hi, Larry. Welcome back” like she knew me. She was hot.  I mean, she was so gorgeous she took my breath away. She acted like she had known me from before I’d left for Alabama, but I was certain I would have remembered her.  Her name was Bridget.  I didn’t want to embarrass myself that I’d somehow forgotten this beautiful girl’s name, so I tried to be polite.

It turned out that we’d never met. She’d just thought it would be funny to embarrass me. She’d moved in down the street after I’d left and become friends with my old roommates.  Bridget had heard so much about me, that she figured she’d just mess with me. It wouldn’t be the last time she’d mess with my head… Or my heart. (oh, man, I’m cheesy).

We talked. It turned out that she’d never shot a pistol before. I’d just bought a Browning Buckmark the day after I’d gotten back from Alabama. (kind of a welcome back present to myself), so I invited her to come along to the range. Somehow it turned into a date. Yes. Our first date was shooting. Appropriate, I know. We then went hiking and watched UFC. I know! This one was a keeper. She was beautiful, smart, funny, and extremely talented, while I was unemployed, homeless, balding, and ugly. Yet two days after we’d met, I knew that I was going to marry this girl. It took her longer to come around, nearly a whole week.

Yep. We were that couple. We’ve been married for twelve years now. She is still the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Ironically, she was also a Californian. And we’d grown up about 100 miles away from each other. Pre-mission, we’d lived only a few blocks apart, worked in the same building (where I bought food daily from the establishment she worked at), attended the same dances, she’d been best friends with one of my co-workers, and we’d even had Psych 101 together, yet we’d never once met that entire year before I’d left for Alabama. I’m pretty sure I would have remembered the nearly six-foot-tall Viking goddess that looked suspiciously like the Baroness from GI-Joe.  (Yes, it is awesome to be me, thanks for asking).

Life sped along. We had our first child while still in college. That was a challenge. Full time jobs, full time school, and a baby… But we were badasses. None of that whining to mommy and daddy for us. I worked at the bookstore during the year, and did everything from Sprint customer service to providing Allstate rate quotes during the summers. My wife ran the international kitchen at the food court.  She always volunteered to close because we were so poor that we lived off the leftovers she brought home.

At some point, I realized that working in federal law enforcement was probably not a good fit for somebody with “authority” issues and complete lack of faith in the federal government.  So I applied for local law enforcement jobs.  For those that have been through it, you know what a long, tedious, annoying process that is. I’d been graduated for several months before I was finally hired by the sheriff’s department that I really wanted to work for, and to celebrate, my wife and I spent actual monies and flew out to California to visit relatives.  Of course, while we were there the sheriff’s department cut their budget and instituted a hiring freeze. Ooops.

So now I needed a job, quick. I had an accounting degree. I had never planned on being an accountant. I’d envisioned myself in a career with more ‘hitting’ in it. But a man’s got to feed his family. So I started applying. I was hired to be an “Associate Financial Analyst” for a Salt Lake branch of a giant fortune 500 company, where I could be a tiny cog in a machine.  By the time the sheriff’s department started hiring again, I’d settled into my boring, but better paying, accounting job, and we’d just had our second child… So I decided to stick with accounting.  It was sad, but it seemed like the responsible thing to do.

It turned out that I was actually a decent accountant. They dropped the Associate part from my title, and I got to do a lot of fun things, plus our factory made neat stuff for the music industry.  I liked most of the people I worked with, but as the years went by, the company got bigger, and therefore dumber. There were layoffs, downsizing, and all manner of corporate foolishness. It became a game for management to think of ways to justify not giving raises, except for when I got other job offers, because then I was worth keeping around.  (only two big raises I got where when I threatened to quit) After five years, I’d decided that the corporate world was a soul-sucking pit, designed to crush the human spirit. It was very depressing. That, and I hate cubicles.

To free my mind from the corporate BS of my day job, I started writing again. The first thing I wrote was a thriller. (don’t even ask to see it, because it sucked).  After that, I decided I wanted to write a book about monster. I loved B-movies, only the protagonists were always stupid.  How cool would it be to have a big B monster epic, only with smart protagonists?

During that time I kept on expanding my knowledge of gun stuff. I had become a Utah CCW instructor to supplement my income, and I was really good at it. Not to toot my own horn, but I’m a hell of a good teacher when it is something I enjoy. I shot a ton of competition, mostly IDPA and 3gun. Plus, I had started getting articles published in gun magazines.  A friend of mine from the gun culture called me from Afghanistan.  He said a few of the guys in his unit had been talking, and they wanted to go in together to open a gun store when they got home. I was the one person they knew that knew guns and could also do math.

So I became part owner of a gun store. I was living the dream. I said goodbye to Humungous Manic Group. Ironically the person they hired to replace me made 10K a year more than I did when I quit. That’s the corporate world for ya.

Small business ownership is an interesting thing. You’ve got a lot of freedom, but at the same time it is the biggest chain you could ever shackle yourself with. We grew from a tiny little space in the front of a boat shop with two employees, to a giant building with a bunch of staff and a full shop. We amassed an impressive collection of hardware, and I was able to participate in some really neat training opportunities. There were challenges, oh, so many challenges, but I’ll get to that.

I finished Monster Hunter International, and was surprised to find that it was actually pretty good. Most of the people I showed it to loved it. It was like when I was a kid, and I did the little fantasy stories complete with cartoon drawings, and people complimented me. That’s a surprisingly addictive feeling for a writer, and I bet many of us feel that same way. So I decided to try and get it published.

I started out the old fashioned way, query agents and publishers, submit according to the guidelines, wait, and collect rejections. MHI got shot down over and over and over and over again, all while everyone I showed it to really enjoyed it.  I’m a businessman. I’m certainly not the sensitive artist type (you can’t work with Green Berets and Marines all day, and be “sensitive”).  I knew about how many books a publisher needed to turn in order to make a profit. I knew from my own reading tastes, and the many people that I corresponded with on the internet that MHI could sell, but the publishing industry said no.

So screw the publishing industry. I decided to publish it myself.  Self publishing is normally the kiss of death. It is where really crappy books, written by talentless hacks, go to die. But once again, I’m not the guy that can do anything half way.  I used my aforementioned internet gun culture contacts to spread the word. I did an online serial with Mike Kupari that got over a hundred thousand hits.  People knew I could write, so they lined up to buy the self published MHI.  A fan of the serial got an early copy to pass along to his friend who owned a big indy bookstore (Uncle Hugos). I figured I needed to sell 500 to break even. Anything over that was gravy.

Uh… Yeah. A couple thousand copies and a spot on the Entertainment Weekly bestseller list later… Uncle Hugo introduced me to Baen, and all of a sudden, I had a publishing contract. I was an actual writer. Holy crap, that was unexpected.

Meanwhile, back in the land of small business ownership… I was fried. I was teaching a couple hundred people a month. I had been working 80 hours a week or more at my shop, and I’d gotten to the point where I was having some differences of opinion with the other owner about our direction. I was neglecting my wife and children. I was burned out, suffering from insomnia, and bringing that stress home.  I’d poured a lot of effort into making the store a success. Selling my business was one of the hardest decisions I’d ever made, but I’m glad that I did. I made many good friends over those years and had many great opportunities.  I wished them the best and moved on. A year later they’d gone out of business.

For the first time in my adult life, I was unemployed for more than a couple of days. Plus the economy had just tanked. I had a single book deal, but I was just starting out. It wasn’t enough to live off of. There were fifty qualified accountants applying for every job. It was kind of scary.  So, to take my mind off of being unemployed, I wrote a couple more books. I’d later sell those too, so technically I can say that I’ve never been unemployed.

I found my current job through a series of flukes and coincidences. I’m now the finance manager with a defense contractor. I do like supporting the military. I just crunch numbers, but in a way I’m helping keep F-16s in the sky to rain fire on our enemies. Sweet! It is honestly the best job I’ve ever had. My boss has integrity. I run my side of things with a lot of freedom and it is very professional.  I’m selling an ever increasing number of books, but I actually like my day job.  Every time I get some new bit of good writing related news, I have to assure her that I’m not planning on quitting anytime soon.

The Baen version of MHI came out, and it was a surprising hit, even ending up on another bestseller list and getting killer reviews. It went through four printings in its first year, which is remarkable.  I’ve since sold three more books to Baen, have fingers crossed on a fourth that I just sent in, and I’ve been asked to do another sci-fi series collaborating with powerhouse author, John Ringo.

The writing career has been going well.  I am humbled by how awesome you folks reading this are. My readers never cease to amaze me. The Monster Hunter Nation is an impressive bunch. So, I’ll keep making crap up to entertain you, and in exchange you give me money, and tell your friends to give me money. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Bridget and I have more kids now. I don’t like to talk about my family a whole lot on my blog, not because I don’t love them, quite the opposite in fact, they’re the center of my universe, but because the internet is a strange place. But life is good for the Correia family. We’re in the process of building a house in the mountains and getting the heck out of the suburbs. If they’re lucky, I may get some cows for the children to have as pets, and then steak. It’s that whole circle of life thing, you know.

And that’s it for the About Me.

EDIT:  Somebody pointed out that I’venot updated this for a couple of years. It has been really busy.

We had a 4th (surprise!) kid.

We moved from the suburbs out to a place that I lovingly call Yard Moose Mountain. We’re in a very small town in the mountains, and I love it.

I retired from my military contracting job, so now I’m a fulltime author. Which is good, because I’ve been crazy busy. My 10th novel will be out this summer, with 16 more under contract. My audiobooks have won two Audie Awards in a row, and my books are now in 7 languages.

And it is because I’ve got the best fans around.

998 thoughts on “About Me”

    1. Would you mind if I used your MHI patch design as an engraving desigh? I just think its kind of cool and I wanted to put it on a side plate of a project that I’m working on. Thanks Zig

      1. Zig,

        If you are just doing it for fun and not as a business/money making project. Go for it. Have fun. All I ask is that you send me a picture of it for the blog when you’re done.

      2. Thanks Larry, no its not for sale its just a personal project. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to show it off but I just wanted your OK before I did it. Oh hell yeah I take some pics of it. Just email me an address and afterwards I get them to you. Thanks once again, zig.

    2. Anyone else notice a certain similarity between Agent Franks and Hellboy? You know a demon that works for a semi-secret government agency that hunts monsters and has a partner named Meyers?

  1. larry, I know of FBMG from Saiga-12.com. I hope to see more of you there. I’ll be looking to get some 20 round .308 mags from ya’all since I just bought a S308 yesterday at a show in Va.


  2. Just read your HK parody add. Freaking hilarious. Laffed my ass clear off.

    I’m currently building a G3 from a FMP parts kit just because I can. Will see for myself how bad bad is.

  3. Hey Larry, I preordered the book and recieved it a few days ago. Excellent stuff I really like it and am looking forward to your next book! No big deal but I was under the impression that all preordered books would also recieve a patch… No patch here, I’d love one but I’d really like a to see your next book more! Keep up the good work.
    Airborne Medic

    1. Sir my name is Levi but you can call me LT ,not the rank.
      I just finished reading your latest I installment of the Chronicles of Hand and his time at MHI.
      And damn if you ain’t an evil bastard haha!
      But I am curious as to whom Hands girlfriend is/was and their daughter. Have you written about them ? Will we read about them in the future?
      I apologize for the nature of this post as I am not savvy with blog posting and dont really know the ins and outs of navigating such things. So not unlike Bubba and Earl I went for the straight forward approach. Thanks for your time and keep writing kill it and get paid.

  4. I didn’t get a patch either, but I don’t mind….damn good book 🙂 I managed to get one of my co-workers to buy a copy today, so at least your evil spreads to another generation (so to speak)! Write more books!

  5. Larry, you are an Evil Bastard. 😉

    I just got my book this evening when I got home from work; I’m on page 111 already and I’m not sure that I can put it down in order to go to sleep tonight. By that sentiment, you have just joined, in my mind, the likes of David Weber, John Ringo, Roger MacBride Allen, Mercedes Lackey, Timothy Zahn, Laurell K. Hamilton, Eric Flint and Robert Heinlein, as ALL of those authors have caused me to lose sleep at one time or another over the years. I hate you… I need my sleep, darnit!!

    When are you starting work on your next book?

    BTW, I do have to say that when I read your blog and realized that MHI was a self-published book, I hesitated for a day or so. The last self-published book I bought – because I knew the author’s brother, who was a Lodge Brother of mine – was AWFUL. I read your first chapter, and that, combined with LawDog’s recommendation, caused me to make the right choice and purchase it. I intend to put my MHI patch on my shooting jacket right after I earn an Appleseed Rifleman patch for it.

    BTW… when MHI is recruiting for another class, I’d like to apply.

    1. Howdy. I’ve never heard of you, but a friend posted this on Facebook. I don’t know what upsets me more, the tantrums of a few, or the cowards who cave in. Either way, I’ll be picking up your work in support.

  6. Just finished the book a couple of days ago. Damn good. Reason it took so long is I realized I was doing the same thing I did with the last Dresden book: didn’t want to finish it too soon, so kept only reading 20-30 pages.

    If I may say, struck me as being something like the first Dresden book: obviously a first book, not just in the ‘more stories to come’ sense, but something about the style. Looking forward to another in Owen’s adventures.

  7. Loaned my copy to ex and daughter. Ex is now pissed that you didn’t get it published through Baen or someobody; she thinks you’d make a lot more on it that way.

    You might try getting hold of Eric Flint at Baen Books, she says knows him from several sci-fi cons and thinks he’d want to do it.

  8. Hey Larry, I’ve tried to e-mail you twice over the past several days and kept getting Delivery Status Notification (Failure) for both of them.

    Just wondering if the P250 ever showed up and if you ever received their FFL.

  9. You go. Or is it Hugo? Any way, you are doing great, and I am glad the living room is not papered in notices – who wants to live with that in your face every day? Can’t wait to see my Larry as a vampire . . .

  10. Hey Larry, I’m the guy who bought the 6.8 stag with the shaved gas block (still waiting on it’s arrival BTW) can’t fault you for that though. I just wish Stag was more prompt with their shipments. Anyway, I’m really interested in buying your book, but I just think it would be a million times more convenient if you stocked them @ FBMG since it’s 3 min. from my house. Just a thought. I’d rather give you the $4 I’d be wasting on shipping, plus I could just get your autograph on it in the process. I’ve been reading your blog, great stuff, keep it up.

  11. Mr. Correia,

    Just finished your book and wow, it was amazing. Your knowledge of weapons and tactics made the book for me as my years in the army make bad tactics like nails on a chalkboard. Continue writing as I am desperate for the adventures of MHI. A well worn copy of your book is now in circulation within my battalion, heck I think the top just finished it and wants one of those patches.

  12. Hey Larry,

    This is your cousin Timmy Correia from Atwater. How are you doing? Grandma told me you had a gun shop and I got online and found your picture. It’s been a long time since I’ve talked to you. I saw your brother when he picked up your dad’s RT. How is your mom and dad? Tell them I said hi. I heard your married and have kids, congratulations. Well if you have time email me back. Atikuws@yahoo.com

  13. Larry,

    About half way through your book MHI. Love it so far and love your writing style. Only problem is it’s one of those books you read when you should be doing something else, like sleeping.


  14. Is there any chance of you selling a copy or two of the book as an ebook? I’m willing to pay full price for it; I simply cannot find a UK-based seller of the book, try as I might, so paying for an ebook version in whatever format you see fit to use is the next option.

  15. I want to read your book .I allso would like a patch if they are available.Reading what little of you book I could from this site it kinda mirros my life.But my motivation to tame demons .Was differnt and I didnt Kill or hurt some one .Almost took a leg off thoug for a spur.I hate rapest and was thretend by one in M.C. in idirect way not 2 tell.The spur said trust me or else on it .Some things dont have to resolt in vilance .Even when it should .Maybe When I get money I can have you make me speacil shot gun since the one I hand is famouse in home town now and is promised to some one .Looking Forward to doing bisness with you Riley j Gordon.

  16. Read your book, passed it around to many others who couldn’t get copies. Any chance of getting patches? Looking forward to the next book.

  17. Any chance on having another batch of patches for sale soon?

    I bought MHI a while back and I really enjoyed it. It was a fun read. I think you hit your stride at about chapter five and I couldn’t put it down.

  18. Hey Boss man,
    Finished the book for what has to be the 10th time.
    Enjoy it every time. Keep up the good work.

    I had noticed that no one on Youtube.com has taken the time to make a Monster Hunter International Film trailer
    (As some fans with free time will) I have decided to fix that problem.

    Sorry if its crappy, my comp kicked out on me, so I had to resort to Windows Media Maker.

    Enjoy Boss

  19. Dude!

    Years later, I’ve come up with the perfect television show for you to be in!

    If you recall from ages ago on the High Road, I am the producer of SHOOTING GALLERY on OUTDOOR CHANNEL and a HUGGGGGEEEEE fan of Monster Hunters International.

    So I’m filming my 10th season of SG, and since I’m probably the highest-rated shooting show ever, the bosses have given me what amounts to carte blanche. I’ve always wanted to do a show called “How to Kill the Undead,” addressing the critical issues of zombies (George Romero slow and 28 Days Later fast), werewolves, vamps and assorted monsters.

    My idea is to film the episode at the Whittington Center in New Mexico this summer, probably late May. We’ll use a couple of the big prop houses in Denver and my pal Mike Gibbons, who just retired as one of the premier movie armorers in Hollywood. We’ll build a graveyard for the opening simulation…my idea is to do the entire show deadpan earnest, address guns and ammo choice, etc.

    The last segment of the 4-segment show will be an “Undead Stage,” where we’ll have to address zombie targets (head shots only, or course), werewolves (probably with a sawed-off 12 gauge or something tasteful), vampires (crossbows, natch)…maybe the occasional monster to finish it up.

    I think you’d be the IDEAL guest for this episode! We’ll sew MHI patches on SHOOTING GALLERY shirts. We’ll plug the hell out of the book and have a great time. We won’t pay you a penny, but we’ll pick up all the expenses and buy post-filming liquor.


    Michael B

  20. As always boss, love the site.
    Me and some friends are making a lil web-series, was wondering if we could have your permission to use the MHI patch in them, mainly right before someone snipes a vampire and what not.
    If that’s ok with you.

  21. I don’t know if you get much call for it but merchandise like hats and patches with the MHI logo would be nice.

  22. I just ordered your book and I’m looking forward to reading it, but this also means that sometime in the future you will have to swing by BCI say Hi and sign it.

  23. Is there anyway to get patches? I’m a cop and in the Guard, I would love to sport a MHI patch on my active shooter bag.

  24. Just purchased on Baen. Great read. Waiting for MHI:2.

    Where can I find your other stuff and WHERE CAN I BUY PATCHES?

    1. I’m having another 200 patches made right now. I believe they are on the way. I will post details here.

  25. Speaking of – Larry, are you too busy to autograph MHI if I send a copy to you with prepaid return packaging, or do I need to just catch you in a local bookstore? 😎

    1. No plan for SC or anywhere in the East yet. Time and money. 🙂 Though depending on how the book does, I’m going to try.


  27. Larry,
    A friend told me that you have in the past offered concealed weapons classes and or certifications for students. Is that still the case or can you at least recommend someone? Thanks for your time and help!

    1. Aaron, I used to teach CCW for free to college students and anyone in the military. Unfortunatly I just don’t have the time right now to do any classes. Sorry. Maybe I’ll do that again in the future, but right now I’m just swamped with the writing.

  28. Put MHI on my amazon.com wishlist, then happened across it at a brick-and-mortar and bought it. Just finished my 2nd reading of it. To my surprise, my wife also read and enjoyed it.

    Congrats on the (hopefully financially) successful book.

    While I (@ 6’3″ and 245 on a good day) am completely in tune with the large-gauge shotguns (is it wrong to dream about Abomination?), I have to object to the use of a .45-70 lever gun instead of the OBVIOUSLY superior .450 (my 1895M will always have a spot in my safe).

    And, given the inability of the internet to properly express emotion, yes, that’s tongue in cheek (well, except for the part about the contents of my safe).

  29. Larry,

    My best friend of 33 years loande me his copy of MHI, one of your original printings, and I am up to pg 196. I love it! Can’t get enough and want your publisher to hurry up with the next book. I want my own autographed copy and patch.
    You are an excellent wordsmith and truly know your weapons. I’m a professional gunsmith so I know of what I write. While my firearms passion is older weapons, i.e., Enfields, big bore African express rifles, BIG shotguns, lever guns and wheel guns, I was DROOLING over the description of ‘The Abomination’. Since I have a type 7 FFL and paid my SOT, I wonder how close I could come?

    You ever get to Oklahoma, I want to buy you a Guinness.

    Do me a favor and check out my web site. Truitt and Son Gunsmithing would be proud to be of service to you.

  30. I read your book in one seven and a half hour sitting. Fantastic. I might suggest a company for inspiration.
    Their 20mm man portable cannon might be to your liking.

    I’ll be ordering several copies of your book as gifts to friends.

    Shoot small, miss small.

  31. Just finished MHI as an ebook. Damn that Jim Baen is crafty. Read the reveiws on Amazon, tracked down the first 7 chapters at baen.com and couldn’t wait the expected 3 weeks shipping to Australia. Have to admit, I ordered the hardcopy anyway. 1 question – WHEN IS THE NEXT MHI NOVEL COMMING!!!?


  32. Just now finishing up MHI, loved it and can’t wait for the next. Love the fact that it was done by a fellow gun-nut and shooter. This not common nowaday’s when people try to hide their interest in guns. Keep up the good work will be ordering a patch and it will be going on my shooting vest.


  33. Wow. That was the best HK posting ever. My office works with a ton of HK fanboys and the required gear-queers that that seem to morph into. My umpteen years of professional and amateur experience means nothing to them because they attended a two week course that was taught by HK Seal team 6000SpetsnazBulletboyMagnumPISupertrooperDeathmachine squad. I didn’t get the HK polo in tactical blue and I don’t wear 511’s. I don’t go and shoot at the 100 USD an hour Golden holster supertactical facility that requires a membership fee of 250 a year where it’s mandatory to wear all of your extra mags on your chest. Nope. Not. At. All.

  34. Rock golum attack at Yosemite (cover-up)


    Yosemite rock falls lead to Ahwanhee evacuation By Danielle Gaines

    Merced Sun-Star
    Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2009

    The Ahwanhee Hotel in Yosemite National Park has been evacuated after
    several different rock falls that began this morning continued into the

    Between 70 and 80 guests were booked at the hotel, said Scott Gediman, chief
    media officer for the park.

    The falling rocks were reported in the area of Royal Arches.
    “We basically have asked people to leave the Ahwanhee and we are evaluating
    the situation now,” Gediman said.

    There have been no injuries and no reports of structural damage, Gediman

    A park geologist will come in to evaluate the area and decide the risk of a
    more substantial rockslide this afternoon.

    Source: http://www.modbee.com/featured/story/831024.html

  35. Hello Larry,

    I’m hoping you can help me out in reference to a .50 cal rifle. Please contact me when you can.

  36. dear sir ,thank you very much. MHI was peerless. If at all possible can we have more? we will gladly pay in advance triple list P.S. my sons say the only problem with the coming zombie apocalypse is the first one to five minutes. once we know what time it is, we will be fine. thanks again for the incredible read.

  37. Thank you for a very enjoyable read.It is RELLY NICE when someone gets weapons and tactics right.I will never forget one series where the hero converted a Thompson Center contender in 45-70 to semi auto.

  38. Just finished your novel MHI. Loved it. Bought it on line from Baen and have enjoyed every second of the read. I could not put it down. My only comment is More. Much More. I want more. So much so if Baen offers a sequel I will pay the ARC (Advance Readers Copy) cost of 15 dollars to avoid waiting a day longer to continue the story line.

  39. Just finished reading MHI for the second time. I think it is a wonderful book, and I’m looking forward to the sequels. Keep up the good work.

  40. Really loved MHI. Was wondering if you had read Vampire$ by John Steakley. And if you had if it was a influence for your book.
    Btw loved the quote contest wish i heard about it a month a go. Please keep writing these fun fast paced novels. 1 every month or so would be good

    1. I read Vampire$ many years ago. I enjoyed it. I hadn’t thought about it for a long time when I was writing MHI, but it probably was an influence, not for just hunting monsters, as that’s been done a zillion times, but in that his character’s didn’t dink around about it either. It was all about getting the job done. That was cool.

      1 a month a book. As soon as I get my time machine invented, no problemo. 🙂

  41. Larry,

    Massad Ayoob suggested I contact you about a matter you might be able to help with.

    I believe we met a while back when I was working with TTI.

    Please email me with your contact info so we can communicate directly.



  42. Hey there Larry,
    Just picked up you book on the recommendation of Steve Perry, another author I follow…and wanted to tell you how much I loved it. I look forward to reading more from you.


  43. Since I was the first to pre-order MHI from B&N in my area they offered me the opportunity to review it for them. It follows below.

    Gunner365:The things that cause us to whistle while passing the grave yard are real, they do exist, and they do need to eat. This is the story of the people who kill the undead and collect the government bounties. Unusual people who make a difference.

    Reader Rating See Detailed Ratings
    Posted 09/12/09: This is a wonderful book. All of the things that the public thinks are common scary folk creatures, the vampires, werewolves, zombies, screaming blood suckers, and many more are infact based in truth. And this is a story of the people who work to keep us safe from them. Monster Hunters International is one of a small group of companies that fight and try to kill the legions of the undead, and to collect the government bounty on these creatures. This was the most entertaining, informative, exciting, well written books I have read this year. The character development was excellent, story continuity superb, the author created a wonderful story that will enthrall the reader and keep you turning page after page after page. While the book is robbing you of your sleep it will keep you laughing at the same time. Get the book, read and enjoy. I can’t wait for more of Mr. Correia’s stories.
    Does this get me advanced access to the next book?
    I’ll see you at the Mt. View book signing.

  44. Not necessiarly ment for public exposure but I couldn’t find a private email address. Will any “Bloody Bunny” patches be available? Looking forward to the next book.

  45. Loved MHI, it rocked hard. The technical aspects made it that much more enjoyable. Some of the outbreak locations were not far from my AO, got a big kick out of the MHI HQ location also. I plan on buying a patch to go on my body armor, ETA on Dead Six and MHI 2? Keep up the good work man.

    1. MHI:2 (Monster Hunter Vendetta) will be released in Fall 2010. Dead Six I don’t have sold yet. My coauthor on that one is still on active duty at EOD school, so getting that one wrapped up has been tough.

  46. Trying to reach Larry & wondering if he reads this blog…?

    Anyway, hello Larry.

    I gotta say that my favorite authors have been Pratchett, Butcher, Modesette, Salvatore, just to name a few. I now add your name to the TOP of that list.

    I’m only about half way through your MHI book & it’s great. Plus I’m a 1911 proponant as well, all the while owning 4 gun safes & consatantly exercising my 2nd amendment rights, here in Alaska, as often as possible….=0)

    Anyway, don’t want to sound like one of those weirdo freaky groupies (and at 6′4″-265 pounds-benching 430- it would seem odd), but I just felt the urge to look you up on the net & post you a sincere “atta boy” on your writings.Along with our common interest of firearms and our in-common manly size, I think you’re an impressive bard, wordsmith and story-teller who has a great future ahead of you…

    So, when the hell you gonna release the next MHI book…? LOL Would you hurry up already. Put away the boom-sticks & get to writing. We want more of Owen & MCI…! =0)

    Side note: Is there any way you could, at some point, maybe work in a character for me..? He’d be a tall, manly guy, of Norwegian decent, that comes from Alaska: likes to harvest demons and vanmps…Just a thought… =-)

    Regards, thank you & great work…

    Paul/ aka Norseman

    1. I read everything on this blog. It is how I get through the day at my regular job. 🙂 (just kidding, I like my regular job)

      Butcher, Modesette, Salvatore, Pratchett? Man, that is some dang fine company. Thanks, Norseman. I’m really glad you liked it. I’ll get that 2nd one out to you as fast as I can. (Fall 2010 it is looking like)

  47. Alright brother, thanks for repsonding & I can’t wait to read the next one…! Do you hunt? If so shoot me an email & I’ll share some Alaska huinting pics with you… =0)


  48. Hi 🙂

    Dragged myself away from the book to say it’s great. Ran across the samples up on Baen, got hooked & bought the download.

    Bring on the sequel!

  49. Hey,
    Finished MHI the other day.. It was freakin amazing. I didn’t know what to think at first, my fiance’s stepdad bought it for me and said read. I loved every minute of it and am very much looking forward to MHI 2, saw that it’s coming out fall next year. AWESOME. Also, I work in a movie theatre, and have seen probably every movie to come through in the past 3 years that interest me. I especially love monster movies, ie underworld and others like it. MHI put into movie form would be beautiful, and trust me I know about movies. This has serious potential, I would talk to baen about speaking with paramount or someone. Then if that one did well, you would most likely be signed for your second book to movie as well. looking forward to more.. Or if you have other books published or recommendationslet me know. I’d be happy to support your books or any others.

    1. Ryan, at the top of the page is a tab called Buy Stuff. All the info on patches and autographed copies is there.


  50. Hey, Larry, I’m the guy you bumped into at the B&N in Jordan Landing about a month back. You told me you would sign your book if I bought it, so I shrugged and thought “Ah, heck, might as well help a first time novelist out… probably going to be like most first novels, though…” So I grabbed the book, purchased it and put it in my “To Read” pile by my bedside. Well… I finally got to it, am already 200+ pages in, and am thrilled to have shaken hands with the next great author to hit the fantasy stage. Loving it! Keep up the good work!

  51. Bought your book planning to use it as travel fodder on my way overseas. It did not make it. I read the first chapter at B&N. I then stayed up well past my bedtime reading, oh, about the first 1/3 the same night. See, you don’t want to stop during the action, and well, if that is a requirement, then there really aren’t that many places TO stop, now, are there?…So, to summarize, thanks, man!

    Being former military, I’ve been a Baen fan for years, and this book justifies my faith in them. Now, go write more books, please.


  52. I just finished reading MHI. It was truly one of the most epic books I’ve ever read. You, sir, are a genius. There are no words to describe you and your work in terms of greatness. Thank you, Mr. Correia. Keep up the good work.

  53. After reading MHI I was stoked that there’ll be another novel coming out from you. I’ve gotten 3 of my friends to read MHI, one of them decided to buy his own copy and I am going to get a new copy.

    Is there any way to get in touch with you via email?

  54. I LOVED you bringing in the ‘Great Old Ones’! Absolutely fantastic… in hommage to that a funny bit I found online….

    Stacy Griffith, 15, liked frequenting chat rooms online. One day, she met a funny, goofy boy who was deep and intelligent. They talked all the time and eventually, they decided they were going to meet up at a mall in Stacy’s home town.

    Only when they met, Stacy realized he was no boy.

    It was Cthulhu.

    5,000 Americal girls lose their sanity to Cthulhu each year. Stop online predatation from Great Old Ones before it can start. Educate your children about Cthulhu today.

  55. Sir,

    When is this dead s ix book coming out? Is it coming out? I read that sample and man i liked it. Kinda reminds me of John Ringos Palidin of Shadows stuff(which I really like) Keep up the good work. Your blog keeps me up during the long borind hours of night shift here in Iraq. THANK YOU

  56. Mr. Correia I am an avid reader (3 to 4 novels per week) and was verry impressed by MHI, so much so in fact that i have been working on a D20 rpg campain setting based on characters and information from your novel as i have yet to find any already published. Know that I have no intention on ever having the setting published but would love any thoughts you may have on the subject.

    PS keep up the good work
    From me and all my geeky die rollin buddies
    C.R. Fox

    1. Somebody once asked me, for RPG purposes, how many Hunters are on a local team? I told him that it is exactly the same number as however many people are in his gaming group. 🙂

  57. Larry,
    I own the independent bookshop in downtown Boise.
    I recently read Monster Hunter International. I love your book and it is prominently displayed in my store. I am also a combat veteran and a shooter. I would like to invite you to Boise for a book signing in my store and a skeet shoot. Please contact me at your convenience.

    Mike Rainey

    A Novel adventure

  58. Just put the book Monster Hunter International down……… you did a great job. I kept waiting for it to get corny, hoping it wouldn’t. You punted this one out of the stands, and have snared my attention for years to come. I hope good fortune and great writing fill your future days. I will recommend MHI to all of my friends and fellow Marines.

  59. Mmmmmmm a sequel, sounds good, but a question do you watch your site? Not that it matters, but new sequel NEEDED, ASAP.

  60. Hi, Larry

    I snagged MHI on Monday (November 2) after my friend read me the first SENTENCE of the book. As soon as I heard ‘threw my incompetent jackass of a boss out of a 14th story window’ I screamed SOLD and ran to B Daltons. I’m about half way through as of this writing, and I kind of wish that the whole thing was real.

    I digress, it’s a very well written book, and I can’t wait for more. Abomination = FTW! Along with H&K.

  61. Hey Larry,

    Just a simple boy from Montana here.

    i don’t know if this is the right forum to Gush, but i’ll do it anyway. i had just about given up when i found your book! it fed my Hunger and now i must have more!
    i must say that MHI was the best book i have read in a Long time!

    before i found your book.
    i had read every book i could find pertaining to the things in your book. when i ran out i started writing my own. my friends tell me i have good characters, story line and strategy, but my humor is lacking. i just can’t translate it into a book. but i digress. i am also a number cruncher (if not in the same way you are) and a Gun nut. I used to shoot competitively when i was younger, but I started working at 15 and haven’t had time since. My family are avid hunters, fishermen and trappers, so i grew up the old way. I want to thank you for your book and I would gladly spend way too much money on the next one =P.

    Thanks again, i remain feverishly awaiting your next book

    Timmy G

  62. Larry,
    Loved your book after hearing you on Gun Nuts Radio as did my wife! We just opened a new gun store in Northwest Florida, how can we order some copies of MHI at wholesale (and maybe a poster or something) to stock for our customers?

    – Virgil

    1. Virgil, Simon & Schuster does the distribution. I don’t know how to contact them exactly, but if you just google them, it should be there. I don’t really have any posters.

  63. I absolutly loved MHI!!! a friend of urs recomended it to me and loand me his copy, and i loved it!!! I know that im not majorly known but anyone who does will tell you that they don’t see me reading all to often, it takes one hell of a book to get me to read straight through, one that grabs me from beginging to end. and MHI did jst that! it was so good that i kept having to catch myself from calling it a movie because thats exactly what it felt like while reading it, countless times i was telling my girlfriend about the book and calling it a movie instead, and she would correct me, it was jst that mind wrapping, discriptive and all around good! i can’t wait for the next one, i assure you u have jst gained another fan!!!!

  64. Hi, I just finished the book. Read it within a week, just could not put it down.
    My husband, currently in Iraq, has read it twice. He sent it home with a note asking me to put it in a safe spot till he gets home or better yet read it. I chose to read it. WOW! I had to look you up to see if there were more books coming out. Can’t wait till the next one. When I hear from my husband again, I will give him the good news. We will both be looking forward to the next one. All I want to do right now is go out and buy alot more guns! My husband insists I wait for him to come home so we can buy them together. Ahh maybe I can wait . Or maybe not! great novel!

  65. Great Book!! Read while deployed to Iraq. Keep up the great series!!! Guns, Monster Killin, Great guns, and gun toting monster Killin girls.. what could be better???

  66. Thanks for MHI. It is great to see one of the members of the Gun Culture doing well. If u need anything…ever, stop by my favorite website AR15.com. The texas boys will be more than glad to help you out. We also have a small section for your homies up north. The only book I can compare yours to is “Unintended Consequences ” and that is high praise indeed. Thanks for the read.
    hound out

  67. Mr correia, i sent you an email this evening (december 7, 2009) and i forgot to ask about additional patches. Does the switch-bunny, or bloody bunny, how ever you choose to phrase it, patch exist? If so where might i find a link to it?
    thanks for the awesome book. Far and away the best monster killer book i have read in years.

    1. Lunchbox,

      I’ve got a couple other patches that will be coming out along with the next book. I can’t do the Bun-Bun one, as that would be a copyrighted image belonging to Pete Abrams of Sluggy Freelance. That was more of a hat tip that I put in because I love his comic and read it daily.

      1. Bummer. I was hoping that Mr. Abrams had given permission. I also enjoyed sluggy freelance quite a bit, thusly my desire for a patch. Thanks for your prompt responses to both my email and my post on this site.

  68. Larry,

    I received your patches awhile ago here in sunny Afghanistan and I understand that you like to post photos of them from distant locations. I’ve got a few pictures of MHI patches being worn in Pol-e-Charki, Afghanistan that I’d like to share. What’s the best way to get these to you?


  69. Mr Correia,
    I just read MHI in 3 days. Great book in general and the details made it hard to put down. As a weapons instructor, training junkie, KS Air Guard CATM troop, and general gun geek, I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed the technical accuracy of the book. So many authors could benefit from taking the time to learn how guns actually work and the terminology that folks who use guns actually use. Thank you, it’s appreciated. I’ll be telling all my gun geek/sci-fi/fantasy fan bretheren about your book.

  70. Larry,
    You kinda look like my cousin Danny. When Danny and I were still in our teens I went back north for a visit. His room was in such disarray that I surmised that, Hoffa HAD to be in there somewhere.

  71. Just finished MHI, got it for my birthday on the 18th and had a hard time putting it down.
    If you are attending the SHOT show next month in LV stop by my booth, would love to shake you hand, you write just what I like to read. I think we have some extra badges if you need to get in.
    Booth # 25501 X Caliber Tactical

    1. Tim, thanks. I’m skipping SHOT this year. I’ve got 6 months to write another 150,000 word book. I won’t really be going anywhere for awhile. 🙂

    2. Larry may not be able to go, but I will be coming down to Vegas several times next month. If possible, I would love to steal a badge and attend.
      I may not be as great as Larry, but I do get to blow things up for a living and can bring a DVD as payment for the badge.

  72. Larry, I picked up a copy of MHI at Barnes and Noble, thinking it was going to be a fun ride, and I was not disappointed. I stayed up until 2 am that night reading, and was not much good for work at 6 am the next morning. (Take that employer! ) It is great to see a local writer doing so well, keep up the good work!

    1. Alex,

      Actually, I’ve got something going on right now that I can’t talk about. (A not B even). Hopefully I’ll know shortly and be able to post a yay or nay on it.

      1. Good to hear! That is so exciting. It’s a no brainer really – it will make a brilliant BIG movie. I found MHI thru Oleg Volk’s site, which I have been lurking around on for a few years, I’m a M1a man mesself. I recently sold a screenplay to DreamWorks Animation, which I’m not at liberty to talk about either until they announce it. If I can help in any way getting this to the big screen, I’m there. GOOD LUCK!

  73. 10 January-Bought your book at Barnes & Noble this afternoon, an impulse purchase. ” Monsters, Guns, Knives and Mayhem”….I think that I am going to enjoy this one. My reading covers a very wide and diverse range of subject matter. I need something like this to clean my literary pipes. Even at the age of 63 I can still enjoy this stuff.
    Please, do keep it up.
    Campbell Williams
    Jonesboro, georgia

  74. MHI is a great book! I’ve read tons of horror/fantasy over the years, but must say this is a very refreshing read. I hadn’t read this genre for years and noticed your book in Books- A- Million the other day. Very glad i bought a copy.
    I have always wanted to write, but was terrible diagramming sentences in high school:) Were i a writer, i would like to think that it would be a similar style to yours. I have an idea for a story that you may use or discard at your leisure..
    It’s called “Snowman”. The story is set in the Denver area in the 1970’s. A serial killer known as the “Snowman” who decorates snowmen with the appendages and other assorted parts of his victims is on the loose. Our heroine receives a phone call from her sick aunt who lives high in the mountains above Leadville.
    Leaving Denver in route to her aunt, she attracts the notice of the Snowman and a horrifying chase to our heroine’s aunt ensues.. Bloodied and battered, our heroine reaches her aunt’s cabin as the full moon illuminates the frozen landscape, the Snowman in final, victorious pursuit.
    With brutal fury, the Snowman wrenches open the cabin door. Inside, our heroine is barely able to form these words with her rapidly transforming mouth..”Glad we made it..auntie hasn’t eaten in some time!”..Seems our heroine and her seriously wounded aunt are old school werewolves.
    Rob Mesecher

  75. Larry,
    Just finished MHI. Loved it. I will track down your books and read them – especially more in the MHI world. Thanks for giving me some pleasant down time in a different world.

  76. Loving the first 7 chapters of MHI. Thank you so much for writing and sharing.

    Can you tell me how much it would cost to send a signed paperback and a couple of patches to me here in Israel?

    1. Check the Buy stuff link at the top for the prices. International shipping is a tough one. It costs me about $8 to ship a book to Europe, so I’m guessing that Israel would be about the same. So just use $8 for shipping.

  77. Hi, I am currently reading your book and it is great. I think it is worthy of a movie but you probably know how careful you will have to be to get that done. As Spiderman and the lord of the rings have shown, you would need to find a director and producer who not only know the material but want to make your book, and not their “vision” of the book. I am looking forward to your next book and have recomended you to everyone I can. Thanks.



    Oh and a bit of technical advice for vehicles.

    Textron sells the ASV.
    Army version is the M-1117

    Totally armored, has an enclosed turret which mounts an MA2 .50 on the right, a MK19 on the left and has a topmount for an M-240 or M-249.

    Textron was selling to cops and other nations and private corporations long before the ARMY bought in.

    I was the gunner on one in Iraq for 15 months from 06-07. Trust me, I know. ASVs can bring a whole lotta hurt in a little package.

    Any way, YOU ROCK!

    Write the next damn book!

  79. Larry,
    Picked up your book, MHI on the way back from the SHOT show.
    Great read and I appreciate your mentioning our product.
    NEVER pay for a set of our sights.
    Just send me an email.

  80. Hi,

    We’ve browsed through your reviews and thought that they are really original and interesting! We would like to invite you to publish your reviews on 7tavern.com, which provides an alternative platform for promising movie reviewers to showcase their talents. In addition, you’ll find a growing community of bloggers who share the same passion for excellent movies! Based on the merit of your reviews, we intend to offer you exclusive publishing privileges on our website!

    Please feel free to contact us to discuss our proposal. =)

    7tavern Team

  81. I just wanted to commend you on your book, when i was home on mid tour leave my dad gave me it and once i started reading it on the way back i couldn’t put it down. The description of the weapons used in the book was amazing as a army scout in a sniper section i’m all about attention to detail. I passed the book on and its circling through my plt. everyone loves it and I can’t wait to read your next book. I plan on ordering some patches and sporting them on ranges or when we can wear ball caps on Sundays. I just wanted to say thanks for the book and keep up the great work.

  82. Your book is a fanfavorite on comicbook writer/Gun lover Chuck Dixons website.I would love to see MHI as a comic. Either Chuck or his buddy Beau Smith MUST be the ones to do it. Drop by and feel the love. You know, gun-toting, bearded love.

  83. Couldnt be happier about the sequel. Invite to the Dixonverse still is open. Chuck and the crew loved your book. Be warned tho..not an Obama friendly forum. But there are many gun lovers and current and ex military guys and gals. People who think the phrase”target rich environment” is always funny. Registering is free and worth it.

  84. Um, I think “Obama friendly” and “gun lovers and current and ex military guys and gals” are separate dimensions. And if they mixed, it might not be pretty.
    Though, with our natural charisma, all the Obama folks would swoon over us. Since they apparently love charisma.

    Rob, thanks for mentioning Dixonverse – never heard of it until now, it is now bookmarked.

  85. Mr. Correia,

    just finished MHI and want to say that was one of the hardest books to put down that I’ve ever read. Loved the .45s particularly the 1911s and hope they continue in the sequels. Can’t wait for Vendetta and hope Milo has some new tricks up his sleeve!

  86. I can’t tell you how relieved I am to find that you have more books to be published. It would have been a pity for a book as good as MHI to be a single. I haven’t enjoyed a book as much as yours in a long time and that includes Stephen King of whom I’m a great fan.

    I have lived in the area where you set MHI all my life and appreciate either your familiarity with the area and its environs or the thorough research. (Natchy Bottom is just a quarter of a mile from my hunting camp—under another name, naturally, and I’m pretty sure some of my sister’s husband’s relatives are orcs.)

    I’ll be at the front of the line when your next book hits the stores.

    George C.

  87. Dude. Love the book so far. Got it on loan from a friend and I’m going to buy copies for some like minded friends of mine. One question though, WHEN IS THIS COMING OUT IN AUDIOBOOK FORM? That would totally rock. I’m thinking….Read by Vin Diesel. Just a thought.

    Just so you know. I’m an Army & Air Force vet of the Iraq war and soon to be going to AZKRAKISTAN after I complete Combat Arms Training and Maintenance School with the Air Force. Keep it coming and keep it real.

    God Bless

    1. Jim, my publisher doesn’t do anything with audio books, and I’ve not spoken to anybody about one, though I would love to do it.

      Stay safe out there.

  88. Larry, Handiboy gave me your book for Christmas and my wife and I read it. Best book Ive read in a long time! I love your your take on elves and orcs. Can’t wait for the movie. Tell your wife hi from us and if you’re ever in the area let me know.

      1. Dude, your new stuff is awesome. Can’t wait for the full book. Wanted to let you know Handiboy is in town for his grandpa’s funeral. You should drop him a line if you’r not to busy. He’s really bummed.

  89. Please tell me that someone has contacted you about the movie rights to MHI! I think that the story, humor, action and, of course, massive armament would make great cinema.

    Great to hear that more in the series are on their way. Can’t wait.

  90. At todays’ Tanner gun show, Denver, CO, I picked up 3 patches, subdued, for battle dress, jackets or hats.
    A round patch with a big “SECRET” across the top, with a squirrel and acorn. For “Secret Squirrel” missions/operations/groups.
    A square tab, like a RANGER tab, except it says “INFIDEL”
    another tab, instead of the “ARMY STRONG”, it says “INFIDEL STRONG”

  91. Cool new website to further distract you from writing.. The IMFDB or Int movie FIREARMS Database. Great to finally see you at the Dixonverse. Find it funny you are using one name. CORREIA… as voiced by Anthony Quinn..heh

  92. Awesome stuff, cant’ wait for more.

    Silly Question: How do you pronounce your last name? If I ever get the chance to meet you, I’d hate to get it wrong.


  93. Cool quote…”I’ve got a bullet with your name on it..and I’m gonna keep on firing until I figure out which one it is”

  94. Larry, when are you going to be in Oklahoma? You might give some consideration to setting an episode in one of your upcoming books in Oklahoma; we’ve got plenty of places here where monsters could hide out. Hell, there have been BIG cats living in western OK for generations (probably here before White Man) but the ‘authorities’ refused to admit they existed until they were show undeniable proof. Same with bear in eastern OK.

    1. Paul, normally pretty fast, but I’ve been swamped this month. I’ve got about a dozen orders sitting on my desk waiting to go to the post office. I just haven’t gotten a chance to sneak over there yet. I’ve got one fellow in Switzerland who ordered books and patches, and I sent just his books last time. Luckily, I’m much better at writing than I am on keeping up with the merchandising! 🙂

      (I should have these to the post office tomorrow)

  95. I read your book and loved it I just gave it to my husband and wrote a great review on Amazon for you. I think you did a great job with the novel and brought a much needed fresh approach. I can’t wait for your next book!

    You’ve got two new fans in Texas!

  96. Ya know, when you’re hot and tired and thirsty, that first sip/gulp of a cold beverage of your choice hits the back of your parched throat…? And then ya just go..”Ahhhh..” That’s what happened when I stumbled on this site. Live in Springville. Former USAF SP and cop/EMT/firefighter. Now college kid at 55. Will obtain a copy of MHI. Hope to earn a patch.


  97. Just finished MHI and I’m curious did you have to change Desoto Caverns name for legal reasons or was a misprint?

    1. Nope. I changed it originally for the self published version because I wasn’t sure if that would be slanderous or not. That’s also why it is Friendly Fernando instead of Happy Hernando. 🙂

      1. Cool . Nice to see something in fiction located in bama other than hicks, the KKK, moonshiners, corrupt politicians /sheriffs and rednecks. I really enjoyed the book as a long time gun guy and as a cop.

  98. Just finished Vendetta (Baen Arc edition) Did not think you’d equal the first book. Actually I was right you exceeded the first book. This was a real barn burner. I could not put it down. The character developement was great and suprising. Only problem is the wait for book 3.
    This is a must read book. Best read I have had since book one. Keep up the great writing I am ever so hooked on these books.

  99. Michael, Do you have one of those fancy electronic book readers? If not, were you able to read it on your computer?

    I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

    1. I obtained the copy from baen.com in their arc (advanced reader copy) section. I downloaded in mobipocket format which I read on my Ipod touch using a app called bookshelf. However I know that there are free readers that run on PC’s that will do the same thing. This is a pricey service from baen 15 dollars a copy but for a book like this one well worth the money. Note this is a unedited version of the book but you can down load the edited version when it comes out. I won’t comment on content since I think only the worst of people who do that however if you loved the first book like me you will love this one more. More detail, more action, more villians. Sayed up all night to finish it could not stop till I found out how it ended. Only regret is I now want the next book.

  100. Thnks very much for the information. I guess I’ll have to wait unless Larry wants to sell me one of the galley proofs. The only TECH I own is my computer and I spend too much time sitting in front of it as is. I’m hopelessly old fashioned, my wife asked if I wanted one of those electronic book readers for my birthday and I said no. For me part of the enjoyment of reading is holding a book in my hands.
    Maybe the anticipation will heighten the enjoyment.

  101. Larry, is there any way, you’d ever let somebody take a crack at turning MHI into a movie? Between Twilight, Anne Rice, and all the other pathetic pieces of useless cinema one finds in the genre, it would be nice (okay far more than nice) if for once a movie came out that a bunch of Marines (like my artillery battery and I) could actually enjoy. Am I volunteering myself? Yes. Heck, I could have the rough draft done before we leave for Afghanistan next spring. What do you say sir?

  102. While on a trip to the U.S (from Dublin, Ireland) I picked up ‘MHI’ following some recommendations from LEO buddies over there. Excellent holiday read, might finally replace John Steakley’s ‘Vampire$’ as my favourite monster-hunting read. Looking forward to the next one.

  103. “after two years of soul-crushing humidity, (how do you guys do it?)”

    Two words: air conditioning.

    There’s currently a hear advisory in effect, and I’m regularly thanking God for this modern miracle while sipping on a cold drink. It looks really hot out there 🙂

  104. 🙂 The internet IS a strange place. You’re brave to put that much of yourself on it.

    Good luck with the writing. Keep it up and I’ll keep buying them!

    I can’t wait for MHV, Grimnor, Dead Six, and the one where reality show contestants try to take over a country.

  105. Gun question for Larry: I am a fairly new gun owner and I am trying to learn the basics to shooting. I am a believer that if you own a gun you need to learn to use it properly. What I would like to know is where I can go to learn the basics (or what I should read). I am a poor college student, but I love to shoot my gun. Any tips, even if it is just you pointing me in the right direction on where to go so I can learn the basics, would be greatly appreciated.

    And since it can get pricey buying ammo constantly, are there some skills I can work on without going to the range. I know there isn’t really a substitute for going out and shooting, but I am looking for anything that will make me more skilled in handling my fire arm.

    And if anybody else has any advice or ideas I am all ears. I think I will start working on my shooting by forgetting the five minutes of video I just watched.

  106. Has anybody pointed out how much that picture of you looks like the odious ogre??? Just kidding.He’s not odious.

  107. Larry,

    My wife and I love your book. Your blog was an interesting read also. I grew up in Mississippi and have lived in Savanah, Georgia and currently Atlanta.
    Thanks for the Southern setting and accurate description of southern humidity. You did freak me out by mentioning out of the way places that I have spent time. Booneville, MS and Ossabaw Island, GA and not mention the oddball swamp of Mississippi. We love the characters and story. Looking forward to the next book and ordering our patches.

  108. Dude your Monster Hunter Books are Epic! I am from Mariposa, California (currently living in Merced) and grew up shooting guns, reading H.P. Lovecraft Books and playing the CHILL role-playing games-reading your book is like hanging out with old friends!

    Keep up the excellent work man!

  109. If you want to see radical green extremism, check out the youtube video “10:10 no pressure.” Tell me this is just meant to be a “whacky” way to get their message out, and not a method to intimidate people. Look at the way they target kids in school, knowing some kids will eventually see this video. This is not a video for kids. There is graghic gore in this video and I believe a subliminal threat.

  110. Larry,

    I thoroughly enjoyed your CCW class a few years ago @ Cabela’s. In fact I ran into you as I was purchasing my first carry gun, an S&W hammerless .357 snubbie.

    I just got turned onto MHI by a fellow FReeper. Dang you, I’m a slow reader and I’m losing my (ahem) beauty sleep. I’ve bought MHI and MHV and look forward to your new works.

    I wish you and your family continued success.


  111. I really enjoyed your book it got sent to me in Iraq from the adopt a soldier program gonna go order the second one now since im back and finally have some time

  112. Not wanting to babble on like the derranged fan girl I will undoubtedly sound like, I shall attempt to sum up…

    You rock!

    So glad I stumbled across MHI in the local chain bookstore, it’s unreal. Having read a ton of books in the Fantasy, Sci-Fi and related genres, I was still blown away by how much I enjoyed reading MHI. Just found Vendetta on the shelves and can’t wait to dive in headfirst.

    I have no criticisms, only one request. Please write more, lots more, and faster!!! Clone yourself, chain all of them to computers, or whatever your preferred method of scribing is, (haven’t finished your bio yet, sorry) and let’s get cracking! 🙂

    Chalice Bailey

  113. Hi Larry,

    I’m an engineer and I’ve really enjoyed your Monster Hunter series but have one minor quibble on details.

    Kevlar makes a pretty poor armor for the people in your stories. It’s fine for stopping bullets but pretty poor when stopping sharp pointy objects like knives, ice picks, arrows, etc. Slightly harder bullets, say silver bullets, also pass through Kevlar. This is the reason they have the ceramic and armor steel inserts in the Hard Corps line. Given the threats in the Monster Hunter universe, Kevlar is pretty weak protection. An over layer of chain mail would improve slash resistance.

    Another problem for Kevlar is that Kevlar armor loses about half it’s protection when wet. A vest might stop a .357 magnum round but wet, the bullet passes through the armor and the occupant.

    Drop me an e-mail. I have a marvelous story about a co-worker at a defense contractor demonstrating these problems for a customer. The customer was not amused; blood is so hard to clean out of shag carpeting.

    1. I thought about that. Another book already pointed that out. I think maybe Jim Butcher. And definitely Artemus Fowl(not that you people are likely to enjoy that kind of thing.) But they both point out that if you want to deflect claws and teeth you are better off with actual armor.

    2. Given that the threat is primarily from getting bitten, by either a vamp, zombie, or werewolf, I think special-purpose MH armor is called for. I was reading a novel where the murderer was using piano wire as a garrote, so the detective had a metal collar made up immediately prior to the final showdown. Moreover, it’s entirely possible that an anti-venom of some sort might be devised that proofs the hero from teeth

  114. Mr. Correia,

    My father introduced me to MHI last year, and I just finished Vendetta today. I just want to say that this series is, without a doubt, my favorite out of all of the fiction I’ve read. I’ve since spread the word, and convinced several of my friends to read it as well. Thanks so much for giving us an amazing read that also sets us apart from our peers and their fail-books about whiney emo teenage vampires. “They only sparkle when they’re on fire.” >:D

    William Pendleton

    1. At least the teenage vampires you speak off don’t give the evil guy speech instead of fighting. They just kill you without speeches. Also, they are not puny vampires you find in Monster Hunter who get easily shot. The sparkling ones are moving far too fast for a human to shoot. They are much more frightening. In fact Monster Hunter has the weakest, stupidest vampires anywhere. Plus; Isn’t it silly that absolutely every vampire has the same exact personality? Id also add; No one that has read Anne Rice would try reasoning with a vampire. The vampires in her books are very scary powerful creatures.
      I know guys are sort of jealous of vampires, and as these books are written for men, I see why this is. You treat vampires much like you treat Grant. You just don’t like sexy slick males. I totally get that.

  115. Mr. Correia,

    Really enjoying MHI and eager for more. If Baen ever needs a blurb, I’d be happy to supply one.

    Thanks for the fantastic read.


    (Snake65 on FR, BTW)

  116. Larry, I’ve just had an email with a message saying that the stranded Carnival cruise ship off Baja was attacked by some sort of Aztec zombies and a large winged serpant. The passengers and crew were forced to hide in their cabins while a group of mysterious ‘paramilitary’ went through the ship clearing it of the undead infestation. While the rescuers were unidentified, the one who appeared to be the leader, refered to only as ‘Z’ by another team member was heard mumbling something about ‘being screwed by Mexican bureaucrats and charging extra’.

    The email said there was a video shot with a cell phone that showed several feats of amazing marksmanship and the pilot of the team’s helecopter taking the chopper through several manoevers that the witness did not think were possible. Unfortunately the video file seems to have either been corrupted or removed by some internet hacker.

    OOPS, my doorbell is ringing. Must be Mormans or Jehova’s Witnesses, some guys in black suits.

  117. I think you should really create a actual hand book or guide book for MHI. Most readers would buy it. I really like that quote the beginning of the second book.
    “When monsters have nightmares, their dreaming of us.” – MHI Company handbook.
    Amazing books!! I’m trying to start a fan fic. as well.
    Feel free to E-mail me.

  118. MHI was a great read. I was amazed to find out that you are you. Uhh … that is I thought your book was a great read and that you must be a pro writing under a pseudonym. Look forward to your future works.

  119. I’m 200 pages into MHI, and feeling very good that I bought MHV before even starting MHI. Keep writing like that and you’ll have a customer for life.

    This “about me” page is great, too!

  120. I bought MHI as an impulse and because I’ve read all the books I could find that were interesting at the local book store. When MHV came out I didn’t hesitate and spent the days lunch money without a single regret. More , please?

  121. Is there a MHI official corporate symbol or Logo suitable for a Golf type shirt? I’m planning on attending an Occult Crime Seminar next year and I thought such a patch/company logo on a tasteful gulf shirt with 5.11s or such would make suitable duds for such a seminar. Kinda of a below the radar joke you might say. If there ain’t, as busy as you are maybe a contest for such design to give you one more piece of swag to sale to your fans? Something tasteful that sezs Monsters Hunters for profit subtly. Please?

  122. Larry, I realize that I am about 3 years late to the party so to speak, but I just finished MHI. It has to be one of the top 10 books EVER written. I enjoyed it so much I read it TWICE in less than a week. If you find yourself in the Dallas, TX area, please let me buy you a beer and pick your brain.

  123. Howdy Larry, TJ here got your second book.. great! just read the 6 chapters of Grimnoir very tasty!!

    Now to business, are you coming to the IM next June? be nice to shoot with you again.

    Hang in there buddy and keep writing, your doing great!


    1. Probably no IM this year. I’m travelling to 10 states for book tour stuff. And I’ve got two of those this sumer.

  124. Larry, keep up the awesome work on the blog. I found you through a link to “HK. Because you suck. And we hate you.” and turned into a full blown MHI fan. I plan on getting MHV the next chance I get. Thanks for the laughs and keep them coming.

  125. My husband and I just read about you the other day in The Blue Press (Dillon Precision), and I decided to check you out. You’re a pretty cool guy! I just loved what you said about the circle of life… Hubby and I run the family cattle ranch (beef operation), and I completely understand. Suburbanites are missing it.

    The publishing industry is a funny thing, indeed. I write short stories (dark fantasy, gothic, etc), and while I think the story market is a little more open to gun-friendly fiction, at the same time, it’s harder because so many magazines are wanting more of that literary “academic drivel.” Eesh. I went the unconventional route, too — I ended up contracting with some Indie ebook publishers and that’s, IMHO, a LOT better. A writer’s gotta do what a writer’s gotta do. 🙂

    I just put in a request for your books at the local library, and I’m looking forward to reading them!

    Have a great day. 🙂

  126. First off, I have read MHI and MHV and they are two of the most enjoyable books I have ever read!

    If I was going to sit down and tell a story to my friends your writing style is EXACTLY how I would want to do it. It is personal and colloquial yet still manages to be perfectly descriptive in its ability to convey the story to the reader.

    Would you ever consider releasing your books for the Kindle or the Nook?

    BTW I was lucky enough to get an Amazon gift card for Christmas, my first purchase … MH Alpha Pre-Order!

    Excellent work! Please keep writing as long as you can find inspiration. I hardly ever re-read books, I’m cursed with a fairly good memory and a short attention span … makes re-reading books difficult, but I enjoyed your story so much that I will be re-reading your work soon, and probably many times. Only one other author has that accolade, the immortal J. R. R. Tolkien.

    1. Elcrapocrew,
      The MHI books can be bought as e-books directly from the publisher at baen.com. When you go to download them, they offer the option of sending the book directly to your kindle. Otherwise, you can download them to your PC and transfer them to your kindle, nook, etc.

  127. Anyone know how I can get in touch with Larry. I’m writing from a film and tv production co in Hollywood.

      1. I’ve enjoyed both Monster Hunter books very much, and I definitely think your writing gets better from the first to the second. (Cutting the ‘Z-gets-important-information-in-a-mystical-fashion’ scenes from whole chapters to single paragraphs was a big improvement, for example). So I expect Hard Magic to be even better (but no pressure).

        Since I am Jewish I naturally liked The Old Man. It’s refreshing to see a kick-a** Jewish character with a little humanity to him. (I wanted to like “Princess of Wands”, really I did, but that Mossad agent…..) If by any chance you to have any more Jewish or Israeli/IDF characters in mind and want to run them past a local for an authenticity test, I humbly volunteer myself–it would be an honor! (And I might get a patch).

        Best wishes,

  128. Larry, I saw in your bio that you had self published. Good for you. I know that’s a difficult and potentially expensive way to go. I was looking at that seriously when I got picked up by a small publishing house, Whiskey Creek Press. Their primary focus is ebooks.
    So it’s way cool that you got with Baen. Did they approach you (presumably based on sales), or did you go to them?
    Either way, congratulations. I loved your first two MHI books.
    I’m a former Marine, so I have some fondness for firearms myself.

  129. Wow! You bio is a mini-novel, and well written… plus enjoyable. Makes you sound real, down to earth.
    BTW – I am an Alabamian native, and wish I had met you back then. Actually, I have Mormons come by about twice a year, and I tell them up front that I’m not interested, as I have my own faith, but that I commend them for their zeal in carrying out the mission of sharing their message. If every denomination sent out missionaries door to door in this nation – not even seeking converts but just asking the occupants if they would like prayer for anything – I think it would change this country a lot and head it back in the right direction.
    Anyway – keep up the good work, and all the best to you and yours.

  130. Larry,
    Once again I wanted to thank you for taking the time to speak to my friend Erik and I at your book signing in Sandy, Utah.
    It is always nice to know that the man behind the story is a cool guy and shares some of my own friends.
    If I can be of any help in your future endeavors please don’t hesitate to email me.
    Thanks again

    1. Jeff, it was good to meet you. And it is a small world. You never know when you’re going to end up having mutual friends. 🙂

  131. Had my own Saiga 12 before I read MHI 1 and Vendetta. as well as Dpms panther .308, Glock 20, and others.
    Started in Glendale, Calif
    Married girl I figure lived 2 miles from home
    Started in accounting and Real Estate
    Ended in Utah in computers.
    Instead of Alabama I was sent to Alaska 4 2years
    Live in West Jordan, home of LAR and the Big Boar
    Just some weird Parallels
    Love your books

  132. Larry,

    Thanks for making recovery from a double mastectomy easier. I laughed even though it hurt to laugh and MHI galvanized my drive and desire to get back shooting as soon as I can. You even inspired me to keep working on my MBA in accounting while I’m recovering.

    Discovering that there are at least three more MHI books coming was just icing on the violence appreciation cake.

    Much obliged.

  133. Larry,
    I learned about your MHI books from Ahearn’s column in “The Blue Press.” His description made the books sound like fun, so I ordered both MHI and Vendetta from the local Barnes & Noble. Read MHI in 2 days and then made myself slow down and really enjoy Vendetta (made it last 5 days.) Loved them both! Congrats on your book deals, and can’t wait to get a copy of the Grimnoir Chronicles in May. Happy to see you’re working on other projects, BUT, please get to work on another MHI book too!
    Any chance you are going to get some shirts or stickers printed up with the MHI logo? I saw that someone else was looking for a polo shirt with an MHI logo – I’d love to have a bumper sticker for my Jeep.
    Keep up the good work!

  134. Hi
    I did a search for MHI on the Kindle store site and couldn’t pull it up.
    Is it not available as an e-book?

  135. I’ve read the first two MHI books and am so dawg gone hyped on joining MHI I can’t contain myself!!!
    Too damn bad it aint for real ;=( If MHI needs another 300 plus pounder to kick ass gimme a call ;=)))
    Seriously tho, I had more fun reading these books than I’ can ever rember having!!
    Write On Mr. Correia Your a great author!!
    And pass the abomiination!
    Sincerely, Mitch Kover

  136. Have you throught about putting it on kindle I loved your first book and in even now am going to Baen to try and get the second one. But I use my droid phone as a reader so not sure if I can use the Bean.

    1. David, it is on Kindle, but just not on Amazon. The Baen download will work in multiple formats, so you can stick it on your Droid.

  137. Larry,

    Ive been searching for the perfect patch for my unit that is currently deployed to Afghanistan. i think your MHI patch is awesome and was wondering if we could use the design to commemorate our tour. A little backround on us we are TACPs that have been here for about two months now and are getting restless so any project is an awesome time killer. let me know what you think about the idea thanks!


  138. Larry,
    My wife and I are absolutely hooked on MHI, we are avid readers and have been for decades and you Sir have shot up on our A-list in one shot “MHI.” I can’t wait to see the movie, and hope that they do it justice.

  139. April 17. Hi Larry. As a longtime SFWA member with a few hard SF/anthro SF novels out so far, let me add my “great job!” comments on MHI book one. Finished reading it and greatly enjoyed both the characters and the mythology/cultural stuff you set up, ancient and modern. Lived in Huntsville for HS for a few years as my parents worked on the Saturn V. Nice to see Alabama show up so neatly in a novel. And while I am an ex-anti-war activist from the 60s, I’ve always respected the tough job done by military folks. Especially when they have idiot pols messing with their jobs. Looking foward to reading books two and three. Drop me a line if you have any arky/anthro questions you need help on. Tom.

  140. Hi Larry,
    I live in Trinidad in the Caribbean. I picked up MHI and was hooked from the first page. Vendetta was excellent and I am literally on the edge of my seat waiting for Alpha.
    While Owen is your main character, I like the way Earl’s character has developed and progressed. Even though Earl is the Ultimate Hunter it was refreshing to see that he wasn’t the sum total of MHI.
    Great work, keep on putting them out there.
    Thank You.

  141. I have just reread MHI/MHV/Hard Magic and can’t wait for more.The fact that Larry is a decent human being is great but even better,he is young so I expect 50 more years of great books from him.Reading MH I&V has made me decide to relearn how to use gun again.Haven’t touched one in 17 years. Great work and all the best to Correia family.

  142. Larry,

    An honor and a pleasure “serving” with you and damn fun hanging at SHOT.

    Good luck with the books and media career! I’ll drop the next book with some youngster going farther north like I did with MHI and MHV.

    Enjoy the tour and I hope to see the series on TV soon.


  143. Dear Sir,

    I have just finished Hard Magic. Congratulations. Mixing fantasy with SF with Noir with Pulp is something that has been tried often enough, but the results are usually dreadful. Hard Magic hits a level shared by the two Doc Sidhe books and John M. Ford’s The Last Hot Time, and nothing else that I know of. You are one HELL of a storyteller, and a craftsmanlike writer (people who are REALLY great at both are goddamned rare – how often do you really get a Rudyard Kipling?), and frankly your writing seems to be getting stronger with each new book.

    I don’t see where there’s a lot of room for an encore to Hard Magic, but I am content to leave that to the Master Storyteller (that’s you), and just wait and see. I hope that enough of the TV deal you mentioned a while back comes through that you can do as much of this as you would like for a living.


    C. S. P. Schofield

  144. Larry,
    Love the books, have read them all and awaiting Dead Six, MHA may have been your best yet.

    Do you have any high res graphics of the MHI patch? I want to use it as my desktop wallpaper.

    Regards from a former Army Infantry Sgt.

  145. You have become one of my favorite authors overnight. Finished your first two Monster Hunter books and just started Hard Magic. I am really digging Hard Magic. Here’s hoping you have a long a prolific career.

  146. Not quite a year ago, I was reading a Listmania list on Amazon the list was titled “Kick-Ass Male Protagonists” and MHI was on the list. Thus began my search for the book. I finally found it at an independent bookseller in my area (They had 1 copy, couldn’t keep them in stock) bought it, went home and stayed up all night until I finished.

    I’m not a gun-nut and normally books that are heavy with them don’t interest me much. I loved it and began to wait eagerly for the sequel. In the meantime, passing the book out to friends and family who in turn all loved it. Sequel was just as funny and addictive a read as the first.

    Picked up Hard Magic yesterday and I like the alternate history take in this book. Not very far into it but enjoying it thoroughly.

    You have an amazing talent! Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us and allowing us to enjoy your world. Keep ’em coming 🙂

  147. Larry,

    Just finished MHI and wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed it. You can thank John Litchford for turning me onto it. He was a companion of mine in N.C. and Facebook’d me about your writing. I just want you to know that as someone who has visited the South, I had no problem picturing your “innovative” interpretation of elves. Priceless! And there were several times that I laughed out loud (at work which was embarrassing because no one else knew what I was laughing at). I’ve already shared your book with two of my friends who also ate it up. Looking forward to reading the next one.
    Jason King

  148. Larry

    Technical question for you. How does Z pronounce “Machado”? Is it Spanish, like “mah-CHAH-doe? or Portuguese / Brazilian, like “mah-SHAH-doo”?

    It matters for my rhyme scheme.

  149. Mr. Correia;
    First off let me say I love your work, thank you for writing! I had a question though that I didn’t see on your website, and if you have time I would love to hear your answer:
    I know you started the selfpublishing route which grew into a deal with Baen but do you now have/use a literary agent? If you do, who is your agent?
    Thanks for your time, thanks for the stories.

  150. My wife has just picked me up a copy of The Grimnoir Chronicles:HM from her favourite shop in Melbourne, Australia, — Rendezvous, a shop that only stocks Urban Fantasy — Vamps, weres, angels etc; with a stong “love” interest!

    And she said they also had MHI!

    Something decent to read, while sipping Scotch.

  151. Mr Correia, I wanted to thank you for ‘Hard Magic’. I bought the book and got sick a week later for four horrid days. The book was so entertaining it kept me distracted, and made me feel a whole lot better in every way. Can’t wait to read more of your work, hopefully without the stomach flu. Given that a little of the book seems autobiographical, i wanted to ask; Are cows stupid, or not?

  152. Dude, your writing rocks. Reading MHI, when you introduced Grant I thought, this sounds like something Louis L’Amour would do: Introduce a character the hero immediately doesn’t like (but the girl does). I bet know where this is going…” Then you confessed above to reading Mr. L’Amour. Good for you.

  153. Hey larry are the monster hunter international books available in Australia? p.s wombats are funny they are everywhere in my town.

    1. Jack, yes they should be. I don’t know how well they stay in stock, but if not you can get it off of Amazon there.

  154. Larry,

    Greatly enjoyed MHI and MHV. Looking forward to MHA. A friend turned me on to the series to help him plan and build scenery to support a tabletop wargame based upon the fight at the MHI compound in MHV, and I found myself modeling the compound in 3D based upon the descriptions from the books (plus a healthy dollop of imagineering). Hey. it’s a hobby. An OCD hobby, but a hobby nonetheless.

    If you are at all interested, please let me know and I will share the models with you.

    Keep ’em coming.


      1. What’s needed is a collaborative whiteboard on the internet to sketch this and let Mr. Correia say, no, the tunnel comes out by this tree or somesuch.

        Moreover, i recall the Quake mods where you could load your own 3D model of a level. This would be a good design tool when Mr. Correia is working out battle scenarios.

  155. Dear Mr Correia,

    I got hooked on your books when many of the blogs I read regularly were singing your praises, and I’m expecting MH:A for my birthday next month. If I’m lucky the hubbins won’t have read it first, heh. I’m currently trying to get our Relief Society Book Club to try them out but am not having much luck … CA Bay Area and most of the ladies are not pro-gun, alas. My husband also served his mission in the southern states — Mississippi Jackson — and loves your (true-to-his-experiences) descriptions of the heat and environs. Thanks for continuing to write! –alexis

  156. I just read Monster Hunters International for the first time, and I really enjoyed it! I’m pleased to see that there are more books in the MHI universe, and they will soon be coming to a bookshelf near me. Thank you for writing the books and for sharing them with the world.

  157. Hello Larry I just wanted to say this book was really great. A short explanation of how I found MHI. I really enjoyed your attention to the gun details and specs. The characters were interesting and varied. The world was still ours and familiar but including the fantasy into it the right way was cool. I also really liked how you kept many of the old rules for monsters but defined them better or in some cases actually explained why. I also totally understand what you mean about the South getting the shaft in movies,books and the like. I’m from the North and moved down here it’s pretty nice.

    Just a question I’d really like to perhaps travel to Utah one day to take a firearms class from you. Is that possible? Also will you be traveling around anytime for signings or comic/gaming conventions or anything?

    Thanks for the great book,

    1. Sean, becasue the writing career has taken off, I don’t teach pistol or CCW classes anymore. Just too darn busy. I do miss it though. :0

  158. Howdy Mr. Correia,

    Dittos from the Texas-Arizona Border and a fellow expert in the bovine-oriented martial arts (Cow-rate as I prefer to call it).

    I just recently discovered your books and I am enjoying them immensely. Guns and sci-fi, how could I resist? Congratulations on your success and I hope it continues!

    I was also inspired by your story, seeing a how I am also a farm-kid with an inclination for writing and a rather handy addiction to guns (especially .44 Magnums–I just can’t get enough of ’em…) It’s nice to know that a person who, shall we say, doesn’t fit the standard pattern of Sci-Fi and Fantasy writers can be successful.

    Maybe I’ll run into you at a conference somewhere. You sound like an interesting person to visit with.

    Till cows quit kicking!
    Audra Brown

    (Oh, it’s cool to know that at least one other person in the world read Dune at age ten. Nobody ever believes me either…)

  159. Mr. Corriea,

    Thanks a million for your work. I had a similar odd up raising, “I played football and the violin.” As a former Marine, and current cop, I love the accuracy of your gun oriented writing. (Like what I did there)? Too often the writers just get that wrong! Keep up the good work!

    Dennis McGrath

  160. Larry,

    Love your books, just finished Alpha and I love the new series. Makes me wish I had kept my Lewis gun or my BAR 1918A2. Like you, I was a heavy reader/gun geek growing up, US Army, worked as a deputy, had a gun shop, firearms instructor and class III dealer. I’m looking forward to seeing you at Dragoncon and would like to buy 4 MHI patches from you to put together Hunter costumes for my wife and I (she’s ex Army, police officer, now State Attorney and loves guns – she wanted a Sten gun smg for xmas a couple of years ago). If Dragoncon would allow live guns on-site (they don’t), I would bring my M1 Thompson up for you to play with. Take care,

    Bill Z.

  161. Mr. Correia, my buddie got me hooked on your books this week, I’m allready reading MHA. You jumped to the top of my favorite authors in no time flat. I work at a local Barnes and Noble and am passing the word out that your books are just bad ass to anyone looking for that kind of genre. Glad to see you plan on making this a longer series, been awhile since I laughed outloud reading a book or cheered it on. Keep up the awesome work.

  162. Again I have to say that I almost never say anything on these things but.. I must say that you are very good. I realy enjoy your books, and I mean actualy enjoy them from start to finnish they are fun to read. I read alot (I also started with Lamour) up to 250-300 books a year when I can find them, and when I have nothing new to read I find myself rereading yours ( and ringos and webers). I just want to say thank you.

  163. Hey,

    I’m about to start your monster hunter international series I was suggested to read them by my husband :).

  164. OMG, i am reading MHA now….this is the best, cant put it down….it is 2 am and i am still reading….More Monster Hunters Please. I absolutely LOVE EARL HARBINGER (hope its spelled right).

  165. Thank you so much for your books. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed reading about an overwieght, musclebound, asthmatic gun nut hero, but suffice it to say that it was a character with which I could really identify. I can’t wait to get a copy of the next book!

  166. Hey Larry, I was talking to Richard Regalo the other day and he gave me copy of one of your early writings.  It was a satyrical shop safety test you wrote for us when you were in ourr Ag program at Merced High School.  It was great to read your “about me” story and I am very happy for you and your family. You are living proof of what I have always taught my kids about making it in life. There’s no free lunch in life. If you are going to make it in life you have to work hard at it and though you may change directions from time to time, you never give up persuing you goals.

    By the way, if you would like a copy of your safety test, giver an email address I can sent a PDF to and I’ll getbit to you. It’s worth seeing again. You will surly laugh your butt off.

    Jim Andersen
    Dean Area 3
    Agriculture – Industrial Technology – Life Fitness

    Sent from my iPhone

  167. First off, huge fan of your work. I love how you handle fire arms in the books. Big fan of Monster Hunter series…why dont you have lowers made with the MHI logo yet?

    I picked up Hard Magic recently, and sadly the borders I picked it up from is no longer around. I bring this up simply because the first 24 pages of the book are missing. Now, you might be wondering why I did not find this out to a long time after purchasing the book, simple I picked up a metric ton of other books , and have been reading them. Is there away that I can get a copy of the first 24 pages of the book? or should I just go buy another copy? I admit, I am still reading the book, and loving it! Really get a feel for being in the alternate timeline. Ass kissing aside, what would you recommend?

    Thank you,


  168. Interesting – cpa – owen a cpa – However, I wanted to ask if you were going to get on your Cafepress store, a magnetic bumper sticker. My husband told me that I can’t tag up my next car like I have mine right now, but magnetic would work great. (as long as no one swipes it). Just caught up on posts, MHL coming out! My 2 daughters are now hooked on your books, plus a bunch of the teenagers at church. Monster Hunter Alpha I got off Baen for my Kindle, and I forgot about fixing dinner that night, due to being stuck in the middle of the book. It’s that good. Funny thing – after reading MHI for the first time, I was outside getting something from the car (at night – dark) and one of our cats came running up – couldn’t see her, I screamed and ran into the kitchen door trying to get it open as quick as I could. All I could think of is “they’re real and they’re here”

  169. MR. Coreia
    I want you to know i have been a writer for years and your work is stunning. It’s as if all the things i would have written are in your books.
    my fave is ALPHA. I NEVER write to anyone so this is a first all I can say is thank you.
    And if i may be sold bold i would ask that you NOT kill Heather or Earl there are so few werewolf hero’s. i LOVE the time they spend together and am looking forward to heather getting to meet Owen, Julie and the rest of the hunters it would make for a grate O GOD ITS A WEREWOLF seen
    P.S. when is the next M.H.I book out if u can tell me.
    love from a TRUE fan Winston Gunnels

  170. Please do something about Alan Pollack.

    I just finished Vendetta and had a great time. I loved it, however, you really ought to have a little pow-wow with the cover artist. On the first book, instead of Pitt we’re curiously treated to a rendering of Grant (…why?) with Julie in the background as a consolation prize. I wrote it off as a sometimes-crap-happens SNAFU and dug the novel anyway.

    Then on Vendetta, we’re presented in the background with someone who we might take for Pitt, if not for his full head of hair and soft, flabby build. But at least Julie looks like a Klingon. If I was you, after Vendetta I’d suspect that the artist was doggedly trying to piss me off. Can you please just kill him, or something?

    -Jake in MN

    1. The purpose of a cover artist isn’t to document what is in the book, it is to make people in book stores pick up the book long enough to read the back blurb. 🙂 And in that case, Alan has been doing an awesome job for me.

  171. Larry,
    I follow the Grimnoir/MHN via email. Starting with the 9/27 post the content of the emails is empty. Who do I need to contact about this?

  172. Hey there,
    i’d like to buy the “hyena bomb”-patch. Would you deliver to germany?
    How much would it costs?


  173. Larry, I just finished the MHI, Vendetta and Alpha. All I can say is, out-damn-standing! I am looking forward to your future writing endeavors. I cannot heap enough praise on you for your gun knowledge, I am a gun collector, shooter and re-loader and one of my biggest gripes is the writers character who has to remove the “magazine from his revolver” or a character with a “double barrel, belt fed, bolt-action rifle”. I hope you have more “Monster Hunter” books in the works as I look forward to any future installment of the “Monster Hunter” crew.

    Shoot straight!

    Bruce, Ft. Bragg, NC

  174. Love your stuff. I got Hard Magic not knowing what to expect and i have to say it was one of the best books I’ve ever read. Love MHI too.

    One of the things I’ve been curious about since the first book though is the PUFF bounties. Ever thought about putting a list or some guidelines for it up?

    Thanks for the hours of entertainment!


  175. Larry, hey read all the MHI books and loved them! cant wait for the next book! We represented MHI at a zombie walk lastnite and kicked ass, though the umbrella corp was in attendance we did run circles around their glam and glitz in MHI tactics! =)

    our team road in the chariot of death (former MOD British Royal Marines Land Rover 109, 12 years active duty in Africa)

  176. I love your books! Especially Earl. What woman wouldn’t love him? 🙂

    Also buying stuff – got all three MHI books, bought one Bubba Shackelford drinking glass, and when I get my first ever Kindle next month, all three MHI books will be my first ebooks.

    Also got my eye on a WWAFD? thingie. Second best character.

    1. Matt, go for it. I think that would be awesome. I know that there was an MHI clan on CoD and I believe there is one on Battlefield. I don’t play too much myself very often, just because of time constraints.

  177. Thank you Larry, your books have been a breath of fresh air!
    In a matter of a few months I have read all three of your MH books and currently enjoying Hard Magic. I will be reading and pushing on friends and family all of your current and future books.


  178. Larry,
    Here’s something you may or may not have known. you’re books are the prize for Baen’s monthly contest. I already have your books and i’ve also entered the competition.
    Congratulations on being the Monthly Prize!

  179. I’m unhappy with Baen.

    My entry for a recent contest wherein I sent a WW2 construction battalion of blacks working on the AlaksaCanada highway back to the War of 1812 whereupon they befriended/vaccinated Indians, defeated the Hudson Bay Company, took over western Canada and prevented the Civil War.

    The winning entry sent Tuskegee airmen back to the Civil War. How original–never would have thought of that.

  180. Five books, five home runs. I love the MHI series and thought it could not be topped, but the Grimnoir series is amazing. And Earl is just totally bad-wolf in MHA.
    I’m a native of Alabama and gun geek so the whole atmosphere strikes VERY close to home. And I’ll never look at a trailer park or garden gnomes in quite the same way.
    One question, the werewolf in the opening chapter of MHI seemed to be very mature in terms of how long it took for him to change and regenerate considering length of time since he had been bitten. Nit-picky detail.
    I was thinking about getting a Glock slide plate with the MHI logo, how would I go about getting permission?
    A. O’Mary

  181. I am totally hooked! Just finishing Monster Hunter Alpha and can’t wait for the next book!
    Thank you and keep up the excellent work! 🙂

      1. I am one fo the folks that helps put together the monthly Watch The Skies fanzine for our group in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (USA). I’d like the chance to interview you
        (via e-mail) for our January 2012 issue. Our ‘zine is published monthly on paper and via PDF (via our group web site http://mysite.verizon.net/res89guj). Well we’re monthly except for December (too busy in the book store then).

        We are reading MHI for our meeting and thought it would be wonderful if you’d be willing to answer a short series of questions for the ‘zine. Our standard is 5 questions and we make every attempt to keep them to topics that don’t amount to wasting your time.

  182. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/monster-hunter-alpha-larry-correia/1101914466?ean=9781439134580

    What do you have to do to change this blurb? The first line says, “Dirty Harry meets Twilight.” The rest seems ok, but I couldn’t get past the first line.

    Seriously? “Dirty Harry meets Twilight”? Not cool Barnes and Noble… not cool.

    Is it because they both have Mormon authors? They both have werewolves? It’s like saying Woody Allen, Mel Brooks. Same stuff really. Comedy, Jewish. Annie Hall and Blazing Saddles, NBD.

    Sorry, I’ve really liked your books, and it’s a little ridiculous to draw this comparison.

    Keep on keepin’ on! You’re a stud.

  183. Mr. Correia I have read all 3 MHI novels (in 3 days I must add) and have given them to all of my friends to read. You and Butcher are my 2 favorite authors of all time and look forward to reading your other books soon. My friends are now asking for me to run an RPG based upon MHI so I was wondering if you had a PUFF list available somewhere to download? If not no biggie I can get creative 🙂

  184. Mr. Correia, A buddy (also an army infantry guy) of mine in PA school recently turned me on to your work. I just wanted to say how awesome I think all of it is. I’ve always been an avid reader but this is my first experience into the “fantasy” realm. I’ve now read all the Monster Hunter books (MHI and MHA twice). Just started hard magic and am looking forward to Dead Six. I also have all the available books thru audible. The guy that narrates the MHI series is incredible (do you think so?). Will Dead Six be coming out in audio? Will you keep the same narrator for the subsequent MHI books?
    Also i’m a country boy gun nut military geek from Mississippi thanks for your nice comments about the south.

    1. No plans for D6 in Audible yet. You’ll have to let them know that you want it. Not my call, sadly, because I think it would be awesome.

      The guy that does MH is Oliver Wyman, and he is great. 🙂

  185. Larry your comibination of H.P Lovecraft and pulp fiction detective novels is awesome. I didn’t know if it was going to work for me at first. I read a lot of YA, SF and fantasy as I am a teacher and am always looking for books to get my kids hooked on. i have to say i am addicted. Your main characters are very sympathetic knuckleheads. Smart yet clueless at times. I guess i can really identify with them. Keep writing and i’ll keep reading!!!!

  186. ok, so I’ve now read all your books and even got hooked up on George Hill’s books because of you.

    and if that weren’t enough, I’m spending time over on We The Armed

    I need more hours in the day. Thanks for the great entertainment

  187. Mr. Correla,

    I am a huge fan of the MHI books and plan to buy a few patches. I was wondering if you ever thought of actually writing up the MHI company handbook… if you do I would love a copy… and I would love to see a MHI roleplaying game.

  188. I can not wait I loved all three books and have been gaming for years… these books will be a great roleplaying game

  189. Hey,

    My name is Rachel and I just finished MHA. It was EPIC! Can’t wait for MHL to come out! I asked my Dad( he gave me MHI to read last year) for all the MH books and patches for my sixteenth B-day ( next friday!!).

  190. I wish I’d read your books sooner. I’m the proud new owner of a CZ75 P01, which makes my previous Glock 19 look stupid by comparison. You’re responsible for this, obviously. 🙁
    I’m eagerly looking forward to Legion. I’ve bought the various ARCs and finals from Baen and thank you for being a part of such an open sales platform. I’m trying to get my mother into MH, but Owen doesn’t stand much of a chance against Sam and Dean.
    Thanks for keeping me up at night. All the best.

  191. I bought myself Spellbound for Christmas, and just finished reading it. Good stuff–that’s five of your novels I’ve read now, and I’ve enjoyed them all.


  192. Mr. Correia, I must say, you have become my favorite author these past few years. MHI is a great series so far (Although I haven’t read MHA yet.) You have inspired me to get back into writing, which leads me to my question. If you have free time I would love some tips or pointers. Thanks in advance.

  193. Larry; thanks for sharing your stories. LOVED MHI 1 & 2 and working on 3. Was blown away by Hard Magic. Fantastic premise, great characters, can’t wait to get the next one from Audible. Keep up the great work and the great writing.
    Harold Combs

  194. Dear Larry,

    Happy New Year! I am ordering one of you books via Amazon today, but I wanted to ask you this…I am looking for a short story to turn into a short film, low-budget, very little CGI, more practical make-up & weaponry…do you recommend an author(story)? I would like to option a story within the 2012 or 2013. I will personally raise the money via cloud-funding after attaining the option on the story. Or would you like to write one or steer me to an existing short story of your own? If not, that is fine too. I like what you do, it is not easy.

    Take care!


    1. Charles, most of my short stories are related to the MHI, TGC, or D6 universes, so they’re sort of tied up. However, have you read Son of Fire, Son of Thunder? I wrote that one with Steve Diamond and it is a stand alone. Probably wouldn’t be too hard to do as a short film either on a limited budget.

      1. Larry, no I haven’t read it, but I am very interested. I will look for Son of Fire, Son of Thunder this evening. Who knows, we could be discussing your story very very soon. You got me excited now…

        And, when MHI gets here, it will be devoured. I love the subject matter.

        Thank you for your kind response.


  195. Larry, I feel real thick…just found some short stories on your site, duh. And, I just ordered your book off of Amazon.com, I’m sure it will be great. I will come back more often to your site and read what is going on in your Universe.

    Take care, and I hope 2012 is a big year for you!


  196. Would you please shut up and stay off your site !!!! you are wasting our time !!!! get back to work & keep writing your novels ! I ran through all your books at audible in the last 2 months (and a few of them twice) I totally had fun reading all & especially look forward to additional grimoire novels !…. I will be trying to contact your publisher to demand that he hand cuff you to your computer !

    Thanks for the fun distraction !

  197. Larry–Got MHI yesterday & digging it! The way it reads to me is as though I am the one telling it, and I mean to really say that I’ve wanted to tell a story very much like yours! You just got there first! MONSTERS and GUNS! Awesome! I have fond memories of going to the range, Army days, and shooting my M16.

    Has anyone optioned any of your books for a movie adaption? Your story is ripe for a feature film!

    What a way to make a living!


  198. I don’t know the sorce of the information for the monsters in your MHI books, but as a gamer I found “the Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures” by John and Caitlin Matthews.

  199. I’ve read MHI MHV MHA hard magic spell bound and dead six and loved them all! I’ve got all my MHI books signed by you to!! But just wondering if there are any other books you’ve wrote?

    1. Just those 6 are out so far. MHL comes out this year, and then there are 17 more after that under contract across several different series. Figure about 2 per year.

  200. Thank you Mr.Correia, I’m looking forward to the other books! But I have one more question, I’ve been wanting to write a book for awhile now but when I start writing it doesn’t work out. I was just wondering if you might have any tips on how to start writing a book.
    -kid who loves your books

    1. Butt in seat. Hands on keyboard. 🙂

      Seriously, go write something. Anything. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and it doesn’t have to have a beginning, middle, and end. The important thing is that you go write, and keep writing. You’ll get better with practice and eventually it will be awesome.

  201. Dear Larry-I’ve hardly been able to put down MHI! OZP is a great character! It is fun, and a great escape while I ride the subway in NYC.


  202. I think that anyone who aspires to write should commit to composing a million words of prose. If you do anything that much you’ll be good. Sure, you can get advice here and there, but ultimately it’s the experience of solving writing problems that’ll make you a writer. And these aren’t just words you write just to satisfy yourself, but words that someone else, say a peer group, looks at and points up the weaknesses thereof.

  203. Larry, are you going to be doing any signings in the next couple weeks around Layton? I know you’re busy with the new addition, but I figured I would ask as I’ll be out at Hill for the next couple weeks.

    1. Nothing on the calender for the near future. I’ll be doing one for Dead Six after Mikes gets back from Afghanistan and settled in, but nothing official yet.

  204. Wow, Larry, MHI and MHV are amazing. MHI really blew me away. It had everything I love: monsters (my geek-out subject), laugh out loud humor, superb characters, and just great storytelling. I’ve talked about your books much and I could go on all day about what I loved about them. I’m going to read Alpha, but am waiting a bit because I read Vendetta too soon after International and I need to stretch out my entertainment. Thank you so much for these books; they’re exactly what I needed.

  205. Stretch out your entertainment? HERESY! We need our favorite authors chained to their lap tops.
    We might die today. So we need every bit of Corriea and our other authors as our last memories, along with our families.

    What? You want your last memory to be that code problem that wouldn’t compile correctly at work?

    please ………

  206. Larry’s writing is a form of therapy. Go to work. Build up some frustration, take it out on the monsters when I get home. Your first adventure was a purgative agent! Thank you Larry!

  207. Hey Larry,

    I was turned on to MHI by a friend that said something like “You’re a gun nut, here check this out I think you’ll like it” I am, I did and now I am a fan. Thanks for the hours and hours of entertainment.

  208. A few weeks ago, while I was was in Yuma I came across Alpha. Man I was hooked. Being a fellow Utahan and gun nu….. enthusiest I had to buy MHI and Vendetta. I read MHI on the plane to Honduras to pick up my son from his Mission and just started Ven. keep em coming ! Brian

  209. Just read though the first two MHI books. I Love them man! Kept seeing San Joaquin Valley pop up and thought it was unusual because no one ever talks about this place haha, so I looked you up and found this blog. I’m from Bakersfield so it’s a nice to see this haze filled valley in such well written books. Oh yeah, loved Melvin the “internet troll”. I was cracking up for awhile when I read that.

  210. Love your books! Had to buy a hard copy of MHI just to share with my coworkers since we bought it off audible first:) This blog has me in stitches weekly too! I was hoping to find a way to contact you about what you mind people using from your books as I see the MHI logo in the oddest places sometimes..

  211. Dude your fiction is some of the best I have read, I have just come across your stuff on audible, finished MHI and about to finish Vendetta. Your work is Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  212. Can you tell us if any of the MHI novels film rights have been picked up? I can totally see Bruce Campbell as Earl!

  213. Larry, would you mind if I did a cosplay of Earl for Chicago Wizard World? MHI rocketed to the top of my books list back in 2010 and I haven’t been able to get enough since. I thought it’d be a fitting tribute to introduce more to your fantastic stories.

  214. It’s fortunate that your accountant’s degree and your departure from a desired career with the feds didn’t land you with a job living on a small island in the pacific taking care of their bean-counting needs. Some place where, in fact, they actually use beans as currency.

    I’m sorry to say that I haven’t followed your career as I wish I should have. But I did love reading your bio/story above and it made me laugh. A lot. You are a very charismatic and entertaining writer. I will definitely be seeing if I can pick up a copy of MHI tomorrow. And to think, all this time I’ve been imagining you with sand between your toes, an AR-15 in one hand and rocking an abacus in the other.

    1. Sorry, I thought you’d remember making that comment from your USU days….

      FYI I picked up some paperbacks on my lunch break the day after my post. MHI is a good read. I’m gonna have to shoot you a PM on Facebook to catch up.

  215. Hi Sir, I have all your books and I have already reserved the SIGNED edition of the up coming MH series. Thanks a ton for the chance to owe one of your signed edition!

  216. Hi Larry. Your books are awesome. I am in the last parts of Monster Hunter international and just quoted the undead smoothie line with a link to this blog on Facebook. I have comments from others they plan to read your books now after that humorous line =) I tried to sign up via RSS feed but it gave a XML error page. I am using Chrome, most recent version. Just an FYI on that. Hope to read more books from you soon.

  217. ack I mean you lol…that was kind of a test comment the one before this one so you can delete it. I just wanted to let you know, well…THAT YOUR A BAD ASS WRITER. One of the best for sure. I used to think Scott Sigler was the pinnacle of horror/action/sci-fi but you sir take the cake.

    For example, the way you dropped the whole Frank bomb on us in book 2. That was very well done. The way your stories are so well thought out blow me away. I love how all the little detials come together at the end. A lot of other authors make mistakes in giving lots of detail just for the sake of detail with it not being relevant to the rest of the story.

    And man…the way you just…tell the story. The action scenes are incredible. And I don’t know who Oliver is but he is an awesome narrator. You struck gold with him. He really makes the story come alive. I really can’t think of an author better than you…I mean novels don’t get any better than these. I’m on book 3 of the Monster Hunter series and I haven’t read any of the Hard Magic stuff. I can’t believe I never heard about you though!

    Man…your novel’s are just so witty and they flow seamlessly. A lot of times you can listen to audio books and you end up getting lost and not understanding what’s going on because the author doesn’t know how to develop the plot without making it super boring. With you though every second is gold. That is why I love Scott Sigler so much too. Every page is just entertaining and awesome. His critics say he has no plot development but I say to hell with them. Idiots on their literary high horse. My pet peeve is when authors say things like, “The green half blue half white table that was outside on the deck flew into the wind. It tumbled violently as the newly oak finished legs broke off with tiny cracks that blahblahblah. God I can’t stand pointless descriptions. Sometimes it’s ok but most authors suck at it imo. You and Sigler just take your readers on a romp through the ages where you don’t need any of that plot development crap because the characters are so well thought out and so damn unique and entertaining.

    SIGH, anyway I’m ranting. I just wanted to show my appreciation for your work. I’m about to go start book 3 and listen to it for the rest of the day. I just hope I don’t finish all your books to fast. I used to only tell my friends about Scott, or post on forums about him to try and get him more readers, but you sir have joined the list. I will pimp your novels like Snoop Doggy Dogggggggggg 🙂

    Your new hardcore fan-Ryan aka Hulivar

  218. I spent all day the other day researching how to spend my audible credits. I am so sick of ultra liberal books I googled ‘Science Fiction’ and ‘Conservative authors’ and came across a link which interviewed you and Pournelle and OSCard. (I can’t rely on the reviewers either on Audible or B&N or Amazon as some of them adore stories I find horrific, offensive or puerile.) Happily, MHI is proving a delight and I know how I’ll be spending future Audible credits. If you can recommend other authors, I’d appreciate it. I’m writing my own stuff and will be looking into self publishing.

  219. Larry, when are you going to guest star on Sons of Guns so we can see Red Jacket build Abomination?

  220. Dude. You are so awesome. I f*ckin love your books and I love your background. I’m from LA (Lower Alabama) and I adore the fact that you show us that we aren’t all dumb hicks. You’re a great man for writing great novels. And btw, if you stay down here long enough, you get used to the humidity and have a whole new appreciation for A/C.

  221. Larry, I am a huge fan of the MHI series. You, along with a few others, to go public with my writing. I have written a few novels, along with a daily humor blog, that is doing well. Thanks for the inspiration and the incredible books.

  222. Hi Larry,

    How’d you happen to locate Alpha in the UP? Have you been there or maybe just admire the Finns? (I think it might have been Hienlien who said they are the greatest breed.)

      1. Thanks for the reply. It’s not an area that’s known nationally – so I thought there must be some direct connection tfor you to even be aware of it – let alone have an insight into people. I went to Tech.

  223. Michigan Tech used to have an awesome science fiction club. I used to get their newsletter even though I never went to Tech. I’ve enjoyed all my UP vacations and could easily visualize the action in Alpha. And i’ve said this before, there’s something about Yooper chicks that makes them good action heroes.

  224. It’s completely foreign territory for me but it was interesting reading about it. I loved the grouchy Finns in the bar and deputy Heather worked well, I thought.

    1. Really? I may have to schedule a trip. The Southerners feel pretty familiar. The North always feels like a foreign country to me, anyway.

  225. Hello I am an norwegian socialist ( i really am) and I really like your Monster hunter international series. All the action and gunplay is very solid and existing. I am listening to your first book fore the moment. I understand that you are an right winger and I appreciate the lack of any political views.

    I was wondering what thoughts you have on Norway, and from your point of view how the monster hunters would be there.
    And I would recommend the norwegian film Troll hunters. It is an excellent film about how the norwegian government would handel an population of trolls.

    Greetings from an norwegian monster hunter 😛

    1. Norway seems like a nice place. Never been there though. 🙂

      And Troll Hunter was awesome. I enjoyed the hell out of it.

  226. I like…nay!, love the monster hunter series. I’m about to start the third book as soon as my co-workers finish the second. We’ve agreed to read them at the same time, which makes for some great workplace conversations. I personally do the audiobook thing while I sit on my butt 8 hours a day and I don’t know if you are involved in picking the narrator or not, but Oliver Wyman nails the narration. It’s perfect. We are in Fort Payne, AL. and love hearing about nearby cities and that Monster Hunter HQ is located in Bama.

    I can’t wait for the movie, I know Robert Pattinson is going to make an amazing Pitt….. 😉

  227. Larry. It’s me again, bugging you about patches.
    I’ve tried emails and comments on other recent posts, but nada I really REALLY need one of every patch from MHI. Not for me, (although I would SO wear one) but for my son… Deployed again to the sandbox, and the person who told me “Mom, you gotta read these books!” He was right, they are most amazing! PLEASE send me the address so that I can order the patches, for the Sergeant to velcro to his ACU’s and proudly swagger around Afghanistan, kickin’ in doors and hunting monsters. Yup, thass my boy !
    SIncerely, Hagen

  228. Just finished ‘Legion’ and looking forward to the next book. I really like the Baen Books and their DRM free policy, so hopefully they are treating you well.

  229. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog posts as well as life story and have a random question if you don’t mind. I was considering pursuing a career in Accounting and was wondering if you could offer any advice? Thank you for your time and apologies if this question is out of line.

    1. I like accounting, but keep in mind there are lots of different kinds. Like I hate tax accounting, but I love auditing, which is sort of like putting puzzles together. Even when the economy sucks, businesses still need accountants, so it is pretty stable, and the pay is pretty decent. Though it usually sucks to start, if you’re sharp you can move up.

      On the college side, keep in mind they make the first and second year of accounting suck balls on purpose. That is to weed out all of the other business majors. Third and fourth year are actually interesting.

  230. Larry, I asked you if you would like to use my name in your next book about a year ago or maybe a little more not sure. I asked you to use “Mitch Kover” and well, you’ve got an old guy named “Mitch” in your new book. Please tell me it’s me???

      1. Larry, I’m gonna take that as a yes just cuz it would be the highpoint of all the years I’ve put in reading! Please keep writing, I’ve never had as much fun reading as I do when I read your work!! Bless you Bro!

  231. This tax accountant (yes I admit I love tax & monsters) really enjoys your books! I laugh out loud every time I read your stories! Guns, monsters, & accounting – my favorite combo. Can’t wait for your next books. I listen to them on audible & just want you to know the narrators for MHI & the Grimnoir novels are great!

  232. Larry,
    With your success as an inspiration, I am going to be publishing an Ebook on Amazon in the near future. You are mentioned in the dedication. I would like to send you a free copy, either ebook or print. Please let me know where to send. bittermac@yahoo.com
    Thanks again for the awesome books.

    Will McKinley

  233. Hey,
    I just finished reading Monster Hunter International. It’s one of the finest science fiction books I’ve ever read. As a D&D player and all-around nerd, as well as a die-hard gun enthusiast, your book felt like it was almost written just for me. I’m looking forward to reading more in the Monster Hunter series.
    On an unrelated note, you bear an uncanny resemblance to one of my best friends.
    Thanks for the fantastic novel! Best wishes to you and yours.

  234. Hey Larry I’m just curious when the audiobook is coming out for monster hunter legion? Someone already sent me the ebook but I want to buy the audiobook and listen to that first….I wub me some audio 🙂

    It is coming out in audio right???

      1. I know it has been said before, but everyone interested in the audiobook should go to http://www.audible.com and search for it on their website. If you have bought his previous novels in audio form and liked them, you can also help out by ranking them in your audible library.

        The search and ranking stats add up eventually and people there do take notice, which gives them more incentive to showcase Larry’s books, which means he sells more of them, which means he is able to write more of them, which makes everyone happy, etc, etc.

        See how the circle of (publishing) life works? 🙂


        P.S. This is also probably true for Amazon, etc.

      2. This is the only audiobook series for which I’m willing to endure Audible.com. Some people appear to like it, but they’re worse than Apple about DRM. To get these books to the USB flash drive in my truck I have to download them, burn them to CD, re-rip them to .mp3 and then move them to my USB drive. Typically if I can’t find the audiobook I’m looking for somewhere other than audible, I just move on to another series. Says a lot about your series, not so much about Audible. Audible makes the only justifiable case for piracy I’ve ever seen.

        Technically I could just listen to those burnt CDs in my truck, but then I’ve got to lug them with me in and out of the office every day for lunch or commute.

        No offense intended toward Mr. Deering.

    1. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Some sent you the ebook?

      *Looking suspiciously* The only thing Owen Zastava Pitt hates more than old world monsters is pirates…

      🙂 just playin’

  235. Why do you burn them to flash drive? Buy a sandisk clip. $47 on Amazon has to be cheaper than what you are putting into CD’s!

  236. The 4gb ones are $35. Four more! Sweet! I missed that. I really have a tough time deciding which is better MHI or the Grimnoir series. Larry is a really good writer!

  237. Love your books, can hardly wait for the next one.

    You need to step on some of those bigwig toes in Hollywood to get there butts moving on a MHI TV show or movie. Something of quality though I hope, last thing I want to see is a crap rush job that doesn’t do the books justice.

    Let them know they got one guy here that will have his eyes glued to the TV.

  238. hey larry is it true what ive been hearing about and mhi movie in the works please say it is i think thatd be amazing

  239. Larry,
    As a thank you for all the stuff you pass along in your blog, as well as the incredible books, I have mentioned you in the dedication for my first book on Amazon. Thank you. (And I still want to see the MHI Movie, but no Rosie PLEASE!)
    Take a look. http://tinyurl.com/cw327cd

  240. Hi Larry,

    First of all I REALLY enjoy the MHI and GRIMNOIR series.

    I live in NH and I was thinking about the idea of setting up a table/service at gun (and other) shows to sell MHI patches & related stuff. PLUS offering to laser engrave peoples boomsticks and other toys.

    I have never tried this sort of side business before. I have been in sales of high precision and laser related equipment. I did not start actually owning guns and shooting until I moved here from NY.

    Do you have anyone else marketing your stuff and IP in this way? Are you interested? I could have the patches, etc. made locally.

    This is in the “germ of an idea” stage. I am open to suggestions.

    Best regards and continued success.

    Richard R

    1. Richard, thanks for the offer, but I can’t really do something like that right now. I’ve got to hold onto my IP. Lots of cool stuff going on behind the scenes. 🙂

  241. Larry,

    My wife Robbie and I will be representing the “Monster Hunter Nation” at Dragoncon, sorry you can’t make it this year.

    Bill (SMG) Zukauskas

    1. He said it should come out around the same time as the book. Same guy’s doing the narration. Scroll up a little ways. Hit Ctrl+F to search.

  242. Larry, are you going to do any recording for the audio version? How you came up with MHI and the characters, etc to be included before or after the story?


    1. Good idea. You should do this Larry. Orson Scott Card does a small narration at the end of his Ender books. I always enjoyed knowing what made him do certain things the way he did.

  243. Neil Gaiman and Stephen King do it at the beginning and end of their audiobooks as well. It’s interesting to learn some of what went into writing the story and why authors chose to write some things.

  244. I am hugely enjoying your MHI books. I have not tried the other series yet.

    I am a veteran, and, yes, I work for the federal government. I work for a VA Medical Center. You know the motto of many in the Armed Forces is to leave no one behind. While that is not the official motto of the VA Medical Centers, I think that is part of what motivates us. No one is left behind, even after they come home.

    I know it is part of the story line to show the constant conflict between the bureau and MHI. But, is there any way you could put in a good word in a future book for those of us who do make sure that no one is left behind? I would not want your readers to think that a federal government employee is automatically an …

  245. I want a love like that. So you say two days for you & a week for her.

    I also loved your story about the bullies learning a lesson.

    Maybe I’ll read your book(s) some day.

  246. Loaded your books onto my iPad. iTunes needs to work on their classification. I loaded the 3 I have and they showed up in order of publication under the following categories: Science Fiction, Horror, Urban Life. We got a kick out of Monster Hunter Alpha being a tale on Urban Life. LOL

  247. Larry, when are your books publishing on Kindle? I went ahead and bought the hard copy compilation, because I got tired of waiting. Shared your blog on FB, too. Keep writing.

  248. Larry, just had to let you know your MHI novels are fantastic please keep it up. Will have to check out your other novels I have purchased your “Dead Six” novel but haven’t had a chance to get to it yet. Funny how 8 or 10 hours of reading can give so much enjoyment.Your interest in firearms in fact the ability to turn it into a money making proposition is admired something I wish I could have done when I was much younger,I’m retired now. So congrats an stay healthy an wealthy.

  249. I’m towards the end of the first Monster Hunters book. I love it and can’t wait to pick up the next one. When I start reading your book I never want to put it down. Keep writing please. You are a very talented story teller. You have acquired another huge fan.

  250. Hi!

    straight off, english isn’t really my first language. So i apologize in advance of any grammatical errors or misspelled words.

    I’m a big fan ( so i seem to be in good company here) of the Grimnoir chronicles, i read the MHI books and i like them too. They’ve got a great cinematic feel to them that has it’s unique charm. But the Grimnoir series is the one that really got a hold of my imagination and would not let go.

    I’ve seen that you’re a fan of figure gaming and painting miniatures as well, and i was just idly wondering. Has there ever been any talks about producing a skirmish/figure game for the Grimnoir series? If not, i’ve started sketching preliminary ideas for one. And i was just wondering if you’re opposed to the idea or if there is already one in the works by the professionals who’d probably do much better job than i could

    1. Not yet, but I wouldn’t be adverse to it if a company wnated to do something. At this point, I’d definately only do it with a professional company that was already in that business. No offense intended, but that’s how I have to pay the bills.:)

  251. Larry, I hope you catch this note–can’t find an email address for you, which I guess I can appreciate!

    I am looking for a CCW instructor in the Seattle area. I have read some of your columns on how you run (ran?) your classes. I liked what I read, and I am looking for that kind of instruction. Thanks in advance if you have a reference to share.

  252. Hi Larry,
    I have a strange request- and yes, you can laugh at me! I Loved your Blog about you, and read your article about gun control on FB. Am sure your books would not be appropriate for a Church book club, cause of the peppering of cuss words in your blog, (and your books are a bit long for a group with various reading skills,) but fantasy is very popular, I would like to ask you to think about writing a book with zero cuss words, that would be good for Book clubs. (I like that the
    bad guys are bad guys in your books. no smudging the lines, as in “there are good vampires”.)
    Keep my email, let me know if you ever come up with one. Thanks, JulieQ

    1. Uh… Shoot… I’m trying to think of which of my books has the least profanity and drawing a complete blank. I will keep it in mind. 🙂

      1. I recommend the MHI books for 12 and up. Some people cuss and when you are in danger of being disemboweled by a werewolf or zombified I think a blue word or two are entirely justified. The level of gore is more what I’d look at for a sensitive kid. Or grown up. Tho I am such a one and still enjoyed the books.

      2. I am a retired Marine and have been a Tech Rep working with them for another 22. In that period of time I have been all over the world… quite literally. Profanity is something that is part of the normal culture of people who work in the real world, with real people, dealing with real problems. When you write about this kind of reality, it usually includes the language used by “the Players”. Of course in some circles it needs to be contained but by and large if you are going to have a “Reality Show” (be it video or novel) then it needs to include the language used by those that you are portraying. Just my 2 cents, and I could be wrong.

        While I am here, please let me thank you for the really well written piece regarding Gun Control after the most recent insanity in Connecticut. It’s long, but it covers all the bases, and makes an excellent reference for people like myself that are also trying to reason with Liberals over this issue. Possibly a lost cause for most, but I like to think some of them might actually be capable of sound reasoning if presented with logic and truth.

  253. Larry, thank you for being out there bringing sanity to the discussion of the reality of gun ownership in America. Your 12/21 post on gun control allowed me to stop ranting on FB and just share your link. Couldn’t have said it better. Yours in the fight, JCM

  254. Mr Correia,

    I just stumble across your site and have to admit that I have never read any of your books but I hope to remedy that especially since you have expressed some honest affection for The South.

    I was born in East Tennessee and honestly can’t remember when I was not shooting a firearm either at the 100-yard range across my parent’s back yard or at our farm in the middle part of the state. I seem to have some vague memories of sitting on my father’s lap while shooting a 0.22 rifle but I can’t place the date.

    I was interested to see your column which tried to explain something of firearms ownership to those opposed to the second amendment. While I applaud the effort I am not sure how well it will work since I have become convinced that most of those on the “anti” side are either politicians / social climbers who cannot be trusted to tell the truth or individuals who have been conditioned to respond on an emotional level. I guess we have to keep trying though.

    As for the humidity, you get used to it after a while. All those stereotypes about southrons moving slow have some degree of truth. You do it to get the job done but not die of heat stroke.

    Merry Christmas,

    Doctor Bill

    1. Thanks, Doc. I do love Tennessee. I’ll be visiting Chatanooga this year. In July for some strange reason, though… And then Huntsville… In August. Wow. And spending the winter in Utah. I am totally getting this backwards. 🙂

      I didn’t write this for the hard core antis or the willfully ignorant. I wrote it to educate the undecided, and I think it seems to be working (160,000 hits in 2 days now).

      1. I hope you are right about changing a few minds. I have been exiled to the frozen liberal hell of NY State for some years now and the governor is talking of forced sale or confiscation of some classes of firearms in the wake of the tragedy in Connecticut. That certainly wouldn’t happen in Tennessee.

        Yes, July in Chattanooga can be more than a bit sticky. If you have not already done so, visit Rock City while you are there. It’s definitely a tourist trap but everybody should go once just to be able to claim they have been there.

        Doctor Bill

  255. I just added all your books to my audible wish list. Glad Laurrell Hamilton introduced you to me on her web site thru your gun control blog. You wouldn’t be one of “Anita Blakes” trainers would you grin. Looking forward to reading both your series.

  256. Mr. Correia,
    the remarks of Jamie McGann are spot-on, i wish i could just link your post whenever the guys on Facebook are starting some ignorance-laced argument. Save me a lot of mental energy realizing you’ve much more articulately, and knowledgeably addressed idiot remarks like “more guns only make things worse.”

  257. Larry,

    Loved your blog on anti-gun control. Just read this blog. I’m also a USU alum. Graduated 1969, then entered the Marine Corps in November that year. Beautiful country, Logan.

  258. Hey Larry! I just finished “Monster Hunter International” after discovering it at a used book store while on vacation. I’m so glad I found it- I literally could not put it down. If you don’t have a movie deal in the works, you need one!

    I’m even more thrilled that you’ve written sequels, and I’ve already got ’em ordered. Keep on writing- love your stuff!

  259. Larry, just read your missive on “An Opinion on Gun Control” and it is spot on. I copied it, put it an a Word document format with your name at the top, bio on the last page, and added page numbers. I would like your permission to use it in letters to my Congressman (John Fleming) and both Senators (Mary Landrieu, David Vitter). I want to convey to them my feelings on preservation of the 2nd amendment and would like to make sure they have your missive as it contains a lot of my own feelings.

    Jon Mickley

      1. Larry:
        It appears that one item on the liberal agenda of gun control is passing legislation that would require all current gun owners to submit to a background check and register their guns (that would somehow prevent mass shootings). Do you have any solid information of stats as to the prior criminal histories (if any) of recent mass shooting perps? It’s my understanding that most of the mass shooters (going back to & including Columbine) had no criminal backgrounds, so the liberal argument that by registering guns & doing backgrounds on the owners would somehow prevent mass shootings does not appear valid (surprise). Just curious, Thanks!!

  260. Larry, I read your bio that you are originally from El Nido. I spent 1973-1978 flying out of Castle AFB, lived in Merced and have flown over that charming town many, many times. Small world.

  261. Larry, Are you still teaching CFL classes? Do you ever make it up to Bozeman, MT? Or do you have a schedule posted somewhere?


  262. I didn’t see a contact link, I’d like to book you on my Saturday Morning Radio show on WCRN to talk about your excellent gun piece of the 20th.

    If you have an interest e-mail or tweet me when you can.

  263. I ended up visiting this site after reading your “An Opinion on Gun Control” article and I’m impressed enough with you and your community here that I’m just going to have to pick up your books and give them a read. Besides, I kinda like supporting local businessmen (I’m in Orem and figure anyone in Utah is “local” enough to count).

    Just curious if you know Howard Tayler or Brandon Sanderson, they both do the convention circuits and live here in Utah too. If you’re not familiar with Howard, he’s a great guy and writes the webcomic Schlock Mercenary (www.schlockmercenary.com). You should check it out when you get a chance if you haven’t read it before.

    I hope you and yours had a very merry Christmas.

  264. Hi Larry (since I’ve bought all of your books I figure we’re on a first name basis)

    Anyway, I’m not sure if you’ll even read this, but I’m writing to tell you how pissed off I am at you. You would not BELIEVE how many sleepless nights you’ve caused by me reading your writings. I constantly search to see if you’ve published your next book. I just read “Legion” (hardback because I couldn’t wait for paperback) in two sleepless nights-you bastard-LOL
    Anyway, seriously, you’re a great author. One of my favorite authors for years was/is Terry Pratchett, then Joe Abercrombie and a few others. But you’ve now taken over the top spot. You are an excellent word smith AND a firearms collector 😎
    Being a hunter, firearms collector, sport shooter and military person who lives in Alaska, it is a breath of fresh air to see an author that writes action type novels that actually gets the firearm “jargon” correct. Let alone how well written your pace is, the wording, wittiness, humor and action scenes are. It is awesome to have someone write your type of stories that has actually manipulated firearms. Let alone those Great Britain blokes that can’t own or have never used firearms 😎
    Thanks for your talent and effort. I realize you have a new baby, but could you please get on with the next MHI book…Please…!?
    Oh, oddly enough, for some reason I find myself having a man crush on Ed the Orc. That’s really odd because he use’s swords….Hummm, wonder what it’d take to get him using a black rifle or maybe at least a Para P14 in the next book…..? Just thinking out loud.
    Now I’ve got Dead Six in my hands and I’m sure it’ll be another sleepless night. My wife doesn’t understand- LOL

  265. Appreciate your excellent writing. I would like to republish this post on my blog – ModernSurvivalOnline.com. Could not find an email address for you – do you have a problem with me doing this? I would, of course, provide complete credit with links back.

    Thanks – Rourke

  266. Larry,
    I read your Gun Blog with great interest. Thank you for your well thought out and researched information as well as crystal clear common sense. It gives me great pleasure to know there are people like you out there and I respect you immensely. Please continue standing up for America and it’s citizens , it’s people like you that make the difference.
    All the best to you and your family this new year!
    Warmest Regards,
    Steve Martini (not the author haha)

  267. Larry,

    I live here in Australia, and I received your excellent article, this one, via email from a close friend I share emails with on a daily basis.

    I am the Editor of a Pennsylvania blog site PA Pundits International, (http://papundits.wordpress.com/) long story as to why I am Editor of a PA based blog from here in Oz.

    Having read through your wonderful and thoughtful article, I was wondering if I may copy it across to our site, with all references, links and attribution back to you and your site here as well.

    People like you need to be heard, not only in your home, the U.S. but here in Australia as well.

    Anton Lang (and I use the screen name TonyfromOz at that site)

    1. Please do. I wrote it in the hopes it would be shared. (didn’t expect half a million readers in a week though).

      1. Larry,

        thanks for that approval.

        We have now copied the Post across to our site. I hope you don’t mind that I used your full name as the author byline, and included your image from your profile. As is our standard operational procedure, we included a short profile piece at the foot of your article with a link to your profile, and also to the Home Page of your site.

        I also added an image to the Post, and we have made it a Sticky Post so it stays at the top of our Home Page, and that will be for a month or so, and I also added a short introduction.

        I hope this is all OK with you.

        Again, thanks for the approval to use this at our site. Just a wonderful, and informed Post.

        This is the link to the Post at our site.


        Anton Lang (TonyfromOz)

  268. Larry, sorry, I posted this in your profile page. The article in question is the ‘Opinion On Gun Control’ Post of yours.

    The friend I share emails with lives in Stockton CA.

    Anton Lang.

  269. Excellent article… Most people do not understand the founders did not include the second amendment for hunting. The last thing in the world I would ever want to be forced to do is shoot or kill someone. However the wife asked me the other day what I would do if someone came for my guns. Without a moments thought my response was simply that I would pray they were single and had no children. A Nation that tries to forcably disarm law abiding citizens is a Nation that won’t stop there.

  270. Hi Larry,

    I love your writing and was lucky enough to meet you at the Hicksville Public Library book signing on Long Island this past summer. I was the short guy that told you about TheWarStore on the Island and with his 5 year old son.

    I thought you might want to know about a phenomenal zombie board game I just picked up. ZOMBICIDE http://guillotinegames.com/en/

    I’ve played Last Night on Earth plenty of times but I clearly prefer this game! It is also highly customizable. It would be easy to add your own MHI hunters to the game. You can also paint the 71 included minis.

  271. Hey Larry,

    This quote is from your “opinion on gun control”.

    “The average number of people shot in a mass shooting event when the shooter is stopped by law enforcement: 14. The average number of people shot in a mass shooting event when the shooter is stopped by civilians: 2.5. The reason is simple. The armed civilians are there when it started.”


    I was wondering if maybe you had a source for that stat that I could use?

    If you do could you email me at president@facu.ca


  272. Larry,
    Knee deep into my first read of MHI. The big 3 novel hardback arrived from Amazon yesterday. Couldn’t wait to get off work to start in chapter 8 (first seven chapters were online).

    I can’t wait to read about Sir Z Pitt in action with Abomination. I like shotguns. In relation to shotguns and the rounds he might use. I have yet to read more and hope I am not being redundant with this. Have you heard of Dixie Slugs from the Panhandle of Florida?

    Currently produce two rounds, 1) the Tri-Ball, 3 or 3 1/2 inch, 12g, 3 .62 cal hard cast balls from 20″ barrel @ 1100/1150FPS. 2) the DGS, Dangerous Game Slug, 870gr cast and heat treated slug @ 1200FPS.

    Thought of these as I was reading about Z in the hold of the freighter.


  273. Never waiste a good disaster. That is what the good old friend and good old Mayor of that stink hole Chicago believes. They will do any stinking thing they can to include climbing over dead babies to have their way. A fake tear here, a whinning bit of untested reasoning, and they would take them all if they could. I have an answer for that. NO…

  274. I recommended MHI to one of my siblings, for his “after christmas” gift card redemption. He called me up & cussed me out, because he stayed up all night, reading it. He got zero sleep, and had to go to work the next day. 🙂
    Good Job, Mr. C!

  275. Just read your post “Larry Correia refutes the gun controllers once and for all” on counterjihad!

    Long story short you’re in my top 3 next to Ted Nugent and Steven Rinella.

    Glad to know people like that are still around and vocal.


  276. I just finished listening (feeling a little lazy to read) to your Monster Hunter International book and just wanted to say that was a great story! I thought it was pretty cool you inserted so many elements from your own life into your story. I mean, judging by your description of Owen Z. Pitt he is pretty much you. That is so cool.
    Anyway thanks for the adventurous read and I look forward to hearing more from you.

  277. Hi Larry, a friend of mine shared your gun control write up on the 1389blog with me. I posted a comment there but it hasn’t been published, figured I’d post it here for you to see… would like to hear your thoughts on it. Thanks for your strong insight on the subject. I’d like to think I’m one of the people that means well:

    I commend you on a very informative and educational article. I’ll share it with a few people I know that are very anti-guns. I am not anti-gun, but I’m not pro-gun either. I don’t own a gun and have only fired one a couple times. I tend to agree with you that gun control legislation is full of irrational logic. In most cases it’s probably not going to have the desired affect, and some laws open the door to more unintended negative affects. Most of the laws people are talking about right now likely won’t prevent much of anything.

    Personally, I’m not a fan of arming the teachers. I don’t know that I would trust teachers to keep the guns out of the hands of students, let alone protect the students from gunmen. They have a hard enough time effectively teaching our kids math and science these days. Once they get that right then maybe I’ll feel better about giving them more responsibilities. I’d rather have a one or two trained security officers appointed to each school campus instead. I don’t know why that sounds better to me, but it does.

    One thing I have been focused on is regular background checks and mental health checks for those buying guns and even those who already own guns. Would it make sense to require some type of mental health test to be passed along with the background checks? Maybe every two years? Almost like getting a license for a car or to pilot a plane. With as complicated as mental illnesses can be I’m sure there will be nothing that is completely failsafe – and that’s a discussion we can certainly dive into. But wouldn’t it at least have some positive impact on keeping the guns out of the hands of the mentally ill? Seems to me those are the ones most likely to attempt a mass killing. As you mentioned, most of the mass killers have been found to be on psychotropic drugs – why not scan for that in the process?

    Wouldn’t it also be a good idea to make sure that all people who live in the household where the guns are to be kept also pass these checks? Sure, this would all be tough to enforce, but I would think this would at least make it a little more difficult for the mentally ill to gain easy access to the guns, which would be a good first step. The criminals will probably get the guns illegally, regardless. But let’s target the ones who, as in the case of Sandy Hook and the Aurora movie theater shootings, were not criminals until they pulled the trigger in those mass killings. Maybe those shooters would not have broken the law to obtain guns. Maybe they would have tried to use explosives. Nobody knows for sure. But it’s tough to argue that attempting to limit access to weapons for people who shouldn’t have them makes some sense. Whereas limiting everyones’ access in order to try and achieve that does not, and has more downsides to it.

    Again, this plan might be somewhat flawed and tough to enforce and it won’t completely solve the problem but there is no single action that we can take to solve it. I would think it would be more effective than most of the legislation that is being talked about at the moment. Combine that with other efforts and we just might have something to work with. Especially more efforts on helping our mentally ill get the care they need – and not just the mentally ill, focus more on how to ensure our kids get the help they need in their developing years so that they’re not psychopaths by the time they hit adulthood. I don’t think banning guns or magazine sizes will do much to help the problem.

    I have no problem allowing the good guys who want to own guns to stock pile to their heart’s content. But I would like those who are passionate in the gun culture to help come up with more solutions that go beyond arming more people. I would like to see more ideas on how we can try to limit the access for people who we can agree likely shouldn’t have guns. There has got to be something that we can try on that front. In my opinion, as long as the pro-guns group only focuses solely on the argument that arming more people is the only answer, without coming up with ideas on limiting access to the mentally unstable, it will only hurt their cause – and that’s me trying to look at the debate from as neutral a perspective as possible… being a scared father who is neither passionately for or against guns.

  278. Just started Hard Magic and was amused by your references to El Nido as I live in nearby Atwater, CA! You are quite an interesting man and I look forward to reading your work. I started a crime scene investigative novel a few years ago situated in a fictitious town near Merced. Who knew this area could draw such interest!

  279. I’ve been brainstorming lately on what schools could do to improve students survivability in the case of an intrusion. I’m labeling them “intrusion drills”.

    The goal of the intrusion drills is firstly to get the students into a more secure location on the school premises or away from the area as safely, quietly, and efficiently as possible, Secondary goal is to impede,delay, neutralize and/or entrap the intruder until authorities can arrive at scene.

    1. Intrusion alarms will be placed throughout the building and in main offices/security offices. These alarms will sound differently than fire alarms to avoid confusion. These alarms will immediately alert proper authorities, alert teachers/staff members to start enacting the intrusion drill procedures to a secure location, and alert bus operators to dispatch buses to the school asap to get the students away from the area.. Security doors would also shut just like in fire drills to impede and slow down the intruders(s).

    2. “Emergency/intrusion” doors and hatches/trap doors w/ stairs would placed throughout the classrooms/building and synchronized in a fashion to allow quick & easy escape for students to get out of the class rooms/building in multiple directions and into a secure location or onto buses for departure or onto the rooftops or basements or other secure areas.. Multiple doors/hatches will allow the students/teacher to escape to other rooms both on the same floor or floors above/below.

    –>Teachers would be trained to immediately lock the “main” doors into the classrooms once students have emptied the hallways into a classroom and then proceed to use the “emergency”doors for escape, teachers would have access to protective gear (vests/shields) in one of the closets/whatever, and take the back & lead positions of the escape lines and utilize green/light red signals/flags to help coordinate students escape routes through the various emergency doors/exits. Emergency doors would come with “peep” hole to allow teachers to view the room ahead to see if it is safe, if not the emergency doors would be bullet resistant and could be closed/locked off and teachers would instruct the students to go to a different emergency pathway. Students would be instructed to stay low and move quickly/quietly as possible.

    –>Emergency doors being opened would also trigger the intrusion alarms just like fire exits do. The emergency doors could also come with green/red lights to help coordinate from a secure office as well if the school has a camera/security system.

    3. “Protective” rooms and hiding places could also be provided to give students further hiding places if they can’t escape.

    3. Security and qualified personnel would have access to a intruder weapon cache of lethal/non-lethal items* and protective gear. their main purpose here would be to slow down/impede the intruders from getting to the students/teachers and to isolate/neutralize the intruder(s) as best they can until authorities can arrive to the scene and/or the students escape or are secured.

    * lethal/non-lethal items being present on school campuses can be voted on among the various state/local school districts. If a state is a concealed carry state they could vote to allow that element to be implemented into the school security plans as well.

    4. Parents could also take further measures if they wish via kevlar backpacks/gear etc.. Schools could also option to acquire those type of items for classrooms as well.

    So basically for an intruder(s) to be successful in hurting students they would have to bypass whatever exterior regulations/bans that exist > break into the school > continuously break down and open doors > avoid defensive deterrents from security personnel > find & locate the students/teachers in the various classrooms/floors> get passed locked emergency doors & teachers with vests/shields> all before the students/teachers manage to escape through the various exits or before the authorities arrive.

    I’m open to suggestion as I’m sure my ideas will have holes in it.
    Ideas like these might be costly in the short run , but I think it would be worth it for the long-term.
    Schools have fire-threat, bomb-threat, and natural disaster procedures I think it’s time they looked into school shooting procedures as well.

    For the newton case: from my understanding adam gained access to the school via shooting out a window, The intrusion procedures would have triggered as soon as he broke the window.

    also: I think to help fund these drills I think we should use some of our almost trillion dollar defense budget to help fund it, that way burden isn’t solely placed on the education sector. After all, what’s the point in fighting around the world if we’re not doing our best to keep our kids safe at schools/home?

  280. Larry Correia – Yesterday when I mentioned the effort to educate Northeast Senators and Congressmen, J. Cramer gave me a copy of an “Opinion on Gun Control.” The Struggle continues… with your help.
    Thank you, T. Patch

  281. Hi Larry,
    You may (or may not) remember me from Humongous Maniac Group in SLC. I worked in the Engineering and Marketing Departments and I remember you talking with a number of us about guns. My son (now 12 years old) has recently gotten into guns thanks to Top Shot and Sons of Guns so we now regularly go to the range and spend time out in the desert plinking. Anyway, I’ve seen some of your 2nd Amendment stuff here and on Facebook and am in the process of reading MHI. Just kinda wanted to reconnect.

    Dale Sandberg

  282. Larry, Your recent gun control piece was flawless except for one minor unrelated point. You took a quick swipe at the much-maligned Patriot Act, but the fact of the matter is that the only NEW thing contained within the PA was the removal of info swapping restrictions imposed on the FBI and CIA. The other controversial sections of the PA were merely re-codifications of provisions passed years earlier under the Carter and Clinton administrations.

    Keep up the good work.

    Jim Jorgensen – Dep. Exec. Dir. Natl. Assoc. of Federal Agents

  283. Thank you for standing up for the vast majority of gun owners who are law abiding citizens. I think you should run for president, you have my vote!

  284. I found your blog because someone posted your gun article on their blog. You’re on point! What can I say, I grew up much the same, and my husband and I are raising our kids (all five of them) with a love of our country, a respect for guns (and bows and knives…..) and to raise to cute fluffy bunnies, goats, and cows, and to eat them too! They certainly don’t shy away from that. I grew up with a love of books, always had my nose in them and look forward to reading yours. My brother proudly serves our country as a Marine (also loves books and guns and well…all that cool stuff) and I will definitely be passing your blog along to him. Thank you for sharing with us.

  285. I just discovered your site from a link to your great gun control article. I’m currently reading The Monster Hunters 3-in-1 novel and enjoying. Have you ever read L. Ron Hubbard’s Mission Earth series?

  286. Larry, while I wait for your next MH novel (or any of the others) I wanted to make a VERY small suggestion. Get Z’s Abomintatin damaged and have Milo replace it with an AA12 with the 32 round drum. I think he would like it better, not to mention the standard 123 gauge shell that fires either AP, HE or Frangible.


  287. Dear Sir; My son just passed onto me a 45 page document that you wrote, “An Opinion on gun control” I thought your writing was excellent and I will be sure to use it in many of my own FB posts. I will no doubt pass it onto some friends that still do not understand what guns are all about, but are quick to point out they do own one. REALLY and you want them banned? (yea I had to shake my head on that one). Anyways, with your permission I would like to post this, and it could be a BLOG or maybe just a quick web site that I put up. OR, if you already have this document on your page would you send me the URL. I will certainly post that information. Again, thank you for a very well written document (LONG FOR SURE) BUT, still worth the time to read.

  288. Hello Mr. Correia,

    I’m writing to see if you’d consider being a panelist at Weber State University on the issue of gun control. The session is scheduled for sometime in March, but we’re still working out the particulars. So far, our speakers are exclusively anti gun/pro gun control and I’m pressing the committee for a more balanced debate. As the only pro gun/anti-gun control member of the committee, I’ve been tasked with finding qualified panelists who share my views. After reading your piece on gun control, I feel you’d be the perfect person to share an articulate and well-informed opposing view. If you have an interest, it would be great to have you participate.

    All the best…….

    1. It would all depend on my available time, which there isn’t much. If I need to choose between getting paid to write stuff, or getting dog piled by a bunch of elitist college professors who insta-win because they can cite a study conducted by Mother Jones or Salon and I can only fall back on stupid non-academic things like how stuff actually works on Earth, I’m going to go with the getting paid option. 🙂

  289. Mr. Correia,
    An avid audio-booker (my job gets me a lot of windshield time), I downloaded MHI today. I’m in Chapter 5 and hooked. I’ve read a LOT of fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and military novels in my 4 decades and I love how you pull it all together in one glorious stew with a nice seasoning of dark humor sprinkled over the whole thing. I don’t typically comment to the authors of novels and other works I like, but yours has struck a note with me. That- and finding out you are also an addict to the smell of freshly burned gunpowder- inspired me to drop a note.
    As to the “that”- I don’t know if you’ve ever done any table top role-playing (Dungeons and Dragons type stuff) but way back in 1996 my then brother-in-law and I sat down and created an RPG named Apokillypse. Originally it was only for the purpose of taking all the aspects of other RPGs that we enjoyed and re-inventing the core rules into something that would not take 2 hours just to have a simple firefight. Now, all these years later Apokillypse has evolved into something more. We played it a few times at a local gaming convention in Roanoke called Shevacon and, to keep the story short, we now are allowed free entry into the ‘con due to the number of people who pay to get in only to play our game. Why do they do this, you ask? Simple- because it’s a ton of fun, aaaaand we are way too lazy to actually publish the thing so it’s really the only place they can play. Please excuse the lengthy bragging of a proud “father”.
    The reason I bore you with all this is the nature of our game. In a nutshell it is Biblically based around a war between Heaven and Hell being waged on Earth for souls. The players in the game are typically normal folks who have seen or been involved in something they cannot explain- who are then approached by the Celestial order and offered a position fighting evil. The “Inferals” they fight are Warlocks, Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, and the occasional Demon. Now- while the similarities are obvious between our game and your novels, it’s not as though the concept hasn’t been explored before- but what really got me was that in our game you can choose to one of two types of characters: Exorcists, who are gifted with “Works of Faith” (we didn’t want to use “magic” in reference to the good guys) that throw lightning bolts, can sprout angelic wings, heal, and such and for those more into the “dirty work” our warrior class- the Harbinger.
    I don’t expect you to be aghast with shock- but it was just interesting enough to share.
    Thank you for your works- which I am sure I will be enjoying for hundreds of miles.

  290. I came out of my nerd closet in the last ten years or so (once you have kids, there’s just no faking it). I now own my infatuation with fantasy escapism and I put myself to sleep ever night developing characters and writing little stories in my head. I have to tell you – I just read “Hard Magic” on a lark and it was everything I always hoped to be able to convey in a story. It took me to that same wonderful place that I would so frequently meander into as a child, yet has become damningly elusive as an adult. With that book you have earned a fan for life – I am palpably excited to read your other works!
    Fiction books, as I read them now, tend to be not much more than a pleasant escapism. Your book, however, was a splendid gift. I don’t know if you’ve blogged about this previously, but if you have suggestions of other authors who mesh well with what you’ve done in “Hard Magic,” I would love to know who they are.

  291. Had to tell you I met your doppelganger this morning. Totally freaked me out for a heartbeat, until I realized that you wouldn’t be moonlighting as a contractor working for the company that’s installing my flooring and cabinets. ;D

  292. Just got my hands on a buy 2 get 1 free set of the MHI books and I might get fired for spending too much time reading them instead of working. You are now on my short list of authors that I read everything they write. Micheal Z williams, John Ringo and you. Thanks man

  293. Larry,
    been an MHI fan since I first heard about and then read it. I have been reading everything of yours I can find. Anyway I ran across this photo on the internet tonight after reading the statement made by York Arms regarding the cancellation of law enforcement and goevernment orders until civillians are allowed to purchase their products. This is in the gallery

  294. I’m LDS as well, and I had a non-member friend recommend MHI to me. I love it! Epically awesome. Gheesh, it didn’t hit me until Milo said he was a Mormon that I decided to actually look you up. Thumbs up man! I’m an inspiring author on the fantasy level, and just knowing that there are other members out there just inspires me more. Especially those who take guns at heart! Love your work!

  295. Dear Larry,

    Thank-you for your work. Life is tough, work, family,responsilities . Your books have transported me to a place away from everything where I can hang with the coolest bunch of people. Makes a difference. I lived in Arizona for 7 years now in New York…culture shock much…got my CCW in AZ…feel like a minority of one here. But trying to talk sense into folk one at a time. Thanks again for putting yourself out as author, firearms expert, family guy, regular guy..keep up the good work..look forward to my next “my time” with MHI or Jake and the crew, Cheers GJO

  296. Great, great book…just listening to Monster Hunters International right now. My husband has been bugging me to read this for quite some time and I really, really love it! I am now at the point where I realized I shouldn’t have become quite so attached to some. Can’t wait to read more! You actually make fight scenes interesting which usually kind of bore me. Great job! Keep them coming and we’ll keep buying them and recommending them to friends!
    Thank you,
    Lisa Conner

  297. As a novice, is an STI really worth the investment? I mean for the cost I could buy two Colts and get them tricked with aftermarket parts. Would I really notice a difference in casual use?

  298. Wow! Similar story to mine, 4-H’er (horses, rabbits, chickens & 1 dairy calf), college, married, computer programmer, started business & had child, then changes in industry, so became accountant. But not satisfying since I love programming. Learned Web design, but too busy earning $ accounting to spend time on it. Started a QuickBooks business, but never made enough, so took another accounting job in addition to self-employment. Laid off and now learning Android app development, while I look for work & make a few $ in business.

    You are brave to follow your dreams! I will probably have to take the first accounting job that comes along.

  299. Greetings from the D’verse Larry! Finally got around to reading this and you really ought to think about turning your married college years into a Lifetime movie. Funny stuff. The bookstore job nearly made me spit take my coffee onto the screen as I worked for a bookseller one summer and operated the “magic machines” that turned a used book back into a new book. I’m still amazed no one got arrested for fraud.

  300. I really enjoyed reading about how you got to be where you are! Love your books… my husband recommended that I listen to them while I work. I have no idea how he listens and works… about 5 mins in I zone out and an hour later I realize I’m no longer being productive but completely entranced with what I am listening to. That being said it’s a wonderful distraction 🙂

  301. Hi, Larry. Just a note of support from GuardAmerican.com. Love the L’Amour books, too. It’s where I retreat to if the Gun Control industry gets me down.

    I reside in San Francisco. Gotta give it to Libs: they do food great. Governing? Not so much.

  302. Mr. Correia, I’d love to know what your favorites books are. You mention a few that inspired you in this ‘About Me’ article, but I’d love more recommendations. It would also be great to see you get active on goodreads.com or even add book reviews to your own blog. I don’t see why you don’t already, I’m sure writing three series at once doesn’t keep you busy at all….

    I would be interested in particular to know if there are any space sci-fi books (my favorite genre) you are fond of. I read something quite a while back about you and John Ringo teaming up, I was hoping that would turn into a space book, but never heard anything else about it.

    I was reading a Scott Sigler book the other day and thought “I bet this guy and Larry Correia would get along”, I don’t know the guy’s politics though.

    Thanks, Love your work,


  303. Thanks for the bio – nearly as interesting as MHI series. I love your books. When do we get the sequel to MHI Legion? Surely we can’t leave Jason Lacoco hanging out there in the universe????
    Your other series are great as well, but MHI has really saved my bacon on the audiobooks… Thanks again for your efforts.

  304. I just wanted to let you know I’m a huge fan of the “Spellbound” series. I started with the MHI series and was hooked. I loved the way the characters took shape almost immediately. I think we all know someone like the characters you describe.

    I had a cross-country driving trip and was grateful. I bought the audio books and I can’t tell you how many lives you saved. Mine and others. 🙂 I was in no hurry to get anywhere and wanted to stay in the car as long as possible to get to the next chapter so the guy who cut me off didn’t bother me nearly as much as he would have if your story wasn’t keeping me wanting more!

    However with “Spellbound” I truly was, well, spellbound. In the MHI series there seemed to be a lot of anger. “Spellbound” pulls back that anger a little and the characters concentrate on the right thing to do. (Plus, I love a little revenge in my justice.)

    I’m sick and tired of these monster books that are about teenagers in love and their teenaged angst. Monsters are monsters. They may have personalities and lives but I don’t think they think they want to ‘share their feelings’ with each other. By the way, the part in “Spellbound” when Jake asks the Iron Guard if he’s going to say ‘Thank you’ for saving his life and the Iron Guard asks if he wants to have tea and discuss their feelings too. I literally laughed out loud.

    I don’t own any guns but found your descriptions complete enough that I didn’t need to. I got a good idea of the firepower the characters were packing. Reading your blog I realize many of your reader do own guns. I personally have never felt the need for one but I agree with many on gun-control. While I don’t think it is some great conspiracy I REALLY don’t like the idea of gun-control. When will the government realize that any kind of prohibition doesn’t work. A kitchen knife can be as dangerous as any gun. Are we all going to have to start using plastic butter knives soon?

    Now the part that I think will make some of the readers of this blog a little crazy. First off let me say I love action movies, I don’t wear designer clothes and I’m a gay man. I don’t know what your personal beliefs are but I wish you’d throw in some reference to one of the good guys being gay. Maybe you could work it in the same way you did with Jake and Deliah in the first series. The characters don’t have to be some ‘nancy’ guys who want to do each others hair.

    “Faye checked her head map. She didn’t understand. Mr. *** and Mr. *** were in the same bed. There were plenty of other rooms in the house. Why were they sharing the same bedroom? She’d have to think about that later.”

    I know this would rub some of your readers the wrong way but I’d really love a character that didn’t flounce around and seem helpless. Someone who carried a gun and knew how to use it.

    I’m really excited about the new book and can’t wait to get my audible order in. Thanks for making my driving a little safer!

  305. Just finished MH Legion at audible.com. Awesome!!! Oliver Wyman really brings the characters to life.

    This series was recommended to me by a friend and I could not stop listening to the stories.

    If you have to keep your day job, fine, but continue writing these wonderful escapes from reality.

    BTW, we moved to Alabama over 30 years ago and your right, the people are great here.

  306. Flat feet:
    If your feet are that flat, I suspect that you walk with your toes pointed at a significant angle from straight ahead. That will eventually mess with your knees and hips. As they say in the gym, it is all about form. It took a guy about your size three months of thinking about it daily to walk with his toes pointed straight ahead. He said that he no longer has lower leg pains.
    The other thing about flat feet is foot pronation (rotation about the axis from heel to middle toe). My solution is to go out in the field and find a burr. Tape it to the insole where your arch is supposed to be. Then pronate your foot away from that burr. The burr doesn’t hurt; it is just a reminder to pronate your foot outward, away from the burr. When you push off, walking or running, you should feel even pressure from the outside edge of your foot to the ball of your foot. The result is a healthy foot.

  307. Hi Larry. I’ve become a new fan of yours since my girlfriend recommended I read MHI after she saw an interview with you about writing on Youtube. Little did I know I was already a fan of yours after you made that fantastic appearance on Fox News about why “assault weapons” should not be banned. I also saw your blog post on the same thing being passed around Facebook. I just didn’t know all three of these were you.

    I don’t think you could have picked a better opening sentence for MHI and that totally set the tone for the story (which makes me think Call of Duty meets Buffy). Your fight scenes are also fantastically written. Most fight scenes in other novels I’ve read are blandly written in my opinion. I’m currently well into book 2 and I’m continuing to enjoy the ride. Keep up the good work because I want you taking up plenty of space on my bookshelf at home.

  308. Something you may find amusing…
    I am a contractor at a NASA facility, due to the recent NSA leak NASA has sent out this:

    To: NASA Civil Servants and Contractors

    Subject: Urgent: Malware Attacks Occurring in Conjunction with
    Recent NSA Headlines

    Date: June 12, 2013

    What is Happening: Malicious hackers leverage sensational events (such as key news stories, scandals, etc.) to take advantage of people accessing websites to seek additional information. Information systems are being infected from malware and spyware piggybacking on downloaded documents (the current attack is occurring via a Java application).

    Apparently if we read ANY news release on a public news website it will cause MALWARE/VIRUS attacks on NASA’s network…

      1. Larry juat wanted to say thanks for the MHI series, my Wife and I are big fans! Here’s a pic just to show our geek-attude 🙂

  309. Love yer books!! I have a question for you involving the mhi name and logo. I work at the Niles haunted house on the hayride. Which is one of the top hh’s in the nation. A group of friends and I want to dress like characters from the books. We were wondering if we can use the smiley face with horns and the mhi name. I would love to hear from you. I know this is for comments but I could not find a email. Thanks..ry

  310. I love your books man!! My now wife got me hooked on em while we were dating. I passed them on to a bunch of friends and they love them as well! We all work at the Niles haunted house in Michigan, on the haunted hayride. This years theme is phobias and we as a group were wondering if we could go as people from mhi? We would like to use the patches on our “armor” and the name. I just wanted to check with you first because I wasn’t sure of copyright or anything

    1. I can’t officially sanction anybody’s business like that, but unofficially, if you want to wear my patches while you work, awesome. Have fun. 🙂

        1. I am just a driver there, not actually a owner or anything. I just wanted to check with you and tell ya how much I love the books!!

  311. Just finished Warbound, absolutely loved it. I discovered the Grimnoire Chronicles about this time last year, just in time to join the wait for the third installment. I hope you keep up the great work, I’ve never had a book work me over in the ways yours constantly do. I found myself generally lamenting having to stop in between chapters for less important things, like sleeping, eating, working. By the way, loved the shout out to superman (if it was intentional).
    On a separate note, I have read some of your posts on political topics, and while I don’t always agree with your views, I’d like to commend you on making well thought out points and not stooping to mud slinging. All too often in the current climate people just end up shouting over eachother but never making a valid point.
    Anyways, love the books, keep writing, and hope everything goes your way at every turn.

  312. I just finished MH Legion and loved it (as I have loved all of the MHI books). I read the first one around the beginning of June and couldn’t stop. All of them are great reads. It looks like I will pick up the Grimnoir Chronicles next. When will the next MHI book be released? Has it been announced yet?
    Keep up the awesome work!

  313. Is there any way you would ever consider doing another grim noir tale. I so loved the others and I hate to see it go.

  314. I am sure you get asked this a BUNCH of times, but since I have scanned, scoured, and deftly searched among the MANY references in the web, it requires asking: do you intend to write anymore grimnoir chronicles? I am 3/4 of the way through spellbound, so the answer (and thus a form of absolution) may be going there. I know you have other MHI books planned, but hey, can’t hurt to ask 🙂

  315. I have a cosplay style group that would like to go to a couple of cons as MCB agents- will you ever do a patch [and not just a sticker] for them?

  316. Finished the Grimnior Chronicles last night. Completely loved them. I will be sure to spread the word among my crew about it. Have you thought about having that universe converted into a game? ( since I know your a gamer. ) It would work very well. Keep up the good work!

  317. Well am been reading some of your books, monster hunter international and legion. I love it and also heard about your movie deal can’t wait to see it and I can’t wait to see Ben Affleck play as earl its going to be awesome!!!

  318. Hey Larry. I knew you when you and Bridget lived in the Logan University 41st Ward with Bishop Fowles. I think you were a gospel doctrine teacher. I remembered that story about the gang bangers. I think I was even Bridget’s VT for a time. I remember when your first baby was born. That is so crazy that you have become an author. So cool. I actually want to do that myself but haven’t had time to finish anything yet. I have been working mostly on picture books. That is so great that you’ve made it. I haven’t read any of your stuff yet. Can’t wait to read it.

    Mattie Noall

  319. Just finished the first Monster Hunter, after reading the first two Grimnoir books. Love them. Love the gun “nut” (in a positive way – like me) and the detail on the weapons. I’ve got you on my favorite author list. Thanks for the entertainment.

    I’m retiring from the National Guard real soon, is MHI hiring?

  320. Do you know where we can get info or maybe video or notes on your panels at SLComicCon? It was very nice to hear you there

  321. You are a bad bad man! I bought the 4 Monster Hunter audiobooks and finished them in 5 days. Now I have the Monster Hunter shakes. More! Need more!

    I too live in Utah. When you said Milo was Mormon, I had a suspicion that you might live in Utah. Lo and behold, I was right. You’re the fifth Utah fantasy author I have come across and a new addition to my reading addiction. Why do you think many authors seem to come from here?

    1. The main reason Utah has so many pro writers, way out of proportion to the population, is a tough question. I think the biggest single reason is that the best creative writing college instructor in the history of creative writing classes was at BYU for a long time. Dave Wolverton has had like 200 of his students go on to be professional writers. (most college creative writing classes are utter crap). Though I’m not one of those, as I went to USU, and didn’t meet Dave until after I already had sold some books. But a lot of the other writers my age were his students.

  322. Larry, We’d like to invite you to be Guest of Honor at Chattacon next January. Is there a better way to contact you?

  323. I picked up Monster Hunter International on a whim. Seriously a completely random purchase in the middle of August. When I got to chapter 3, I think I had to reread the “..born in Merced California” line 3 times to get it to sink in. Completely awesome for someone who grew up in Atwater and just completely unexpected. All my really good friends when to Merced High. I graduated in 88 so it was before your time and yes (from reading your bio) Merced/Atwater when downhill when the base closed. My brother works for the DA in Merced so I had to tell him about your books. He originally got me interested in reading the Garrett series by Glen Cook. Since I loved your book so much I bought the rest without hesitation and read them all (I even got the books on Audible.com to listen to while driving). I am so looking forward to the next one. Thanks Larry keep up the good work!

  324. Thanks for another witty post! (That is, “The Internet Arguing Checklist.”) My husband introduced me to your books, and I enjoyed the first three Monster Hunter ones immensely. At the time we were reading them, I remember referring to them fondly as “brain candy.” It had been a while since I was so entertained by a book. Also, I started reading them a couple years after entering the gun culture so it was fun to hear references to so many firearms I knew about.

    That said, it is always disappointing to me to run across vulgar language. I am used to associating those kinds of bad words with folks who have extremely tiny vocabularies and resort to the same adjective to describe everything. You do certainly employ these words more cleverly, but it still bothers me. My husband mentioned that you are a L’Amour fan too. He had plenty of swashbuckling with a tasteful use of language.

    I understand this note is not likely to change your mind, but I just wanted you to know first how much I have enjoyed your books (Especially Alpha after reading the first two. That was a fun ride!) and second that your writing could be even better if it was cleaner.

    1. I make my living using words to convey a message with maximum effect. Words are just tools in a tool box. Sometimes profanity is the best tool. You use tools specific to your audience. I reach a rather large audience using my methods. It isn’t for everyone. Different tools for different authors with different messages. It is that simple.

  325. Having kids- I try to “watch my language”. I don’t want to say (or do) things that I don’t want them too. With that said- we are talking about a story about a group of para-military individuals that kill monsters for a living. While the setting is radically fictional (durnit) Mr. Correia does an exceptional job of making feel real. This is just one of the reasons everything he’s written is, IMHO, an absolute joy to read. With THAT said- anyone who has served in a military unit will tell you vulgar language is a large part of the vernacular. It took me months after leaving the Army to get my vocabulary back down to a PG rating (I’ll never forget the first- and last- time I dropped an “F-bomb” in front of my Grandmother). The point I’m trying to make is this; without the characters in the book speaking the way they do, it simply wouldn’t feel… right. It would be like watching a slasher movie where they didn’t use fake blood. I refrained from letting my boys read the books until they were of an age where I felt they could separate not only fantasy and reality, but also understand that what is appropriate in a fictional story isn’t necessarily so in life. They enjoyed them as much as I, and so far haven’t started cursing like sailors (although they do wish at least the zombies were real…). I’m not dismissing Johannah’s desire to “keep it clean” but honestly- are a few curse words more offensive than colorfully described acts of death, dismemberment, and high-caliber perforation?

    1. High caliber perforation! That’s great. I never told my kids to never use foul language – only to save it for appropriate situations. If you use the F word ten times a day, what are you going to say when you slice off a thumb? Casual use of extreme language only makes one sound vulgar and unimaginative. I point out, too, that such words only have power when they are NOT used commonly. If *I* were to use the F word, everyone in the vicinity would run for their weapons and silver munitions because surely there would be a vampire or something equally dire in the room.

    2. Hilarious! I actually had to invent a word for in front of my Stepmother… “Helck.” It started out as H-E double toothpicks, and gradually became heck all at the same time. (Needless to say, I used it a lot around her bless her soul.) Thanks for shaking loose that memory, Mike!

  326. Larry,

    I know you’re a busy man, and I don’t want to give you any reading assignments…

    That said, you’re also out there fighting the good fight on the idiocy of gun control and I want to give you additional ammunition.

    Whenever *I* argue with someone and they raise the issue of The Place Where Great Britain Used to Be™, I usually object on the grounds of:

    (1) you keep telling us you “don’t want to take our guns”, but the places you point out as gun-control successes are all places where they’ve *taken* the guns,
    (2) the number of guns here is *three orders of magnitude* larger than existed in the UK and Oz pre-disarmament, and;
    (3) murder aside, the UK is a remarkably violent place (in frequency of criminal thug-citizen interaction).

    I often get so worked up, I forget the most fun UK homicide fact of all: the actual murder rate in UK is probably twice that reported, and may be higher.

    Leaving aside the fact that the politicians that run most large police agencies routinely “cook” their numbers, this knocks a big ol’ hole in the “peaceful, gun-free UK”.

    If you’ve seen this, forgive me (the sources are obscure) but the next time someone brings up the UK’s low, low murder rate, you can share the following (I think that last one is what they call a “primary source”).


    1. PS – If you know your Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator personality type, please consider sharing it as part of “About Me”. Thanks!

  327. You are one of my most favorite authors. I loved the first three books of the Monster Hunter Series and I am reading the fourth at the moment and it is great so far. I am looking forward to more Monster Hunter books.

  328. You are one of my favorite authors tied only with Jim Butcher and that just depends on which of you as recently put out a novel 🙂

    Reading over your bio here really makes me want to try my hand at writing again. I have been in the same field for the last 12 years or so and honestly I’m getting bored and need to try something new. Any advice you could give me would be greatly apreciated.

    I also really enjoyed your write up on gun control and have passed it around to number of friends. I have to say I agree with it completely.

    In closing keep up the good work and get me another Monster Hunter novel, I am in withdrawl.

    1. Let’s hope to all the merciful and benevolent gods that Butcher never makes the mistake of going political on us. I’d hate for that to happen, and find out I regret ever having given him any of my money.

  329. Weird but true story: I just started listening to your books on audible about a year ago and was hooked pretty quickly. It started innocently enough by taking a gamble on Hard Magic, but escalated into a full addiction until I’d finished them all. Some twice. That’s not the weird part. Creepy maybe, but not weird.
    No, the weird part started when I jumped on a plane in Dallas and flew half way across the country for work. After meeting up with one of my engineers at the airport, we start a long drive to Pocatello. Both of us are starving and we plot a route to some chain restaurant that popped up on the rental car GPS. But right before we reached it, I spotted a steakhouse I’ve eaten at in other states and decided on a whim to eat there instead.
    I order, look up and who do I see eating a few tables away? Larry Correia and his missus.
    Larry, sorry for interrupting you and your wife’s dinner and thanks for being cool about it. Ya’ll seem like great folks and it was a real treat to meet you both.
    I’m still scratching my head over the randomness of it, though.

  330. Re: the dudes on bikes.

    I like to ride a bike, but on occasion I’ve had to lecture (w/o beer bottles) LDS “elders” that they really ought to stay off the sidewalks, ride with traffic, obey stop signs and traffic lights, and generally ride like they were subject to the traffic laws. Yes, plenty of other idiots on bikes ride like salmon and blast through stop signs, but they aren’t representing an often misunderstood organization, and wearing @#$%^& nametags.

    Loved the fisking of the Salon writer on schools, BTW.

  331. I’ve got a website suggestion, but didn’t see a place to post it. Feel free to delete this comment after you read it. Brandon Sanderson’s blog has this sweet little 0-100% meter with a list of novels he’s working on. I’d love to be able to pop over to your site and be able to see at a glance how the next monster hunter book is coming along.

  332. So I stumbled across the MHI series as recommendation on a gun forum. Good stuff, man. Very good stuff. Of course I read until two in the morning last two nights after putting the kids to bed and am surviving on coffee to get me through the day. I feel like microwaved dog crap from the sleep deficit but, hey, its a small sacrifice to find a good book series!

  333. Larry, me again.

    Had a moment of clarity between shower and getting dressed this AM: Scalzi’s Leon Deak (the fat, Christian, brown-people-hating CDF recruit who reports for duty, but dies of a heart attack before his consciousness can be transferred into a spiffy new genengineered body) is supposed to represent *me* (or people like me).

    As penance, I pledge to buy at least three of your books for every one of his I’ve purchased, and spread the word.

  334. Love your work! I listen to audio books because I have a really long commute and got MHI because I liked the title. Was hooked before the end of the first chapter. Oliver Wyman was a great choice for the narrator. Listened to the first 4 books then moved on to another book series knowing that it would be awhile until book 5 came out. I was going to listen to MHI again, but found Hard Magic. Awesome! Just finished Warbound, so you can go ahead a release MHI 5 now. No need to wait until next summer!!! Fine, I’ll wait. We accountants are generally patient bunch. I’ll just audit a few people to death!!! Happy writing :–)

  335. Larry I need some advice. Im shopping for a commander sized carry gun in 9mm and I’d like your input on an STI Spartan vs a Kimber Pro Carry. I have a Kimber Custom II in 45 but Ive never handled an STI. Any thoughts?

  336. Morning Larry,
    A couple of things, first your books are awesome. Having served in the canadian army for the last 20 some years, your books have become a staple. Second excited about the upcoming Ringo/Correia book. Third gave your books to my 16 year old and he actually finished it.
    Fourth just found out about your kickstarter project and was unable to add my pledge due to defense departments IT blocks, is there a way to order a couple of coins for myself. I have shown several of your Monster hunter series to several of the junior members of my troop, all of them think they were awesome. Being away from home is easier when you’ve got a couple of good books.
    Keep up the good work and thanks alot.

  337. Wow, I think I just found my bro-mate. I grew up in podunk Idaho Falls, went to Utah State and got a degree in accounting. Read a ton and want to become a writer. Great bio.

  338. Score! Hard Magic on Audible daily deal. Looking forward to listening! Love the books and the blog, Larry. Keep ’em coming!

  339. As a RPG person who likes sci fi and guns, you might like our campaign of the Morrow Project we been running on skype for the last 4 to 5 years.

    The morrow project is based on a group of people who froze teams of specialists to awaken after a nuclear war and rebuild america. Something goes wrong and the awaken 150 years after the war and have to rebuild the world.

    Our campaign blog ( I do not claim we are good writers ) are written as first person reports back to the reporting base.


  340. Larry, a couple of years back now my little sister read the first paragraph of MHI to me and I was hooked. I gobbled up your books and immediately started pimping them to the rest of my family. While doing that my little brother mentioned that he was in the mission field with you in Alabama. Any chance you remember Elder Reimers?

    Anyway, keep up the great work. TGC was fantastic and I’d love to see lots more in that universe.

  341. Just read (actually listened to) Hard Magic. Loved it!! Funny and exciting at the same time. Brandon Pinchot goes a great job with voices and playing the humor sort of deadpan. I belong to. Book club that’s been around for several decades. As you can tell — being an accountant — that makes us fairly old. IF I can get them to try your books, I’d love to have you come and speak to us. Do you do that? I live is Holladay (SE of Salt Lake).

  342. I love your books–I’ve listened to all of the MHI and Hard Magic books over the past few months. I particularly enjoy that MHI is based in Alabama not far from where I live in Birmingham. Unlike many of your fans, I’m not a “gun nut” and I greatly appreciate that you have managed to include your love and knowledge of guns into the stories in a really fun way without making it political. I’m a moderate liberal (with emphasis on “moderate”) and my brother-in-law is a fantastic example of someone who loves guns and is extremely safe with their use. I’d even consider letting my son go hunting with him and learning how to handle guns safely. Just wanted you to know you have some rabid fans who love your books and are in favor of reasonable gun regulation aimed at seeing guns only in the hands of responsible people like you who know how to strictly use and enjoy them safely. I’m sure that as a former gun instructor you (like my brother-in-law) are a great advocate for the safe use of guns. Anyhow, I just thought you’d enjoy knowing part of why you are such a popular author with such broad appeal even among us dreaded liberals (which you probably already knew I guess). I can’t wait until your next book!
    Thanks so much, Robb

  343. Happy Thanksgiving!

    MHI for sale on Audible. Already have this one alas the others are not on sale, but still a great pick up for anyone who does not have it yet.

    Have a great holiday!

  344. Hi Larry
    I like to listen to audio books. I enjoy Swords and Sorcery mostly. RA Salvatore and other D&D authors and the like. I saw the MHI title on Audible and I knew I had to have it! I am 4 chapters in and I’m home listening to your book for entertainment instead of loging into Netflix looking for a movie.

    I have a question: Has anyone ever approached you about making this series in to a pen and paper role playing game? Like Dungeons and Dragons and others. I have been gaming for years. I use gaming to create stories and then play them out with the framework of a set of rules. MHI would make a perfect background! The characters and the whole setting. I found your site while searching the net to see if there was any game related stuff for this series. When I didn’t find any I found your site. I’m glad I did. So I thought I would spend my 2 cents on some encouragement. First to tell you that I am enjoying MHI alot! Second I hope you will consider approaching a publisher about making this series in to a pen and paper RPG. BTW – I am not a publisher. I’m just a fan.

    Be well.

  345. I can’t find your email address so I have to do this here. I have become extremely irritated over the situation with the kickstarter coins I was overcharged for, using the website to buy them after it closed. I sent multiple emails to the guy in charge of dealing with that and have heard nothing. He absolutely sucks at managing this situation.

    I doubt I will buy anything else from you, including your books. Which maybe isn’t fair, and I doubt you will care since you’ve Gotten Paid quite well and I’m just one customer, but still, you should know you have a problem here.

    – Cathy

    1. Wait, what?

      Okay, slow down the boycott threats there for a minute, lady. I have absolutely zero idea what you’re talking about, and I’ve got 1,000 other people on the Kickstarter who aren’t mad at me, so I don’t even know who you are. Send me an email with your details to monsterhunter45 at hotmail dot com.

  346. Dear Larry,

    I just wanted to drop you a note thanking you for coming out with these awesome MHI books. My husband turned me onto them a couple of weeks ago and I have since read the first three installments. (I’m saving Legion for my flight for the holidays.) The characters you have created are so well-rounded and cool that they seem like the kinds of folks I could hang out with and have a beer. (I swear. Earl reminds me a lot of my dad!)

    Again, thank you for sharing these stories, and I look forward to seeing what comes next for the MHI crew. You’ve got another fan for life here.


  347. Larry:

    I received MHI for Christmas and I love it so far. I have a guestion What is a Spig 9 that they drag up from the basement? I have searched the web and can not find any information about it.


    Alan (MHI member 2013)

  348. Hey Larry, if I wanted to enlist your help on a book I am writing and list you as Co – author, would you be interested and if so, where could I email you what I have so far to see if it is something you would be interested in? I think you would like my ideas.

    1. Robert, not knowing anything about the project I can tell you right now that I probably don’t have time. 🙂 Thanks though.

  349. Larry, first of all I want to say you are a great author and I love reading your books, especially the Monster Hunter series and the Valentine/Lorenzo series you co-author. I was wondering though. I really like the character named Reaper. When is he going to meet a cool, attractive nerdy girl for him? So far both Valentine and Lorenzo have gotten the girls. Why not Reaper? I know there’s still Project Blue to come out though.


  350. Mr. Correia,

    This is my first time ever replying to a blog or bio or any such online media. I don’t even have a Facebook. I must say I am absolutely ape-nuts about the MHI Series of books and your passion and accuracy for guns is incredible. What drew me out was mostly a question. I recently saw a trailer for the movie coming soon, “I, Frankenstein,” and was wondering if this character was based off of Agent Franks? Aaron Eckhart is clearly not as big as Franks is described but if you watch the trailer one could argue some similarities. Just curious. Anyway, thank you for writing such awesome books.

  351. Mr. Correia,
    Just another appreciative fan, saying thank you – very, very much. I was a bit leery of your stories to begin with but once I got started with the MHI series I was hooked! I truly look forward to the next in the series (Nemesis?) and pls, pls keep up the good work. All the best to you and your family!
    Sean Murphy
    P.S. Great Lovecraftian applications w/ great new twists.

  352. I don’t think I ever felt this satisfied after reading someone’s About Me. I’m not from the States but I could identify with a bunch of stuff you mentioned, plus it ends with a happy beginning. You can’t argue with that. I’m gonna try your books now. Good to meet you.

  353. I just want to thank you. I don’t have time for traditional reading, so audiobooks have been the key to maintaining my sanity. I’ve listened to each MH novel at least twice, and The Grimnoir Chronicles. It’s not my usual genre of choice (I lean toward the boring historical stuff most of the time), but it is a damned good time. So, seriously, thank you.

  354. Keep on writing the books, and stop by the NRA HQ next time you are in the VA or DC area. I am sure you have seen the musuem, if not I will give you a tour and do lunch at the HQ cafe!
    I teach NRA LE Instructor Development Schools, your name seems to always come up, excellent books and the weapon information is always correct and spot on!

  355. Mr. Correia has a wonderful talent, so very glad he shares it to all. Oh yeah he reminds me of a friend I knew from Lenard wood Mo.

  356. Halfway through your first book, really enjoying it. Your bio made me laugh.

    How do you find your lifes work, whilst doing a life-sucking factory job? I am approaching 58, and while I consider myself a positive person the clock is running out.

  357. I have a fantasy story I’m working on and its set in a different world. However I decided to include the use of firearms but I’m not sure about a few things. Would I need to use the actual model name for the weapon even if it doesn’t exist in this world. For example if a character is using a revolver could I just use that instead of .44 magnum?

  358. Larry,

    My son and I really enjoy all of your novels. He recently attained the rank of Eagle Scout. It would be an honor if you could write him a congratulatory letter. He belongs to Troop 10 in Barrington, Illinois. His project was creating fine motor skill toys for disabled children as well as other sensory items for the new St. Alexius Women and Children’s Hospital. I know that this is an odd request but it would mean a lot to him to be recognized by his favorite author. I can provide our contact information if you are able to meet this request.

  359. Larry, I really love the books. I’m a long-time fantasy guy who picked up “gun nuttery” shortly before reading your books. I’m trained as a tax attorney so I’m no stranger to accounting. So to say your MHI books click for me is an understatement. I’m also from Alabama (Birmingham), and I love that you depicted Alabama as a decent place with decent people.

    Glad your life is going well and wish you all the best. Thanks for putting some of your bio out there for us to read.

  360. Hi Larry,

    Love the books! Are you going to GenCon again this year (2014)? Love to try and get in some games with you. You have a great since of humor and from your writing you would be a blast to play some games with.

    Thank you for your time and keep writing.


  361. Hey Larry, can you get on at your publishers please? I want to buy MHI Nemesis on my UK Nook but it’s not available. Having read the first 4 of the MHI series I am very keen to read this one!


  362. Got here from Instapundit by way of something else and the whole post-binary-jim-hines mess, and mainly wanted to comment a bit on why I have largely not been reading sf for some time — I got tired of the preaching, usually but not always of the politically correct sort, and wasting too much time on unreadable pf instead of sf.

    Politically, I’m hard core libertarian, close to an anarchist. But that doesn’t determine what I read. I love Asimov and can’t stand Heinlein. The last authors I read a lot of were David Brin, Robert Forward, and C. J. Cherryh (both fantsy, which I usually roll my eyes at, and science). FWIW, Cherryh was only one of many writers whose gender/sex I did not know about for a long time or ever care about. I know nothing of any of their politics, and couldn’t care less. I only care that they entertained me and made me think, and never preached.

    Everything you said rings true to me; Heinlein was fantastic when I was a kid, but is ruined for me now because its message is too obvious, even though it’s a message I should agree with. If Asimov had a message, maybe it was so far from what I like that I didn’t recognize it. But I still go back and read his robot stories and the Foundation series, and damned if I can get even a whiff of his politics. Maybe I am just oblivious to it.

    My message here is that I got tired of scanning SF books and finding what I’d bought was overloaded with preaching. Every once in a while I scan the shelves again, but seldom buy anything, not wanting to get burned. I hate quitting part way into a story, but I also hate forcing myself to read a few pages until my disgust hits its limit for a week or two, and ending up with a stack of 20-30 books which I haven’t looked at in several years. I also can’t bear putting them out in free library boxes or in the post office (small town, population 100) because I feel like it is misleading to others. And throwing them out is sacrilege, no matter how dreadful. So I end up with a pile of unreadable books.

    I am probably not your audience; monsters bore me. But OTOH, you sound like you don’t preach, or at least don’t want to, so I think I will try one …. besides, I hear you like guns and write correctly about them, which would be a nice change 🙂

  363. Larry,

    I have been following your blog now for a while and have been enjoying it immensely. Found you through a friend who was reading MHI and I have been hooked ever since. I was wondering (in your vast amount of spare time) if you had had a chance to add The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher to your extensive reading list? This summer is going to be a great time for me book wise. I have Warbound in the mail, Dresden files end of May, and MHN in July! Can’t wait! Thanks for your time.

    1. I’ve read the first few, but haven’t had time to read the rest. Which is a bummer because I really liked them, and I heard the series gets even better. Jim Butcher is a really good author and from my dealings with him, a heck of a nice guy.

  364. I’ve come across a question about your Sad Puppies thing on a certain mailing list, and rather than speculate on your answer, like other members of the mailing list do, I thought I’d ask. I quote:

    Mike Resnick is a conservative. How do they account for his Hugos?

    1. Resnick is an old timer, that’s his sin. Plus he win his Hugo pre-SJW take over of the Sci-Fi institutions.

    2. Like I said, you can either keep your head down or you can cheer lead for left wing causes. Resnick was huge before the SJW contingent formed their voting block and could harness the power of the internet to slander and sabotage more efficiently. In the old days character assassination was so much work! 🙂 Resnick is an institution (30 some odd nominations if I recall correctly) But look what happened when he angered them with the SFWA bulletin. The same group of shrieking harpies went after him. (seriously, look at the names of the outraged, you’ll notice many recurring ones). He’d failed to sufficiently keep his head down, and he certainly wasn’t cheer leading, and thus had to be destroyed.

      He’d offended them, so was no longer properly keeping his head down, which is unforgivable for a conservative. Conservatives are allowed, as long as they don’t actually ever disagree and constantly apologize for the evils of their side. Now that he’s come to attention to cause outrage to the outrage crowd, what do you think the odds are of Resnick ever winning again are? (barring something out of the ordinary like an unapproved popular writer actually asking their fans to get involved). If he gets a nom (keep in mind, getting in is a straight up vote count, and winning is Australian rules so it isn’t who gets the most 1st place votes, but rather who is the least disliked by the entire crowd). We all know he’d get crushed, because now that he’s outraged them, the second he showed up on a ballot they’d begin their campaign of slander, sabotage, and nonsense about old straight white men stealing all the books.

  365. I had to research sad puppies and SJW to understand the discussion. Interesting. The sad puppies video is pretty funny. I think essentially the problem here is always the same problem everywhere: institutions breed hypocrisy, cronyism, political correctness – you are spot on that if the politically incorrect do excellent work the politically correct who are empowered to judge will ignore it in favor of weaker efforts which ARE politically correct. And by institutions it is always correct to read “government”. I puzzle over this issue a great deal. For instance I have a great pit bull who is banned from Austin because he got into someone’s back yard and and killed 8 chickens. (Best night of his life!) the chickens’ mom and dad walked out and grabbed him during his celebratory post blood bath romp without incident – he has never offered any person any violence – but an Austin judge deemed him worse than dogs who have actually bitten people. What does “animal control” mean? I cannot get animal control to control the feral cats who poop all over my property (they will do nothing and advise me that if I try to do anything on my own I will be prosecutable) and animal control also informs me that the millions of bats Austin keeps – on purpose – DOWNTOWN! test at least 15% rabid and are the most significant vector for rabies being spread – and are also not on their list of things to do anything about. Just my pibble. So what animals exactly are they controlling? And for whose benefit? I submit that they are protecting their jobs and futures, first, us from animals second. What they do has less to do with animal control than it has to do with not offending political factions who might be offended. Sounds like the Hugo’s are run similarly. Like everything else. My advice for you, Larry, is to follow the money backwards to get your validation. If the question is What Is a Good Writer? The answer is always “anyone people enjoy reading” – and especially anyone people are willing to pay for the privilege.

  366. PS – I enjoyed Legion the best of all your works though not sure entirely why. The whole scene in the buffet line was amazing. I still giggle a little, picturing these two enormous guys daintily picking over the shrimp side by side intending no one any harm and suddenly transform into a cyclone of destruction stopped only by being immersed in a public fountain. At which point the one politely returns the other one’s eye.

  367. I just finished up Nemesis (eARC from Baen) It’s only the second time I’ve purchased an eARC (The first was one of Ringo’s novels), So the news that you may be teaming up has me dancing (it’s a horrific sight, so I’ll keep it to a minimum). Please post the news up when you have clearance to do so, as this brings together to of my all time favorites!
    Business side question: Do you recieve more if I purchase an eARC? (I’m hoping so) because it’s always hard to wait for your next book.
    Good Luck and Many Happy Day Ahead!

  368. Awesome and inspirational bio! So cool to see the connections between Owen Pitt and Mr Correia!

  369. Mr. C, I’ve blown through Dead Six, MHI and 2 of the 3 Grimnoir. Love them all. I have one very specific comment: You get the “gun stuff” correct! That is one of the biggest downers when one of my favorite authors describes someone “clicking off the safety” on a revolver or Sig 226. Gack! I won’t mention any names but some of the most famous let it slip and it just makes me ill. However, after reading your bio above I was not surprised. Thanks for getting the “gun stuff” correct.

  370. Fan mail from a new reader! Just finished _Warbound_, Book III of Grimnoir Chronicles. Started your work by binge reading the three (so far) Monster Hunter books a few weeks ago. Friend recommended MHI #1 and I got sucked in to those, too. Read the first part of _Hard Magic_ on Baen’s website and was hooked.

    Thoroughly enjoyed the two series. Your characters are likeable. Even the evil bastards (e.g., Wells in _Warbound_) are kind of likeable (in a Hannibal Lector sort of way). (Characters are all likeable except for Starks; he has no redeeming qualities.)

    I hope the world of Grimnoir Chronicles returns again someday. I’m very curious about the long term state of the world after the events in _Warbound_.

    Can’t wait for the next MHI book.

  371. Fan mail from a new reader! Just finished _Warbound_, Book III of Grimnoir Chronicles. Started your work by binge reading the three (so far) Monster Hunter books a few weeks ago. Friend recommended MHI #1 and I got sucked in to those, too. Read the first part of _Hard Magic_ on Baen’s website and was hooked.

    Thoroughly enjoyed the two series. Your characters are likeable. Even the evil bastards (e.g., Wells in _Warbound_) are kind of likeable (in a Hannibal Lector sort of way). (Characters are all likeable except for Starks; he has no redeeming qualities but is fun to hate.)

    I hope the world of Grimnoir Chronicles returns again someday. I’m very curious about the long term state of the world after the events in _Warbound_.

    Can’t wait for the next MHI book.

  372. Hello Mr. Correia,

    I am writing in the name of Bard Publishers Bulgaria. Would you mind letting us know who handles your foreign rights?

    Thank you in advance.

  373. Hi Mr. Correia, I’ve been a huge fan of your books for years now since I got hold of MHI on audible. I’ve listened to that series and the grimnour chronicles multiple times. I’m a huge animal nut so I find your descriptions of mythical animals like werewolves and such to be super fascinating. I do have two questions at the moment though.
    1. I remember from looking at your site eariler in the year that you had some raffle thingy (I’ve compeletly blanked on the name right now) about having people submit their names to be possible used as character in your books. Is that still ongoing? And if so, how can I submit my own?
    2. I know you probably get suggestions all the time, I’ve been stewing on this one for awhile… There seems to be a million fantasy books about only werewolves, but when I’ve searched for possibly other werecreature stories, all I get is ones from erotica genre(no thanks). Have you considered writing somthing in the MHI series or a new series about other werecreatures? I’ve personally been plotting my own story about someone being turned Leothrope (werelion doesn’t seem to have the same ‘gravitas’ as werewolf). His name, Ajax, why? Cause it’s sounds badass I think :). I know you’re super busy probably but if you would like to help maybe mentor me on how I could write a good story behind it, I think that would be amazing. And I would be beyond honored if you ever took the idea and used it into one of your stories. Seriously… I have no qualms about using it and telling a better story than I ever could with it.
    Reguardless on wether you use the idea or not, I hope you keep writing kickass books!
    Thanks for taking the time to read this,
    Jack Grady

  374. Larry,

    Just finished the Grminoir series. Thank you. It was a great ride. I especially appreciated the GKC quote in book three regarding courage. Re-reading Orthodoxy has been quite meaningful to me.

    Can you or your readers please help me ID a book a wish to read? It was recommended to me in the 90’s, but I never picked it up.

    It’s a dystopian story set in a future of cities controlled by corporations where everyone is indebted to said corporations. Everything they buy or consume is from the corporations they work for, and freedom/privacy/self-determination is non-existent. Should one not participate to a level satisfying to the corporation, they are expelled from the “safety” of the city out into the wastelands which surround the cities, ruled by violence and chaos.

    Debt is a big part of the story concept.

    I have searched every way I can think of to know avail. Please help.


    1. Kevin, sadly I can’t. I’ve already got NYC ComicCon in October so I’m pretty booked up that month.

  375. Larry, you might want to consider installing some wordpress commenting toolbar widget. I keep on having to google wordpress commenting style commands to make some of my points.

  376. I am listening to Nemesis now and I love that Franks calls Frankenstein’s monster in the book ‘whiney’. I totally agree! To my shame, I actually never read Mary Shelley’s book until a couple years ago at 33 years old. I was surprised at how disappointed I was in the monster. I believe ’emo’ does cover it. Lol

  377. I just want to thank you again for the fun afternoon at Uncle Hugos today. It was great to meet you and here some fun stories and learn what is coming up. You were very entertaining. Keep up the good fight.

  378. Love your books! I also inherited my love of reading Sci-Fi from my mother and devour pretty much any book I can get my hands on. I travel frequently (I live in Utah too and go to Japan and Korea Monthly), and your books have been my great friends on my trips these last few months. Keep Writing!

  379. My husband got me reading your books and I absolutely love them. He just recently surprised me with the latest MHI book and it made a long day great! I’m sure you get this alot but my husband and I are both police officers and would love to have your patches for our vests. I’ve looked and can’t find any of the MHI patches to purchase, can you direct me to a link to purchase them? Thanks and love the books!

  380. Larry:

    I am now 1/3 of the way to my goal of buying (and giving away those already read) three of your books for each of Scalzi’s I had the misfortune of buying before he wrote “Lowest Difficulty Setting” and received his Participation Hugo.

    Fun note: After re-reading “Dead Six”, I selected a tank, an APC, a truck, a helicopter, and about 50 gray plastic soldiers from the large collection of dime store toys I keep for the nephews to play with.

    The vehicles are now white and spiffy black letters that say “UN”. The gray soldiers now sport sky blue helmets. All reside in the Rubbermaid container marked “Bad Guys”.

    How I love watching the nephews mow them down.

  381. Stumbled across your website by accident while surfing the web for something else. However, will be checking out Monster Hunter book 1 real soon.

  382. I came across MHI by accident. I was mindlessly thumbing through Sci Fi/Fantasy at a local book store, becoming frustrated that nothing sounded original. I grabbed the (MHI) book from the display… and never put it down. One word ‘Awesome’. I’ve read the first 3 books twice. This series is one of the best I’ve read. (Though I have to admit, I was disappointed when Force & Violence died. Oh yeah, Loved Management.)

  383. I just wanted to say that I am glad you liked the comic I gave you at the Salt Lake Comic Con. It was really great to meet you and if you go to the next SLCC, I hope to see you there and get the books I have that aren’t autographed signed.

  384. Just finished listening to Book 2. I know not as romantic as the old paper in the hand, but I am a poultry farmer from rural Alabama and during the monotonous parts of my job (the old circle of life you mention), I love to listen to a good yarn. I started MHI as a why the hell not and loved it. I live just south of Russellville, Al. so you can imagine my surprise as I got into the book. As a fellow gun nut and book geek, your firearm knowledge really shows up, as it is usually a week spot for many writers and their many reloading of “clips”. Just wanted to say thanks for a great story and to let you know, my third cousin twice removed Ilrondelia, from the Enchanted Forest Trailer Park, says hello.

  385. hey 🙂
    i bought MHI (in german) yesterday and i finished it already. love the humor and i’m really looking forward to read the other books (well, i know myself pretty well and i think i’m just going to get english version tomorror because i cant wait to read more!)
    many thanks for writing such a good story

  386. Larry

    i cant wait for the next books to come out. i love listening to them on audio at work. i have over and over and they never get old but i get a lot of weird looks at times when i bust up laughing like when they blew up the hotel room. is there any word you can give on the next book or the direction of it or a date when you can release the title and facts.

  387. Howdy Larry, I found out about MHI through the Himalayan Imports forum about three years ago. Now all five in the series in ebook and audiobook are on my phone and tablet. The world that you have created in MHI is truly enjoyable, a great adventure with an intricate plot running throughout the five (so far) books. Thanks for representing the shooting community in such a positive light and for giving us hours of awesome entertainment, btw my Wife is also a huge fan too! In my off time (Firefighter) I work at forging blades and sewing leather which lead to the creation of a new sheath for my HI Tin Chirra and EDC bag for myself, I think you will like the pics!
    Take care,
    Jim Lane

  388. First of all… I came across “Dead Six” on the audio book store that I usually use for my Kindle Fire at the beginning of last year. I commute to work an hour each way and enjoy listening to audio books instead of the usual complaining on the radio. After finishing Dead Six I rolled into Swords of Exodus, all the Monster Hunter series, and wrapped it up with the Grimnoir Chronicles/series. As to date I have listened to all books three times, and read the Monster Hunter Series once. So all this “fluffing pillows” Bull Crap behind me… I wanted to know when your follow up book to Swords of Exodus was coming? Not trying to sound ungrateful, because I know you just released Monster Hunter Nemesis (I have both the book and audio book, I really enjoyed the focus on Franks in the last one) and have been on tour with it. But being a retired Marine, I’m waiting for your next mission installment. So do you have anything planed in the future for Valentine and Lorenzo?

  389. Hey wow your a hard guy to find, I’m sorry I missed you at NYCC this year, when I heard you were gonna be there I ran to find your booth but got there 10 minutes after you left on sunday.

  390. Imagine my delight when I came across Monster Hunter International and discovered it took place in Alabama! Imagine my futter amazement when I discovered that the climax of said story took place in the caverns ten minutes away from where I grew up! Thank you, Mr. Correia. You have made a loyal fan with your flattering portrayal of my home state!

  391. Love your books, Larry! Grimnoir and Monster Hunter are both incredible series. Haven’t been able to find the Dead Six series yet; are they in the sci-fi section or the thriller section of the store?

      1. Thank you. I’ll look for them in the thriller section. Sorry for the double comment; I wasn’t sure if my first comment had posted.

  392. I really enjoy your books, Larry! Both Monster Hunter and Grimnoir are incredible series. Although I’m from the Midwest, I also enjoy how you portray the South in a positive light.

  393. I’ve been wandering my way through your blog’s archive during this night’s insomnia attack, mostly by clicking on “related posts”. I’ve got to say, probably poorly since its 3am, that it all does you great credit. I don’t necessarily agree with the old “If your pissing that many people off, you’re doing something right,” adage, (e.g.: everybody hates the Westborough Baptist Church and all it means is that they’re vile). But you’ve managed to inspire sickening levels of vitriol from an astonishingly diverse menagerie of the internet-loathsome, and you just keep going. Hell, just the HandK thing would have made me give up on discussing things online. And all they called you was poor. I think “Happy Warrior” is a fair title, so long as sharing something with Chesterton doesn’t go to your head. So anyway, Kudos. The internet needs more of your kind.

  394. Hey, Larry.
    I haven’t seen you since my concealed carry course, but I have addicted my husband to Monster Hunters. Good work on that. 🙂

    We want to know if you can come up to NorWesCon in the spring. We’d love to see you there.

    Can’t wait to read more,


  395. Greetings Earthling whom is addressed by the name Larry,

    My name is Malea Stukenholtz, and I am currently finishing up my last year of high school in Kimberly, Idaho, (population 5,000), so I can easily relate to the “growing up in a small town gist.” My step father, (my favorite homo sapien to exist), introduced me to your MHI series during a critical point in my life. I am in that stage where I must make a few decisions that will affect my entire future. My options were once narrowed between attending Utah State University to earn a 4 year degree, and joining the Army. My hopes are to one day become a warrant officer and fly Blackhawks! Badass, right? Anyways, I have fallen in love with your books. I have always had a love for the mindset of the military and everything that it stands for, but your books are mostly responsible for me coming to this realization. Thank you for that. My family is happy to support you through purchasing multiple copies of your books and constantly sharing them with our close friends.

    p.s. This world needs more people like you. So teach your kids to not have nightmares, but instead give them.

    much happiness,


  396. Just a little confusion, can anyone clear this up for me. I own Hard Magic in audio form… in the course of the book Maddie is said by to us a 50mm Russian long… and later the narrator reads that his firearm left a .50 caliber divot in the ground. I also kno this is supposed to be a made up revolver similar to the Lemat revolver crossed with a topbreak schofield revolver. Which i love this concept… but I need to know is it a 50mm case/cartridge length? Or a .50 cal bullet diameter. I am a gun lover and hate inconsistancies. Please if anyone knows if this was a narriator, editor or author error. Let me know. Or if this is a 12.7x50mm made up cartridge…. that would be sweet.

      1. Thats to bad…. 12.7×50 would be a little bigger than 500s&w. Possibly capable of spraining a normal mans wrist, as noted in the book.

  397. Now that there are 3+ Grimnoir Chronicles, is there a possibility of an Omnibus edition? There’s a wide space saved on the shelf right next to “The Monster Hunters”…

  398. Mr. Correia (I was raised in the South, I don’t call people by their first name unless invited to do so) I just wanted to let you know how much I love the Monster Hunter books and how much they have helped get me through a rough week. My toddler has been home sick with a virus all week and has been up sick and cranky all hours of the day and night. Having your books to read between rounds has kept me sane. I sometimes wonder if authors ever think about all the little moments of hardship in their readers’ lives that their books have helped make bearable. So, for that 15 minutes of monstery goodness between bouts of cleaning up whatever has just come flying out of my toddler or trying to get him back to sleep – thanks. You’re alright.

  399. Have you ever considered making an archive page for the blog? I’ve spent a lot of time reading current posts and trailing through series of previous posts, but it would be awesome if there was a single archive page with just titles and links to all of the previous posts.

  400. Mr. Correia.

    I’m not a big fan of the “horror” genre, but I’ve really enjoyed as much of the MHI series as I’ve managed to read (I think the first four plus a couple of shorts on the Baen site.

    I’ve also enjoyed your Grim Noir Chronicles – which I finally finished. I guess I’m writing this to confess that although I’ve had “Warbound” for months(I generally rip through one of your books in a day or so), I really had a hard time getting into it because it seemed like EVERYONE was going to die and it was depressing. I’m happy to say that I finished it today and it was just as satisfying as the rest of your books.

    Wish I’d been able to get to ComiCon in Indy this past year, since I understand that you were there and I think you’d be really interesting to talk to.

    God Bless you and please continue to write such exciting stories.

    Wayne Morgan, CW4 (Ret.)

  401. A little over two weeks have passed and I’m on the 4th book of your monster hunter series, outstanding stuff (my job enables my audiobook binging).

    I always enjoy finding MHI pics, official or fan inspired, and don’t know how you feel about venturing into the movie scene but damn would that be cool.

    Thanks for sharing some of your background with us fans, and I look forward to buying every book (audiobook) you put out.

    Oh, and I devoured your grimnoir chronicles in about a week, AMAZING!

  402. Hi Larry.
    I’m an Alaskan bush pilot, and my wife and I have a gun shipping business for helping folks traveling through Canada ship their guns. The Canadian gun hassle is worse than you can imagine–well maybe you can imagine. I love your work, and have read most of your novels and several short stories. I am also a writer with only one published novel so far and another coming soon. I am a gun nut too, so if you come through Tok, Alaska, look us up. We can squeeze off a few rounds in our yard.

  403. I believe the universe gives you what you need not what you want.
    Seven months ago I was in a dark place (I had just had my spine fused from the bottom of my neck to below my shoulder blades, I had stopped writing because the painkillers left me empty and the depression was steadily eating through my soul). A friend of mine bought me a copy of MHI by mistake (I’d asked her to get me Monstrous Regiment) and i finished it that day. I have subsequently read every one of your books and with each page your writing has helped me step back to my former self.
    So i write now to thank you for giving me back my words. Its a slow process but they are coming.
    If any gods are listening I ask for their blessing on you.
    Kindest regards
    And thank you again.

  404. Hi Larry,

    I’ve been an SF reader for oh, 50 years or so, although I’ve never associated with “fandom” except extremely peripherally. I’ve read some of your work in Analog and elsewhere and appreciated quite a bit. I just learned about the SP dust-up and want you to know that there are a large number of us who are on your side although we aren’t interested in anything “fandom” has to say. Having said that, I thought you’d enjoy this from Jeremy Dodge:


  405. Larry,

    I am an avid fan of sci-fi and fantasy. When I came across your books and notice the Portuguese last name I had to pick it up. Being of Portuguese descent myself I thought it really neat, and on top of that the books are great.
    Now, reading your bio I find that you went to USU. I graduated with an MBA from USU a few years before you. Small world.
    I also lived in the South and love that place and the people. Very welcoming and warm.
    Well, if you ever come by Denver, I will sure go to your signing.

  406. Hi Larry,

    I just saw a Weber State Community Education publication with your picture and info about an upcoming class you are teaching.

    Googled you and came to this blog. So impressed with everything you have done. It’s been a long time since the USU Bookstore and all those overpriced textbooks.

    Congrats on your writing and your family!

    Amy Ohms Archibald

  407. Regarding all the talks about the Hugo Awards lately, George R.R. Martin mentions this in one of this blog-posts:

    “If the Sad Puppies wanted to start their own award… for Best Conservative SF, or Best Space Opera, or Best Military SF, or Best Old-Fashioned SF the Way It Used to Be… whatever it is they are actually looking for… hey, I don’t think anyone would have any objections to that. I certainly wouldn’t. More power to them.”

    I actually agree with him. And I’m not trying to be sarcastic. It would be great if someone amonst Sad Puppies or anyone else for that matter, got together and created a new award that the Hugo does not already have, like “The Sense of Wonder-award” (Wonder Award for short. Maybe in the form of a big eye or something similar). If a was a writer, I know I would be honored if I got one. And if a writer should for some “personal reasons” choose not to accept, there are plenty nominees on the list that would be more than happy to recieve one.

  408. Purchased your Monster Hunter International omnibus as a thank you for Sad Puppies and all the shite you’ve had to wade through and have had slung at you.

  409. Do you think that in the 30’s the Monster Hunter Universe counterparts of Jake, Lance and maybe Heinrich were employed by MHI?

  410. Larry,

    I’ve never heard of you before. That’s not a dig. I read as often as I can with a job, family, home, etc to fill up my time. With so many writers, so many books it’s easy to lose some good ones in the ocean full of writers.
    Then this Hugo thing came up. To be honest I don’t give a shit about the hugo awards. They don’t provoke me to read a book more than any other. However, this Hugo story wouldn’t go away and kept popping up. Your name always came up with it. So I decided to see who you were and what these books you wrote were about. They sounded interesting to me so I decided to get a paperback of your first novel and give it a try.

    I couldn’t put the book down. Before I knew it, what started out as an intent to read the first few pages turned into hours of reading right off the bat. I have to tell you I was blown away by how much fun I had reading it. How I could have gone this long without hearing about you is mind baffling.

    GRRM says you will never win a Hugo and from the looks of it you were never going to win one even before this whole Hugo thing came up. You may not win a Hugo but you did win a new reader and I would guess I won’t be the only new reader you get out of this whole affair.

    Take care and I look forward to reading more of your material.

  411. I am challenging the SF fan community to turn this year of contention upside down. I have seen firestorms tear through the blogosphere, culminating in movements and actions that may further polarize the fanbase and permanently harm the credibility of the Hugo Awards (or further harm its credibility, depending upon your viewpoint). As much as this year has been filled with missteps, in my starry-eyed idealism of SF writing and writers, I believe this hostage crisis could be turned into an engaging turning point.

    I am challenging George R. R. Martin and Larry Correia to stand behind your claims that you want the Hugos to be about the writing, not the writer’s politics or history. However this kooky situation happened, move forward in a way that’s constructive for the whole community. I challenge you to agree on a specific mutual schedule to release your reviews of each of the Hugo nominees in turn. Announce the schedule in advance so fans can have read each one as the discussion comes up. The Hugo ballots allow each member to change their vote until July 31. Ask fans to hold their voting until and unless they have read the full slate of nominees, and suggest they read more than one reviews of each before casting their ballots.

    I challenge the rest of the SF blogging community to join in the schedule. I chose the name of Martin and Correia above because a specific challenge has more impact than some vague generic suggestion. Take the schedule agreed upon by Martin and Correia and turn it into a one-by-one celebration of the better SF released this past year. I’m looking at you Mr. Day, Ms. Hate, Mr. Torgerson, and the whole SF community – join the scheduled discussions and post your review of each work in turn. I challenge the online community to formulate a simple clearinghouse webpage where readers can find links to reviews with a simple set of ratings for reviews (perhaps: “I agree; useful,” “I disagree; useful,” “I agree; not useful,” “I disagree; not useful”) so that readers and writers can find discussion to enrich their understanding and reviews to challenge their preconceptions without having to wade through dozens of derivative re-interpretations, attacks on reviewers, attacks based on how something got nominated, and trolling reviews.

    I challenge SF fans to join in and make this a celebration of Science Fiction writing. It can be a big expenditure, but set aside the money to buy or borrow each novel and join in the discussions as each one gets considered in turn. Buy a voting or attending membership in Worldcon and cast a ballot based on your own conclusions about each work. If you think one or more nominees fall below the quality where it deserves a Hugo, cast a “No Award” vote in your ranking. Make a commitment to consider each work carefully, no matter how the ballot was formulated this year or who nominated each work, using the “No Award” vote carefully, not as a protest.

    I challenge the nominees who withdrew from the Hugo ballot to reinstate yourself and let your works get discussed in the open air. If your work falls below the “No Award” voting line, accept it, read some of the non-trolling reviews, and turn out some kick-ass fiction in the future. If your work wins, then accept that a flawed process happened to shine a light on you and be happy for it.

    If you nominated a slate of candidates, I challenge you to urge your own fans to read every nominee and vote by the same criteria. Then, trust this process and accept a “No Award” vote wherever it may fall without punitive threats ahead of time or actions afterwards. The Hugo process is flawed and ultimately operates on the same model as the fee-per-vote American Idol TV show. You’ve demonstrated that, with a few instructions to its massive fanbase, the Twilight vampire novel franchise could dominate the Hugos utterly. Instead of tearing everything down to nothing to continue proving your point, I challenge you to participate and help the Hugo nominations and awards to honor the best in the field.

    I challenge Connie Willis to reinstate herself in the event and be part of a Worldcon that could symbolize a new inclusiveness. This year’s process may be flawed, but maybe it was better for a fan group to exploit the flaw than for an entity with a commercial interest in the result.

    Worldcon, I challenge you to embrace a new tide of members and funnel the flow into a positive, dynamic process. If you don’t want the Hugo process to become hostage to voting blocks and whims, you could limit the nominating process (and even the voting) to people who have been members for three years or more, which would reduce the probability that a small group railroads the process and ensures high-quality nominees and winners. But that is also a retreat and entrenchment. Or, you could have a wider base of fans join and participate, which does risk the Hugos becoming a list of the year’s bestsellers. I challenge you to rejuvenate the process and prepare for the future of SF by taking the more risky second path, mitigating the risks by assisting engaged fans to find a spectrum of carefully-considered reviews and discussions of new SF with less immersion in mudslinging and rants.

    If you all join in, then I will challenge myself to become an engaged SF fan as I have never been in the past. I will read each of the nominated works by the designated discussion date. I’ll read a range of reviews by people with various viewpoints. I will get a Worldcon membership, and I will vote responsibly. Heck, I’ll get an attending membership and watch the awards handed out. And I will remain engaged in future years, and get involved at the nominating stage for Hugos, with my nominations based on the writing, not the writer. And I bet that many other fans will do the same. After nominations are set, I bet that fans will look forward to and prepare for an annual set of Hugo Award nominee review/discussion dates like Oprah fans prepared for and watched Oprah Book Club. Now, wouldn’t that be cool?

    I challenge the SF fan community to take the polarizing events of this past year as a wake-up call. It could be destructive or it could be an exciting opportunity to reinvigorate discussion of new SF based on its merits.

    Thank you for your consideration,


  412. Last were the holsters and weapons. Franks wore an Artoonian dual shoulder holster rig with an MCB-issued Glock 20 on each side.

    Is this an alternate universe for Andy (spelled Arra……) at Horseshoe or is there another Armenian leather worker out there I should know about?
    If it’s Andy then as a tip of the hat to

    Don’t, for instance, order the HAK/HAK for two really oversized weapons (like the Glock 20), and then complain because you’re having trouble concealing them. Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? It did to me too, but believe it or not, it has happened more than once!

  413. Larry,
    I’ve started a blog featuring authors with ties to Utah. From what I’ve gleaned so far, you are a pretty interesting character yourself. I’d like to feature you in one of my next postings, and was hoping I could email you a short questionnaire. If you’re open to this, please email me.

    Thanks for your time,

  414. Please excuse the off topic post (I’d have sent an e-mail if I knew where).
    Your gun control post, https://monsterhunternation.com/2015/06/23/an-opinion-on-gun-control-repost/ , doesn’t work in the browser. Going there displays only a “database error” message.

    I pretty much agree with your position, but can’t resist asking an honest fact question: Do “gun free zones” work any better in places like courthouses, where you have to go past guards and a metal detector to get inside?

  415. Have enjoyed your books and short stories. Generally agree with your politics and blogs. Note in BAEN that you’re starting a new series, and am curious how this will impact release of further MHN and Dead Six series. Obviously wouldn’t expect exact release dates (assume you write as the muse strikes; contract obligations), but would love to know your projections. Thanks

  416. I just finished Warbound last night – an hour after I should have been asleep. This makes the third of your books that has cost me sleep. What is it with you and Brad, tuning my bath water cold and keeping me up half the night?

    You are a cruel and evil writer. You get us to like a character then you do *that* to them?! I hated that it happened, but I like how you handled it. ((I’m trying very hard not to give too much away. ))

    At least I didn’t spend most of this book wanting to give Faye the whipping of her life. 😉 She’s grown up so much from Hard Magic. And Jake and Toru are awesome. I loved the resolution of their ‘who is the better’ challenge.

    I wish I had a) known more about how to vote in the Hugo’s last year, b) read this last year. It would top my list.

    I really enjoyed the series. I am sorry this story is over. It was a great ride. I could wish there was more, but sometimes a short, intense, ride is better than a long ride. I suspect this is one of the former.

    Now to check out the MH books.

  417. I’ve only read one of your books, and that only half way, but I pegged you for a northern Utah/southern Idaho Mormon very quickly. There’s just a…recognition there, y’know? (well, that reference to a subscription to FARMS was a pretty good clue, too…) The thing is, you were going to USU and living in Logan at the same time my children and I were. Thank you for your very down to earth Mormon POV: let ‘er rip.

    As for me, there are few things I love more than finding a good new author with an impressive backlist, and I look forward to increasing your income…though I think I MAY be an outlier in your reader demographics, being female and old. Thanks anyway…and oh, if you ever attend the Olde Barn theater in Logan, say hello to my kids.

  418. Hi Larry,

    I just listened to MHI on Audible – I loved it! I just got Vendetta, so I’m slamming through it right now! I don’t know if you see this on your end or not, but a lot of the pictures on your website do not load, and my computer is telling me it’s because the links are broken. I took a look at the HTML on your website, and it appears that the images are just coming from bad links. For instance, the link to the picture on the top of your “About Me” page is bad (I tried to post the link a second ago and it told me I was spamming you; sorry I can’t include it for you!). I really like your stories, so I just want to make sure you’re looking your best! Happy holidays,


    1. Thanks. We had to switch to a new server earlier this year because of the traffic load and it killed a ton of the old photo links. It is a pain, but I haven’t had the time to go back and rebuild.

  419. Larry,
    I love your books! Read all of the MHI stuff thus far and working through Grimnoir. Thanks for the good reads and some of the best escapes from reality I have encountered in quite a while. I have not enjoyed an author’s work with this kind of frequency since my mother and grandmother read Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, etc. to me as a kid.

  420. Mr. Correia,
    I noticed on Barnes and Nobles nook book section that your Monster Hunter International was a second edition and had additional content. I was curious as to what the difference was between the first edition (which I have purchased), and the 3 volume omnibus edition (also bought it, just so I could loan it to friends to get them hooked on the MHI series). If the difference is significant I would like to know so that I can buy it for my nook. Thank-you for your time!
    Gary Tanida

    1. There is a small afterword is all. That was necessary for contractual business reasons between my publisher and distributors to allow us to have a version on the Baen free library.

  421. Any idea when the MHIswag store will be back up? Need some patches for my son. He’s a crewchief on a CH-53 for Marines in NC and I want to get him one for his flight helmet. We have both been fans for years. Cant wait for the next installment of MHI universe. Keep it up. Loving it.

    1. It should be soon. I think Jack has wrapped up the coin orders, and now he’s just making sure nobody complains they didn’t get theirs.

  422. Larry,

    Ive read your Monster Hunter books and am about to start on others. I loved them. After reading your blog I now love you even more lol. The authors you mentioned , Lois Lamour,Terry Brooks Shannara series, Raymond Feist, and David Eddings, are almost the exact same order of which I fell in love with reading. Throw in some CS Lewis and Dragon Lance books, and call it good.

    Just wanted to thank you for your great books and please dont stop with the Monster Hunter series.

    Btw loved the response to the guy who gave the 1 star review.

  423. Big time reader here… Your books are truly inspired works. There are very very few people who I would consider to be master story tellers and not just poetic word scramblers. You ARE a master story teller of the highest order. The only one I think who comes close is David Wadsworth Ball. Complete and total f’ing immersion Larry! Please do a red cover Easton Press set someday. I will buy them in a heartbeat and pass them down to my son. Never stop! Your fans love you! MHI!


  424. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your “About Me” section. I kinda had it in the back of my head that you were a lot like Owen, and it was interesting to see how MUCH Owen is based on you.
    I also enjoyed reading the little bit of your time in your 2 years as a LDS missionary. When I was about 13, we had 2 of them show up on our doorstep. At the time, we lived in an extremely rural part of southern Missouri, where the road is nothing but hills and curves. They rode over 13 miles from the town they were staying in, in the middle of August (which comes close to an Alabama summer), and knocked on our door, red-faced and completely soaked through with sweat. My dad met them on the porch with his shotgun (cause you don’t meet strangers without one) and listened to what they had to say. We were already firm believers in another faith, so he turned them down, but invited them in for a glass of tea. They ended up staying several hours and had supper with us. Afterwards, my dad threw their bikes in the back of his truck and took them home. It wasn’t long before they became fairly regular visitors. About once a week, they’d come out for supper and card games…I have a lot of fond memories of that time. They were sorely missed when they had to go home.

    I’ve read all of your books, but MHI is by FAR my most beloved set. I’m working from home at the moment, and I always have my Kindle reader up with one of the MHI books ready for me when I take a break. I’ve probably read them all at least 50 times, no exaggeration. So I have to ask…or beg…you to say whether your working on another one? I’m hoping there are several more, because I’m not ready to let them go! LOL


    1. That was nice of your dad. 🙂

      I’m working on the next solo Owen novel now, and the spinoff series from Ringo set in the MHI universe starts this summer.

    1. The Shopify page should be up soon. Jack is just making sure every single challenge coin order has been received before he opens it back up.

  425. dear larry, i come from germany and i do not like guns. nevertheless i truly do love the monster hunter series. at the moment i am reading legion and i thought just drop a note saying thank you for superb writing and great vivid characters. keep up the good work and please never try to male the series into a movie… 😉 kind regards, j

  426. Hello from France !
    I’ve just read your trilogy “grimnoir chronicles” and I loved it !
    The translation and the cover artbook are really good, and your universe is very original, with strong characters and this fun uchronic aspect.Loved it !
    Is there a RPG based on your universe ?
    best regards,
    Francois, from France
    PS : i must admit i didn’t get all the technical aspects of firearms…. i’m just a knife-thrower and systema-practitioner, sorry 😉

  427. Hello Larry,
    I’ve read all your monster hunter books as well as your spellbound books. I loved both series. I’m eagerly awaiting the next book in the monster hunter series. Keep up the good work.

    Jeffrey Osterman

  428. Hi Larry, just wanted to say I really, really enjoy your stuff. Especially MHI and the Grimnoir Chronicles. Thanks you for the hours and hours of enjoyable reading, I only wish I could see them in film. With the way CGI is taking overall the blockbusters I think your stuff would give Marvel a run for it’s money. Do you ever do book signings? Like maybe in Virginia? Possibly the Fredericksburg area? I already have signed copies of a few of my favorite authors, Koontz and F. Paul Wilson, and I would be honored have one signed by you.

    1. Thanks. I’ve signed books there before. Don’t have Virginia on the calendar for this year though.

  429. Hey Larry, quick question. Why has Milo not invented a stake launcher? It would have come in handy a few times in just the first book. When a vamp is all lit up amd weak having a hard stake on a low powered 40mm she’ll would have certainly helped. Susan would probably be dead the first time we met her if Owen had that. Not that the story of Susan wasn’t good. I’m just talking efficiency. Just curious.

    1. They’ve tried. Look at the size and weight of a stake. I established that arrows are far too thin. So you’d need something that could fire a gigantic projectile at enough velocity to pierce a torso-and not over penetrate and go out the other side. Anything moving slow enough to not do that, the vamps you’re really worried about would just get out of the way.

      1. Hmm. Have you looked at Jörg Sprave’s channel on YouTube? Perhaps there are some ideas there worth following up on re: stake launchers.

    1. There isn’t really a submission process, as this isn’t nearly that organized. It is just me.

      Basically it is for an author I know of somehow. Then I read the book to make sure it is something I think my fans would like. Asking me doesn’t really do any good, because I get dozens of requests.

  430. Your article “HK Because You Suck and We Hate You” is easily the best editorial I have read in quite a while. I thought is was incredibly funny, mostly true (and that made it even more funny,) and I laughed until my stomach hurt.

    -Mike (aka Subgun Mike)

  431. Envy. Chagrin. Downright embarrassment. Several years ago, I started writing a SF-Horror story — got to 75,000 words and, using a bit of John Ringo parlance, realized it was “maximum suckage.” Or so I thought… Then I read some stuff by a chap named Correia. Now I KNEW my disaster was DEFINITELY “maximum suckage”! Envy: your talent. Chagrin: that I thought that I might be able to write a believable survival-under- alien-invasion tale. Downright embarrassment: when I read your works and those of Don Hawthorne, H. Beam Piper, and Philip E. High, and then consider what I wrote. And my protagonist couldn’t use his Dan Wesson .445 Supermag or his Mossberg 500 Defender against superior alien technology — Bummer! Poor guy was stuck with escrima sticks, rattlesnake venom, aconite, a PVC blowgun, and home-made napalm… Envy. Chagrin. Downright embarrassment.

  432. Hi, I am a self published writer through Trafford. The title of my first book is Penny, a zombie story. My question is do you have any advice with whom I can go through for an agent? It truly is my wish for a publishing house (non-subsidiary) to publish my book and to start earning some money. My second book is finished and it is for this reason I am asking this question. I am aware that I will need a good agent and when I finished my first book and a bad experience with agents just taking my money and me not getting anywhere; which is why I went the subsidiary route. So please, if you’re reading this, can you please give me a referral of a good agent. Also, as a side note, I too live in Utah. Layton, Utah.
    Thanks for any help.

    1. I don’t have an agent, so I’m probably the wrong writer to ask. If you go up to the Best Of Tab, I’ve got a series of writing advice ones called Ask Correia, and under them is one about getting published where I talk about agents and the pros and cons.

  433. Larry,

    I just started listening to Hard Magic on Audible and I freaking love it. Thank you!

  434. Larry,

    I am a huge fan of your books and I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to read a novel written by a “gun guy”. Mater of fact I manufactured a Saiga 12 in select fire modeled after your shotgun “Abomination” in the books ( I later made one out of a Veper 12 because they are more robust) and yes my company is a BATF licensed 07 manufacturer and NFA manufacturer. We actually rent it out at my machine gun range http://www.lockandloadmiami.com.

    Anyway we also manufacture law enforcement and commercial frangible ammunition which we have the ability to put any logo on the nose of the projectile ( we currently use a smiley face). I thought it might be fun to do a limited production run of Monster Hunters International with the company logo “you team insignia” on the nose of the projo. Check out our commercial site at http://www.alchemistammunition.com and if you are interested please email me at Erik@npee.org.


  435. Mr. Correia,
    I stumbled across Tom Stranger a few days ago as a free download on Audible and figured, for the agreeable price of free, what had I to lose? People frequently (and absentmindedly) text/type/say, “lol” with little regard for what it means to actually laugh-out-loud at anything. I sir, chortled, sniggered, and all out guffawed while listening to the adventures of the very enigmatic Mr. Stranger. The whole time my ears took in the perfectly read (Adam Baldwin is genius!) story, my brain was painting the scene on the backs of my eyeballs. This NEEDS to be a movie; a graphic novel at the very least! I’ve already started working on custom action figures!

    Thanks so much for sharing your amazing imagination and awesome sense of humor with the world. This may have been a free audiobook, but it introduced me to your work and has ensured a series of very near-future purchases. Going to go out and pick up the first books of the Monster Hunters and the Grimnoir Chronicles after work (damn, probably should get back to being productive…)

    P.S. Jimmy was right: You were awesome as that gay hitman in The Mexican…

  436. You sir have written one of the best fantasy novels I’ve ever read. Son of the Black Sword is brilliant. Your world building is first rate. I love how you build the world throughout the book vs. trying to explain everything in the first chapters. The characters are three dimensional, interesting, and I want to know more about. The magic is clever yet not confusing. You’re story telling is top notch. Your name should be spoke in the same breath as Rothfuss or Martin as far as I’m concerned. It’s a head scratcher that it’s not. A buddy of mine said it’s because of your politics which is bull shit if that’s the case. I have no idea what your politics are by your writing nor should I. I miss the days when all we knew about a writer was the blurb on the back of the book sleeve. Now we have to judge someone by their politics on if the book deserves the attention it should get? That’s a sad state if that’s the case.

    I wish you all the success in the world, you deserve it for no other reason than you are a hell of a writer and story teller. My only wish is that you don’t take 15 years to finish this trilogy. I heard about the statement by Gaiman that writers are not our bitch. He’s right, no writer is my bitch but if the reader invests his or her time and money into a trilogy or series than I feel the writer has an obligation to write those novels in a timely manner.

    Best of luck to you. I look forward to reading the next book in the trilogy.

    1. Thanks. Don’t worry about 15 years, book 2 of that series should be out in 2017 and book 3 probably in 2018. 🙂

  437. Hi Larry,
    I wanted to write and let you know how much I enjoyed all your books, but mostly your MHI series. I recently heard you were coming out with a prequel to the series, but haven’t seen anything on Kindle about it. Is it true (please), and if so where can I get it? Any idea when you will come out with another book in the series? Not nagging or anything, but I’m not a young guy here, and really want to see how the whole story works out before I go shuffling off…

    1. The prequels are a spin off series written by John Ringo and edited by me. The first one is called Grunge. It will be out next month. The next is Sinners. Which will be out in December.

  438. Larry- Love all your writing, ready to break my budget for the next one!
    Apropos of nothing, I had a flash the other day when you showed your signature on a book: sign books as ‘Larry C, NRA*
    * Not a Real Author
    You could PO two groups of whiners at once, might even get a pants-wetter.

  439. Larry,

    Just read one or your books for the first time. A friend pointed me out to you and wow, great stuff!!! Agent Franks should be about 7′ tall is my only suggestion. Read all of Clancy’s and Flynn’s novels, and now will read yours.
    God Bless,

    PS – I have a classic monster thriller ready to publish so will probably be going through your pain.

  440. Found you through my friends, Mike B. and Patty W. on Facebook sharing your article on the recent shootings and the use of deadly force. Loved your “About Me” section. I laughed out loud at certain parts like the humidity in the South since I just moved to Myrtle Beach after retiring. Like you I was raised Catholic but I went the other way religiously to atheism. Not the militant type, more of the “We could both be wrong” type, and we could talk until the cows come home and not sway one another. I’ve known some Mormons in my time and while I have some problems with certain things I generally regard the Mormon Church pretty highly, or at least most of their members. Occasionally I’ve met a couple of missionaries and we politely agree to disagree. I know they have a tough job and are decent people so I would never mistreat them, not even the other missionaries from the JW crowd. I wish you and your family well and, based on your writing here, will try reading your series starting with MHI.

  441. I’ve read all the MHI over the years and just downloaded Grunge. Keep it up! I also bought my first of four guns I’ve always wanted (I turn 60 this year). A Smith and Wesson 22 Victory. Love it! Dave Head EMCM(SW) ret.

  442. Larry,
    I’ve read pretty much everything of yours already, including Grunge, and loved it all. Thank you for writing some really fun books to read. The wait in between each book is killing me though. I’m not sure if you can do o it, but can you recommend a 1911 for under $1000?

    1. Under $1000? I’m no longer in the business so I don’t keep up, but I would imagine there would still be many good choices. I picked up a Springfield Range Officer for my daughter recently, and it was around $800 if I recall correctly. It has been a good gun.

  443. Hey, Larry…

    I recently discovered your work and just finished the second book of your Monster Hunter series, and I must tell you that I have cannot remember having so much monster-killin’, cliff-hangin’, page-turnin’ fun.

    Good stuff! I’m on to the third!

    Thanks! …And God bless!

  444. The son of the black sword is amazing! I’m dying for the next book, anyone know the status of the series?

  445. Dear Mr. C,
    I spent a couple of hours on the range this week shooting 10mm ammo from underwood out of a Glock 20. 155 grain JHPs pushing 1500 FPS. That thing is super fun to shoot. I accidentally pinned a target over a wooden frame and it blew out the entire width of the 2×4 at 10 yards. that was awesome to see first hand much to the annoyance of the Range Safety Officer.

    I now have a true appreciation of the level of beast Agent Franks is.

    Would have never tried it until i read your books.


  446. Mr. Correia,

    Just finished the first Monster Hunter audiobook. I went to buy the second kindle book/audiobook combo, but it doesn’t seem to be available on Amazon. Any idea whats going on with it?


  447. I have been a big fan of the Monster Hunter books since they first came out. I like the Monster Hunter Memoirs books even better. Every time I read one I can’t help thinking, wouldn’t these book make a really great TV series.

  448. Larry,

    I just finished Monster Hunter: Siege. Absolutely amazing. You never fail to deliver. I am an aspiring writer and hope to complete one of many various projects someday. Life, work, kids always seem to get in the way. Time management is not my strong suite lol. I have absolutely fallen in love with the Monster Hunter Universe. A few of my unfinished works that I started back in high school in the 90’s were actually along similar lines. I would love to write a story in the Monster Hunter Universe. Would that be a possibility? I could send it to you to go over and submit through your publisher. I’m not looking for any royalties or any type of payment; I am just genuinely a huge fan and would love to contribute to this already awesome universe. If this is a possibility please contact me via email and perhaps we could discuss it via telephone or in person. I cant wait for the next book!

  449. Did that comment above work? It says awaiting moderation and I don’t know what that means……I need to get more tech savy.

  450. are my post being deleted? or am i not doing something right? it keeps saying waiting for moderation. idk what that is

  451. Enjoyed the bio- love your MHI books – am kicking myself that I didn’t know you were at Tampa Con a couple of weeks ago. I would have loved to meet the brilliant mind behind MHI. Btw- your last book #6 Siege is the funniest and best yet. Your already immense talent to entertain is growing stronger with every book.

    Write faster!!!

  452. Picked up MHI on a whim and I’m really loving it! Love the deep gun info, very cool. I’m LDS too and I appreciate that you keep it all pretty PG-13. Thanks for writing these great stories!

  453. Mr. Correia,
    Your writing is top drawer, first class. I truly appreciate the thought and detail you lend to fleshing out your characters; they come across as 3D and not planer. Very professionally done. The works you have published have enriched my life through much enjoyment. My one and only critique is that when you team with others they weaken your novels. None of them rise to your level of talent, and the characters they create do not rise to your level of believability. Stay the course, you have amazing talent. Best regards.

    Tom Bertenshaw

  454. Came here to whine about the publishing schedule of the next “Forgotten Warrior” book, but Larry says he’s working on it. So, instead I’ll just say that Larry’s books have some of the best reread factors. Each reread I find something else in the background or a description that fleshes out the storyline another level. Plus, so much gunbunny joy. So. Much. Bangbang.

  455. Hi Larry

    You are in my top three authors list (along with John Ringo and F. Paul Wilson).

    I think I have read your entire website while waiting impatiently for your next boot.

    If you would be so kind as to indulge my curiosity, I have a question.

    In your “The Writing Process” post you stated that you and Mike Kupari began the Dead Six stories as an internet serial. Did the fact that the stories were published on an internet forum complicate getting the books accepted by a publisher? Were the stories able to be included in the books or did you and Mike just write further material set in the D6 universe?

    Love your books and will keep reading.

    Kindest Regards

    Noah Ward
    ( Winner of five Hugo awards without ever having published a single thing. )
    ((But you can call me P.W.))

    1. We first wrote the thing that would turn into D6 online, but in that case my publisher picked it up because since then I’d developed a pretty good track record of selling books. So it wasn’t really a direct port over from internet to publication. Plus the final version of the book was about twice as big as the original internet serial.

  456. Thank you kindly for your reply. That clears up a few things about copyright minutia and I appreciate your time.

    I would say that in return I am going to go out and buy another one of your books but we both now I’m doing that for purely selfish reasons. They’re ALL AWESOME!!!

    1. It should also be noted that due to the popularity of “Welcome Back Mr. Nightcrawler” on The High Road forum, Larry have a good size audience’s already exposed to his writing, which help him self publish and sell Monster Hunter International.

  457. Love all the books, the characters, the monsters, the magic and the noir…. 🙂 May the Muse never stop speaking to you 🙂 or was that Salah Jihan? Nah…it was Ariel of course! 🙂

  458. I would love to see a comic strip, or even a one-panel, depicting the Monster Hunters International crew, vs…Pennywise the clown.

  459. Larry, don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? If people can buy suppressors and AR15s then people will die!!1!

    I can’t post the video here at all but there’s a funny youtube video from ReasonTV, by Remy, titled: Remy: People Will Die!
    I thought about that reading your article on suppressors.

  460. Hey man. A few years ago I heard mention of your MHI series on an imageboard so I looked it up and at the time there was a free deal going on with kindle on the first book so I snagged it. Promptly forgot about it for a while till one evening I was bored out of my mind and opened up the kindle app on my tablet came across it in my library. Proceed to read nearly all night. Love the series. Was wondering if you have any experience with a Vepr 308 I had been considering one when I started reading and suddenly Holly has one. I had given up hope on getting one when Molot got sanctions placed on them but today at the shop they had one with a 20″ barrel. Wondering if I should jump on that.

  461. Hey Larry
    got MHI for free on Amazon. Loved it. Bought all the other ones in English and then the available in German for my wife. She loves them, too.
    Any idea when the translations of the MHI will come out ? Not that it really matters as she will buy them anyway. For sure.
    Looking forward to hear more of the MHI bunch,
    All the best for you and your family.
    Cheers from Switzerland

    1. According to Amazon, the German edition are up to Monster Hunter Nemesis, even in audio version. Look for Larry Correia German in the search field and you’ll get all 5 available. Not sure about Siege.

  462. As a quote, “Male. Very Large,” where/what gear would you recommend to another very large male, looking to get into 3-gun shooting? I have my pistol, rifle, and a workable shotgun, I’m more curious about the necessary accessories.

    1. Go to your first match with what you’ve got. Any basic mag pouches will do. Watch what other people are doing, and most shooters are really helpful. Then once you’ve got a feel for it, THEN start spending money on equipment.

    1. Eventually, I’d like to. The problem there is that they aren’t as well known as my other stuff, and don’t sell nearly as well, so I have to squeeze them in as I can.

  463. Larry, you worked as an accountant. You’re the only accountant I know.

    I’m a wannabe writer but also currently unemployed and looking into studying to be a bookkeeper. Is that a good idea, or bad idea? What do you think will be my job prospects?

    In Canada the bookkeeping profession is unregulated however I’m aiming to get a one year college certificate and get certified by a recognized bookkeeping accreditation organization so my potential employers will know I’m at least minimally competent.

    The one time I took an accounting class I really liked it but I don’t think I can stand going back to school for the amount of time required to be an accountant (can’t hone my writing skills AND study full-time) and I don’t mind the fact that bookkeepers make less money. But if I find out nobody’s hiring bookkeepers that will be a problem… since I’m trying to cure myself of my unemployment, not cure myself of my savings.

  464. Ok, I am listening to the Alpha audio book read by Oliver Whymen. I have to ask a question. His voice for Nikolai sounds EXACTLY like Christopher Walken. Was this intentional or just a coincidence?

    1. Intentional on Oliver’s part.
      He has done voice work for Christopher Walken, BTW. Explains why he’s so good at it ; )


      1. Ah! Ok. He is VERY good at it. I was half expecting Nikolai to tell Earl that ‘his tone was all wrong’. lol

  465. A special request: would you ever consider making one of the Monster Hunters a (tobacco, not wacky weed) pipe smoker? Your books came up as a matter of discussion on a pipe forum I frequent. OK, I mentioned them. Others jumped in and agreed they are raucous good reads – of course, because they are. Consider it a nod to Tolkien. A minor character’s curious hobby/habit/addiction, that touch which brings additional interesting details to a someone. A meditative hobby of a senior clan member, maybe.

    Just wanted to ask. Will keep buying and reading your writings either way. Thanks for the ear.

  466. Larry, I have really enjoyed your books. Love the audible. I have dystonia and so it becomes very difficult to hold a book and read sometimes. Anyhow, the reason I’m writing is in Alpha -Earl describes the pain of his transformation – ” muscles pulse with electric shocks of agony, clenching, un-clenching, clenching again so tight that at each surge you wish for death. You change. Down to the level of individual proteins and you feel every single bit. It hurts like a stone cold mother-fucker.” This sooo describes dystonia. I couldn’t believe how well I could identify with that one passage. Would love to share that description with my fellow spastics. Take care, keep writing. Thanks!!

  467. Dear Mr. Correia,
    I really appreciate that you allow talents like Jon Ringo play in your universe. I know many people would like that opportunity. Show me a SJW author who shares like that!
    Anyway, those books got me thinking. I’d love to see a series of books on how MCB had to change/deal with hunters being outlawed. I mean the way it’s presented, every municipality had some supernatural team on a contract. The perspective of what towns and cities had to do, and how annoyed Agent Franks would be with dealing with the increased direct bureaucracies practically writes itself! But I’m not a writer, so I leave it in your capable hands. What do you think?
    BTW, the website listed is mine, I just put it there to make the form complete, it has nothing to do with monster hunting. I’m a special ed teacher, it’s just my stuff.

  468. Holy hell, you’re a real honest to goodness Good Guy! Nice! Just found your novels and now I can’t get enough of the audio books. Love em! Longtime fantasy reader, here – your stuff is freaking amazing. Thank you!

  469. Larry, I have enjoyed reading all of the MHI books. I am currently reading Grudge and Saints and enjoying them greatly. I am waiting for the revised Savage World Core Rules and the MHI Supplement from the Kickstarter. A few of my friends and I plan to run a couple of games at one of our larger conventions in the San Francisco Bay Area once the rules are out. We also plan to run a campaign or two in a smaller setting.
    As a gamer and one that paints my own miniatures for the gaming table I have noticed that there are very few miniatures that would work well for gaming in the MHI World. I have talked with a Miniatures Manufacturer in the Bay Area, that has read some of you books, and he would be interested in manufacturing miniatures for the game. I think it would be great to have gangster gnomes, trailer park elves along with heroes and villains to game with on the table.
    If you are interested in the project I can give you the contact information of the manufacturer so the two of you can discuss the project.

    1. I appreciate that, but I’ve got to hold off on MHI related minis right now, and I can’t say why in public yet. 🙂

      1. Okay, if you decide you need the contact information I can give it to you off line.
        By the way, if you are tired with the East Coast and Midwestern gaming conventions then try one or all three conventions we have in Northern California. All are home grown and the staffs are very good. The youngest one is at least 20 years old. The other two are at least 40 years old. All of them have activity in RPG, LARP, Board Games and Historical/ Fantasy/ Sci-Fi Miniature games. They are: DundraCon (President’s Day weekend), Kublacon (Memorial Day weekend) and Pacificon Gaming Expo (Labor Day weekend). All are good but my favorite is Kublacon. It is kid/ family friendly. Go to the different web sites and check out the list of events. Some even have Seminars. Pro Tip- if you decide to come to any of the convention book your Hotel Room early they fill up quickly.
        Any way good hunting and may all of your project be successful!

  470. Hey long time reader first time actually getting the guts to post and I have to say I love your books I’m an avid reader and the first time I picked up monster hunter inc. I was hooked it took me 2 days to go thru I couldn’t get enough, your writing is amazing always action packed, I knew from reading your blogs and stuff that the Hugo awards are kinda lame (everyone seems to think you need validation) but I’ve read some of the winners and man they were as dry as an old hickory stick in 130 degree heat, anyway just wanted to say I love your books Im from Southern California and now reside in the Central Valley so it’s kinda hard to see you at events but I’ve always wanted to get you to sigh a copy of one of my books well I don’t have to tell you to keep up the good work, so god bless man

  471. Dear Mr. Correia,

    I started reading the Monster Hunter Books back in 2016, and I loved them.

    Around the time my younger daughter turned eleven earlier this year, she was looking for something new to read. Since she is a massive “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” fan, I suggested the MHI books. I thought they might be a bit of a stretch for her content-wise, but I told her if she found them too “adult” that was ok.

    Fast forward to four months later and she is quite peeved that there are no more books in the series! In order to mitigate this issue she has recently started over from book one!

    As a family, we don’t come from a gun culture in any way, but after reading the books she has shown some interest in the mechanics of guns. I’m not against this, mind you, but since we live outside the US, some of the things coming out of her mouth are “out of context” in an amusing way.

    Since Christmas is coming, I was wondering how I could get hold of a hardback MHI book with a personalised dedication to give her as a gift?

    Kind regards,


    1. I don’t sell autographed copies myself (I used to, but the shipping problems created a huge timesucks that started cutting into my writing time) The best place to get personalized copies is from Uncle Hugos bookstore, because he’ll take orders before I sign there, and then I spend a day doing personalizations. Except that won’t be before Christmas. I think the next time I’ll be there is February.

  472. Larry, thank you. I am a native Alabamian. We do get the short straw in literature, (sadly some of us deserve it). I love your discussion of Alabama landmarks with the names changed, it is like an inside joke. I am really enjoying your MHI books and I have told my entire friends and family group about how fun they are. I have a passing fancy for guns and share your opinion of eating the lawnmowers (cows), farm life isn’t for the sensitive and sentimental. Since I seem to have come to the scene so recently I have missed out on the patch, I would love to have one. Is there anything in the works?
    Again, thank you for the work you are doing, I am a fan.

  473. Found “Urban Allies” a while back; outstanding short story with “Franks” and John Maberry’s “Joe Ledger.” Any more works out there not readily searchable or mainstream? I got lucky with “Urban Allies” by pure luck.
    Picked up “Target Rich Environment” and “Monster Hunter Files;” both great collections.

  474. Hi Larry,

    I recently discovered your MH series on Audible this year and am hooked. As of this afternoon, the action is really ramping up on Severny Island! Thank you so much for a wildly entertaining urban fantasy journey, and being one of the few fantasy/sci-fi writers I’ve seen get weapons *right*. I couldn’t believe my ears hearing all the gratuitous, clearly-written-by-an-enthusiast “gun porn” in MHI — nobody’s ever hit all my gun nerd buttons like that! (also, thank you for toning it down in subsequent titles)

    As a native Californian it’s a little sad to hear how you feel about my beloved home state, but I can understand where you’re coming from. I hope that I can meet you at a local signing one day!

    Warm wishes,

  475. Mr. Correira,

    I was wondering why the character’s name of Jason Lococo was changed in the next book in the MHI series to Jason Lacoco?

    Why change to an “A” in the name? Just wondering. New fan and a BIG fan already. Going to buy all of your books. Every one. 🙂

  476. Enough about ‘you’. The Gersh Kuntzman reprobate character you applaud is indeed a monster—a vile child-molesting raypist. What does that make you…?

    1. Nice attempt to stir shit up, you jerk. Do a little research and learn to understand what you read before you try to insult a good man. You are not needed or welcome here, snowflake. Why do these SJW keep blasting thier ignorance and stupidity where normal people have to see it?

      1. I’d say it’s actually useful – contrary to the consistent efforts of SJWs to deplatform anyone with opposing views, their own insanity is best left visible in plain sight.

        In general, looking around the web, I notice the most left-leaning forums are also the ones most heavily moderated, while those with far less administrative involvement tend to split fifty/fifty or even lean right overall. There’s even something rather ironic in how the most fervent capitalism bashers thrive primarily in the privately owned digital environments that only capitalism can offer. How their mentality invariably needs authoritarian strong-arming in order to barely function.

        So I say, sticks and stones. So long as our kind host agrees, keep the stupid coming where it can be seen, argued, mocked, or simply ignored.

  477. Hiya, sir. Just wanted to drop a line and say howdy, and it was good meeting you at FanX in SLC. Finished Hard Magic, working on Dead Six, and Into The Storm will be next (though I’ll be in Guam for most of the month, so I’ll have time!). Have a good one, and if you’re ever in the need for good seafood (the good Alaskan stuff, not that farmed Atlantic crap), give me a shout. We’ll hook you and yours up!

    -Brennen Hankins

  478. Hello Larry,
    Love your books, especially MH and Grimnoir Chronicles. My dad just got me Son of the Black Sword and I’m looking forward to reading your take in a fantasy setting. I’m an aspiring writer myself and, as soon as my Beta Readers finish up, will be looking for agents. I’ve been trying to find those tied to authors I relate with. I was recommend a couple by John Gwynne, but they’re based in the UK . Are there any you recommend? Thanks!

  479. Mr. Correia,
    My husband and I are big fans of your work. I’m currently reading Warbound, and a little sad that after I finish it I won’t have another book of yours to read until you publish a new one.
    I would like to offer myself to be one of your work editors (not even sure if that’s what it’s called), free of charge. I noticed over a dozen editing mistakes while reading the Grimnoir series, and I would like to help lending another pair of eyes to make consequent novels even more perfect. I hope you don’t get offended by this offer, and I apologize in advance if I cross the boundary. Again, big fan!
    P.S. I love that Indonesia is periodically mentioned in your books (as is in Mr. Ringo’s). I originally came from Indonesia, and not a lot of books ever mention it, let alone books that I love. Thank you for that.

  480. Funktardation Nation, a comic novel by Larry Correia! A tale of the superhero Alegorical Man and his quest to fight the hiphop leftist tidalwave and the progressives love of hysterics, debauchery, the pavlovian need to chant a sesame street formed mantra in unison, and blame everyone else for their own failings.

  481. May I have YOUR permission to REPOST this article about Swalwell on Linked IN? With total attribution to you, of course. It happens to be one of the best, well thought out arguments in favor of the 2nd amendment I have ever read.

  482. I just discovered you through a link from WRSA and just finished your ‘about me’. I recognize many of your references as I have been there. USU and Cache Valley in general. Delta and the cheese plant. You moved from the burbs to “Yard Moose Mountain”. Lots of places along the Wasatch that could qualify for that. I get deer and wild turkeys in my yard although my neighbors have seen moose.

    I’m looking forward to reading your work as I enjoy that genera.

    This is the link that brought me here:

    I’m glad I found your blog and will keep coming back.

  483. Thank you Larry Correia

    Dear Mr. Correia,
    I write you today to thank you twice for being you and doing what you do.
    I hope this letter finds you and your family in very good health.

    My first thanks should have hit you almost three years ago. That was quite a hell of a time. My girlfriend was in the hospital with some massive surgery and she was worried sick and stressed out pretty much. Trying to get my mind of her being ina thigth spot I searched to ocal raileaystation bookstore for something to read and stumbled over the first book of your MHI series. The cover text immediately caught on and the book made me laugh and yell my butt off from fun. After finishing it off I brought it to my wife and she loved it. She read it in a single week and it helped her a long way trough this.

    The surgery worked out, she got better and today we are married. We never stopped reading MHI and supported the MHI Savage worlds based RPG. We also had our first game with my wife as the GM. Great fun was had by all. Except those Zombies. Not so much fun for them.

    So thanks for that too.

    The second thanks.

    This is about your extremly well, witty and sharply written blog from 19 November 2018 about Nuking gun owners.
    I have seen these memes at times and they always got me rield up for their stupitidy.
    As I am no writer I was however oftentimes at a literal loss of words about the dumbness of these memes.
    You however managed in your article to put everything not only in perspective but also in an eloquent writing.Shows that it pays off to be a professional writer in more than one way.
    So here is my tip to the hat to you.

    However, even so i am not a american citizen (I am from germany) I would like to point out two things that came to my mind.
    As a long time gamer I once wrote ana rticle about the National Guard for a german gaming magazin.
    I think that the National Gard would be on the side of the poeple and not so much on the side of the gouvernment thus leveling any technical advantage the gouvernment may have.
    Secondly, when we are talking about armed resistance against a technolhically well equipped army we should not forget Vietnam. That was quite a Quagmire.
    Also there is a little incident during world war 2 called the „Warsaw ghetto uprising“.
    German losses may not ne considered significant, but against untrained people with only self made incineration bombs and jurry-rigged weapons I would consider them unacceptably high.

    Last but not least I am happy to support a person like you with my money and will do so happily in the future.

    Also excuse my awkward english writing.

  484. Your last blog: To the Book Community… THANK YOU! I am an illustrator and it is the same thing there! I wanted to get into children’s books and saw this disgusting cabal you have to virtually sacrifice children to in order to publish books and decided to go indy instead. I still have no idea who publishes or agents for “Non Soviet Block” Author/Illustrators, but it is AWSOME to see you thriving. It’s a breath of fresh air to have someone doing well who doesn’t have their meal ticket owed to those people AND SAYS something about how they terribly they operate. Most, just try and keep a low profile. Thank you!Any tips on where to find Non Gestapo publishers?

  485. Larry,
    Loved the Son of the Black Sword. I am now planning to listen to House of Assassins. Is this going to be a trilogy?
    Being an Indian, I really liked the research and efforts you have put in these books.
    Would love to see a movie adaptation some time too!

  486. I first got introduced to your books through “The Son of the Black Sword”, but absolutely LOVE your MHI series.

    On a related note, I was wondering if you were interested/looking for any help scouting/researching location. I live in the deep south about halfway between MHI Headquarters and the Trailer-park Elves. Or is there a better way to contact/write you about such stuff?

  487. Mr. Correia, I would very much like it if you did the Heinlein thing and wrote a series of novels for young adults. My son (age 10) is a voracious reader of the fantasy/sci-fi genre and he is slowly making me go broke trying to keep his appetite for new material satisfied. Unfortunately, so much of what is available to him is so poisoned with social justice lecturing that we are pretty much out of material. The local library is of course no help at all.

    You could even do something similar to what Terry Pratchett did with his Tiffany Aching series that was still set in the discworld, and write about a young-ish (but mature beyond his or her years) monster hunter. Some kid who got orphaned or became a werewolf and was taken under Earl’s wing, er, paw, or something. Or Owen and Julie’s kid. Or something.

    I think there would be a market for it. It would also be a good candidate for a collaborative effort with someone who specializes more in the young adult area. You don’t have to tone down the books much if any at all – it mainly needs a character in the age range who acts like a kid that age thrust into having to be an adult when most kids he knows are eschewing their work ethic in favor of an play ethic.

    Anyway, it is just an idea, and I hope you will consider it.

    1. I would think a ten year old could easily appreciate something like Son of the Black Sword. Its not like I has X rated content.

  488. Amazing, I just discovered your books.
    Really like the depth of the story. I never guess the end 🙂

    On personal note. Like what you wrote about been nice to those young kids that volunteer

  489. Is there any further update on the Vault Books special edition of the Hard Magic series? The last update on the Vault Books site in September 2018 said that printing would begin “shortly”. It’s been almost 6 months since they put that out, and still no book or update on the status. Trying to continue to be patient, but I so want those books on my shelves!

    1. Last time I talked to him about it (about 2 weeks ago) they’d gotten the supplier problem worked out and were trying to get me proof copies.

  490. Hi Larry!
    i tried to add this to the FAQ page, but the comments were closed..,

    I imagine many of your readers might wonder how in the world a monster like Mr. blue (a.k.a. “CM”) got such a great spot on a children’s television show! Well I just wanted to explain the backstory that very few people seem to know about. A well known children’s Television star named Fred Rogers was the one that helped Mr. blue get his spot on Sesame Street. Believe it or not, they had served together during the Vietnam war. How do I know? For a short time before I got my gig with the CIA I was Mr. Rogers’ spotter during his time as a Marine Corps sniper. I had a hard time keeping up with Fred, and we agreed I should be replaced with somebody more “high speed“… i am happy to see “cookie” has done pretty well for himself over these past few years!

  491. Larry,

    Really enjoyed reading your life story (particularly the part about Alabama–served 3 years there in the AF and could really relate to your location descriptions). I actually discovered your books through your blog (think there was a link from Instapundit at one point) and have thoroughly enjoyed reading them.

    Not sure you’ll see this comment, but if you do I have a question for you. I’m an aspiring author myself and have been looking for resources to improve my work. Randomly picked up a copy of Writer’s Digest and found it…let’s say somewhat imbalanced to female/liberal writers. Are there any resources you can recommend that might have a more masculine/conservative bent?

    Hope you see this as I’d respect your advice, either way I’ll continue to enjoy your books and blog.

    1. If you go to the Best Of tab up above, there are a bunch of writing advice articles called Ask Correia, where I try to help out authors on various topics. I hope those help. Good luck.

      1. Larry,

        Thanks for that. I’ve been reading your posts and they’ve been really useful. Definitely better at scratching the itch than most of what I’ve been finding elsewhere.


  492. Sir,
    A friend of mine said I should talk to you.

    I have a document I’d like you to look at.

  493. Larry,

    Odd question. A couple of years ago, the book you were reading/recommending was written by a friend of yours.

    A western with a guy on horseback with a grey cover.

    Followed an Ex-Confederate who pulled together his grub stake, bought a bunch of rifles and headed out west to have an adventure.
    I read it, really liked it, and completely forgot who wrote it or the title.
    I know it’s a long shot, but if you or someone else who reads this remembers, I’d love to know how to find it again. I’m on another Western Kick in my reading.

  494. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/9527065771/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i11
    Brings the Lightning (The Ames Archives Book 1)

    Blurb: “When the Civil War ends, where can a former Confederate soldier go to escape the long memories of neighbors who supported the winning side? Where can Johnny Reb go when he can’t go home? He can go out West, where the land is hard, where there is danger on every side, and where no one cares for whom you fought – only how well you can do it. Walt Ames, a former cavalryman with the First Virginia, is headed West with little more than a rifle, a revolver, and a pocket full of looted Yankee gold. But in his way stand bushwhackers, bluecoats, con men, and the ever-restless Indians. And perhaps most dangerous of all, even more dangerous than the cruel and unforgiving land, is the temptation of the woman whose face he can’t forget. When you can’t go home again – go West!”

  495. Hello! I am trying to add Hinkley Correia as an author on Goodreads. Does she by any chance have a photo of herself that she’d like on her author page? (Please tell her that on Goodreads author photos do not have to share her face. It could really be a photo of anything.)

  496. Holy cow, I am late to the party! Got introduced to MHI from a friend and just recently finished “Siege”! Already have Guardian pre-ordered! I am a fellow Merced High alum (96-00) but lived in Snelling, so I know what your talking about, place is a stank hole! Anyway brother, congrats on all the success!

  497. Began listening tonight to Tom Stranger. Made it 1 chapter was forced to pull over.
    My hysterical laughter was starting to make me look like a drunk driver.
    Finally a novel able to rival my own thoughts. From unending pop culture references to vividly graphic action it’s a gem. I too shudder each time I remember the cancellation of Firefly. Cannot wait to lock myself in my padded room and finish the story, then rock back and forth quoting Full Metal Jacket as I await the next iteration.

  498. Hi Larry,
    Its your old instructor from BSR. Trying to reach out to you to pick your brain on a gun project.

      1. Mr. Correia,
        Let me start by saying you work is amazing! I travel back and forth from DC to Georgia to see my kids every month and I stumbled on one of your books (Tom Stranger) and have not stopped listening to you since. You books are so different and engaging while at points so funny, I have to keep in mind I am driving.

        I grew up with King, then moved to Pratchett and the last 10 years have read all of OSC books. Quite frankly, you are better; I have never so truly enjoyed story telling as much as I do with your work. I apologize for gushing but I just really enjoy your work.

        The reason for my post is I have been trying to find “A Halloween public service announcement from Monster Hunter International” but have been unable to find an audio book of it. To that end I also cannot find a hard copy.

        Have you licensed it for audio? As this is my preferred method.

        Thanks for taking the time,


  499. Well I have to say I’m not surprised you went after your dream. You were very determined in El Nido with the sci fi stories and cartoons you would make of military battles during class. I remember you drew me a sketch of a army battle during recess 🙂 Glad you are doing great! Good luck and keep reaching for the stars! Long ago friend, Christina

  500. I just read through your response you wrote in 2015 about mass shootings and really am grateful that you did that and it is just as relevant today as it was then. I am living in Utah and was wondering if you still do CCW classes? If so can you email me the details as I am need to get my Utah CCW because of moving here from Idaho. And any other firearms classes you do.

    Thank You

  501. Hello huge fan I just discovered the mhi series in 2017 and I’m starting up my third go around now but I really need your help I NEED the mhi zippo or even one if there is one with team hoodoo on it I just didn’t know if you could please help me get one please

      1. Hell I hope so.

        Customizing your own hunter. Following through the main story. Leading your own team and hunting monsters and clearing infestations as side missions.

        I think it would sell fantastically. Guess I’ll just cross my fingers and hope!

        PS. Love every book in the saga so far.

  502. Hey Larry,

    Your Saga of the Forgotten Warrior series is top notch! I purchased it based off a recommendation by Audible and I’m so glad I did. I won’t ask “when will we see the next book” because I’m sure that gets old.. Just know that I’m dying for the story to continue! Good work!
    -A fan from Utah

  503. Just reading your latest blog post, Lefties are so boring. Same old, same old. They are good at recommending good books though. After hearing what they had to say about Orson Scott Card, I bought some of his books. Then, there was that nut Correia who wanted a fair Hugo Award process. That took longer, but my local used book store just got some Monster Hunter books. Knowing that you are a [lots of stuff] here, I had a look. After all, you are interesting. So was that first paragraph. Hooked. Limited budget so one book per week. Spoiler alert for first book: The world does not quite come to an end. I was wondering how you were going to continue from there. I have a vague guess. It is now next week, I got the second book, and I will be finding out.

    1. And you handled it great! I am now midway through the third book. Fine writing, fine writing. Those Lefties sure know how to pick on authors. I just have to remove the “on” to have some great reading.

  504. I just discovered your Grimnoir Chronicles (via audiobook). I have never been more sure in my life; this series would make an EXCELLENT tv show. You must make your agent send the idea to Netflix – set in the 1930s and with their budget . . . . they could make this thing fly and you would have so much more money for those 4 kids!

  505. I’m re-reading your Monster Hunter books again for the 5th time after just finishing “Guardian”. I’m noticing how predictive they are about our current situation as a nation. Keep bringing those characters to life and keep slamming the leftists in the face with your stories, Love them!

  506. Hey, Larry!

    Thanks for writing awesome books and blog posts that inspire people. I’m a host on Keystroke Medium, a live author interview show. We’re about to do a series of episodes on writing craft topics, and I’d love to interview you one night about some aspect of writing that you’re passionate about. You’ve got a lot of wisdom and experience built up, and it shows in your books. If that’s an opportunity that interests you, we’d be so happy to have you on the show. Let me know!

  507. Hi Larry,

    Where can I read the summary for Son of Black Sword before starting the second book in the series? I read a long time back and would like a synopsis

  508. Thank you. This is helpful, but still doesn’t talk other major characters in detail. Is there a more detailed summary with spoilers available?

    1. Yes. It’s called ‘Son Of The Black Sword’.

      Just re-read the book fer chrissake! That’s what I did.

  509. Hey Larry,

    You probably meet hundreds, if not thousands, of fans at book signings, but you might remember me. I was the guy in Houston earlier this year who walked up and said I’d never read any of your books. You signed my copy of House of Assassins to “a sad puppy”. You also looked at me like I was a little nuts. But, when I mentioned that I was a huge Jim Butcher fan you where like – “Yeah, you’ll like my stuff.”

    I can now say that I have read EVERYTHING – MHI, Grimnior, anthologies, everything I could find and have loved just about everything (oddly, not the Tom Stranger stuff. Just too over the top for me. But, I will give them another try when I am in a different mood and see)

    Anyway, you can now count on me to be another loyal reader. And, if you come back to Texas, I will say hi again.

  510. I just found this site! I read a lot of comments and some of the sample chapters & got hooked. I have downloaded the HTML version of MHI and started reading. I do not read very much if I do it has to be really good. This is top-notch and will be reading a lot more. Thank you for getting me back to reading!

  511. Larry,

    I have a business in Nashville that has a special need: a combat angel. I need some of those silly wings for the InstaChicks to pose with. Do you know how hard it is to get an artist to sketch up a Valkyrie that has been shot to pieces but is still standing? I imagine that your artists are more imaginative. Its a paying gig if you know anyone. Feel free to share my contact info.


  512. I would like to know more about the Greyguns Sig Sauer p320 you used in MHI Guardian. Do you own one? If so what are the mods that you had done? Also when are you planning on making it back to Florida?

  513. Larry love your work, absolutely entertaining MHI is the best!
    I wish you could ink a deal to do some of your stuff on Netflix or a movie.
    Speaking of Netflix, there is a movie on there – Code 8 – did you have a hand in that? the powered people are suspiciously similar to Hard Magic….just curious.

    Thanks for the hours of entertainment from your brain.

  514. I would love to see another book come out in the Monstaer Hunter series. Any chance of that?

  515. Hey thanks a lot for your work.

    I just finished House of Assassins and the first Monster Hunter International. As an aspiring writer I am so inspired by the characters you developed. Owen Pitt and Ashok and sharing stories drinking would be a fun scene to read.

  516. I’m glad you decided to get into writing!-). I’ve been working at a job with at 30-45 minute commute each way since 2014 and started listening to audible.com books somewhere along the way. The first of your books that hooked me was Hard Magic. After blazing thru that series, I went thru MHI and kept going. Each time you’ve released a new book, I end up listening to the entire series again. It helps mitigate by book spending habit :-).

    A few weeks ago, I finally decided to see how many of my favorite authors had their own websites or blogs. For whatever reason, the first hit I got was your Sakura book bomb post. You’re right, it was awesome! I hope Zach knows each time he gets another fan.

    To you, Paul, Patrick and all the other hard working authors out there, keep up the great work! We appreciate it and it brings a little light in this sometimes crazy world.

  517. Maybe this will be read but then again maybe not. I’m a father of a 20 year old autistic son who recently had a breakup with his girlfriend and had a monster hunter book (the 3 in one trilogy) that was signed by you when you did the book signing for the release of the 4th book in Minnesota. Unfortunately the Girlfriend and her family refuse to return the book and there is threats of violence against my son should he contact them again. I am hoping that there may be a way to get him another copy to replace it as he really like you and your book series. I am willing to pay what is needed for the book and if necessary shipping to be able to give him for this coming Christmas. Please respond if there is a way to work this out. Thank you for your time.

  518. “You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lines. You may trod me in the very dirt, but still, like dust, I’ll rise.” – Maya Angelou

    In every story, there’s always the good ones and the bad ones. The good ones are always falsely accused of committing something they didn’t do and it ends up that the villians of the story manipulate the plot using every dirty trick in the book to defeat the good.

    2020 is exactly just that: good vs. evil, moral vs. immoral, justice vs. injustice. This is our narrative. No one expected this year to turn out how it has… the spread of COVID-19, George Floyd, and now even the protests in Portland.

    But within our story of 2020, comes my own. 2020 has brought new light to what it means to face discrimination. My parents are immigrants from South Korea and a recent turn of events within their home country has me shocked.

    Back in 2014, the Sewol Ferry incident led to many innocent lives being lost. A call for help was sent, yet the government’s emergency response team was too slow to respond, finding it unnecessary to send assistance. More or less the search for lost bodies was a delayed process as well. This tragedy resulted in 304 lives lost, 250 of which were children ages 7-10. After this incident, the government used it’s resources to manipulate the investigation, using media propaganda to have the citizena of Korea forget about what had occurred.

    Fast forward to 2020, six years later, and the government is doing the same thing again, but with COVID-19. Utilizing the citizens of Korea as a scapegoat during the time of national elections, President Moon Jae In is accusing a religious organization for the start of Coronavirus. Using the same tactics as his predecessor, Moon is using media propaganda to unjustly accuse this organization called, Shincheonji for starting the virus. When in fact, when COVID 19 began, Minister of Justice Choo Mi Ae had the option to close South Korea’s borders to Chinese travelers. The citizens of South Korea even had a petition, with 650,000 signatures, requesting that Korea’s borders be closed and that a travel ban be enforced. But not wanting to suffer political relations with China, the government decided to oppose the petition and kept its border open. Now the government is falsely accusing this religious organization of committing murder as well, when in fact almost 4000 congregation members have voluntarily donated plasma contributing to finding a cure for the virus.

    What I don’t understand is, who are we to blame? How could a government who is supposed to represent its people, manipulate its own citizens to keep the reputation of his presidency? Who really is the good guy and who is the bad guy in this story?
    It is so obviously clear everyone, one way or another, has been affected by this virus. What do we benefit from saying this country, this organization, this patient caused the spread. It happened, and there’s no changing that. The only we can do is move forward.
    That is why I’m writing this letter today to ask for your support in spreading awareness of what is happening with South Korea. I can’t imagine what the citizens of South Korea are going through at this time, but if I can help in any way I will.

    Just like you’ve touched millions with your content, including myself. I hope story today may also make an impact in making change to this world, as one of my favorite authors Maya Angelou says, “Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet. ”

    Thank you.

  519. I stumbled across hard magic, grimnoir series number one on audible. Absolutely fell in love with Faye! As I’m reading her story I’m thinking, this author knows a bit about Farm Life. And then I think, this author knows enough about guns not to call a magazine a clip, ….I’m a fan. Then halfway through spellbound I find this blog. …and this dairy Farmer’s daughter from Ohio is in love. Bronson pinchot is the best narrator for this series, his range is incredible. Sullivan’s a great character, very much enjoing his development. looking forward to the rest of the series and then more of your books. Also love the alternate world and how you’ve worked in Tesla and Chandler and Hammer and Browning and Houdini…
    But I really enjoy all the detailed bits about farm Life. Brings back some pleasant,and some not so pleasant, memories. I don’t remember the exact quote but Faye is struggling at one point an then remembers she is a farm girl and they are tough. And I remember every time I’dd start to complain on the farm, my dad would just look at me and say, well you can just tell everybody your dad raised you tough. And God bless him he did. Long live Faye!

  520. Are there more Grimnoir stories coming?

    My son and I are big fans of it all and I appreciated your contribution to the Freehold series as well. Really hoping for the next generation, perhaps Cold War era(?) of Grimnoir. Or maybe a prequel? Some origin stories or perhaps something in the style of Monster Hunters Memoirs?

  521. Dear Mr. Correia,

    I really hope that you see this message. I tried to find an email address but this was the best thing that I could find. My best friend has worked with the U.S. Marshalls and is a PPO officer and firearms instructor. We both fell in love with the MHI books and I have been buying books ever since. I recently bought both hardbacks of “Target Rich Environment” and they were a blast…..especially liked the characters in “The Bridge” story. I also just finished “The Destroyer of Worlds” and I could not put it down. The ending between Ashok and Devedas was just awesome, and I was ELATED that it is “to be continued” because I can not get enough of the World of Lok. The worst thing about your books is having to WAIT for the next one. Haha I just want to sincerely thank you for being someone out there that writes such amazing stuff and IS INCREDIBLY ACCURATE when writing about guns and ammo. My friend and I used to get our entertainment from movies…….well……movies used to be good. THANK GOD for your books. The characters you’ve created from Franks to Ashok have been one of the most enjoyable things in our lives to read. I have not been able to get my wife to “bite” yet (she’s not much for fantasy), but I tell her she is missing out! Haha You and your stories are a BLESSING and I hope and pray that you can just keep-them-coming, because I will be in line to pay.
    A Most Sincere and Appreciative Fan,
    Tak Engle from Montana

  522. Mr. Correia,

    I started to read your story on Trump’s tax returns and quickly stopped reading. Your constant use of the word ‘shit’ tends to show you as someone who has a limited and lazy vocabulary. There are many more options of words to use that better describe your meanings.

    With all due respect, pull out the Thesaurus and utilize the plethora of great words to paint the pictures of your stories.

    For example, instead of ‘idiot’, how about ‘an unlettered simpleton’, or some such.

    … a slack-jawed drooling addlepate …

    … a sniveling momma’s boy …

    Be creative – people love reading entertaining writing, no matter what the subject matter.

    Regards and a pleasant day to you,

    Thomas vanWinkle

    1. I have a great many flaws but only an imbecile would think a “limited and lazy vocabulary” is among them. Considering that I’ve written 24 novels, and most of them were national bestsellers, I’m passingly familiar with the concept of “words”. Plus I’ve written tens of thousands of posts, many of which went viral (like this one) and the only reason you’re here on my page is because lots and lots of people enjoy my writing and share it. Because I’m good at this shit.

      Ergo, take your useless passive aggressive advice and cram it up your ass. I truly don’t care about your ridiculous personal hang ups, and I’ll talk however the fuck I want on my page.

      Best regards,
      Larry Correia

      1. You’re a great man. Thanks for your excellent stories and unvarnished speaking of truth.

        I really really look forward to more adventures with Faye and Jake.

    2. I agree with you on trying hard to recruit more varied words into prose aimed at a literate audience — it’s a source of continuing sorrow to me that I tend to fall into a limited vocabulary in my own writing if I don’t pay attention — but there’s such a thing as courtesy and diplomacy. Trying to paint Mr. Corriea as “someone who has a limited and lazy vocabulary” tends to show you as an arrogant elitist even if you didn’t mean it that way. Sometimes, the short and not-so-sweet Anglo-Saxon word “shit” fits the bill, especially when holding forth on a subject in which a substantial majority of a potential audience — *cough* leftists *cough* — seem inclined otherwise to play games with refusing to get the point. Short words work better with such people. Shit, bullcrap, horse puckey, cowpatties — these terms lend themselves well to the bare-knuckles brawling of politics. Frankly, I tend strongly to resort to crass, pungent language myself when dealing with the antics of leftists and other burbling morons. Bigger words will just soar over their steeply sloped foreheads.

      Honestly, I think the biggest problem lies with your admission that you “quickly stopped reading” an essay simply because of a “limited vocabulary.” Really? So the idea content doesn’t interest you nearly as much as affecting a sneering condescension towards a particular style of expression? That’s … sad. Not to mention severely self-limiting.

      In any case, one suspects that you may not have actually intended to be offensive, but it came across that way. I’ve been around the block a few times myself on the Internet and earlier on the old FidoNet BBS networks, and the traps for the unwary in purely text-based communication are legion. Choosing your own words more carefully in the future may win you more friends and influence more people as you intended. O_o

    3. Thomas vanWinkle

      I pulled out my thesaurus and here is what it showed.

      Idiot … liberal democrat

      a sniveling momma’s boy… A young gender-neutral liberal democrat

      a slack-jawed drooling addlepate… an elected liberal democrat.

      You’re right, synonyms can be a lot more descriptive.

  523. Hi Mr. Correia, love your MHI series, have all of your books in hardcover and the grimnoire series in paperback. Can’t wait for your next book(s) Stay safe.
    Some questions I hope you don’t mind answering if/when you have the chance:

    What year do the entire MHI main series (MHI, Vendetta, Alpha, etc.. up to Guardian) do they take place? My idea is late 2000s early 2010s.
    Love the short stories of Ray bubba Shacleford in Target Rich Environment. Any chance of a book or series of books detailing his early monster hunter years?
    I recently got the Savage Worlds MHI book and in the writing phase of a basic plot campaign I’m thinking of calling “What Lies beneath the Sea”. My question is what is the standard PUFF on a minor Old One like Dagon or Mother Hydra of the Lovecraft fandom?

    Stay safe!

  524. Found your writing on Godlike Productions and fell in love. I had to withdraw from Fox and Facebook and was feining good writing. God bless you.

  525. I’ve got a question regarding Mr. Correia’s books:

    I read and really enjoyed his Grimorie Chronicles, and I was looking over his list of novels to read more, but it’s hard to find any information about which ones are stand alones/completed series/ still in progress. I really don’t like to be left hanging when I really get into a series, so when I’m picking a new book I’m looking for something that I’m not going to have to wait years to be finished.

    Which of Mr. Correia’s books are either a finished series, stand alones, or at least episodic enough that I’m still going to get a finished story out of them?

    1. Grimnoir is a trilogy.
      Secret Wars is trilogy.
      MH Memoirs is a trilogy.
      MHI is ongoing.
      Saga of the Forgotten Warrior is ongoing.

  526. Larry please get Sylvia to write some more books set at Auburn you all took a big hit because at Barnes and Noble they never had any hard cover version and now they have only paperbacks. Besides which my beautiful wife and the other Auburn ladies will love them. Make sure that the paperback copies go to Auburn library for the young ladies there. My beautiful wife will see to it all the alumni ladies will get the word.

  527. As one of the earliest members of The Evil legion of Evil, I am here to inform you of a serious Legion affair. The site of John C< Wright, http://www.scifiwright.com/, the inventor of the Legion, says "account suspended".

    The great censorship has started, and you are next. Mobilize. Act.

    1. It’s back live. Apparently, for once, it was a default error message and not an actual “we’re removing your site for Badthink.”

  528. Mr. Correia
    I got your forgotten warrior series for christmas from my son. Loved all three. Was wondering how many books are planned for the series and when the next book is expected to be available

  529. I found your site by following a link from Liberty’s Torch. Glad I did as I enjoyed reading One of these things is not like the other, which could very well qualify as the understatement of the year, so far.
    I also look forward to giving your books a try and returning here to read your posts.
    Godspeed good sir!

  530. Hi Larry,

    Author Naomi Rawlings sent out an e-mail titled “Why I Fired The Richest Man In The World” referring of course to Jeff Bezos. Apparently the ‘fuckery’ extends across all genres. Drop me an e-mail if you wish a copy.


  531. Hi Larry

    Love your books (and your view on politics).

    Even though I got a chuckle watching Tucker Carlson today when he mentioned “National Security Advisor” Jake Sullivan (Mainly because he does not look anything like I imagined the “real” Jake Sullivan looks from your books, the story really irked me.

    Tucker was covering that Bank of America combed their records and gave the FBI a list of any people who used one of their cards in Washington DC or the surrounding states in the time around the 1/6 protest.


    I suspect it’s time that freedom loving folks leave BOA.

  532. Hello Larry

    Just found your site and look forward to reading your books. I am a recent transplant to Kanab. Was directed to your fisking of the WAPO public editor by a link through Ace of Spades. Well done sir – that was some fine shooting.

    Perhaps we’ll bump into each other someday for a cup-o-joe. Drop me a line if interested.


  533. Came across your rant on the Instapundit site, read the Limbaugh obit, read your autobiographical note above, and downloaded MHI from iBooks, all in about 30 minutes. Love the writing.

    I’m normally history and political bios, but your series will keep me going through the baseball season, as I’m boycotting it this year.

  534. Hello:)
    I am hooked, my nicotine fix is called MHI ,lol, i dont know how many times I’ve listen to those. But saga of forgotten warrior , two times went through all three, but story is not even close to be over. Will there be sequel soon??

  535. I humbly request a story from the point of view of Mr Trash Bags.

    It always pleases me greatly when he (it?) pops (or oozes) up.

    He has gone from an appallingly brutal goon for the Great Old Ones, to a being that can love a Cuddle Bunny.

    If he can love, then I think he must have a soul.

    There’s a redemption arc for you!

  536. Hey Larry,

    The first book of the MHI series mentions Walnut, That’s my hometown. Did you intentionally write Natchie Bottom as Natchie, did you know it’s actually called Hatchie Bottom? My Uncle got me into your books when they first came out. I still have the copies he gave me. He passed away a few years ago, but the series has always reminded me of him. Thank you so much.

  537. F*** the rest of your series’, the Grimnoir Chronicles deserves your undivided attention. How do I know this? Jake Sullivan told me so! Jake is very very bored, sitting around and waiting for you to put him to work.

  538. hi,

    loving the MHI stuff (and Grimnoir – more of that too please!). Just a thought from the UK, have you thought about a European/UK setting? With all of our monsters and beasties I’m sure there would be a lot of work to get through 🙂

    1. Yeah, I own a pile of Sigs. But I don’t do the whole mandatory marketing ALL CAPS thing for GLOCK! or BLACKHAWK! either. 😀

  539. Mr. Correia,
    We are a little podcast that reviews audiobooks. Monster Hunter International was one of the first books we reviewed because it is one of our favorites of all time. The Monster Hunter and Grimnoir series are two that we have listened to multiple times and had on our show. It would be an absolute honor to have you on our podcast if at all possible. If this is something that might be possible our email is provided. The show is Knights Of The Pageless Library, we are a tiny podcast but we have a love of audiobooks and we are trying to bring light to everything that goes into these books and the audio portions. We love your work and would love to speak with you. Thanks for all you do and keep it up!

  540. I was just reading monster hunter siege again (probably the 5th time).
    I just love the character of Sextus Basso, your roman centurion. I think it will be a great idea to have another monster hunter series devoted to him set in ancient rome. I think it would be fantastic. I recommend sarah hoyt for the job!

  541. Larry:

    I appreciate your story and especially your writing. A big fan of the MHI series, and I just bought and started your Dead Six series. In your blog, you say a lot of things that are common sense… I appreciate that. Keep fighting the good fight.

    1. OK… So as a followup…

      I’m 318 pages (of the 1955 on my e-reader) into Invisible Wars.

      Gotta say – I really like that dual POV thing you’ve got going on. I can hardly wait for the main characters to finally “come into contact” with one another. Wondering how it’s going to turn out…

  542. Hey Larry, when did you live in Delta. I’m pretty sure i went to high school with you. (Class of ’97)
    Just read MHI on the recommendation of a co-worker. Good Job, and I’m glad you’re finding success!

      1. Dear Larry,

        I found your site from a link at Aesop. I was familiar with your name but didn’t know you wrote fiction, just that you were a gun guy. I read your bio and learned that we have some things in common. I went to USU, lived in an old house with 3 roommates, I had great disdain for the so-called professors, I am familiar with the cheese factory near Delta, Logan was my old stomping grounds and I know almost every inch of it.

        As far as “yard-moose mountain” goes, I can relate. I don’t live near Morgan, but we get moose, turkeys and mountain lions.

        The thing that brought me to your site was your letter to the PTB at Morgan High School. You were much too kind.

        Did you happen to catch the UP Big Boy when it passed through Morgan? I was there.

        You are much younger than me. I graduated from USU in 75.

        Best regards.

  543. Do you have ETA on when the 4th book of the Saga of the Forgotten Warrior will be released. You left us hanging on Destroyer of Worlds and I need some closure LOL.


  544. Hey REMEMBER THE shadow worm from THE first Book? that left some old Hunter singing child songs. ive Been infected by one. how do i fix it?

  545. Larry: I’m wondering if you’ve been paying attention to the Rittenhouse trial in Wisconsin and if so, if you could offer some insight from the perspective of your training (and as a trainer) in CCW and decisionmaking. Not that the defendant was carrying a concealed weapon, rather on the shoot versus no-shoot decision. I’ve been paying attention to the actual testimony and have intentionally been trying to stay away from the pundit reactions and hyperbole. I haven’t heard anything about what I’d call “time compression” – that near instantaneous period of time in which one has to make the decision. In Rittenhouse’s case, making the decision three times. Over what period of time I don’t know – could be 1 minute, could be 1 hour. Obviously there was a lot of chaos and noise. Obviously it was nighttime. Obviously Rittenhouse was a relative firearms novice. Asking you because I think you’ll answer honestly and won’t pussyfoot around the issues – either way.

  546. Further to my last: I’m a former Marine – 12-1/2 years but left active duty a LONG time ago. It was different in MY mind because I always knew ahead of time that when I went somewhere with a firearm I WOULD be called on to pull the trigger – in my case, the decision was already made “in advance.” I don’t have that perspective of “maybe I will have to, maybe I won’t have to…” The perspective that Police Officers have to deal with every day when they go out to do their duty.

  547. Hey Larry,

    I’m reading Monster Hunter International and can’t help but imagine it as a full length movie. Have you tried to seek out those who can make that happen? I’d be the first in line to watch it. Such imagery in your writing!!!

  548. Sir,
    By me, all your books are outstanding, and I will be reading your future work.
    Have been looking for “Lost Planet Homicide” which I heard about somewhere from someone. Maybe it was a joke on me; if it was listed on this site, I did not find it. Can you enlighten me?
    Appreciate your time.

  549. Larry,

    Retired State Cop here, appreciate all you do. Read all your books and loved them!

    Being retired, I decided to write a book and I have to say the style is in no small part influenced by your books.

  550. Hi, Larry

    Hope all’s still well with you.

    You created a monster – but you already knew that! The original MHI inspired an exercise in FanFic, which a reader suggested you might get a kick out of: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13775804/1/Monster-Hunter-Elves

    Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, I hope you tolerate my bumbling, typo-ridden attempt to revitalise elves!

    Funny thing is, I keep getting new ideas in this universe, which have spawned a series of shorts (not on FanFiction.net), as a kind of spinoff. I obviously can’t monetise any of them, but they’re good fun nonetheless! To me, anyway.

    Have a good one,

    Jim H

    1. Hey Jim, that’s awesome and appreciated. Sadly for legal reasons I can’t ever read any fan fiction of my stuff. I bet it’s great though and encourage fan fic writers to keep at it.

  551. Hi Larry,

    First, let me thank you for the MANY MANY hours of enjoyment I have received from reading your books. Reading is how I relax, and reading through your books is a pleasure.

    Now after buttering you up a bit 🙂 I do have a teeny request. In addition to books I collect Funko Pops, but only SPECIFIC Pops, and then I get them signed by the author or actor that played the character. If they do not make a Pop for a character I want, I find someone to make one. For example I have Harry Dresden from the Dresden files, I have Codex from The Guild…and a few others that have been created (as well as the normal ones that Funko makes). Recently I have had one created for Z that I would love to have signed by you. Do you have an upcoming tour and if so where can I find the dates and locations? Or is there a way I can get this to you to sign? I would be beyond ecstatic if there were a way to get this signed.

    Again thank you for sharing your world with us all.


        1. THIS is a possibility. My parents live about 4 hours north of Dallas. I could probably make this one.

          Thank you!

  552. Hi Larry,
    I’d appreciate you pinging me an email by reply so I can send you a proper email. As far as I can tell this website has no contact details for you apart from the comments.


  553. I’m doing a re-read of MHI, now I have this question. Why 8rnd mags for Abomination? I have a few more questions, but I’ll hold off until after your response to this one.


    1. The year it was written, 8 round import mags were the viable option. That’s what I was using in 3gun. It wasn’t until later that 10s which actually worked hit the market.

      1. Is there a way, if you’re willing, to have a more private conversation with you? Messenger, Signal, or e-mail?

  554. Dear M.O.D. (Ret’d.),
    Got hooked on your work thanks to Audible and Tom Stranger, and have been laughing myself silly ever since. You are a 10 out of 10 in customer service to this reader. And I write this even though I am female, a political liberal, and a lawyer. (Yep. Mama tried. And then she cried.)

    Please keep writing, especially about Waffle House at 3 AM and Tom Stranger.

    With laughter and much respect,
    Lucy Lefty

  555. Hi Larry;

    I’m a bit late to your work though I’ve been a science fiction and fantasy guy all my long life (turned 70 this year). Saw you on Nick Rekieta and since you were a fellow gun guy, I felt that I would enjoy your work.

    I’m having a hell of a good time and you are costing me a ton of sleep. I started with MHI, then Dead Six, now on The Grimnoir Chronicles. Loved the use of S&W N-frames. I still have my 625, used to shoot it in ICORE. I’ve also done USPSA, IDPA, and some matches that I invented at my friend’s range.

    Happy to have discovered your blog and looking forward to more of your books.


  556. Mr. Correia,

    I’m just a fan. A librarian in Merced, behind the lines, at the UC. Regardless. Access to information is important. I surmise that you agree, given your work. Intel is always a good thing.

    Anyhoo, sans an email to contact you directly.

    Have you seen this show First Kill, on Netflix? At first blush it’s modern day Shackelford’s in Savanna. Read into that as much as possible. I suppose more urban fantasy is always good, but I’d love to hear more about the beginnings of professional monster hunting. Like you’re not busy enough.

    Love your work and the podcast. The MHI series is truly amazing. Keep it up.

    Your buddy,

  557. Howdy from Texas.

    I just wanted to say thank you for the Monster Hunter series. It has been a great source of healing for my family.

    My cousin was US Army SOF in Syria. He and his team were targeted and attacked by an ISIS suicide bomber in Manbij in 2019. His four team mates were instantly killed in the bombing. He survived….barely. He was given a 0% chance of survival 3 times during the ordeal getting him from Syria back to the USA. Long story short, he made it back home and is doing well, minus 2 eyeballs. Taking a suicide bomb to the face is a little hard on the old 20/20 vision.

    Over the last couple years he’s coming to terms with his new life. Trying to find what he can do and what he can still enjoy. Our favorite game at this point has to be attaching his Iphone to a rifle scope so we can face-time target practice. Anyone else have a remote controlled sniper via FaceTime? I think not!

    The biggest thing that we found we can both reconnect with and enjoy has been audio books. So of course we started our own little book club. Jack Carr, Tom Clancy, Kurt Schlicter, the works.

    Since we both enjoy guns, tactics, military stuff, and cool guys doing cool stuff we were going strong. But it started to take a bit of a toll on us. A heavy diet of gritty and realistic stuff was starting to sap my happy, and taking him to some dark places. Then my amazing wife (total Rekeita Law addict) suggested we take a little break; enter Tom Stranger, #1 in customer service. We haven’t laughed that hard in decades.

    Man, that did the trick. We loved it and listened to the entire series….in three days. Now we needed more; enter MHI. It has given us a healthy dose of all the gunny, punchy, goodness that we both craved. The best part of MHI is that the gift wrapping of the supernatural keeps it just lighthearted enough that we both dig in deep without getting lost in our own darkness.

    I cannot sufficiently express my gratitude to you for these stories. Jon and I now call every day to catch up on the antics of Owen, Julie, Earl, and even Franks. It has given us something to talk about and enjoy and share without dwelling on real world problems we can’t fix. There is only one thing I can say,

    Thank you. Sincerely and deeply, thank you.

    You keep writing, we’ll keep listening.

  558. Hello fellow troublemaker. I somehow missed discovering you during my own romps through fandom… Until today, when I noted someone who hates me because I am a Libertarian whined publicly about having to withdraw from events because they felt unsafe, as you would be there. Yeah… when did the apex species get so delicate? Anyway, I read the letter you wrote in reply to Origins booting you, and now I must go read your books. You seem like fun people. I also think, if you see this at all and are still reading, that we should have a more direct chat as I would like to gauge your interest in a couple things I am working on. Vague, I know, but I have only found this public way to reach you. If I find a better link I’ll be using that.

  559. Hello from germany, Mr. Correia…

    as I don’t use twitter or any other form of social media, I just drop a few words here. I know this page runs under the MHI banner but I recently re-read the Grimnoir Chronicles and once again was blown away (pun intended) by it.

    This series is just so unbelievably great and easily among my fave books of all time. Not only has it everything I “need” storywise but all characters (also the smaller, supporting ones) are so vividly fleshed out and brought to life, it directly starts a movie inside my head.

    So, well, I’m just here to say a big damn “Thank You” for this. And for MHI, too, of course, which I also love!

    On a sidenote – I realized how well certain songs of the band Sabaton fit to the series. While their lyrics center around actual historical battles and wars, the overall theme and general atmosphere just really clicked (if you don’t know them and want to give them a spin, try songs like “82nd all the Way”, “Primo Victoria”, “Midway” or “No Bullets Fly” (and tons of other)).

    Once again THANK YOU and all the best,

  560. Hey Hige Fan of MHI it’s been a few years since the last Book and thought the way you left it you were thinking of doing one more to end the series or to do do a whole new spin off

    1. Bloodlines came out 2021 and it’s January 2023 so less than 2 years. If you look at release dates, the main core books are usually spaced out by a few years. This year we’re getting a new Memoirs Series with Jason Cordova, if that makes you feel any better. Until Monster Hunter: Omega happens, there will be more in the main series 🙂

  561. I just finished listening (feeling a little lazy to read) to your Monster Hunter International book and just wanted to say that was a great story! I thought it was pretty cool you inserted so many elements from your own life into your story. I mean, judging by your description of Owen Z. Pitt he is pretty much you. That is so cool.
    Anyway thanks for the adventurous read and I look forward to hearing more from you.

  562. We hope you are well and enjoying 2023.
    *wryly* LOL Keep repeating: it WILL get better…

    Just finished Monster Hunter Bloodlines. Please tell me Owen and Frank get to wishbone “hewhoshallnotbementioned” in your next book….and when will it be available to the General Public? Sonya was a delight and we would love to see her intern with Julie.

    I always win the tug-of-war with hubby over your books, so I am eagerly awaiting our re-match. Soon???

    Thank you for the entertaining worlds.

  563. Loved Gunrunner! Will there be a book 2? And 3?
    Started with MHI and Hard Magic, read everything with your name on it now. Please don’t stop!

  564. That is an amazing story. I think a blog or collaboration of new authors life line as you described yours might be good. Maybe with a short sample from each.
    Forgive me ignorance if such an item already exists. I live in books. Fantasy and sci-fi are a superb way to live my retirement without a big budget.
    Thank you for your work, sir

  565. Just stumbled into “Target Rich Environment Vol. 1” after a Vox Day recco, at a local games store.

    Read the first story about the Elf Queen in a Mississippi trailer park and I knew right away I’d be finishing everything in your catalogue.

    I’ve already passed the book along to a friend.

    Keep up the good work!

  566. I just read Servants of War. It was one of the most amazing things i have read in a long time. I especially liked the grittiness of the world, the internal political intrigue going on at the highest levels, and exposing the horrors of endless war.

    I hope you write another book in that series. Also do you do any book signings or anything like that? Do people still do that? If so please come to Portland Oregon!

  567. Howdy sir! and everyone else!
    Does anyone know of a great method to hunt down Monster Hunter International 2? (Monster Huner vendetta).

    I work in a public library and got most of the series out so far! and its popular! We cannot seem to track down a book 2 though!

    fantastic works and I’m really happy to have learned about your works and collect them for the library. Personally I love Urban Fantasy/scifi stuff, and I am happy to be introducing my patrons to more

  568. Hello Larry,

    I want to express my gratitude for “Monster Hunter International”; I am a huge fan of this book series. Are there any signs or rumors that a streaming service might be interested in adapting MHI into a film? I believe the material would be perfect for a multi-season series. Maybe you could consider reaching out to Apple? 🙂

    Best regards from Ingolstadt-Bavaria, the home of Frankenstein! 😉

  569. When is the next regular MHI (after Bloodlines) coming out? My son and I are dying to continue the series! 🙂

  570. I’m one of the team Chiefs with the 123 Contingency Response Group (CRG), Kentucky Air National Guard. As a fan of your MHI books and memoirs. I’m usually wearing a Happy Face hat I got online which my team thinks is pretty cool. I also love the Dead Six because of my time as a defense contractor. I did nothing like what happened in the books, but it still was a wild ride. I was given the greenlight to create my own team patch. With your permission I would like to use Happy Face as my Contingency Response Team (CRT) patch. We travel around the world running and gunning my guys work hard and party harder. If it’s not possible that perfectly ok I’m still a big fan.

  571. I have recently found the Sage of the Forgotten Warrior series. I tend to be an audio book “reader” and wondered if Tower of Silence would be released on Audible anytime in the near future?
    I very much enjoy SFW and hope you will be putting out more stories set in the same world. Thanks all the great work.

  572. I usually avoid blogs like the black plague, bad neighborhoods, & political conversations. That said I couldn’t stop reading this one, which considering who wrote it, I shouldn’t be surprised. Mr. Correia, considering I’ve spent most of my near 50 trips around the sun as a huge book nerd saying you’re one of my all time favorite authors is a huge deal. Your life story is as interesting a read as your amazing novels. And finding out Julie Shackleford is kinda based on a real person is all kinds of *expletive deleted* awesome. I wish you continued success and can’t wait to read MHI Omega when it drops. Luckily for me I have still have The Grimnoir & Dead 6 books to get through.

  573. I really hope you get back to the series about Zenith and the other peaks in five points.

    I’m dying to know what Cade’s Log says, and why the colony ended up in that conversation for second place.

    The audible versions of the stories are fantastic too. Please write more.

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